Plus, there's a myth that it smells like maple syrup. Canada and the United States might just be a bridge apart, but the two nations have much less in common than most of us think. The Canadian dollar was recently devalued, and the Canadian dollar is indeed worth seventy-five American cents. 6 cultural differences between China and the US ( Updated: 2015-04-01 08:16. From an outside perspective, both US and UK appear quite similar, they are both English-speaking, and other than some differences in dialect and cuisine they appear to be comparable. You might have already noticed Canada’s love for the letter “u” in words where it can’t be found in the United States. People both outside and living within North America have the tendency to view the United States and Canada as one uniform region with homogenous cultural and political structures. Korean culture has been strongly influenced by Confucian philosophy and one of the most obvious of its effects is the pre… There are of course specific stores that are country-specific that never made their way across the border, but a lot of major brands like Nike, Old Navy, Gap, or Michael Kors are available in both countries. posted on February 25, 2015 *By Afonso Infante. While they have the capacity to get along like twin brothers, the difference in culture could actually make them more like first cousins. Every house has a hard plastic milk container, you put the bag inside the milk container, it sticks out a bit, and then you snip the corner of the bag off to make a small hole to pour from. We have fewer airlines, essentially only Air Canada and WestJet, so prices are pretty fixed. As a proud product of Canada myself, it's easy to see what make the "Great White North" and the "Land of the Free" so different. Well, glad you asked. Those within may disagree. The major cultural Aspects are described in the following comparison table, which provides a summary of major differences. In a survey, many people from Canada said it was perfectly fine to start assigning children chores between the ages of 5 and 8. Companies looking to expand to India will notice a striking difference between standard business practices in North America and those of India. For example, Canadian Idol failed after 3 seasons and The Amazing Race Canada and the Bachelor Canada are still running, but the winners of the shows have a few thousand measly followers on social media and then just fade into nonexistence after their season ends. Instead, students stay in elementary school until seventh grade. The ecology of Canada and the US alone, demonstrate a great contrast, with the US having more diverse climates and ecosystems. The United States might have pushed the metric system to the side, but Canada is still holding on to it strongly. Word is that’s an ideal combination. Yet, when I take a step back, I've come to realize the two countries are as much alike as they are different. In the States, it's pretty different. Your professionals encouraged me to Cultural Differences Between Us And Canada Essay Intro continue my education. And as great as syrup from US institutions like Crackle Barrell are, there’s nothing like good, old maple syrup from Canada. And the ability to queue. And if so, what makes it different? Meanwhile, a penny still means something here in the states. via @pridetoronto. Doing business with Brazil: 9 differences from Brazil to US and other countries. Even though the United States is nearly divided when it comes to whether a soft drink is called pop or soda, Canada has come to a consensus that it’s pop. I cannot thank them Cultural Differences Between Us And Canada Essay Intro enough to help out at the last minute and deliver the work in the short deadline. Order: #3257565. One of the first major differences that’s easy to point out is the fact that America is led by a president and Canada, is led by a prime minister. My professor was impressed by Cultural Differences Between Us And Canada Essay Intro my essay on literature. I admit that some of my answer may slightly offend people. Have you ever wondered what the difference between bacon from the US and Canada is? However, I've seen enough Am. But hey, still family, right? For specific numbers, 44 percent of citizens in Canada think the environment is a global issue, compared to 23 percent of people from America. This is not a joke. Unlike the United States, where 51 percent of the population identifies as … One can easily challenge that argument that Canada has more immigration than the US. No matter where you stand, north, south, or continents apart, it's worthwhile to see what the two countries have in common and what some of our major cultural differences are. Gotta love the English language. While both countries are democracies, their style of government is different. Turkey is no exception. One difference is that instead of saying "first grade" or "seventh grade" like Americans, Canadians say "grade one" or "grade seven". Have you ever lived in Canada or Korea? In Canada, however, physicians are private providers rather than government employees. I mean, it makes sense, right? While mom is at home with the baby (or dad, since parental leave can be split any way you like) they continue to receive part of their salary, usually between 80-55%, for the full 12 months they're away from work. The difference is that for starters, most companies don’t have as much of an online presence in Canada. It’s amazing! The author explains the reasons for the widespread assumption that Canadians and Americans are the same, the historical causes for these cultural differences and what these differences bring to Canadian society. There are often deals from one major airport to the next for one or two hundred dollars roundtrip. I have done this several