Thank you. Church, would I still need to be re-baptised? in private? You will want to keep the certificate carefully as it may be needed when you enrol your child in a catholic school or before he or she receives the sacraments of … You can marry a catholic and not convert. The priest is a Hindu catholic and speaks poor english. I have always wanted to be baptized, but I have never belonged to a church or identified with a certain denomination of Christianity. The only way someone could be “baptized twice” is if the original baptism was not valid. My daughters are also really keen to have their own daughters Baptised in their own Baptism Gowns, but if we wait much longer, we won’t be able to. Baptism, one of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church, frequently called the “first sacrament”, the “door of the sacraments”, and the “door of the Church“.. Rather than believing that these are Three Persons in One God (the Trinity), the LDS Church teaches that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate deities. However, just recently I was told that this would not be possible as I am in a relationship that is not a marriage. However, only the first time will the sacrament actually take place since you can be baptized only once. The baptismal promise includes the promise that you will do your best to raise your child in the Catholic faith. Kelly. Well Robbie, as long as the proper form and matter were used, she is now baptised and cannot be baptised again even in the Catholic Church. Is there any way I can object to this, like in a wedding? I didn’t have the confimation (I am baptised and had first communion) My sister then married outside of the church but never joined another church. My son’s biological father will not consent to me having my son Baptized as he does not believe in church, is there anyway I can have the ceromony completed without his approval? Yes – your marriage situation should not prevent you from baptizing your baby – however, it would be best to talk with your parish priest about having your civil marriage validated in the Church – it is not that complicated to do. I have respected their religion and never once critize it. i’m Catholic but I was marred in Anglican Church and now I can’t able to Baptize my Daughter in any Catholic Church as priest said that I have to marry my wife in Catholic Church and after that I can Baptize my Daughter. What happen when other couple learn by accident and object from one of the couple is it accepted by church But my grandmother, a devote Catholic, earnestly wants me to baptize my two boys so that they will have the Holy Spirit and Guardian Angel and to be protected from the Devil. If you are validly married outside of the Catholic Church, then you are married until death do you part, as the two Baptized spouses confer the Sacrament of Marriage on each other; the Catholic Priest only officiates, and blesses the Marriage, and offers the Nuptial Mass for their intentions. My son would like to have his son baptized and has choosen my grandson god-father. I booked into the course we had to take before Baptism and paid the money for the course. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1252). Neither my wife nor I is religious. Catholics should not receive communion in other churches and the opposite is true as well because of what it signifies. Since reading and learning about the Catholic church and beliefs I have taken a strong interest in it and I am fascinated by it all and believe now that I am old enough and responsible enough to decide for myself that I would like to be Catholic, is it possible for me to become a full Catholic now and complete all religious ceremonies to be accepted into the Catholic church, I also go to a catholic college and know when I have children that I would like them too, to be Catholic. Baptism’s main function is to remove original sin from the person who is being baptized. She can ask her parish priest to put her in touch with a strong Catholic couple who are active in their faith and can help her prepare to pass on the faith to her children by taking the role of godparents. In His encounter with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21), Christ made it clear that baptism was necessary for salvation: "Amen, amen I say to thee unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." I could tell that there was something about me that the nun could not stand because her demeanour towards me was always curt to say the least even though I always treated her with the utmost respect and showed outstanding patience when it came to trying to get this child baptised. I need to know asap, I have a question, my fiancee was raised Catholic and I am in the process of completing my RCIA classes to become a Catholic as well. Excuse the auto correct. Since my husband was baptized as a child can I have my children baptized Catholic? However, we want our 7-year old adopted daughter to have the opportunity to follow her own heart in this matter as she gets older. We want to have our baby baptized in the Catholic Church but we were told that we could not because the Godparents didn’t meet the requirements. My friend in India became christian from Hindu & he wants to know about that because he listen from somewhere that if you convert from one cast to another then you will get some money from that religion. Hi, I’m inquiring as to wether or not my daughter can be baptized. For Christ Himself “by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. In fact, he is against many of the teachings and I have several emails proving this from the past. or Can I attend Catholic church and receive communion. I hope your health has improved and that you do not feel alone and unkindly turned away from the very place that should be giving you comfort. And I’m twenty one years old now,can I get baptist and wedding on same day,I been church ,attend mass.receive bread frm god,but I did not know,before,that I’m not baptist ,I just know,now that prepared for plan to get married,I We are expecting our first child in a couple of months and plan to raise our children Catholic. My son’s infant was born premature and had to undergo brain surgery. I was told we need to just say the words 3 time for it