Synonyme: 1) vertraut Anwendungsbeispiele: 1) Von Schiller und Goethe wird behauptet, daß sie eine intime Freundschaft pflegten. 1) Er gilt als intimer Kenner der deutschsprachigen Theaterszene. Synonyms for inform of include let in on, acquaint with, disclose to, fill in on, let into, make aware of, put somebody in the picture, reveal to, share and tell. 75.0%. Synonyms; Sentences; Quotes; Spanish; Home; Sentences; inform; Inform sentence examples. As a verb inform is (archaic|transitive) to instruct, train (usually in matters of knowledge). Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Inform? Let’s discuss each – 2:12 min read 2,791 Views Ramya Shankar — Grammar Tips. "She found the cat." Synonyms for 'convey': imply, get at, hedge, fudge, evade, skirt, parry, intimate, mince (your) words, broad, circumlocution, en passant, evasion This is the British English definition of intimate.View American English definition of intimate. Synonyms for Inform (other words and phrases for Inform). information, facts, data, intelligence, news, reports. Find more similar words at! Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Another word for inform: tell, advise, let someone know, notify, brief | Collins English Thesaurus is this right "we await your intimation regarding where we should forward your mail?" Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Inform? 1 decade ago. As adjectives the difference between intimate and inform is that intimate is closely acquainted; familiar while inform is without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed. Synonyms for intimate in Free Thesaurus. But only his intimate friends are aware how he appreciates literature and art, and how solid his acquirements are in both. Definition and synonyms of intimate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. inform; intimate; lead to; leave evidence; leave trace; leave tracks; notify; point to; post; suggest; tell; warn; wise up Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. Ihre Suche im Wörterbuch nach in Form von ergab folgende Treffer: Zurück zur bereichsübergreifenden Suche. As verbs the difference between intimate and inform is that intimate is to suggest or disclose discreetly while inform is (archaic|transitive) to instruct, train (usually in matters of knowledge). having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship 1. pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders 1; marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity 1. intimate friend 1; intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles 1; thoroughly acquainted through study or experience 1. this girl, so intimate with nature 1 17.4%. Thesaurus Trending Words. Dodichet entered the room as jauntily as if it were a tavern, leading his intimate friend by the hand. Some common synonyms of intimate are hint, imply, insinuate, and suggest. (countable) if somebody is your intimate, he/she is your very close friend. äußere plastische Gestalt mit bestimmten … 1b. Synonyme (Andere Wörter) für Inform & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Inform. Synonym for inform both words are synonyms but intimate means one other meaning also that is to make physical relations inform: report; inform; announce; state; notify; make known; send word; point out; indicate; tell; instil; call attention to; instill; brief; instruct; explain; teach; prepare; train; learn; impart; communicate; intimate; make one's opinion known; inform; comunicate; advice; get in touch with 78. While all these words mean "to convey an idea indirectly," intimate stresses delicacy of suggestion without connoting any lack of candor. formal to mention a law, principle, or idea in order to support an argument or to explain an action. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Indeed, this idea of unity in substance in nature seems to accord with some innate desire or intimate structure of the human mind. Improve this question. TBC. spousing / ˈspaʊzɪŋ / noun. inform: report ; inform ; announce ; state ; notify ; make known ; send word ; point out ; indicate ; tell ; instil ; call attention to ; instill ; brief ; instruct ; explain ; teach ; prepare ; train ; learn ; impart ; communicate ; … What is the meaning of intimate? Synonyms. Intimate means being close. mention verb. Suche nach inform. 1) Er gilt als intimer Kenner der deutschsprachigen Theaterszene. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Intimate definition is - marked by a warm friendship developing through long association. snowflake. Synonyms for Inform (other words and phrases for Inform). Top inform synonyms (related to intimate) are indicate, suggest and hint. Inform: to give information (as to the authorities) about another's improper or unlawful activities. invoke verb. 2) „Immer mehr Männer stehen darauf, sich intim zu rasieren. Synonyms for intimate in Free Thesaurus. pick up. Synonyme: 1) traulich Anwendungsbeispiele: 1) Wir trafen uns jeden Samstag in trauter Runde. Synonyms for intimate include close, friendly, familiar, dear, thick, chummy, tight, bosom, cordial and faithful. 4 years ago. 70, No. Wörterbuch oder Synonyme. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. intimated definition: 1. past simple and past participle of intimate 2. to make clear what you think or want without…. to say something during a conversation, but not discuss it much or give many details. 1) Er gilt als intimer Kenner der deutschsprachigen Theaterszene. Find more ways to say intimate, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find more similar words at! to be mentioned and need to be considered. 5 years ago. to intimate: Wortzusammensetzungen: neu mitteilen: to reinform: Sprachgebrauch: Problemlösungsmöglichkeiten mitteilen: to advise on ways to fix a problem: die Bank muß dies mitteilen: the bank must give notice to this effect: dürfen wir Ihnen mitteilen dass: may we inform you that: einen Beschluss mitteilen: to communicate a motion: ich kann Ihnen mitteilen dass: I can inform you that: … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; additional terms may apply. inform - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. 137 synonyms for intimate: close, dear, loving, near, warm, friendly, familiar, thick, devoted, confidential, cherished, bosom, inseparable, nearest and dearest. What is the definition of intimate? The impressions of one of his most intimate friends, as conveyed at the time by letter, may fitly be quoted here. As a verb inform is (archaic|transitive) to instruct, train (usually in matters of knowledge). Without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed. Intimate (verb = inform) is, after all, spelled like intimate (adjective = private, secret). You usage is correct as intimation means communication. Synonyms for inform in Free Thesaurus. What is the definition of intimate? Another word for intimate. 5.3%. 2) „Immer mehr Männer stehen darauf, sich intim zu rasieren.“ Typische Wortkombinationen: 2) intime Beziehung, intimes Verhältnis Wortbildungen: Intimität, Intimsphäre, Intimsprache 2) Intimbe Source(s): word intimate meaning inform: Intimate definition, associated in close personal relations: an intimate friend. Synonyms for reapply include apply again, reaudition, rebid, re-petition, re-request, ask again, reregister, retry and try again. British informal gen. Word of the day. Join our early testers! Synonym for inform both words are synonyms but intimate means one other meaning also that is to make physical relations very. One can use the word 'intimate' for inform, but rather as a synonym for insinuation, as in : Are you intimating that I can't spell? Another word for inform: tell, advise, let someone know, notify, brief | Collins English Thesaurus 67 synonyms for inform: tell, advise, let someone know, notify, brief, instruct, enlighten, acquaint, leak to, communicate to, fill someone in.... What are synonyms for inform? Word of the Day: footloose. Wörterbuch oder Synonyme. 3 307 Synonyme für Inform (andere Wörter und Sätze für Inform) - Seite 2. 14.8%. Synonyms for intimated include said, stated, announced, asserted, attested, declared, exclaimed, remarked, affirmed and alleged. To give form or character to; to inspire (with a given quality); to affect, influence (with a pervading principle, idea etc.). What is the meaning of intimate? Synonyme: 1) vertraut Anwendungsbeispiele: 1) Von Schiller und Goethe wird behauptet, daß sie eine intime Freundschaft pflegten. intimated definition: 1. past simple and past participle of intimate 2. to make clear what you think or want without…. 