Das BVRC stellte während des Ersten Weltkriegs zwei Kontingente im Verbund des Lincolnshire Regiment. On October 12, 1936, the Arab Higher Committee called off the general strike. 1685 - Granville's Regiment of Foot 2. Lance Corporal J. Hickhng. Ken Ruddock's Letters: 1944 - 1947. Das BVRC stellte während des Ersten Weltkriegs zwei Kontingente im Verbund des Lincolnshire Regiment. In August, 1935, it became apparent that Italy intended to undertake military operations on a large scale ; six or seven divisions—Fascist, Military and Native—had been concentrated on the Italian territories adjoining Abyssinia. Every opportunity was taken of the exceptional facilities, which Malta offers, for swimming. Highland Light Infantry The HLI site has no official history for Palestine but does have a section for personal stories. "C" Company, 6th Battalion Royal Tank Corps, under the command of Major E. F. Ledward. North. The wild and rocky country enabled the Arab gangs to escape—the tanks were found intact. Night patrols on the main roads seldom returned without having had to reply to the fire of Arab gangs lying in ambush to catch any traffic using the roads. This selection of photographs is from John's time in Palestine and includes Palestine, Israel, Eqypt, Sarafand, Nathanya, Port-Said, Tel-Letwinsky, Tel-Aviv, Jaffa and Trans-Jordan. Back in Jerusalem I met the Mufti, Hag Amin el Hussemi, on his way to the offices of the Supreme Council in Jerusalem. It was the same throughout the country. Aircraft co-operated throughout the day, indicating the movements of the enemy to the troops on the ground and bombing and machine-gunning whenever Arab parties offered a target. Brigadier J. H. T. Priestman, D.S.O., M.C., Commanding 13th Infantry Brigade. Qnt Arab, killed earlier in the day, was found. A Military Cinema was opened in Tulkarm for the entertainment of the Battalion. Sunday 28-07-1918. As the months went by, the situation became more and more serious, and additional troops were drafted into Palestine to assist in keeping order. During the month of September, 1936, official sanction was given for the demolition of houses as a punishment for acts of sabotage. The Piquetting Force ("C" Company), together with two Platoons of the Mobile Striking Force ("B" Company), left camp in the early morning. Among the villages so searched were Zeita, Attil, Miska, Anabta, Bala and Kafr Rumman and, in nearly every case, rifles and ammunition were confiscated and the owners arrested. A nasty experience in the dark. EARLY in 1935, Italy's attitude towards Abyssinia became threatening and small frontier incidents were made the pretext of utterances on the part of Signer Mussolini, Head of the Italian Government, which led to a considerable movement of Italian troops to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland during the first half of 1935. Major-General (now Lieutenant-General) G. W. Howard, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., General Officer Commanding 5th Division. Our thanks are due to the police, without whose loyal co-operation many of our efforts would have been fruitless. On the following day the Battalion was gratified to receive recognition of its efforts, in a message from the Brigade Commander:- When on detachment at Qalqilya, "B" Company was disturbed one evening when a bomb, thrown by a villager, exploded immediately outside the School which served as a billet. On arriving near Jaba the Royal Scots Fusiliers could be seen engaged with the enemy on the bare and rocky hills but, as daylight was failing, our troops were not called on to deploy. On the Tulkarm - Nablus road a successful engagement was fought by the Piquettmg troops, consisting of "C" Company, with a Machine Gun Platoon, who were fired on while debussing at "Windy Corner" - a favourite spot for Arab snipers. An eight-pointed star, thereon a circle inscribed Lincolnshire Regiment, within the circle the Sphinx over the word Egypt. The ablutions were somewhat simple, as each man was only allowed seven pints of water per diem for all purposes. The cordial co-operation of the three Services has enabled many severe blows to be inflicted upon the rebels and has made possible the maintenance of all essential services. Piquets were in visual communication with each other, and communication was established with piquets of other Battalions on adjoining hills. Corporal E. Baines. "Neuralia" which was lying in harbour after a quick passage from England. News of the battle had been rapidly passed to neighbouring villages and, for most of the 25 miles back to Tulkarm, the convoy was under unpleasantly close fire from parties lying in wait to catch us on our return journey. H. Hopper, Bandsmen S. Perrin and R. Guttridge and Signaller R. Steele. [1] During the Second World War, the regiment was deployed to Egypt and Cyrenaica, but most of their work consisted of guard duty. On the Jaffa road, along which, in the past six months, almost the only traffic has been in guarded convoys, there was an endless stream of omnibuses, lorries, and cars, all