Superman: I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Krillin: Superman, huh? Goku sees Superman about to fly towards him. The connection between Goku and Superman is that they are both beloved god-like protagonists, both considered to be one of the most powerful physical characters in fiction history and are amongst the survivors of an alien race. (*Cues: Goku Battles 19 - Dragon Ball Z*). Chad James, the voice of Boomstick, lost his voice during recording, and so this episode was trimmed and reworked to a much more watchable half-hour. (*Cues: Superman Returns - Drop In The Bucket*). This means that Superman is strong enough to move 6.6 quintillion tons. Wiz: He also has several specific weaknesses, like the famous Kryptonite, radioactive fragments of his homeworld which bring him to his knees. He is already a genius when it comes to martial arts. The difference is at the core of their character. (*Cues: Super Namek Theme - Dragon Ball Z*). Limited only by The Overvoid.) The Earth weighs in just under 6.6 sextillion tons. Goku: (in his mind) It’s no good. After the fight premiered, the new DBZ films "Battle of Gods (Kami to Kami)" and "Resurrection "F" (Fukkatsu no F)" were released with Goku acquiring two new forms named Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. The Presence is also not fully Omniscient. The two then zip across the city, trying to catch each other, until Superman sneaks up on Goku, hitting him with a car. Wiz: With each transformation, minus full-power Super Saiyan 1, Goku loses some self-control, becoming more violent and instinct-prone. It’s finally over! Superman then uses his freeze breath to try to halt Goku in his tracks, but Goku manages to make it through and delivers a few kicks that knock him into the ground. Goku flies forward and punches Superman, then proceeds to go on the offensive, forcing Superman to block his blows until Goku teleports behind him and kicks. Goku: I sense him. In an environment without the light of a yellow star, his solar reserves gradually decrease as he exerts himself. Goku then focuses, anticipating where Superman will fly to, then uses Instant Transmission. Goku then transforms into Super Saiyan 3. The screen goes bright, but Superman is unfazed, holding Goku by the throat. (*Cues: DB Raging Blast 1&2 - Ultimate Blast Soundtrack*). The man of tomorrow saved a downed airliner which would've crashed-. (*Cue: Dangerous Mind - DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi*). Boomstick: Even when firing upward at full power, the ground beneath him remains untouched. But it doesn’t even matter because power levels are absurd. Goku punches him downward, with Superman crashing back-first into the top of a building. Wiz: Goku also uses ki for telekinesis and high-speed flight. In the Japanese manga, Goku’s power level at that time was 8,000. Superman: Kryp... tonite. Superman punches Darkseid through the building wall, right outside he sent him. I haven't even begun to play. Boomstick: Not to mention he was fighting Wonder Stripper the whole time. Goku: That may be true, but strength isn’t the only thing that matters. Shows Frieza against Super Saiyan Goku, telling that the planet will blow up. Didn't work at first, but my X-ray and Microscopic vision let me find your body's weak points. The track for this episode is simply titled "Goku VS Superman" by Blake Robinson. Superman may not be as tenacious as Goku, but sometimes, tenacity only prolongs the inevitable. According to Batman, he can fly at least 17 billion km/h. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Finally, multiple comics have either suggested or outright stated that the avatar of the Presence was born out of the primordial Void from which all things originate, thus making him just another character is drawn from the canvas that is The Overmonitor. So, like Superman, we need to judge Goku in his prime. Boomstick: And Superman, the Man of Steel. Superman then prepares his Infinite Mass Punch as the two connect. He swings the pole, knocking the lamp post away, then proceeds to fly towards Superman and unleash a combo on him utilizing it, knocking Superman back. Wiz: And energy taken from sentient beings must be voluntary. Theme music by Blank Robinson Synthetic Orchestra, Written and hosted by Ben Singer and Chad James, (*Cues: Dragon Ball - Makafushigi Adventure Instrumental Theme*). Boomstick: (*coughs*) Cop-out! No mistranslations allowed. Goku is shown jumping upwards into the air at a stump of wood, then hits it, breaking it into smaller, even pieces of wood. Therefore, using them to judge Goku’s abilities is pointless. Goku's Kamehameha Wave then overpowers the heat vision, pushing back Superman into the sun. Boomstick: He’s solar-powered! Wiz: He’s even learned to protect his mind from telepathic attacks. Boomstick: But his two best moves are the Dragon Fist, where he super-charges his punch with a golden ki dragon and the one and only Kamehameha: a giant focused beam which every kid in the world has always wanted to do. In Metropolis, Superman is standing on top of the