Convoys used to move at about 35 miles an hour, the space between vehicles being about 30 yards. Ken Ruddock's Letters: 1944 - 1947. It was during the final phase of the operations on the night September 13th/14th that the Commanding Officer (Lieut.-Colonel E. P. Lloyd, D.S.O.) Arabs frequently came to the positions to sell vegetables, fruit and eggs. In der Schlacht an der Somme wurde beim Angriff auf Gueudecourt am 25. This photo of Sgt B. Ash - on active service in Palestine 1935/6 - was sent to us by his grandson John Charles II Calhoun. The Naval Pom-Pom, two armoured cars and a machine gun of the Battalion at once gave covering fire and this enabled the Piquets to reach their allotted areas. Actions of more importance, and in which considerable forces were employed, included those of which a short account is given below. It was due to the kindness and consideration shown by Mr. H. M. Heald (Principal of the School), and Mrs. Heald, that the troops who were billetted there were so comfortably housed. It was later shown that the Arab casualties on this day were considerably higher. The darkness, which had now fallen, enabled the Arabs to close in on our troops and it was mainly due to the gallant work of Second Lieutenant B. H. T. Barlow-Poole and Lance Serjeant W. Ashby that Lance Corporal White was able to be extricated and brought back. September 1916 mehr als die Hälfte der noch einsatzfähigen Soldaten dieses Kontingents getötet oder verwundet. (Reserve) The Officers shared the R.A.F. Everywhere shops were being opened and interiors cleaned. Rations and supplies were sent out daily by lorries with an armed escort. 6 (Bomber) Squadron, Royal Air Force, Ramleh, co-operated with the Battalion. During the month of September, 1936, official sanction was given for the demolition of houses as a punishment for acts of sabotage. Under the covering fire of a Naval Pom-Pom and machine guns, and assisted by two light tanks and two armoured cars, the Piquets established themselves on the heights on either side of the road, the Arabs withdrawing into the hills as our troops advanced. This was the first occasion on which gangs, organised and led by Fawzi El Kawakgi, had been engaged in Palestine. The King's Drums - 1938. Part of 9th Brigade, 3rd Division. "A" Company, later relieved by "B" Company. I have a memories of a ’Tut Tut’ Clarke who used to cry when I played ’No place like home’ on my mouth organ. The Striking Forces of other units co-operated by surrounding other villages in the same district. The Regimental HQ was at the TA Centre in Coldyhill Lane, Scunthorpe, with a detached battery at Barton on Humber. Throughout the period in Palestine, No. On many nights road patrols were sent out to ensure that the road was not being tampered with. Subsequent Divisional Manoeuvres took the Battalion by march route back to Cattenck. The largest convoy which came through consisted of no less than 63 vehicles. Das BVRC stellte während des Ersten Weltkriegs zwei Kontingente im Verbund des Lincolnshire Regiment. Kadoone Agricultural School, situated close to the Camp, was taken over by Battalion Headquarters and two Companies. Private J. The troopship sailed at about 3 p.m. on September 19 with the three Battalions on board. During its five months stay in Palestine the Battalion was at all times liable to annoyance from rebel Arabs. Index. Early in the beginning of the general strike, and as soon as the Arabs obtained sufficient arms, sniping used to be directed on cars running on the main roads in Palestine. On reaching the outskirts of the village of Beit Umrin a shot rang out from the olive groves near by, followed by heavier firing, until a fierce battle was very soon in prcgress. (printers) (Publisher) Production date 1937 Place made N.p. The brigade was attached to 28th Division between 17 February and 2 April 1915. Back in Jerusalem I met the Mufti, Hag Amin el Hussemi, on his way to the offices of the Supreme Council in Jerusalem. Through these hills runs the Tulkarm—Nablus road which was piquetted daily by the Battalion until permanent piquets were established by the middle of October. "Sussex" under the command of Lieutenant R. Hughes, Royal Navy, and Lieutenant M. Napier, Royal Navy. The first air reconnaissance machine was overhead twelve minutes after the first shot had been fired and quickly reported Arabs near Bala, about one-and-a-half miles away. In addition, two officers of other units were wounded ; one of our aeroplanes was shot down but landed safely with the Pilot, Squadron Leader H. M. Massey, D.S.O., M.C., Royal Air Force, wounded ; another aeroplane unfortunately crashed, both occupants being killed. Fawzi El Kawakgi, with his gangs, left Palestine towards the end of October - 15,000 Arabs giving an enthusiastic farewell as they crossed the border into Trans-Jordania. This selection of photographs is from John's time in Palestine and includes Palestine, Israel, Eqypt, Sarafand, Nathanya, Port-Said, Tel-Letwinsky, Tel-Aviv, Jaffa and Trans-Jordan. [printed in Germany] H. R. Tweed. Another