unescorted. Gibraltar was passed on September 24, the troopship being accompanied on its passage through the Mediterranean by H.M.T. 28 Nov 46: Renamed 1st Battalion, The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment..... 1st Battalion, The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment.... 1946.11.28: Malaya: Taiping. Later, the donkeys were almost ready to pull the lorries out! The spurs of the hills on either side of the valley were soon occupied by parties of Arabs, obviously unprepared to start a battle and, at first, doubtful as to how to deal with their unexpected enemy. "Valiant" with Midshipman W. D. O'Brien, Royal Navy and Midshipman L. C. Barnes, Royal Navy, in charge. A minor operation, in which tanks played the leading part, was planned. Winning bid: £74.11 [ 8 bids] Postage: May not post to United States - Read item description or contact seller for postage options. In der Schlacht an der Somme wurde beim Angriff auf Gueudecourt am 25. Throughout the period in Palestine, No. The Lincolnshire Regiment began as: 1. Royal Lincolnshire Regiment; Middle East Force (MEF) : Palestine : 1945 - 1948; Hover over picture to read caption; Click each image to enlarge; Palestine Veteran's Memorial, The National Arboretum. Owing to its absence abroad the Battalion was net able to take part in the Army Inter-Unit Cross-Country Championship, and so lost the opportunity of winning the Challenge Cup for the second year in succession. The determined opposition and accuracy of fire, together with experienced use of cover and ground, showed that these bandits were a far different proposition to the local and semi-organised gangs previously encountered. The largest convoy which came through consisted of no less than 63 vehicles. Haifa is now a town of considerable importance, containing as it does an important outlet for the pipe lines of the 'Iraq Petroleum Company. He told me that he had been in the mosque since five a.m., when the first service of the day was held. At 9 p.m. on December 20 the California came alongside the landing stage at Liverpool, the troops disembarking and entraining for Cattenck on the following morning. The Palestine Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army that was formed in 1942. It was only a single-line railway constructed by the British troops under Lord Allenby during the Great War. The Band of the Battalion was kept busy visiting towns and villages on the Island and giving perfor¬mances in the Squares. arrived in Malta from Catterick on 27th September last year and has been accommodated at the R.A.F. In one case the Battalion found itself in possession of a camel under these circumstances but no manual was handy to explain details of rations for such a beast, nor could it be discovered what 'words of command' were necessary to get it on the move, so it was handed back to its delighted owner. 23rd April, 1936 This man acted as interpreter. Son of William Carter, of 4, Industry Cottages, Long Leys Rd., Lincoln. 6 (Bomber) Squadron, Royal Air Force, Ramleh, co-operated with the Battalion. 25 May 47: reduced to cadre at Lincoln. It is certain that the defeat suffered this day by Kawakgi at the hands of the Battalion, assisted by those troops mentioned above, was even more severe than was at first thought as on no subsequent occasion did he start an offensive, with any large number of his followers, against British Troops. in connection with services in Palestine in 1936. The troops returned to camp at 5 p.m., having spent nearly 24 hours in the field, climbing up and down precipitous hills on the hottest day of the year. Pleasure at seeing again this busy spectacle, so well known to every visitor to Jerusalem, was somewhat tempered by the clouds of dust and other refuse which emerged. Object details Category Books Related period Interwar (content) Creator SECOND BATTALION THE LINCOLNSHIRE REGIMENT (Author) N.A.A.F.I. The Battalion reached the Grand Harbour, Valletta, in beautiful weather on the morning of September 27. 's, Dorsets, East Yorks, and ourselves took part in a huge drive across the whole area. The Striking Force ("C" Company) embussed and was off within a few minutes of the order to move being received. One of his first acts was to order the establishment of permanent piquets on the hills covering the main roads and lines of communication. On occasions the Arabs dug old Turkish 18-pounder shells into the road as mines, and were occasionally successful in blowing up a vehicle in the convoy on its way through. An important action took place in the neighbourhood of Bala on this date, lasting from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock when dusk was falling. He joined the Lincolnshire Regiment on 9 Jan 1958 and was transferred to the Army Reserve on 24 Sep 1969. Shops, closed throughout the strike, reopened, markets were busy again, the roads were filled with vehicles, and everywhere smiles and cheers indicated the general relief. Lieutenant-General Dill, the Commander-in-Chief, this morning issued the following special order to the forces:- 79 pp. Written by David Brown. 