Daily Planet when he hears the Nimbus coming from a far distance. Superman then flies after him and delivers a fast combo on Goku, knocking him to the ground. Not to mention we’d have to use future Superman, who’s pretty much God! Wiz: But Goku does not have to rely solely on his ki. Boomstick: In order to master all his powers, Superman needed to break through his own self-created mental blocks, like how when he was younger, he believed he needed to eat food and breathe oxygen like humans, when he can really just survive on solar energy alone like some weird plant man. (*Cues: Superman: The Movie - Prelude and Main Title March*). Oh, sorry, not kill, put him into a “healing coma”. Superman: Ultimate form, huh? Goku then charges up a ki blast and then proceeds to fire it at the Kryptonite, destroying it. | High Outerverse level (Equal in importance and complexity to The Source and Monitor-Mind The Overvoid, being the supreme creative force from which absolutely everything, existent or nonexistent, sprung from, and that which is known by millions of names and aspects but ultimately translates to one singular entity, The Creator), Striking Strength: Outerversal | High Outerversal, Durability: Outerverse level | High Outerverse level, Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient | Omniscient. For more information on the matter, see God. Superman then begins to reach his limits. As Goku prepares to fly back to Earth, he suddenly sense his opponent. Also, as he was retconned and rebuilt in 1986, we will be examining the modern Superman. However, Goku’s are not, and are difficult to judge. This is how the monster Doomsday was able to kill him. Superman then flies at Goku on the offensive, with Goku blocking a flurry of punches. I bet it chafes... Chi-Chi then looks out a window at Goku, who is outside looking at the water. As a result, whenever Superman and Supergirl went on a mission, the latter seemed to be more in tune with her powers. (*Cues: Goku & Gohan In The Time Chamber - Dragon Ball Z*). Boomstick: - into badass lasers and stuff, like ki blasts, energy barriers and the Destructo Disc, which he totally stole from Krillin. Android 16: It was intended to be a last resort. I can’t concentrate. Wiz: Now, the intensity of solar radiation disperses the further away it gets from its source, so the closer Superman is to the sun, the more solar radiation he’ll absorb. He cares little for anything else, unless food is involved. (*coughs*). That’s three times your record. By absorbing yellow or blue sunlight, his power rises; however he cannot absorb sunlight from a red star. Goku then jumps onto the side of a building and flies at Superman, who punches him so hard that he flies through multiple buildings. The point is, Superman spends more time defending the city than actually improving his own abilities. Ben and Chad originally stated that they had no interest in doing it and don't think it makes that big of a difference. Wizard: He can see at a subatomic level and hear through the vacuum of space… somehow. Goku then flies at him with a punch, knocking Superman through the building. Goku: When I’m at this power level, it’s hard for me to listen to reason. He arrives at a wasteland from the opposite side of the world, where he takes his Power Pole back out, then swings it downward while expanding its size, which hits the flying Superman, knocking him back. Wiz: So, Superman’s feats and skills are definitively measured. Boomstick: Which explodes at a force of 10 octillion megatons! Always taking constant care not to break something; to break someone. Boomstick: There are four different levels of Super Saiyan, each drastically boosting his power. Superman: Pressure points. Wiz: He does not fight for himself, but to protect others. He debuted in cinemas in a series of animated shorts beginning in 1941, and then starred in two movie serials in 1948 and 1950. He fights to defeat himself.” [The Dao of Dragon Ball] However, this may also be his greatest weakness. King Kai: He’s about to reach his maximum. That’s the whole point. Superman then flies forward, knocking Goku off the Nimbus. Superman’s powers are dependent on the ultra-solar rays of the sun. The film was directed by Zack Snyder, written by Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer, and features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, … “The entire point of introducing them was to show how unreliable and meaningless they were.” [Kanzenshuu] By relying on power levels, the villains constantly underestimated the heroes. In Goku's post-battle analysis regarding speed, Goku's base speed is listed as 64,343,057 kh/hr, which is greater than his SS1 speed (32,171,528.5) and exactly identical to his SS2 speed. He narrowly escaped the extinction of his entire race when he was sent to Earth with a single, simple mission…. 