to be valid. The Catholic church is the orginal Christian Church. Since the form of baptism requires just the water and the words, the sacrament, like the Sacrament of Marriage, does not require a priest; any baptized person can baptize another. God bless. They asked us if we could be their kids godparents too, but recently our family told us that it was impossible because its seems like we were returning the favor to them. If I get my son baptized in Catholic Church even if I am not catholic and my husband is Catholic will my son be labeled Catholic once he is baptized? The Grace of God will be on you through Christ jesus. I know your point BUT,. My husband and I are currently planning our two babies baptism, my question is about Godparents we have chosen 4 Godparents for our kids, is this okay or does it have to be only 2? He is a seventh day Adventist and I am catholic. Although we don’t go to Church every week and are not registered to any parish, I was wondering if we can still have him baptized in the Catholic Church. I am a born Catholic and I married a man who is Hindu. They told me I couldn’t do anything until I had Permanent Care of the children. Either way though you have to go through the same process as anyone else asking for marriage. muslim, is it possible for us to had our baby baptist as a catholic,tnx. See what Jesus says about you, I’m sure He didn’t leave your situation out. When it comes to adult baptism, you would need to go through an RCIA process, its a process that can be 9-12 months and has the adult baptized, receive first communion, and confirmation at Easter Vigil. The other church may choose to baptize again because of their own beliefs about baptism, but it is not valid and has no effect on the first one so long as the first one is valid. Sweet Colleen, praying for peace for your heart. I have been to church, its been a while though. My wife and I are going to Atlanta in a week to visit our daughter and her husband and soon to be 2 year old grandson. The minister who administers a sacrament -whether it’s confession or baptism or the Eucharist or ordination or anointing of the sick – is acting in the person of Christ. Forbid the couple gets into an accident and the child losses both godparents, or if there were some family strife. I find it to be very disrespectful. If one is Catholic and gets married outside the church (Anglican or otherwise) without the permission of the Catholic Bishop, IT IS NOT A VALID MARRIAGE IN THE EYES OF THE CHURCH ! It would be a good idea if you asked to attend the RCIA classes with your daughter so you know what is being discussed. (I like the Church ceremony but protected my children in advance.) Please re-read the Acts of the Apostles, especially Acts 2:38, the foundational scripture that Jesus intended for us all. Post A Comment Catechism 8:42:00 AM. Since baptism removes both the guilt and the punishment due to Original Sin, delaying baptism until a child can understand the sacrament may put the child's salvation in danger, should he die unbaptized? Can you please explain to me what I can do in such situation where I have my in laws who feel they can control me and my kids life. I have been paying them off along with this years fees this year and will soon be all paid up and not owe the school one red cent. On the day of your child’s baptism family and friends will be welcomed and gather in the church 5 to 10 minutes before the ceremony commences. Thank you. It would be beneficial, at least for you, to discuss the matter with your parish priest. What can we do? Speak to your pastor if you cannot find a confirmed catholic to be a godparent. You assume the Catholic Church deviates from the teachings of the apostles which is hardly the case. My husband is Catholic and I am Greek Orthodox. we are wanting a godfather that is greek orthodox and a god mother that is catholic. He was catholic before? Hello my children are not baptized. Said he is not a counselor, so doesn’t seem to mind that this family is being torn apart by a divorce. Can she? Have classes until four more months .. can any praticing Catholic. The parish in which you reside would need record of the baptism. (Our family used to be Catholic, but over the generations, had become C of E and wanted to change back, so decided that having the children Baptised as Catholics was the first rung on the ladder. If you know someone else who was at your baptism and could be used as a witness, an affidavit of baptism could be written in place of your baptismal certificate. I have a question. In the Catholic Church today, people are usually baptized as infants by a priest or deacon. You are wrong . It is really more important how you and your husband will educate your child than choosing one church in which to have the baptism. Would it be advisable and/or acceptable to have her baptized at this point so that she will not resent having not been baptized when she is older? Jesus was sacrificed to forgive ALL sins. Their 7 yr old daughter, who is attending a Catholic school, is to be baptized this Sunday. 2:9-10). ? You need to have one godparent at least who is over 16, received confirmation and a Catholic in good standing (attends Mass, in a recognized marriage or single, not divorced.) That makes no sense to me. I have now been told by our old-fashioned priest that the sponsors we have chosen are not adequate. I was married to a catholic in the church but now divorced. My son spends 90% of his time with myself and my fiancee and we plan to raise him in the Catholic faith and would like him to be baptized. My husband has been on the receiving end of harsh attitude from members of parishes on more than one occasion as he is not Catholic and I have also had to graciously deal with a lot of self righteous opinion for marrying him. You will also receive a gift from the holy spirit, strength, peace and courage to endure the hardships you are facing. I come frome a mixed christian background and had no problems, my children are all catholic and i will recieve all 3 sacrements myself tonight. YEARS later , my late husband died ; I CHANGED my name under a DEED POLL Yes, it is definitely possible! The ordinary minister of a sacrament can sometimes delegate this authority to others. I have