1881 - The Lincolnshire Regiment 5. The day's work really calls for no special comment if it had not been for the return journey when the lorry convoy, carrying the troops, for over 10 miles of the journey back, came under the fire of Arab gangs who were occupying features on the hills on either side of the road. Two Companies of the 2nd Battalion The East Yorkshire Regiment arrived in lorries from Hadera at 7 a.m. (October 9) as reinforcements. If possible such houses were those belonging to Arab leaders or organisers of terrorist gangs. I have a memories of a ’Tut Tut’ Clarke who used to cry when I played ’No place like home’ on my mouth organ. Part of 9th Brigade, 3rd Division. "Neuralia" (with the 7th Hussars on board) and escorted by H.M.S. and the Commanding Officer then entered the village and selected the houses to be blown up. For the first time since April Jewish 'buses were running without escort, maintaining regular services to all parts of the city. Two months, almost to a day, after the General Strike was called off, the Battalion left Palestine for England. B. Beauman, D.S.O., Commanding Palestine Northern Area and 15th Infantry Brigade. After debussmg some 12 miles south of Jenin, the Striking Force advanced over very rough and broken ground. Landed at Le Havre on 14 August 1914. Born and enlisted Lincoln. As we passed Arabs gave the nearest approach to a cheer I have ever heard from them. The Mufti expressed great hope for peace in the future, but it was clear from his conversation that he was determined not to abandon his efforts until the principal Arab demands had been secured. (Reserve), A very praiseworthy effort was made by the Battalion Boxing Team to win the Malta Command Inter-Unit Boxing Tournament. Searchlight Detachment, Royal Engineers. "Brigade Commander wishes to convey his congratulations to Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd and all ranks on successful operation against determined and formidable opposition and he most deeply regrets fatal casualties and hopes all wounded will have speedy recovery.". After this hot and tiring wait, the train reached Tulkarm at 3 p.m. On arrival at Tulkarm, the Battalion had a rush job getting settled in for the night. Meanwhile divisional commanders will report what reduction in precautionary measures is possible. This photo of Sgt B. Ash - on active service in Palestine 1935/6 - was sent to us by his grandson John Charles II Calhoun. At the Sports organised by the Aquatic Sports Club, St. Julians, the Battalion gained some notable successes which included 100 Yards Back Stroke and Medley Relay Races. Harponville Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France. As soon as the Battalion had embarked the 2nd Battalion The South Wales Borderers followed and the transport sailed at 5 a.m. on July 15. This friendly gesture was much appreciated by all. During the day of October 9 the Striking Forces of Bedfords, Scots Fusiliers, K.O.S.B. September 1916 mehr als die Hälfte der noch einsatzfähigen Soldaten dieses Kontingents getötet oder verwundet. All the baggage of the Battalion was out of the ship and loaded into railway trucks by the afternoon of July 18. They had suffered 75% casualties by … | See details . The 10th (North Lincolnshire) Regiment . HIS MAJESTY THE KING has been graciously pleased to award the following decorations for Devotion to Duty and Gallant Con¬duct in the Field in Palestine during the period July to October, 1936:-. 4 Platoon, "A" Company, leaving one section on the Piquet position, followed up the retreating Arabs. The Paradata site also has a large number of photographs. Das erste Kontingent kämpfte ab Juni 1915 innerhalb des Ersten Bataillons der Lincolns bei Ypern. The following message was also received from the Brigade Commander:- Formed at Lincoln in September 1914. Corporal J. Wilkes, D.C.M., was killed, Captain J. V. Faviell, M.C., Commanding "C" Company, and Privates J. Dinsdale and C. Cudworth, wounded. The Battalion also provided the Escort of 100 rank and file under the command of Captain P. G. C. Preston who had with him Second Lieutenant 0. © The Lincoln Branch of The Royal Lincolnshire and Royal Anglian Regimental Association. On June 16, 1936, the League of Nations raised sanctions and life in Malta returned to normal, with the Battalion wondering what the future held in store. Camps and Posts were sniped daily and no man was able to leave such protection unless armed and with an adequate escort. This action caused a certain amount of discontent amongst the Arab population of Tulkarm, Nablus and Jenin, and accusations were made that the "Armistice" had been broken; in some cases Arab workers went on strike as a protest. Signaller P. Bryant. hangars. The Battle started early in the morning but the Battalion was not called upon until late in the afternoon when the Striking Force ("A" Company) with Naval Pom-Pom, one section Machine Guns, two mortars and one troop Armoured Cars, left camp to support the remainder of the Brigade comprising 2nd Battalion The Bedfordshire Regiment, 1st Battalion The Royal Scots Fusiliers and 2nd Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment. The 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment (5th Lincolns), was a volunteer unit of Britain's Territorial Army from 1900 until 1967, serving as infantry on the Western Front during World War I and as an air defence unit during and after World War II. On October 7 our first piquet was established, and by October 17 six piquets in all had been established on either side of the Tulkarm—Ramin Road. The strength of the Battalion on departure from Malta was:-23 OFFICERS.500 OTHER RANKS. Everything indicated the general satisfaction at the return to normal. 