73. little information synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'litter',lithe',litigate',listless', definition. See Wiktionary Terms of Use for details. Synonyms for inform in Free Thesaurus. informal info, low-down. 67 synonyms for inform: tell, advise, let someone know, notify, brief, instruct, enlighten, acquaint, leak to, communicate to, fill someone in.... What are synonyms for inform? How do you use intimate in a sentence? Nachschlagen oder Nachschlagen → Duden-Mentor. See more. Follow edited Feb 9 '17 at 16:56. Which sentence looks more formal and polite to the recipient? Substantiv, feminin – 1. das Informieren; Unterrichtung über eine … 2a. Antonyms for intimate. Source (s): Jetzt Texte prüfen und Zeit sparen → Mehr erfahren . Synonyms for inform include tell, advise, brief, enlighten, apprise, notify, acquaint, instruct, edify and update. The CSS Point is not responsible for any fact/information mentioned in this booklet. SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS English (Precis & Composition) Note: This material is intended to be correct and relevant to the subject but not guaranteed as 100% accurate. Synonyme: 1) vertraut Anwendungsbeispiele: 1) Von Schiller und Goethe wird behauptet, daß sie eine intime Freundschaft pflegten. Imitate, Intimate & Intimidate This grammar article talks about three similar looking and sounding words, but believe me they are not at all related. To intimate is a rare verb meaning to inform someone privately. What are synonyms for intimate? 4 ‘National Trust staff develop an intimate knowledge of the countryside ... 5 ‘it is your duty to inform the police of your knowledge’ SYNONYMS. ColleenV. Substantiv, feminin – 1a. said the colonel triumphantly and gaily. Allow me to inform you... 121. Inform synonyms. Looking for definition of Intimate? Synonyms for "inform" in Englisch including definitions, and related words. Antonyms for intimate. refer to phrasal verb . As a noun intimation is the act of intimating; also, the thing intimated. Understand inform meaning and enrich your vocabulary The CSS Point 2013/06/11 … View the pronunciation for intimate. Imitate, Intimate & Intimidate This grammar article talks about three similar looking and sounding words, but believe me they are not at all related. 85. Another way to say Inform? 0 0. This is you to inform that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. See more. to mention someone or something when you are speaking or writing. Share. . Improve this question. dem Inhalt entsprechende Art der … 1c. And so it is with all his intimate relations, which are unusually sweet and tender. raise verb. 126. Synonym Discussion of intimate. As a noun intimate is a very close friend. Follow edited Feb 5 '15 at 5:59. Inform Synonym. "This is to inform you that the document you asked for has been completed." This Site Might Help You. Font size: Imitate (verb) – simply put, imitate is to copy someone or something, do same things as someone else. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; (archaic) To instruct, train (usually in matters of knowledge). “ Typische Wortkombinationen: 2) intime Beziehung, intimes Verhältnis Wortbildungen: Intimität, Intimsphäre, Intimsprache 2) Intimb Learn more. (obsolete) To make known, wisely and/or knowledgeably. What are synonyms for intimate? It's here! 2, No. Change your default dictionary to American English. Wörterbuch Information. inform " Inform the prince that I the bridge fired!" Definition of intimate_2 verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. See definitions & examples. A small restaurant is called intimate because you're sitting close to the other people, and your best friends are considered your intimate friends. How do you use intimate in a sentence? Intimate definition, associated in close personal relations: an intimate friend. This is a complied work; all contents are being taken from different internet sources. (archaic) To take form; to become visible or manifest; to appear. inform synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'informal',informed',informer',infirm', definition. Define Intimate by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. intimate verb (intimates, intimated, intimating) inform verb (informs, informed, informing) make one's opinion known verb. 431, September 1851. sentence-construction. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Though there is the chamber wall seen behind the chair, there is nothing to intimate that the door or the window is closed. Anonymous. Antonyms for inform. Share. Let’s discuss each – 2:12 min read 2,791 Views Ramya Shankar — Grammar Tips. Font size: Imitate (verb) – simply put, imitate is to copy someone or something, do same things as someone else. 2) „Immer mehr Männer stehen darauf, sich intim zu rasieren.“ Typische Wortkombinationen: 2) intime Beziehung, intimes Verhältnis Wortbildungen: Intimität, Intimsphäre, Intimsprache 2) Intimbe Intimate explanation. 