armoured car followed up the rear of the column. The Lincolnshire Regiment began as: 1. It was quite pleasant, after so long an absence of these features, to be jostled by donkeys, nearly knocked over by goats, importuned by peddlers, and drenched by water sellers as one descended David-street. It was with the very deepest regret that we said goodbye. September 1916 mehr als die Hälfte der noch einsatzfähigen Soldaten dieses Kontingents getötet oder verwundet. Second Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment. (Reserve), A very praiseworthy effort was made by the Battalion Boxing Team to win the Malta Command Inter-Unit Boxing Tournament. Lance Corporal A. Berry. On September 25, 1935, the Italian advance in Abyssinia began. The major portion of the population is Jewish—mostly German. 14 November 1915 : transferred to 62nd Brigade, 21st Division. This friendly gesture was much appreciated by all. On Special Service in Malta and Palestine, 19th September, 1935-20th December, 1936, 52 pp., Printed by N.A.A.F.I., 1937 : The History of the Second Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment in North-West Europe. No. Four days later, on September 18, the Battalion was played down by the Band of the 2nd Battalion The Royal Scots Fusiliers to Richmond Station, where it entrained in the drizzling rain at midnight. John Searby's War Department Driving Permits, A more recent Middle East campaign - Iraq, 2008, Newsletters of the 2nd Bn - Palestine 1947-1948,, 1st Battalion August 1914 : in Portsmouth. Each piquet consisted of a platoon and the men remained in the piquet for a week at a time. The following message was also received from the Brigade Commander:- 1950.06: Jordan: Aqaba. The Striking Force ("C" Company), which had by now deployed, worked round the east end of the hill on which the Arabs had taken up their positions and the leading Platoons were close up to the sangars when a heavy fire was suddenly opened on our advancing troops, with the result that several casualties were suffered. Son of William Carter, of 4, Industry Cottages, Long Leys Rd., Lincoln. After this hot and tiring wait, the train reached Tulkarm at 3 p.m. On arrival at Tulkarm, the Battalion had a rush job getting settled in for the night. Commemorated on TYNE COT MEMORIAL, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. As the troops neared the road the flashes of rifles, on the hills close by, could clearly be seen but the Arabs were prevented from interfering with the embusment by the well directed fire of the Naval Pom-Pom and mortars which had been left as escort to the lorries. After debussmg some 12 miles south of Jenin, the Striking Force advanced over very rough and broken ground. With the ending of the Arab strike to-day Palestine resumed its normal life, for the first time for six months. The Battalion reached the Grand Harbour, Valletta, in beautiful weather on the morning of September 27. 4 Platoon, "A" Company, leaving one section on the Piquet position, followed up the retreating Arabs. "Exeter". The people attending that waited for the special service at seven, which attracted one of the largest congregations he had ever known. Subsequent Divisional Manoeuvres took the Battalion by march route back to Cattenck. At the latter six demolitions were carried out on one afternoon as a punishment for the battle which took place nearby on September 3. Signaller H. Beckett. From our special correspondent George Massey - Palestine 1944-1947. A new military policy was announced by the General Staff this evening. In most cases these acts of sabotage were serious and were caused by Arab saboteurs removing rails in front of on-coming trains. The convoys varied in size and consisted mostly of Jewish vehicles. Immediately any act of sabotage occurred, such as mines on the road or a railway derailment, the Striking Force of the Battalion was at once sent out and, before any warning could be given, surrounded the village nearest to where the incident had taken place. In the meanwhile the Italian advance in Abyssinia made little progress and Marshal De Bono was replaced by Marshal Graziani as Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Armies. "Nevasa" making three troopships in all, a unique spectacle and one not seen since the Great War. I am sure that the three Services under my command will maintain the high reputation they have already established, and, by courtesy and consideration shown to the inhabitants, assist in the restoration of more normal conditions." Panel 35 to 37 and 162 to 162A. Jerusalem, Monday. It was during the final phase of the operations on the night September 13th/14th that the Commanding Officer (Lieut.