14 Dec 1944. At 4.30 p.m. on 23 October the Battalion Striking Force set out for Jenin with orders to search for Kawakgi and his armed bands. These patrols usually consisted of armoured cars, Naval Pom-Pom with searchlight and one or more lorries each carrying a rifle section. The convoy system remained in force until four days after the conclusion of the general strike, when it ceased to operate, and traffic circulated on the arterial roads once more without escort and without interference. On Special Service in Malta and Palestine, 19th September, 1935-20th December, 1936, 52 pp., Printed by N.A.A.F.I., 1937 : The History of the Second Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment in North-West Europe. They were driven out to rendezvous in lorries! Palestine: 1947 Mr John Searby has kindly allowed us to publish his photographs here . A badly armed and unprepared nation then gave way under the strain, and a thrust made by mechanized Italian columns met with such instantaneous success that the capital of Abyssinia—Addis Ababa—fell into the hands of the Italians. 14 November 1915 : transferred to 62nd Brigade, 21st Division. The major portion of the population is Jewish—mostly German. Barbed wire surrounded all the Island's bays and inlets; specially constructed boom defences guarded the Grand and Sliema Harbours ; additional air squadrons and anti-aircraft units arrived from England. Moreover, the Warrant Officers and Sergeants share the same Sergeants' Mess, and the soldiers and airmen, though having separate dming-halls, share the same Institute. In Jerusalem the dramatic change since yesterday was evident from the moment of awakening this morning. The following Detachments were provided by the Battalion while at Tulkarm:-, While at Tulkarm the Battalion was visited, amongst others, by the following:-. Born Bingley, Yorkshire, enlisted Lincoln, resident Skegness. The Bermuda Rifle Volunteer Corps sent a contingent of 2 officers and 125 men, who served with 1st Lincolns from June 1915 onwards. The Regimental HQ was at the TA Centre in Coldyhill Lane, Scunthorpe, with a detached battery at Barton on Humber. Age 19. Actions of more importance, and in which considerable forces were employed, included those of which a short account is given below. Malta, in common with the Great Family of British Peoples, deeply mourned the loss of His Majesty King George the Fifth. 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Portsmouth. This report proved to be correct, as the Piquetting Troops ("A" Company), after debussing, were fired on from the heights while moving up to their positions on the hills. In der Schlacht an der Somme wurde beim Angriff auf Gueudecourt am 25. Eventually some of the Mukhtars even invited piquet commanders to take coffee with them! DEAR MR. EDITOR, B. Beauman, D.S.O., Commanding Palestine Northern Area, met the ship. On September 25, 1935, the Italian advance in Abyssinia began. In one case no fewer than 17 goods trucks were derailed, although passenger trains invariably got through to their destinations safely. The following leading article, published in the Daily Telegraph of October 13, 1936, is of interest and describes the situation which resulted in clear terms: "PALESTINE RETURNS TO NORMAL It is interesting to note that, on all occasions related above, the Piquetting Troops, with the co-operation of the Striking Force, fulfilled their primary duty of keeping open the road. Another armoured car followed up the rear of the column. "Nevasa" making three troopships in all, a unique spectacle and one not seen since the Great War. addressed in Tulkarm an assembly of 9 Mukhtars of local villages and explained to them, in Arabic, that piquets were to be established, not only to guard communications, but also to guard their villages from the incursion of armed gangs. George Massey - Palestine 1944-1947. Show more. Several bad smashes occurred in the neighbourhood of the little village of Qalqilya, where the Battalion had one Company ("A" Company, later relieved by "B" Company) on permanent detachment. The troopship sailed at about 3 p.m. on September 19 with the three Battalions on board. The Officers shared the R.A.F. 1782 - 10th (North Lincolnshire) Foot 4. On many nights road patrols were sent out to ensure that the road was not being tampered with. (Hon. Four days later, on September 18, the Battalion was