73. Understand tell meaning and enrich your vocabulary Intimate definition: If you have an intimate friendship with someone, you know them very well and like them a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Sprichwörter: 1) Trautes Heim, Glück allein Typische Wortkombinationen: 1) traute Zweisamkeit, trauter Familienkreis, traute Runde Übersetzungen . All the 3 have different meanings! Find more similar words at! Synonyme für "informieren" 819 gefundene Synonyme 37 verschiedene Bedeutungen für informieren Ähnliches & anderes Wort für informieren To inform is about 20 times more common. put off. Find more similar words at! You've not been intimate with Mr. Wickfield, I think, Mr. Traddles? Wörterbuch Form. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? As a noun intimation is the act of intimating; also, the thing intimated. But he had to go, for other reasons beside the one that this was the end of all intimate relation between him and Helen. What are synonyms for intimate? information synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'informative',inform',informality',informal', definition. Synonym: bosom friend Antonym: unfriendly . 37k 13 13 gold badges 108 108 silver badges 208 208 bronze badges. 90.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.000 Übersetzungen. lore. Nachschlagen oder Nachschlagen → Duden-Mentor. Word of the Day: jalopy. 8, January, 1851, San-Cravate; or, The Messengers; Little Streams, Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. This time, Daniel Brennan was not available to inform us and it was just my bored web surfing that spotted the notice. Thanks, Charmi. Jetzt Texte prüfen und Zeit sparen → Mehr erfahren . His intimate friend, who came with him, had the good fortune to be close to Bertha, and had witnessed all that had occurred. With reference to your broadband connection application, I would like to inform you that our service is available in your building and I am writing to inform you that one of our engineers is going to be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to arrange a visit. * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-07, author=(. come up phrasal verb. Antonyms for inform. Find more similar words at! See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. 3 307 Synonyme für Inform (andere Wörter und Sätze für Inform) - Seite 2. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: inform [sb] that⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "intimate apparel" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. How to use intimate in a sentence. Understand information meaning and … RE: Is there a word "intimate" meaning "inform" ? Understand little information meaning and enrich your vocabulary Curious. intimate - Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. This is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. Synonyme (Andere Wörter) für Inform & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Inform. "I would like to inform you that the document you asked for has been completed." Or. All the 3 have different meanings! phrase-usage politeness formal-language correspondence. Synonyms: fink, grass (on), rat (on)… Find the right word. tell synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'tell off',telling',tell off',tall', definition. intimates that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Learn more. to intimate: Wortzusammensetzungen: neu mitteilen: to reinform: Sprachgebrauch: Problemlösungsmöglichkeiten mitteilen: to advise on ways to fix a problem: die Bank muß dies mitteilen: the bank must give notice to this effect: dürfen wir Ihnen mitteilen dass: may we inform you that: einen Beschluss mitteilen: to communicate a motion: ich kann Ihnen mitteilen dass: I can inform you that: … 33.7%. intimate | definition: marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity | synonyms: close| antonyms: distant, contraindicate Another way to say Inform? CowperKettle. Ihre Suche im Wörterbuch nach inform ergab folgende Treffer: Zurück zur bereichsübergreifenden Suche. Synonyms for intimate in English including definitions, and related words. Therefore, there can be thus far no intimate relations among nations. , date=2013-06-07, author= (, leading his intimate friends, as conveyed at the time by letter, fitly... Freundschaft pflegten → Mehr erfahren in Englisch including definitions, and suggest more formal and polite to the authorities about.: Use the Correct word Every time Difference Between “ it ’ s each!, as conveyed at the time by letter, may fitly be quoted here 1851. Für inform ) - Seite 2 word `` intimate '' meaning `` inform the prince that the! Insinuate, and definitions Von Schiller und Goethe wird behauptet, daß sie eine intime Freundschaft pflegten “ ”. Mr. Traddles all, spelled like intimate ( verb = inform ) Wörterbuch. Discuss each – 2:12 min read 2,791 Views Ramya Shankar — Grammar.... 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