times. Canada might be on to something with this one. A major difference is that it’s sweetened with that infamous maple syrup, so it’s kind of hard to beat. Even though Canada and the United States share many similarities, Canadians and Americans have different diets. In this instance, “Obamacare” vs. Canada Health Act have more similarities than differences. Nope, it’s actually a really pretty blue color. First off, and most importantly, is manners. There are many subtle, but critical cultural differences when it comes to business in the US and Japan. Yes, unlike the United States where students get a rite of passage from elementary school to middle school and high school, Canada sometimes skips that middle step. We watch the US attentively from the sidelines, hungrily consuming media and passionately following all of America's current events almost with the same feverishness someone would slyly scroll through an ex's social media profiles. Of course that doesn't mean we're all bodybuilders, there's a huge chunk of people from both nations who would rather curl up with a book. We've Finally Found The Answer, All The Things You Didn't Know Came In A Can, From Intriguing To Stomach-Turning, The Coolest Streets In New Orleans, Rome, L.A. And Other Major Cities (According To Stars), The Best Virtual Field Trips To Keep Boredom At Bay For Kids (And Adults), We Took Inspiration From Other Countries To Find Delicious Alternatives To A Holiday Turkey, Cebu in The Philippines Is Home To So Many Incredible Experiences: Here's What Tourists Love To Do There, How To Get From Machu Picchu To Lima, And All The Incredible Stops You Can Make Along The Way, These Italian Casseroles Will Make You Feel Like You're Eating Your Way Through Italy, Here Are All Of The Activities Families Can Take Advantage Of In England, Experts Weighed In On 2021's Spice Flavor Trends, And The Predictions Are Mind-Blowing, Everything You Didn't Know About Celebrating Kwanzaa, Here's Where Families Can Go To Make The Most Out Of A Trip To Japan, China's New McDonald's Burger Is Topped With Oreos (And That's Not All), Traveling Tea Time: How The Comforting Beverage Is Enjoyed Around The World, Le Chateau Frontenac Has A Pool, And Here's How Else You Can Keep The Kids Entertained, How You Can Make Vacation Planning Fun For The Entire Family, Tired Of Leaving Cookies And Milk Out For Santa? In July 2005, a law was passed making us the fourth country in the world to federally legalize same-sex marriage. There are people abroad who don't recognize the difference, and there are those from Canada who call themselves USA folk because, and I quote, "it's just easier." Alas, countries across the Atlantic do not share our obsession with brunch foods or bottomless mimosas. Apparently, that’s a huge no-no. This is a major difference between the US and Canada, but many other countries still use the metric system. We both have freedom, diversity, acceptance, forward-thinking, and adorable kids who love to wear stars and stripes or red maple leaves. Canada has two official languages. I have no complaints. If you travel to Thailand, they have great Thai food. It's the place where I don't feel torn, neither heading towards, nor leaving behind, the places and people I love. Japan has one of the world’s strongest economies and has positioned itself as an international culture hub by hosting global events like the 2020 Summer Games.But despite the massive mutual influence between Japan and the West, there exist stark and unmistakable cultural … Not an egg to be seen and no smell of bacon in the air. Again, it just makes sense when that's all you've ever known. Call our money Monopoly money all you want, but it's easy to find what you're looking for, and Canada's money is not so easily destroyed. America may run on Dunkin's but Canada runs on Tim Horton's and that's more or less the same thing. Luckily, the States caught up exactly a decade later. Whoa, nelly! 50% off on all orders. It took a long time to narrow it all down since we could get so detailed that an encyclopedia would be the end result. But clearly that’s not enough to switch up the whole system in certain places. Let’s settle this once and for all. If anything, it can help us appreciate the cultures of America and Canada as we enjoy their differences. The cool part is that the nation caters to residents who speak one or both of the languages. America is the big cousin, first gaining independence in 1776 from our shared ancestor, the UK. The first difference is how people communicate. Well, here’s a fun fact – middle school is less of a thing in Canada. Joel Westheimer, university research chair in democracy and education at the University of Ottawa, shared what makes college different in the two countries. Oh man. Canada, Korea and Their Differences. I mean, they seem so Hollywood, right?! Move over steak and turkey burgers and make room for horse and camel meat. Canada shares land borders with many US states, making it possible to travel between countries by land. It's terribly sad. Religion. As Canadians, we like to be trend setters. In Canada, we have two official languages, French and English. Listening to British people speak, you might think they sound more polite in comparison to Americans. EduZaurus provides students with a platform where they can get their papers done quickly and efficiently. American Health Insurance Provider Options It's not the same, the culture is very different. Cultural misconceptions are inevitable. 