-Colonel E. P. Lloyd, D.S.O.) Later, the donkeys were almost ready to pull the lorries out! It was quite a relief to reach the spice bazaars, from which sweet scents exuded, indicating that the inmates there had also resumed activity. The Striking Force ("C" Company) embussed and was off within a few minutes of the order to move being received. Meanwhile divisional commanders will report what reduction in precautionary measures is possible. Later, these duties were taken over by H.M.S. Donkeys were hired and a Battalion "donkey squad" formed! An important action took place in the neighbourhood of Bala on this date, lasting from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock when dusk was falling. These patrols usually consisted of armoured cars, Naval Pom-Pom with searchlight and one or more lorries each carrying a rifle section. At Hadera the train was held up for six hours owing to a derailment at Qaqun (the next station). Ended: 16 Nov, 2020 18:00:38 GMT. Newsletters - Palestine 1947-1948 More determined steps had, however to be taken. In the distance, and fringing the sea, are the Jewish settlements, some 12 miles away. The whole area was thoroughly searched but no Arabs were located. 's, Dorsets, East Yorks, and ourselves took part in a huge drive across the whole area. In the early morning information was received that once more an ambush was being staged at "Windy Corner". Station at Calafrana, gives additional information and contains some most generous and kind remarks. It was only natural that this caused considerable excitement and, from a small beginning, the affair developed into a major action. © The Lincoln Branch of The Royal Lincolnshire and Royal Anglian Regimental Association. "Foreword by Rt.Hon The Earl of Ancaster who commanded the Lincolnshire Yeomanry in 1914" With the Lincolnshire Yeomanry in Egypt and Palestine, 1914-1918 | Imperial War Museums Do you have 5 minutes to help us improve our website? And so after fifteen months of Special Duty in Malta and Palestine, the Battalion reached Home once more, in time to spend a happy and well-deserved Christmas in happier surroundings. Every man in the Battalion became quite at home in the water, and many gained Royal Humane Society silver medals and bronze medallions. 1782 - 10th (North Lincolnshire) Foot 4. The trouble started when two tanks, carrying out a reconnaissance, broke down in the mountains about 7 miles from Tulkarm. By this time the enemy's fire was being directed from the front and both flanks of the Striking Force but our riflemen, machine and Lewis gunners, with accurate shooting, covered the withdrawal and prevented heavy casualties. I entered it just after special prayers had ended in the Mosque of Akhsa. A. J. Cary-Elwes, Company Serjeant Majors H. Hopper and C. Haviland and Serjeants C. Semmens and B. Gell. Condolences on the casualties sustained by the Battalion were sent by the High Commissioner, General Sir Arthur Wauchope, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., C.I.E., D.s.o. May we as a Battalion be allowed to express in print our sense of real and deep appreciation of the unstinted kindness and assistance given us at all times by Group Captain Sowrey and all ranks of the R.A.F. … The determined opposition and accuracy of fire, together with experienced use of cover and ground, showed that these bandits were a far different proposition to the local and semi-organised gangs previously encountered. Details about WWII General Service Palestine Medal Pte F Woodhouse Lincolnshire Regiment See original listing. On average, for the three years of this conflict, five British soldiers were killed every seven days. These were provided by H.M.S. DEAR MR. EDITOR, Moreover, the Warrant Officers and Sergeants share the same Sergeants' Mess, and the soldiers and airmen, though having separate dming-halls, share the same Institute. In Malta practice air raids became a common-place occurrence and schemes of defence were put into force and rehearsed - but beyond this the Battalion led a very peaceful existence during an unusually fine and pleasant winter. Killed in action 22nd August 1917. The ablutions were somewhat simple, as each man was only allowed seven pints of water per diem for all purposes. (Main Guard Valletta) The 10th Regiment of Foot was raised in 1685 during the Monmouth Rebellion as Colonel Sir John Greville's Regiment of Foot. Camp Pardes-Hana, Israel, April 1946. On occasions the Arabs dug old Turkish 18-pounder shells into the road as mines, and were occasionally successful in blowing up a vehicle in the convoy on its way through. The difficulty of keeping the line open was never successfully overcome, but a great deal was done by providing pilot engines manned by naval crews, and Ford V-8 armoured trucks manned by troops of the 2nd Battalion The Cheshire Regiment which preceded each train as it went down the line. The air was filled with the cries of street hawkers, mingled with the sound of cranking motors. 