asked several people and I’ve gotten conflicting answers. Baptism leaves an unremoveable mark on the soul signifying that the person has been baptized. If you have any questions you can ask these at the Baptism Information Session. Then get permission from the church she attends in her town to have him baptized in the state where she works. It is very good. You wouldn’t have godparents per se, but rather someone acts as your sponsor to move through the process with you and fulfill much the same role in an adult format. And as children we always went to church. One priest – one sacrament; one deacon – one sacrament. His 7th birthday is in August, and I think she wants to get it done before he reaches the age of reason. My dad is Italian, raised in Brooklyn, I have always been a proud catholic! Hi Patty. What about if muslim man doesn’t allow to baptize the children and woman did it without asking or informing and hidede, Your email address will not be published. Richert, Scott P. (2020, August 25). If they are younger than seven, it’s a simple process. You would have to convert, and that would take six months of learning about the Catholic church. There are no age restrictions for baptism; you cannot be too old or too young to be baptized. I am Catholic; I am struggling with this. My daughter (Catholic) married to (Methodist) and by a Methodist minister. Outside of danger of death, provided provision is made for Catholic education, and infant is licitly baptized if: 1° If the parents or guardians, or at least one of them, consents; 2° If the parents, that is father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, or guardians are no more, or have lost their rights over the infant, or cannot in any way exercise them. She was dedicated at the couples church when she was an infant. We have considered to baptize our son in a Catholic Church. The nun said I would have to sit the baptism classes again and pay the money again and that she would see what she could do. I spoke to my parish priest, and told him that when we are there, we plan to baptize him ourselves when they go out for a movie. Thanks. she is not good to me. Will the catholic church allows my baby to be baptized? Your daughter – and you – need to pray earnestly for God to put good, sincere, practicing Catholics on her path, so she – and her children – can be surrounded by people who will build her up in her Catholic faith. I am a catholic, my husband is not, we married in a civil service, my son will be getting christened! They are not required. It has been my experience that all students are welcome regardless of belief. John 3:5 says, “Jesus answered, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.’” Note that Jesus says “no one” can enter heaven in that passage. Neither I nor my wife are Catholic, (we are Apostolic Christians) but we would like our daughter to be baptized in a Catholic Church. If there was an unintentional error made I could understand the two different dates, however, once the mistake was discovered it should have been corrected right of way. I am newly engaged and beginning to make plans for our wedding. I was baptized catholic as a baby. Nope… Only a priest or deacon may baptize. I was 14. We received yes annulment and then received the sacrament of marriage even though Wes been married in a protestant church. Also if she can can she do her First Communion at the same time ? Richert, Scott P. "The Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church." I’ll say a prayer for you. The priest should be more than happy to assist you with bringing you into the church. According to your explanation above it does because of the prayer they use when baptizing.I have a friend who is Catholic but his wife is Mormon. One way a baptism could be invalid is if the person baptizing uses a formula like “I baptize you in the name of the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sanctifier.” In very unusual cases, someone might be baptized without water. Again, I’m seeing ‘Christian Faith”- more than “Catholic Church.”. If you are not with the baby’s father, he does not have to be present at the baptism, but you should get his permission – not mandatory if your are the custodial parent. I hope this helps a bit. Try the chancery of your diocese; do not leave the practice of religion especially for your grandomes who obviously have been through enough. me and my twin sister breanna grew up in a family where religion and god werent a big priority for us and our parents.During our elementry school years we had gone to both the lutheran and catholic churches just a few times,mainly during the holidays,when we were 13,our dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital for quite a while.The hospital chaplain,who was a priest,came in and visited dad quite often and comforted him and also talked to mom and us and urged us to come to mass at his parish and see what its like.After dad recovered and got back to normal,we went to mass at the parish a few times and after talking to the priest after two years our parents decided to join the parish.Father talked to the four of us and told we would go thru orientation and then me and sis would have to be baptized,then be enrolled in the classes and make our first communions and then be confirmed. Your baptism is in Christ, not in your godmother. God wants you in His church. Yes, you can have your daughter baptized. To make sure you fulfill all requirements it would be better for you to ask in the church that your brother is baptising his baby. I went along with mostly because I just wanted to please him. Have not attended church since. Without going in to great detail I’m unable to get an annulment. The whole point of being Catholic is about accepting everone. As Jesus took children in his arms and blessed them, so now we ask God's blessing on this Child. My heart grieves over so many God-lovers who have been and are still being led so far from the truth. Could I convert and become Catholic, and be baptized as well or no? We would like either one of our siblings to baptize her. You have to sign a for saying you will force your children to be Catholic? The problem comes in though that I go to a church affiliate with the fraternity of St. Peter. The Apostolic