3. That means most students who don't qualify for scholarships leave with a diploma and close to $100,000 in debt. The United States of America is commonly known as the United States, USA, US and America. At least that’s how it is in Canada. Fortunately for US shoppers, purchasing that item that they now can’t live without can literally be done with a click of a button. Next week, we will go into the cultural differences between the popular words: “Yes” and “No”. Over the years I have observed and naturally taken note of the differences between American and British culture, some of which I've listed below. Still, even people from Canada probably can’t deny that opening a milk bag is much tougher than a carton. Instead, there are many people who grow up learning and speaking only one language. 66 reviews. Free healthcare is great, and wonderful for people of all income levels. Apparently, Pandora aren’t licensed in Canada. In Canada, traveling the same distance domestically will cost you upwards of $500 roundtrip, and I've never seen prices dip below that. Hopefully the US will embrace that one soon. This is in stark contrast to Korea, where there is an almost reverential respect for elders and superiors. Still, Thanksgiving isn’t too far off in Canada as it’s celebrated in October, only a month earlier than the states. There are some differences in workplace culture between Canada and Vietnam I have noticed when I have studied and worked at Vancouver Island University as a Marketing intern. Cultural Differences between Mexico, the USA and Canada Comparing Cultural Differences: Mexico with Canada & the United States Although the three countries that make up North America are physically close, Mexico is simply a different country than her northern neighbors. But still a serious one nonetheless. While America is charging fees for its residents and tourists to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery it has to offer, Canada simply isn’t. Objectively speaking, both countries are pretty great. I… Provinces outside of Quebec are heavily influenced by American and British culture. Differences between college in Canada and in the US include price, title, and campus experience. But the spelling differences are certainly culture variations that should be noted. Canada has index of 39 on the cultural scale, compared to Pakistan with a pretty high Power distance index of 55. Canadian French is a variation of the French from France, originating from the 18th century. Essentially, you can't quit your day job if you're on television in Canada. If you haven’t heard, in Canada they actually say “aboot” instead of “about,” and “soory” instead “sorry.” And we can’t forget about the beloved, “eh” that people in Canada have made a global phenomenon. This difference between the two countries is quite an unusual one, and some would even call it unfair. Still, America has obviously embraced hockey with the NHL and all. 7. Even the animation and drawings on the paper cash is appealing. Canada is certainly on to something. Another major difference between the US and Canada (and the rest of the world) is that only 28% of parents expect their children to help with chores. The two main languages spoken in Canada are English and Canadian French. Most people I know enjoy some type of hobby or activity that involves going outside, playing a sport, or exercising. It might help to do a little research to see which streaming services are allowed in the country, if any. Still, Canada just got on board with this and offered free admission into its national parks this year. The United States doesn’t tout poutine and Canada couldn’t care less about cheese fries. For example, miles per hour is an abstract concept we only hear about in US movies, and Fahrenheit is a weird measurement that makes it sound as if the Earth is so hot it'll melt (I mean 100 degrees Celsius is 212 Fahrenheit, that sounds post-apocalyptic). Many government services in the U.S. are also provided in Spanish because of its large Hispanic population. Provincial law in Quebec is based on the French civil code system. The USA is such a large country with a lot of different cultural areas that there really is no single US culture to compare to Canada. If you’re planning on visiting London, you’ll certainly see a few big ones as soon as you arrive. Coming from China and having lived in Canada for four years, I was able to observe the differences between doing business in North America and in China. The idea of drinking milk out of a plastic bag isn’t the only way people in Canada have managed to be eco-friendlier compared to America. Close. We're both extremely proud of our respective countries, and aren't afraid to toot our own horns about it. It's only when you get down to the nitty-gritty that you start to see our differences. While navigating cross-cultural communication can be a challenge, approaching cultural differences with sensitivity, openness, and curiosity can help to put everyone at ease. You can also simply select the percentage you want to tip, rather than having to pull out the calculator app on your phone to decide what’s fair. Other differences: *A large Spanish/Mexican influence in the Western US (and Florida). Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Vietnamese people would prefer to speak indirectly while Canadians would like to get straight to the point. Moving to or doing business in another country always throws up issues arising from the basic cultural differences between your 'home' country and the 'new' country. Well, according to Forbes, it's a combination of attracting and nurturing talent, a strong economy, a positive environment, international outreach and innovative technology. Bags of milk make sense. They are also both federal in nature. The worlds largest waterfall, Niagara Falls, is also on the border of the two countries. I am in a decent position to answer this, being British but living in Canada. Kinda like our cousins to the south with their favourite football teams. I can't imagine giving birth and then being slapped with a bill at the end of it. I mean, we change our tires every winter because our roads get so icy! As far as literacy rates go, overall education, and street smarts, both countries fair pretty well. Language . For starters, it can give a kid a great pony ride at the front of a grocery store. The Government System of the US and Canada. One of the reasons US media and entertainment appeals to its northern neighbors so much is because we share common values and ambitions. Read more to learn about the biggest differences between … Parents buy onesies and hockey jerseys for their home team before their babies are even born, we're that intense. However, “nearly 90% of Canadians live within 200km of the border with the United States” ("BBC News - Canada country profile", 2017, para. In France, French is the official language and many people know some English but less are fluent. Plus, the internet costs much more in Canada, so a digital presence isn’t as big of a deal there. Maybe this one is kind of a trade for the colder weather? The divergent communication styles make Canadian and American business meetings very different. Ninja Warrior to know that there are quite a few fitness buffs across the States, and I know Canada is no different. H&M and Forever 21 are popular with younger women, Walmart and Costco are in every major city across both countries and most importantly, Amazon is taking over the world, especially in Canada and the US. And instead of 12 months, new parents in the States get 12 weeks time off work, with no guaranteed pay. I can no longer say which one is home, and where it is that I am visiting. Is Canadian English its own language variety? More travel stories on Instagram! Yes, America is home to some of the best Universities in the world like Harvard and Yale, but even if you go to a local college, you'll likely pay close to $30,000 a year for your Bachelor's degree. In Canada the death penalty has been outlawed. Both Canada and America have absolutely astounding food that blends together flavours from all over the world. Instead of the face of a deceased President or Founding Father, the bills actually have different faces and features. Saying sorry and other niceties are so permeated in brains up North that when I sneeze in my car alone in traffic, I actually say "excuse me" out loud. Asked the difference between Canadians and Americans, the quick response is, “Twenty-five percent.” Yes, Americans are, per capita, richer. Canada also has a governor general, who acts as the ruling British monarch's representative, though the position is largely symbolic and Canada is entirely self-governing. In Canada, you can walk into any hospital, patiently wait for hours in the waiting room, then speak with a doctor about your ailments. With round-the-clock support and direct access to your expert, you can access our online assignment writing service immediately, whenever Cultural Differences Between Us And Canada Essay Intro you want. Canadian high schoolers are in "grade nine" through "grade twelve". To the rest of the world, Canada and America are essentially one and the same. Of course, these cultural differences are also part of what makes moving to or doing business in Turkey so fascinating. 25 Major Cultural Differences Between The US And Canada (That All Tourists Should Know) 25 Kick Off Your Shoes In My Home. Airlines, Delta, United...the list goes on. ... but it seems you're touching on the concept of Canada's "Cultural Mosaic" as a variation of multiculuralism different from the US's "Melting Pot." No matter how bad the fun feud gets between the countries, this is something we can all agree on for sure. What's also not a joke is how rich I'd be if I got a nickel (five cents) for every time I said "sorry." People across Canada and America are pretty active, generally speaking. Here we compare cultural differences between Korea and Canada. Culture And, restaurants in Canada automatically split your bills, unlike in the US where you have to break it down for the waiter. Canada–United States relations covers the bilateral relations between the adjacent countries of Canada and the United States.Relations between Canada and the United States historically have been extensive, given a shared border (the longest in the world) and ever-increasing close cultural, economical ties and similarities. As for Poutine, it’s French fries topped with none other than gravy and cheese. Canada also differs in its stance against some political and cultural aspects. If you’re an American trying to do business in Europe, then knowing cultural and ethical differences will help you accomplish your objectives. 10 Differences I've Noticed Between Canada And The UK Canada is a wonderful, unique country. If you want to see others’ experience about an amazing or horrible restaurant in Canada, unfortunately you can’t use Yelp to do it… unless you’re in Ottawa. Still, the only way to explain it is to think about America’s love and admiration for football. This could be why nearing states like Michigan call it pop too. Canucks have a reputation for being the friendliest nation around, and that generous stereotype probably stems from the fact that we are all addicted to apologizing. The other downside is that you can’t put your own reviews on there either. But it 's unhealthy, but real, differences in how the two diverse climates and.! Fans of men playing aggressively in uniforms, the American president is Barack Obama 2014. Us ( ) Updated: 2015-04-01 08:16 of hard to beat who speak one or both of French! By u/ [ deleted ] 6 years ago these cultural differences between US and?! Areas will be able to share their peace why nearing States like Michigan call it pop.. 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