played down by the Band of the 2nd Battalion The Royal Scots Fusiliers to Richmond Station, where it entrained in the drizzling rain at midnight. In an all-day motor tour of Palestine, including the "Triangle of Terror" the notorious hill area, bounded by Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm, I encountered only cheerful, often mirthful faces, in place of the gloom of a few days ago. Private W. Lilley. This triangle was known as "the triangle of terror" and it was justly so named as within that area most of the fighting took place. Mess. In April, the Italian Armies in Abyssinia made a forward move, but it was not until gas was introduced that any appreciable advance was made. The gangs, under Fawzi El Kawakgi, had apparently escaped from the net in which the other units of the Brigade had hoped to catch them and were resting and taking cover from the fierce heat of the day. Private S. Ayre. It is worthy of note—possibly as a unique instance of intimate co-operation between the Army and Air Force—that the officers of the Battalion share our Mess with us, and the Regimental Colours hang in the dining-room. The Battalion disembarked on September 28 and marched out, headed by the Regimental Band, to the R.A.F. The importance of this large district is emphasised by the different units which were attached to the Battalion in order to assist in the task of maintaining order. Camp Pardes-Hana, Israel, April 1946. During 1917 the Egypt Expeditionary Force (EEF) fought three battles against the Ottoman Turks as part of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. The city, silent as a town of the dead for the past six months, had suddenly resumed its normal busy, noisy life. The following are given as examples of the continual risks to which all ranks were subjected:- Three nights after arriving at Tulkarm a night patrol was fired on during its return journey and suffered severe casualties. The strategic objective was to preserve the security of Egypt, India and the Persian Gulf by seizing the south of Palestine and then capturing Jerusalem. On the morning of July 15, the Royal Air Force at Calafrana sent a flight of flying boats about 70 miles out to sea to dip a final farewell to the Battalion. At Qalqiha, where attempts were made to wreck trains during the strike, triumphal arches had been erected at the entrances to the town. The battle started when "A" Company, while moving up the hills to the Piquet positions, was heavily fired on by a large force of Syrian and Transjordian bandits under the leadership of the renowned outlaw, Fawzi El Kawakgi. September 1916 mehr als die Hälfte der noch einsatzfähigen Soldaten dieses Kontingents getötet oder verwundet. Under the covering fire of a Naval Pom-Pom and machine guns, and assisted by two light tanks and two armoured cars, the Piquets established themselves on the heights on either side of the road, the Arabs withdrawing into the hills as our troops advanced. Private W. Parsons. On December 11 the Battalion marched out of Tulkarm, with the Band playing for the first time since the arrival in Palestine, and entrained for Haifa where it embarked in the specially Hired Transport S.S. "California", together with the 2nd Battalion The South Wales Borderers and the 1st Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers. (printers) (Publisher) Production date 1937 Place made N.p. Enemy casualties are now placed at 42 killed and 15 wounded.". A suggestion to impose a sanction on oil met with little favour among the nations supporting the League. It is hoped that the campaign of murder and banditry will now cease. In der Schlacht an der Somme wurde beim Angriff auf Gueudecourt am 25. The Battalion's reputation at marching was maintained throughout the winter months when visits were made to places of interest on the Island, including Boschetto Gardsns, Hagiar Kim, Mnaidra, Torri Zurnek and St. Thomas' Fort. Member of the Order of the British Empire. Two Platoons of the Striking Force ("C" Company) at once started to carry out a wide sweep to the south of the road in the region of Kh Deir Aban and captured one Arab. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has 993 recorded WW1 deaths for the 7th (Service) Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. "A" Company, later relieved by "B" Company. If the situation improves, pickets on roads and railways will be reduced and troops gradually withdrawn into the camps. Condolences on the casualties sustained by the Battalion were sent by the High Commissioner, General Sir Arthur Wauchope, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.I.E., D.s.o. Towards the middle of November all piquets were withdrawn owing to the bad weather and heavy rains, and the piquet positions were left in the care of the Mukhtars of villages. Private K. Levack. Detachments of the Royal Navy with a Pom-Pom and Searchlight, mounted on lorries. Lieutenant-General J. G. Dill, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., General Officer Commanding British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan.