Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) This course covers how to teach massage for infants, older children, children with special needs, and touch therapy for premature infants. HTML with link. The following is a partial list of the almost 15,000 instructors nationwide that have been certified through Infant Massage WINC™ (dba for IAIM® incorporated in 1986). CLICK HERE FOR OUR BABY YOGA INSTRUCTOR TRAINING … I’m a mother and an infant massage instructor, who is passionate about the power of baby massage. Infant Massage Instructor Certification Training is an internationally-recognized course to certify you to teach families to massage their babies. Benefits of infant massage have long been known to include healthy growth and development, enhanced bonding and attachment, and improved sleep for child and parent. You’ll learn infant massage strokes, infant cues and communication, the research on and clinical benefits of infant massage, group facilitation and teaching skills, touch approaches for the growing child and adaptations for the baby with special needs. A parent class is usually 60 to 90 minutes in length, held once a week for five weeks, and taught to a half-dozen parents at a time. Certificate programs in massage therapy are often comprised of three semesters. Baby massage can provide so many wonderful benefits, not only to infants, but to the family unit. image info × Source. Infant Massage by a Certified Infant Massage Teacher, Nobody's perfect with our Certified Nobody's Perfect facilitators During this webinar, learn evidence-based benefits of infant massage, review current infant massage research, discover how to become certified to teach infant massage, and understand the importance of nurturing touch in healthy emotional relationships. She is a certified neonatal therapist. Course participants prepare to become Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMI®) qualified to teach parents/primary caregivers how to massage their newborns and children. Certified Infant Massage Teachers is abbreviated as CIMT. – Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) & Paediatric Massage Consultant (PMC), certified by Infant Massage Information Service – Birthlight Baby Yoga Teacher, certified by Birthlight (International) – Rainbow Kids & Family Yoga Teacher, certified by Rainbow Kids Yoga (International) Accreditations and Certifications. This home study continuing education course teaches simple routines for general massage, as well as exercises to stimulate muscle development and coordination. ILTF is an accredited program that provides trainings, resources and classes in the field of infant and pediatric massage. Find out about the many ways infant massage can help your baby and support you as a parent. the International Association of Infant Massage's UK Chapter provides parent educators with information and teaching on baby massage, infant cues and language, together with courses, study days and literature for parents, carers and professionals. IAIM offers the most extensive and comprehensive training for infant massage instructors available in our field. Become a Certified Infant Massage Educator with Infant Massage Australia. Although the designation is not necessary in every state or for every school, a credential from a NCBTMB approved teacher training program can enhance employment and salary opportunities. The benefits of infant massage have been enjoyed in other cultures for centuries and now Australian parents can learn the techniques that will help their babies make the most of the miracle of touch.. Alternative Meanings 64 alternative CIMT meanings. Learn how to teach infant massage with our baby massage instructor course across the UK and in your home. Our program is taught by highly respected international trainers with over 25 years of experience teaching infant massage and their passion for the importance of nurturing touch for infants make this a course not to be missed. Certificate in Massage Therapy. Infant massage instructor training. Infant Massage WINC™ trains and certifies CIMI®s who in turn teach parents and caregivers to massage their babies. To earn the title of "Certified Infant Massage Therapist/Instructor" Basic infant massage can soothe an anxious baby, and will provide all of the wonderful benefits that massage holds for adults. Explore pediatric massage: how to become trained in this area, the applications for pediatric massage, the … In this training you will learn from experienced trainers and faculty with professional backgrounds and knowledge of touch and massage interventions from hospital to home visitation to community-based settings. I've combined the art and science of the ancient tradition of infant massage with the experience and heart of a mother so that other parents can expand their toolbox of natural ways to help their babies be healthier and happier. Infant massage must be experienced to fully appreciate the benefits for parent and baby. IAIM, Canada - AIMB, Canada® is a not-for-profit charitable organization working to promote our infant massage program to parents, caregivers, and people who work or wish to work with infants in Canada. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) sets forth requirements to become an Approved Provider. The Many Benefits of Infant Massage . The benefits produce bonding and attachment, communication and circulation, which helps colic, wind, constipation and postnatal depression They are led by IAIM Trainers who have completed an extensive and practical, multi-phase education program designed to ensure quality trainings that you will truly enjoy. The program combines prenatal massage with infant massage therapy. The training is presented through Powerpoint presentations, lecture, audio-visual aids, discussion, and hands-on participation with dolls through a demonstration lab with parents and their newborns. The certification enables the participant to teach parents and caregivers how to massage their babies as well as giving lectures. Certification qualifies the student to demonstrate and guide parents and caregivers in the practical application of infant massage. Recently Dr Jeanson completed her Neonatal Touch and Massage Therapy certification. Become a Certified Infant Massage Instructor. You will discover how nurturing touch can help strengthen the bonding process as well as promote numerous other health benefits. Participants will become a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI®) through the International Loving Touch Foundation. Early Education consulting services for program development licensing support (policy writing, challenges with environment, staff and/or parents), behaviour support, Infant Toddler program and curriculum, Preschool support. Participants will be qualified to teach parents/primary caregivers how to massage their infants and children after completing the 2 day instructor training and completing the written exam & follow up practicum experience. There are no prerequisites for this certificate; training begins at basic level, so all are welcome. This course also includes 30 minutes of online technique demonstrations from a certified infant massage therapist as she teaches a class. As a Certified Infant Massage Teacher you have the unique opportunity to impact a child and their family for a lifetime. Instead,their role is to promote the nurturing touch and facilitate communication between parents and babies through teaching and coaching. Learn to teach Infant Massage. Massage & Bodywork Educator Certification. Types of Infant Car Seat Covers; Inspiring Newborn Nursery Photos; Stylish Options for Baby Diaper Bags ; Benefits for Babies. Promotes parent/child attachment and bonding. The International Association of Infant Massage offers instructor trainings around the world. She is also a certified infant massage instructor and a certified child passenger safety technician (car seat). What is Pediatric Massage? We offer an extensive training program to qualify individuals to become Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMIs) and support them in their teaching journey for years to come. Infant massage is a communication process that parents and babies share which promotes these values. As a certified Infant Massage Educator Trainer with Infant Massage Australia Inc, Amanda co-facilitates a 3-day Infant/Baby Massage Educator Training workshop where you can learn to teach parents and caregivers infant/baby massage – empowering them to connect with their children through nurturing touch. ILTF was officially incorporated in 1992 although its founder began teaching infant massage in the early 70’s. Australian Physiotherapy Association . By training with our highly respected organisation you will join a worldwide network of Certified Infant Massage Instructors which offer parent to learn a supportive environment to teach a life-long parenting skill. The training programme focuses on a good start in life for parents and babies from birth to one year old. links. Certified Infant Massage Instructor. However, as a CIMT you receive direct benefits as well. The IAIM Instructor training offers you a wonderful opportunity to support parents and primary caregivers, by helping them learn how to lovingly and respectfully communicate with their babies through massage. Please note this is a baby yoga course based on traditional baby yoga movements, songs and sensory play and does not qualify you as an adult yoga or child yoga teacher. Infant Touch and Massage Instructor Certification Trainings. Abbreviation in images. CIMT - Carotid Intima-Media Thickness; CIMT - Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy; CIMT - Crime Involving Moral Turpitude; CIMT - Cancer Immunotherapy; CIMT - Carotid artery intima-media thickness; images . Related Articles. Massage therapists interested in working with infants and their parents must complete certification as infant massage instructors. A Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) teaches parents to massage their babies in a group or private class setting. Teaching Infant Massage is a rewarding opportunity, promoting well-being and enhancing bonding between infants and their parents/caregivers. Students will learn to teach parents to massage their babies. Parents are empowered and a strong bond of trust is developed through the application of massage as learned in this class.