They come tote Separatists after clones accidently went through and called for back up and many of his people died. The Banking Clan is a bureau who takes credits from innocent civilians to add to their large banking factories hidden by a mirage on Corusaunt. The InterGalactic Banking Clan is an organization from the Star Wars universe.. Bodhi Rook and K-2SO steal Shuttle SW-0608 from Eadu and then fly the craft to Scarif as part of the Rogue One raid. I think while they are officially part of the Republic, they take a stance of public neutrality so they can sell to and invest money into both the CIS and Republic. The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic commerce guilds. InterGalactic Banking Clan, shortened to IGBC, was a banking organization that financed organizations and backed and certified galactic currency. Serenno Star Wars Legends: Darth Bane: Rule of Two: 2007 Comics A planet in the Outer Rim Territories. He pledged the monetary aid and support for theConfederacy of Independent Systems,and became a powerful and influential figure in the Confederacy as he was responsible for the creation of its military leader,General Grievous, who became the Supreme … The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic commerce guilds. Their green hulls protect an array of hangars and gun-positions, and they are mostly crewed by Driver Battle Droids. The Banking Clan, led by San Hill, allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY and fought in the Clone Wars until San Hill's murder in 19 BBY by Anakin Skywalker. The Banking Clan gives loans to whomever they want, because all they care about is making a profit on interest payments. It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. InterGalactic Banking Clan's gun platforms are the space defense of the IGBC's home planet of Muunilinst. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Starships of the Galaxy The InterGalactic Banking Clan learned early in it's existence that security meant profit. [Source] The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan or the IG Banking Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic's most powerful and influential commerce guilds. Often immune to political agendas and bias, they, themselves, were above discrimination and chose to serve every and all clients because of their status as the ultimate banking servicer. The publicly aligned members of the Banking Clan, Trade Federation, and Techno Union are considered 'rogue members' of their respective groups, as Trade Federation members say in one TCW episode in season 3 (Forget the name, but it was the second episode with Senator Chuchi playing a major role). The Munificent-class Star Frigate, commonly referred to as the Banking Clan Frigate, is a warship that was used primarily by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. The Confederacy certainly won't have any credit problems." Threads 147,283 Messages 1,992,631 Members 19,124 Latest member Hideki Satou The Banking Clan secretly allied itself with Count Dooku’s Separatist movement, which it bankrolled during the Clone Wars while continuing to do business with the Republic. San Hill is a male Muun from the planet of Munnilist who served as the Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Clone Wars. It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? According to Star Wars canon sources, the solar sailer is a luxurious yacht commissioned by Dooku from his allies on Geonosis prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. After that, the Republic/Galactic Empire nationalized the bank, ending its independence. Often immune to political agendas and bias, they, themselves, were above discrimination and chose to serve every and all clients because of their status as the ultimate banking servicer. The banking clan were the financial arm of the Separatists, furthering the anti-semitism by associating what is already a dogwhistle with the stereotypes that Jews control the world's money and are responsible for the world's wars.' This ship is first referred to as the Banking Clans Comms Ship in the Star Wars: Battlefront Series; this is also the only time it is referred to as this in Canon. This image uses the same language as those claims, but applies to to the Banking Clan from Star Wars. This is similar to banks in the real world. "Except perhaps for greed." So they've frozen all his ill-gotten assets but they still need your PCs personal ledgers to identify to whom and how much each of the fraud victims is owed. Founded to serve the needs of the inhabitants of the Gordian Reach this trading corporation prides itself on its efficiency and productivity and is under regulation by the Executive Council which oversaw its acquisition. The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan or the IG Banking Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic's most powerful and influential commerce guilds.It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. “The Banking Clan will sign your treaty.” - San Hill The InterGalactic Banking Clan, known also as the Banking Clan, IBC or the Galactic Banking Clan, was one of the most influential corporate titans in the twilight days of the Galactic Republic. They are in league with the Confederacy, suggesting that like many bureaucrats, they are evil. All foreign interests in the Banking Clan were excised and the Clan was repurposed to manage the Empire's finances and ensure that there was always enough capital to fund their wars along the frontier and across the galaxy. The InterGalactic Banking Clan. Each bitizen skill point decreases the amount of time needed to order each item by 1% per point, for a maximum of 27%. It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. While only 16.7 m (55 ft) long, it is surprisingly spacious with room for Dooku's databook library and fast with a Class 1.5 hyperdrive. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Zeta-class Imperial Shuttle. Maybe he is more like a Star Wars Bernie Madoff and the bankers are after him because he defrauded investors and made the IBC look complicit. The first pic is a general overview of the project. Register ... Star Wars RP: A Galaxy of Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ―Siri Tachi and Adi Gallia. This was mainly due to their heavy firepower and the relatively-low cost of making them. The Star Wars Miniatures line features hundreds of ready-to-play miniatures from the Star Wars universe. The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan or the IG Banking Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) is one of the Confederacy's most powerful and influential commerce guilds. The IGBC superseded political allegiances. Discounted times are rounded down to the nearest whole minute. Squadrons of Nantex-class starfighters, modified for OOM Pilot Droids, can be launched at a moment's notice, hitting any would-be attackers in massive swarms. They have five million droids In the factory building themselves. Orbit navigation Move camera: 1-finger drag or Left Mouse Button Pan: 2-finger drag or Right Mouse Button or SHIFT+ Left Mouse Button Zoom on object: Double-tap or Double-click on object Zoom out: Double-tap or Double-click on background Zoom: Pinch in/out or Mousewheel or … In the Star Wars universe, fiat currency was introduced as the "Galactic Credit Standard" by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, which resides on the planet Muunilinst.. InterGalactic Banking Clan, shortened to IGBC, was a banking organization that financed organizations and backed and certified galactic currency.The IGBC superseded political allegiances. The level is unreleased and cannot be built by any means. Wikis. Following the end of the Clone Wars, many of these ships have ended up in the hands of private organizations, small governments, and pirates. The InterGalactic Banking Clan is apparently involved with banking in a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars Miniatures: Banking Clan Frigate # 32 - Starship Battles. The Banking Clan plays both sides of the war. 1 Overview 2 History 3 Members 4 Notes & Trivia 5 See also 5.1 Media 5.2 The World of Star Wars 5.3 Star Wars miscellaneous 6 External Links 7 References In 22 BBY, the InterGalactic Banking Clan sent two Munificent-class star frigates to blockade a Galactic Republic convoy en route to the moon of Rugosa. The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic commerce guilds. The shuttle mimicked the larger Munificent-class star frigate in appearance, with horizontal wings and a stubby tailfin. To truly understand the history of the IGBC, one must also study the history of the Muun. IG Banking Clan is a Service level in Star Wars: Tiny Death Star. InterGalactic Banking Clan is the premier trading corporation of the Gordian Reach Authority. Games Movies TV Video. Seelos Star Wars Rebels: 2015 TV series Outer Rim desert planet with salty planes where Captain Rex and Commander Wolffe hid after the Clone Wars. The beginnings of the first InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC) coincide with the development of Muun society. You'll find heroes, villains, droids, creatures, and aliens of all descriptions. A pair of Clan representatives used a shuttle of this kind to visit the Quingarus Deluxe Droid Systems Factory during the Clone Wars. See more ideas about confederacy, star wars, clan. FANDOM. The Zeta-class shuttle is a versatile transport used by the Empire for military and civilian purposes, with a modular cargo pod housed below the holding bay and crew cabin. The InterGalactic Banking Clan. The Munificent-class star frigate, commonly referred to as the Banking Clan frigate or mostly known in the Clone Wars a Separatist Frigate, was a warship used by the InterGalactic Banking Clan and by extension the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It is a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. The Banking Clan shuttle was a small transport utilized by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Here's some info on it: Once employed purely by the Banking Clan (hence, "Banking Clan Frigates"), the Munificent-class became the primary battleship for the Separatist fleet. Cold mountainous Outer Rim world and site of a major vault of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. May 16, 2012 - "InterGalactic Bank Clan? The InterGalactic Banking Clan was an influential commerce guild of the Galactic Republic that was founded in 25,053 BBY. The in-game ship is a lot simpler than the Star Wars universe version shown below.