doctrine (teaching) is how Jesus taught His disciples, why would you deviate from that? In the waters of the Jordan your Son was baptized by John and anointed with the Spirit. Antoni, first let me say you are now on my prayer list. My name is Linda and I’m currently 5 months pregnant and not baptised. Is this a sin? My aunt and uncle are going to talk with the father in my home town. Whom must I go to, to ask about all of this? The priest is being difficult and not wanting to allow this. Her boyfriend (not my grandson’s father), however, is Catholic, though he has not to the best of my knowledge been a practicing one for many years. It states: Baptize first the children, and if they can speak for themselves let them do so. I have a friend in Mexico who will be baptizing her baby, and one of the baby’s to be Godparent is Indian Hindu. Please let me know. I am a practicing Roman Catholic. Their role is to take over or assist in the faith development of the person being baptized. circumstances of course. Read about it, pray about it. The problem is neither of us (me and the godmother) have been baptized catholic. Thankyou I want my faith back. Please speak with your parish priest or staff for a better understanding. Yes, they will handle the baptism during the RCIA program. Can I be his sponsor? Hi Kendra My daughter is trying to plan her children’s baptism. Does church or priest ask permition latter or ect from other couple, So if the mother is Catholic and the father is Jewish, for example, then each parent has the right to take the child to their respective religious services and to enroll them in rituals such as a baptism and bar mitzvah for example. Your son-in-law should contact his parish to discuss his options with the pastor. @ Bernadette Mary…You do not speak for God and neither does anyone else in these comments, therefore, in my opinion you should be ashamed for your rudeness and learn to be more helpful and compassionate with another’s inquiries if you are going to “comment” on their request for helpful information….Bless your heart and your facetious soul. All answers appriecated. There’s NO WAY we need to be clouding the issue of the Trinity now or in any age by refusing to use the Trinitarian formula given by Jesus and passed on in the actual rite of Baptism from the earliest times of the Church. My husband and I are both Catholics but are not married through the church yet due to the fact that he is in the military. The other denominations broke away starting with Martin Luther and John Calvin (other demonimation began by breaking from these two) and the Ana-baptist, as well as later the Church of England which the Methodist broke away from. What are the requirements? I am baptizing my son tomorrow, does the baptism fufill the Sunday obligation ? You would need to discuss this with your pastor at your parish. For Catholics it’s not what I feel or you feel or Mother feels, it’s what the Church and Church law says in the Canons. When one receives Holy Communion and Confirmation, certificates are given to to the recipient. Thank you kindly for any answers you can offer. I have been seeing him weekly for just over a year, and am involved in the parish I help to clean the church and with counting the offatory. In other words, when he baptizes "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," he must mean in the name of the Trinity, and he must intend to bring the person being baptized into the fullness of the Church. The Catholic Mass is not ment to entertain! I to have been baptized and first holy communion. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “Every person not yet baptized and only such a person is able to be baptized,” (paragraph 1246). my mother had me baptized shortly after my sister was born. The Roman Catholic Church does recognize a Seventh Day Adventist baptism as valid. My dilemma is godparents. I have been losing sleep about this and was wanting to re baptize her with new responsible god parents as I feel that it would help me and my daughter please help as I have been a god mother twice and have fulfilled my role and still do and take it quite seriously. Given that early Christians described rebirth in its relationship to baptism, the most reasonable interpretation of Irenaeus’s words is that people of all ages were baptized within 150 years after the Resurrection of Jesus. We do not baptize ‘in the nature of the Godhead’; we baptize in the NAMES of each PERSON of the Godhead – because Jesus told us to. I pray you will learn that you can make the small sacrifice of bad music or not so great preaching because it is the ONLY place you get to receive Christ body and blood! Can you batize a baby if you are not married by church? I have been attending RCIA classes to become catholic at Easter. My husband and i are married by civil court and we have a daughter that will be baptized by Catholic. Contact your parish to make the arrangements and to discuss your specific situation. A non Catholic can marry a Catholic in the Church and it would be valid. We want to apply to schools now she is older and my partner would like her to go to a catholic scho which requires proof of baptism. You do not need to be a baptized Catholic to attend any Catholic school. thanks. St. Paul had explicitly compared baptism to circumcision in his letter to the Colossians (2:11-12), so it makes sense that this comparison might lead to controversy about when to baptize infants. Pick a church you like, When they have a song at the end of the church inviting those who want to get saved, you just walk up to the front of the church. There is no sacramental record in a baptism such as this. I was baptized as a Christian almost a year ago to the day. Can’t get a straight answer it seems from the clergy. Two years ago, three of my daughters had their own daughters (my grandchildren) Baptised at the church, so they became Catholics. My mother was from Poland and she I’m 23 years old and would like to know the process on what I need to do. I SO understand you and wish we were neighbors so I could help you. Will they still allow us to do so? This is called ‘baptism by desire.’ If the person has an explicit desire for baptism and is repentant of their sins then they will receive these graces.