87 Airborne Field Regiment RA arrived on HMT Devonshire in 1947 after being newly-formed in India. Hermanville-sur-Mer 6 June 1944 to Lengerich 8 May, 1945. North. As the months went by, the situation became more and more serious, and additional troops were drafted into Palestine to assist in keeping order. The donkeys assisted in carrying up stores, rations and water to the piquets daily. One Arab, severely wounded, was left on the ground, smoking a cigarette the gift of his captor; three more Arabs, of whom two were wounded, were also taken. The Lincolnshire Regiment (commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel E. P. Lloyd, D.S.O.) On December 11 the Battalion marched out of Tulkarm, with the Band playing for the first time since the arrival in Palestine, and entrained for Haifa where it embarked in the specially Hired Transport S.S. "California", together with the 2nd Battalion The South Wales Borderers and the 1st Battalion The King's Own Scottish Borderers. Private S. Ayre. Shops, closed throughout the strike, reopened, markets were busy again, the roads were filled with vehicles, and everywhere smiles and cheers indicated the general relief. "Until Friday the British forces will adopt defensive tactics, responding only to unprovoked aggression. © The Lincoln Branch of The Royal Lincolnshire and Royal Anglian Regimental Association. Searchlight Detachment, Royal Engineers. 1 Piquet advanced to its position, covered by the fire of machine guns, riflemen and Lewis gunners. If possible such houses were those belonging to Arab leaders or organisers of terrorist gangs. Signaller R. Bailey. In this connexion, it is of interest to note the wording of the Balfour Declaration:- Haifa is now a town of considerable importance, containing as it does an important outlet for the pipe lines of the 'Iraq Petroleum Company. All units were recalled back to their camps before any tangible results could be obtained. No known grave. It was always found to be difficult to find Arab gangs in the hills as, amongst the mass of rocks, well concealed caves provided excellent hiding places. Sunday 28-07-1918. Escorts for buses will be withdrawn. 1751 - 10th Foot 3. John served as an MT Driver, with the 1st Battalion, The Royal Lincolnshire Regiment. 23rd April, 1936 The cordial co-operation of the three Services has enabled many severe blows to be inflicted upon the rebels and has made possible the maintenance of all essential services. On October 7 our first piquet was established, and by October 17 six piquets in all had been established on either side of the Tulkarm—Ramin Road. On arriving near Jaba the Royal Scots Fusiliers could be seen engaged with the enemy on the bare and rocky hills but, as daylight was failing, our troops were not called on to deploy. He told me that he had been in the mosque since five a.m., when the first service of the day was held. Nothing was too much trouble for any of them, and the happiest of associations resulted. They were driven out to rendezvous in lorries! Corporal J. Wilkes, D.C.M., was killed, Captain J. V. Faviell, M.C., Commanding "C" Company, and Privates J. Dinsdale and C. Cudworth, wounded. The following Detachments were provided by the Battalion while at Tulkarm:-, While at Tulkarm the Battalion was visited, amongst others, by the following:-. For the first time since April Jewish 'buses were running without escort, maintaining regular services to all parts of the city. 1685 - Granville's Regiment of Foot 2. Palestine – 1917. Troops attached to the Battalion were gradually withdrawn back to Egypt. Detachments of the Royal Navy with a Pom-Pom and Searchlight, mounted on lorries. As we passed Arabs gave the nearest approach to a cheer I have ever heard from them. On many occasions wireless "XX" Calls were sent out for air reconnaissance and the prompt arrival of machines in the air was always received with acclamation. The many thousands who attended testified to their love of music and the enthusiasm displayed proved their appreciation of good playing, under the able direction of Bandmaster R. Williams. Second Battalion the Lincolnshire Regiment on special service in Malta and Palestine 19th September 1935 - 20th December 1936. description. September last year and has been accommodated at the return to normal had a dramatic effect and reduced. Sinai and Palestine 19th September 1935 - 20th December 1936. description 7 a.m. ( 9... Rough weather was encountered and remained with us all the rest of the exceptional,! Royal Tank Corps, under the command of Lieutenant R. Hughes, Royal Force! The shops assistants were busy dressing windows and arranging interiors, in common with the ending of the.! Valletta, in charge been in the construction of the previous months, as each was! And R. Guttridge and Signaller R. Steele for arms is under consideration kämpfte Juni! Remained with us all the rest of the Royal Lincolnshire and Royal Anglian Regimental.. Seize these and blow them up, D.S.O. loss of his first was. Fringing the sea, are the Jewish settlements, some 12 miles South of Jenin, the affair into. Newsletters - Palestine 1947-1948 George Massey - Palestine 1947 Newsletters - Palestine 1947-1948 Massey... An MT Driver, with a detached battery at Barton on Humber on! Other Army regiments and named the 10th ( North Lincolnshire ) Foot 4 considerably... Out, headed by the afternoon of July 18 oder verwundet 1st Lincolns lincolnshire regiment palestine June 1915 onwards about. 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