Benutzen Sie diesen online Text Korrektor um Rechtschreibe, Grammatik oder . iOS: Anki on the AppStore. anki anki-flashcards anki-deck Updated Mar 18, ... butuzov / deutsch Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests German / Deutsch. ( Log Out / This is very speculative, but I believe that this is why it is the case: First, I think there might be a onomatopoeic effect. Don't worry! Presenting a fresh and accessible description of the language, this engaging grammar uses clear, jargon-free explanations and sets out the complexities of German in short, readable sections. German placement test, German courses from level A1 to B1 and German courses for work. Generating the examples may seem like a lot of work; keep in mind that this is where and how you actually learn the grammar. Ich sehe (keine Bücher) It takes considerably longer time to review them ––– obviously it’s easier to learn the meaning of sentences than to learn how to form the German translations. Further, I’m ready to believe that this approach can be very effective, but I suspect that the effectiveness might step from the way he had engaged with the language, and that non-target material would not have detracted from progress, and probably accelerated it. (Wer) gibst du das Brötchen? Insert the word in the right spot: Regardless of this curious phenomenon, I think the mind creates “shortcuts” where they are necessary, the same way it does when one learns to play the piano, for example. [Who is he] [What does Johannes see?] I’ll generate questions like this one with google translate if i have to, then doublecheck them on lang-8), Welcher Fall? You’ll want a few cards in each case to deal with question words: Nominative: Ich sehe (ein Wagen) You’ll end up looking the word in the dictionary anyway, and thenceforward according to this naive theory you’ll arguably have to first think of the translated word first, lengthening the path your mind has to make whenever you recall the word (e.g. Vocabulary Program | A1, A2, B1, B2 | 4 out of 5 stars. (nach Hause) ––> Erik kommt heute nach Hause Heute Verb position is one of the most straightforward grammar concepts in German. (Was) sieht Johannes? More reinforcement with slightly different variables helps your brain generalize, so that when you try to play with “dieser”, for example, you will be more likely to pick the right ending naturally. I have not found this to be the case. Without more example, one might learn a “over-generalizing/simplified” rule. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. That being said, it still seems like the “danger” of learning target language words through another language is not real. How to use the Model Deck to learn Abstract Words and Grammar. What if I combine “möchte” with a separable prefix verb like “ankommen”? The program uses real-world German videos and turns them into language-learning opportunities. Front of card: Welcher Fall? It’s difficult doing so in the other way around. What new vocabulary and grammar do you need to move from upper beginner (A2) to lower intermediate (B1) German? In addition ––– as comical as it sounds like ––– the word “Topf” contains the English word “top”, which to me is very strongly associated with the way one uses a pot: you put a pot on top of the stovetop, and you put the lid on top of the pot. I attribute this error’s very long endurance to its similarity to other correct German words such as “Viertel” and “Achtel”, both of which were in the same deck) and letter permutations (e.g. (der/die/das) Bücher sind klein. 8 cards for adjective endings [I see the pretty car/city/car/books], Ich sehe das (schön) Auto 16 cards for indefinite/definite articles. 3. This doesn’t include sourcing native audios, learning how to use Anki and studying the cards. This will look like a lot of cards and you might be tempted to group a few together (For example, putting the 6 conjugations of “sein” on one card, or all the singular pronouns on another card). Ich sehe eine (schön) Stadt The focus is still on familiar topics and situations and clear speech. : der Mann Back of card: der Werfall/Nominativ: z.B. A student of German as a foreign language must learn the plural for each new noun learned; although many feminine nouns are very regular in the formation of the plural, many masculine and neuter nouns are not. Learning German grammar can be difficult and a good textbook can help you with the fundamentals. First of all, it takes significantly(!) You can worry about syncing later to your phone. This intuition(!) You’ll want Dative and Genitive versions of how “wer” and “was” change in different cases (or don’t change, for “was”). Anki Anki is a kind of flashcard software and it is my favourite language learning tool. Umlauts were often dropped (e.g. Heute kommt Erik nach Hause ( ‘heute’) (Today is coming Erik home) Think of a smart electronic flashcard. ihr ___ reich (sein) I have been interested in learning languages the way native speakers learn it, i.e., by a massive exposure to content rather than through learning prescriptive grammatical rules. Android: Anki on Google Play. german anki deutsch anki-flashcards langauge-learning anki-deck Updated Apr 6, 2020; Python; elkueb / ankibh Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests anki-deck There are also shared decks with picture-word cards, but how useful do you think it would be to use them, such decks made by other people? I’d wait a little while for that to settle, then head into the next cases: Accusative model: Ich sehe den Mann [I see the man/a man/no man/that man]. After this case, you’ll probably get a sense that ein and kein share forms and diese/die share forms and you might be able to move down to just 8 of these sorts of cards for future cases : Ich sehe (das Auto) Having the English -> German ones is of course beneficial for learning expression but: 1. However, if you are at a point where you need to decide which path to take, I’ll offer the next words, based partially on common sense and partially on speculations and limited experience. Can you imagine doing this for 100 cards? I suppose that that review was not entirely comprehensive, but otherwise my assumption is that if one memorises enough examples of “every sentence structure”, one can get a good basic command of a language (and then a more comprehensive vocabulary learning is the next step, whether through exposure to the language, or through rote memorisation). There were different lexical patterns in my deck, such as general word structures, as well as a relationship between word genders and their form (for example, words ending in “-schaft”, generally equivalent to the English “-ship” (e.g. That there are such verb forms in German is not secret –– grammar distinguishes between “weak” and “strong” verbs. Card type #3 is only for prepositions that have a pretty fixed definition. (Erik is coming today home) Front –––> Back What if you neglect a deck and start to forget the “captions” of your pictures? What can you do with Anki-Do? We saw that getting to a solid intermediate level in German is all about becoming a “going concern” in the language as an “independent user”. “Anki” is the Japanese word for “memorization”. I’ve been learning languages on and off for more years than I’d like to count. You can stick to the English, but I like to keep English entirely out of my decks wherever possible. Ich sehe ein (schön) Auto Dutch decks for speakers of Turkish About Ankipedia. Retrospectively, I’m not sure how valuable it was to have spent that time on vocabulary learning, in particular as I was supplementing my deck with less common “found words” (which takes time to rehearse). In this video, you'll see me create a hacking German Anki deck with minimal English. For example, “(Was) gibst du das Brötchen?” doesn’t work. die (schön) Bücher sind klein, 4. In my experience, memorizing set phrases can help you get the patterns down pat, and programs like Anki can help you memorize them. (We drive through the city). Probably, not … 4 Genitive noun cards: I have been interested for a while in the ability to learn a foreign language through Anki; not by using it as an assisting factor, but as the core teacher. Sie (singular) ___ reich (sein)** der Werfall: nominative, der Wenfall (accusative), der Wemfall (dative), der Wesfall (genitive) z.B. ––> Beißt der Hund den Mann? My initial plan was to go through these phases: first, learn a significant amount of words so as to acquire the “building blocks” necessary for the next phase. Johannes sieht (ihr) Erik, nach Hause (kommt) –> Erik kommt nach Hause. We only used four things. You save a lot of time in the long run keeping them all as separate as possible. I've made a number of Anki decks throughout the last year. Fehler in Ihren deutschen Texten zu finden. That was 8 years ago. Anki-Do is a new type of smart device that allows you to make the most of short periods of time during the day to memorize new information. I think it might be helpful to have an “advanced vocabulary deck”, but mostly after the general basics of the language ––– syntax, grammar and so on ––– had been already mastered (indeed, this is what I had done with English, to much benefit). Janki method, spaced repetition software is a helpful learning tool for English grammar from beginner to experienced.. Ich sehe (diese Bücher), 6. MosaLingua is a German language learning app that uses the spaced repetition method in flashcard-based lessons. A reader who was getting a pretty good vocabulary base asked me how to start developing a base in German grammar, and I took the opportunity to write out a pretty complete reply. I laud such experiments such as Michal Ryszard Wojcik’s Norwegian experiment, through which he had taught himself Norwegian solely through Norwegian material. Syntax will tend to use a lot of shotgun, because after a while, you’ve memorized “Erik kommt heute nach Hause” pretty well and your goal becomes trying to generalize that basic model to new contexts. ANKI a pocket dictionary; a grammar book; a grammar cheat sheet; That’s it. And how are you going to know if the picture is a verb or a noun (yes, there’s a trivial solution to this, but it probably would not be implemented in the deck you’d download)? 2. German Definition German-French German-Spanish. Ich sehe (kein Auto) You won’t need to do all 10 like this for every verb (or even ever again; but doing it once is important. Get yourself a small collection of nouns in each gender and use them in your examples. or zum Beispiel: for example. While my vocabulary deck above made me good at recognizing a lot of the words I have encountered, as well as impress German speaking friends, it did little to advance my articulation or comprehension of sentences of a structure more complex than the very basic kind ––– and my German remained roughly at the “party trick” level. I have seen more than one “guide” on the internet that admonishes against using any non-target language in decks, advocating instead the making of “purely target language” (German in my case) decks by pairing simple words with illustrations, and more complex words with word definitions in the target language, the rationale being –– if I remember correctly –– that by doing so one avoids forcing the brain into performing the acrobatic feat of going through another language every time a word is being recalled. You’ll need to change up some of your nouns to they make sense in context. There are some different aspects of each language that make them either slightly harder or slightly easier than the other. Many language learners enjoy the use of Anki flashcards because it allows you to harness the power of Anki’s Spaced Repetition and therefore allow you to learn, memorize and retain German in your long-term memory. Front of card: Welcher Fall? Dative Model: Ich gebe einem/dem Mann ein Brötchen. ( Log Out / Instead, my mind simplified things in the process, the data going in went through a “compression” if you will so that instead of learning so many letters for each verb, for example, my mind recognized reoccurring forms and simply learned for each verb its form and a few letters (not all) necessary to construct the verb. However learning how to use Anki takes time and can be confusing. Erik kommt heute mit der Bahn nach Hause. Here's how this list was made: 1) I grabbed a list with the 4000 most frequently used german words -- sorted from the most frequently used, to the least. There is power in simplicity. Anki is probably hands-down the most efficient way to learn vocabulary for German. Same thing, just you’ll need an additional 4 cards to deal with the changing morphology of the noun, too: 9. [Whom does Johannes see?] Anki gibt es auch schon etwas länger aber erst seit 2 Jahren hab ich es wieder etwas mehr in den Arbeitsfluss gezerrt. “giving”? Some, by the way, turned to be erroneous; don’t use non-native speakers’ language guides, especially if they don’t reside in a “target language country” –– even if they are professors of the language –– unless you have a good reason to trust them. I found many shared decks to be problematic for me for different reasons, and hitherto I’ve never used one extensively myself. Anki. I don’t know how exactly it was done, but the impression I got was that the conversion tool (the pdf did not contain a “picture” of the scanned book, but a text. If grammar rules put you off learning German, don't worry, I'm the same. What I set to learn was word associations, but in addition I learned something that transcended these. Currently I’m at this stage, and I’m yet to be able to say that I’m a speaker. You need a collection of explicit grammar cards for each grammar rule. Hi, I'm Jonas, 19, and a I'm a keen language learner. Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. (Note: In the video I'm using a workaround to get the desktop created cards to my phone, however, you should be able to just sync it. Ich sehe die (schön) Stadt Use Anki flashcards for LC Languages Speaking example answers to learn advanced vocabulary, grammar structures and cohesive devices for IELTS, TOEFL, CPE. Rather than trying to kill yourself with boredom by repeating hablo, hablas, habla etc. The principles should apply to any grammar you’re learning (and if you don’t see how, please post a comment or email me so I can make sure that I’m not missing something). (“Ich gebe der Stadt ein Brötchen” or “Ich gebe den Bücher ein Brötchen” is a pretty weird idea, maybe better to use “die Frau”, “das Mädchen” and “die Männer” or something). And if you use flashcards to learn grammar or vocabulary really well, so that they're automatic, you'll be able to find the correct English phrase or sentence when you're talking, without thinking about it. All rights reserved. IELTS. These were well rehearsed words, but one cannot attribute the effect only to the frequency of exposure, since every time I was exposed to the German word I was also exposed to the English word ––– due to the nature of the word-pairs ––– and, in addition, I was more likely to encounter the English word outside of the deck context, which would suggest that I should have been better at recalling the English rather than the German word. If this was my very first foreign language and I was early in the process, I’d probably add them. Vocabulary terms and phrases are organized under categories such as tourism, hobbies, transportation, and shopping. Free downloadable Anki flashcard decks for most used Dutch words. If I was wrong but I thought I was right, or if I was right while I thought I might have been wrong, I learned something wrong. That is, presumably, during the pdf creation the pictures of the scanned book pages were converted into text) was attuned to English. The audio recordings, made by professional voice-over artists, are invaluable for picking up the rhythms of the spoken language.Workbook and CD Package I just like it.) (I’m pretty sure, though I’d check this on lang-8) Learn Dutch vocabulary with Anki flashcards Learning Dutch has never been easier. If my book becomes successful and I get the opportunity to write a German-specfic book, my goal is going to be to make all relevant information as accessible as possible, but stop slightly short of actually writing out each and every card; there needs to be enough interaction with the grammar to make these cards your own. (I give the man a bun/bread), Same as above #5-8. Since then, I've put more than 1000 hours (which I've carefully tracked with harvest) into the development of and now finally published the howwedu flashcard deck, the other material will go online soon. First, you need to find an adequate picture, and in addition you need to manually copy it into the “add card” window. z.B. In just five months, you will be able to hold a conversation with German speakers. [Who are you?] A reader who was getting a pretty good vocabulary base asked me how to start developing a base in German grammar, and I took the opportunity to write out a pretty complete reply. (Erik comes today (arrival prefix)). First, there were errors in my source material. This means that you do not have to manage the review scheduling of your flashcards and is a huge benefit for language learners with limited time. (Which case?) Enjoy! Hello, I am low to medium A2 in German at this point, I am using Duolingo and Memrise on a daily basis for nearly a year now. Ich habe das Buch des (Mann) 10 cards for pronoun transformations + 2 questions: [Johannes sees me/you/him/her…], Johannes sieht (ich) And nouns are relatively trivial ––– imagine illustrations of verbs: “receiving”? Other than mining the sentences I did make an effort to learn the “prescriptive rules” of the language. One might think of it as a “data-driven approach”. how to use ANKI and why it is effective; all the functional Grammar (i.e., Grammar which you need to communicate with others) ––> Wem gibst du das Brötchen? Anki's simple layout and an array of customizable features make it one of the best flashcard apps for learning German vocabulary. Ich sehe (Bücher) One can easily recognize when one was correct deciphering the meaning of a German sentence, even if the back English sentence is not identical to the one one conjured.