's own announcer. This has resulted in people requesting a rematch with these forms. Wiz: In the Justice League series, Our Worlds at War, Superman actually spent fifteen minutes INSIDE the sun. Note 1: The Presence is considered one of the three major manifestations of God. That’s 24 zeroes, bitches! Wiz: But, when the whole world is at stake, well... hindsight is 20/20. This speed causes the relative mass of his fist to increase immensely and hit with the force of a supernova. In the presence of a yellow star, his solar reserves are constantly replenished. This Death Battle has the third most negative reception (with its sequel episode being the second and, The Kaio-Ken Sequence During the battle (Goku: Kaio-Ken! Wiz: And magic-users like Babidi are clearly using something different. (*Cues: Hand in Hand Fight - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 again*). (*Cues: Goku's Spirit Bomb - Dragon Ball Z*). See, his ki attacks do not force him backward unless he allows them to. Born Kal-El on the distant planet Krypton, he was sent to Earth as a child to survive Krypton's destruction. This is the first 3D battle that has original voice actors, as, This is the first time in which a DC character fights a non-Marvel character, with the next six being. (*Cues: Buu Is Fighting - Dragon Ball Z*). Boomstick: Mild-mannered Clark kept his identity a secret with the brilliant disguise of nerdy glasses and wimpy demeanor... Superman, as Clark Kent, opens a bottle of champagne, but spills it. It's too weak. He developed numerous fighting techniques including the fast-moving After-Image and the Dragonthrow, his trademark grapple. Superman: You won't be going anywhere... what is that?! Goku then uses this energy to create a large fiery beam of ki energy, which Superman flies towards. Boomstick: Goku just Kaio-can’t keep up with the Man of Steel. That’s 9.4 billion km/h. It states power levels eventually become immeasurable, not because they are so high they can’t be measured, but because the characters, and hopefully the audience, have realized just how futile these numbers are. Wiz: Still, the Kaio-Ken was Goku’s trump card for some time until a fateful battle with the tyrant Frieza, who pushed Goku past his limits to achieve the legendary form of Super Saiyan. Koldgast: That was like 15 suns exploding in his face! Wiz: After discovering his true heritage, Clark refused to accept his Kryptonian side. He's strong... stronger than anyone I've ever fought. This is the first time in which a DC character has won. He then turns and sees Goku riding the Nimbus, who stops and turns to face him. Boomstick: It’s basically a kind of natural life force energy and is a fundamental component of Daoist medicine and martial arts. is referenced to the running gag in Team Four Star's: Dragon Ball Z Abridged. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. This episode features a number of firsts: This was the first episode to show the aftermath of the battle and this is also the only episode to show the aftermath of the battle In Season 1. He can even sense the power and location of other ki sources and then teleport directly to them with Instant Transmission. By vibrating to just under light speed, Superman can use the infinite mass punch. Goku: It's only a matter of time before he destroys the planet! After a glimpse of Godzilla swimming, Kong is shown roaring. Note 2: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. Goku then prepares his Kamehameha Wave. So it turns out that Goku actually flew 307,000 kilometers, nearly 11,000 km/h. (*Cues: Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 - Son Goku's Theme*). Goku's Kamehameha Wave blasts through what turns out to be the LexCorp building, blowing it up. Boomstick: And even if he does get the hell beaten out of him, he improves with every fight. King Kai: Saiyans are born with the unique ability to fight anywhere. (*Cues: Dragon Ball Z - Prologue & Subtitle II*). The battle was originally intended to release on December 21st, 2012, which was the final day in the Mayan Calendar, which some people believing that date was the date that the Mayans predicted was the "end of the world", which is why they had Goku and Superman destroy the Earth at the end. It also gets reused briefly in the results portion of Goku VS Superman 2. Superman: I heard your telepathic shout before, but my mind is protected from anything deeper by a series of psychic blocks. It's... it's the Sun. Wiz: While in base form, Goku could lift just under 40 tons. The Presence is the representation of the Judeo-Christian God in the DC Multiverse and the father of both Lucifer Morningstar and Michael Demiurgos. In Superman's preview, regarding Superman's weakness to magic, Boomstick stated "So if I had a magic wand, Superman couldn't stop me." At the Kamehouse, Goku's friends are watching it on TV. “Bulma says the bomb could destroy the Earth, so this is likely measured in quadrillion megatons, since it takes at least 53 quadrillion megatons of force to destroy the Earth. However, it was in an an anime-exclusive arc and was only utilized in the other world. Goku sees this and chases him. Directed by Richard Lester. Goku fires more ki blasts at Superman, who takes them out by using his heat vision. 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