A defendant is likely required to be present for a 90-day detention review (by audio or video) pursuant to s. 502.1(1) of the. Defence counsel should complete the Form 17 and return it to the Crown at least five days before the JPT in Word and PDF format. Further courts will be made available on September 15 and November 1, 2020. Counsel should fill out and sign the 10b Form available on the SCJ website under “. a list of all documents filed and to be relied on at the motion. Counsel for the Crown and counsel for the accused shall attend Practice Court by audioconference or videoconference. The Crown will send the Form 17 in Word and PDF by email to the trial coordinator. Counsel and parties are encouraged to check this link before filing documents with the court as the Central West Region Filing Court Documents will be updated from time to time. Title: NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION | Superior Court of Justice Author: mcode Created Date: 4/5/2020 4:00:44 PM There may be cases where Counsel wish to proceed by video and have their client present for the hearing. Currently scheduled civil pre-trials will proceed virtually subject to the presiding justice. Judicial Pre-Trials Commencing the week of May 18, 2020, … This applies to criminal, family and Provincial Offences Act matters. Counsel should complete the “terms of release” form and circulate it to the other parties in advance of the hearing. It implemented processes to have ONLY urgent matters heard through virtual means. If counsel wish for their client to be present, they must make arrangements with the appropriate Admin Crown who will contact the institution and make the request. Central East … The first appearance of an accused person in the Superior Court should be scheduled for the fourth week after committal. Fax: (905) 645-5374 L8N 2B7 . Notices to the Profession were issued on March 15, 2020 identifying the urgent matters that would be heard. Directions for the use of the online storage folder may be obtained from the Motions Coordinator or from the discussion in Mann v. Chac- Wai, 2020 ONSC 3428 (CanLII),
. 2. Requests for Chambers Appointments and other case conferences under Rule 50.13(1) may be sent to TorontoChambers.Appointments@ontario.ca; 5. Generally, no lawyers or accused persons should attend court in person except for a trial or for a pre-trial application or motion in which viva voce evidence is called or for an application that cannot be heard remotely because it is required to be in camera. G.1 List of Class Action Matters that can be Heard. As stated above, during this time, we are willing to accept a written confirmation from counsel that they have ‘witnessed’ the sureties’ signatures (whether it be over the phone via Facetime, Skype, etc.). To obtain an appointment for Civil Practice Court, parties are required to email a requisition form to Civilpracticecourt@ontario.ca. Justice participants should bring a personal water bottle. FamilyTrialOffice-SCJ-Toronto@ontario.ca to be used for: 3. Urgent matters will continue to be heard, as provided in the Chief Justice’s May 13, 2020 Notice to the Profession. All summary judgment motions, appeals from the Consent and Capacity Board, long motions, long applications, and urgent matters must be scheduled through Civil Practice Court. Electronic copies of Rule 7 applications, Rule 7 motions, and other applications and motions in writing that are proceeding on consent of all parties may be filed in searchable PDF format through the Civil Submissions Online portal. This is a further Notice to the Profession to deal with the continued re-opening of the Superior Court of Justice in the Central West Region. These will be forwarded to the Admin Crown who will forward it to the registrar’s office at. COURT OF QUEEN’S BENCH OF ALBERTA . The message must provide contact information in order to allow the court to contact the justice participant and to reschedule the appearance. E-service and e-filing documents and materials replaces the requirement to serve and file a paper/hard copy. This requires the file name to indicate: For example: “ABC Inc. Applicant’s Notice of Motion September 14 2020. The parties must file a Confirmation form in accordance with the Rules, otherwise, the regular motion may not be scheduled to be heard. Guilty pleas will continue to be scheduled in other courts on any day. If the date is after the Assignment Court, the accused will be remanded from the Assignment Court with a discretionary bench warrant to the pre-trial date. [3] A court reporter may not be necessary because the telephone conference lines used for the bail/90-day reviews will be recorded. Summaries or charts of such records ought to be included in the body of the pretrial memorandum. In addition to remand dates , the endorsement on the warrant of remand will also indicate the manner in which the accused person will re-attend: “by audioconference” or “by videoconference” or “in person” (in person appearances should be used only if the accused is required to attend for an application, case management, guilty plea or trial). Counsel and parties will be advised of the details to connect into the virtual hearing. The order is effective from its date. A date for the application can be arranged by contacting the trial coordinator through the generic email. For summary conviction appeals, the Appellant shall serve and file their factum not later than sixty (60) days before the day first scheduled for the hearing and the Respondent shall serve and file their factum not later than twenty (20) days before the day first scheduled for the hearing. If the matter must proceed as a jury trial it will be adjourned until after September 1st, 2020. Counsel must file all materials by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday if they wish to conduct the bail / bail review / 90-day review the following week. Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court (March 16, 2020) - Updated November 30, 2020 Consolidated Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused Persons, Public and the Media Re Expanded Operations of Ontario Superior Court of Justice - Updated December 22, 2020 (Latest amendment effective January 11, 2021) Fax: (905) 645-5374 L8N 2B7 . Family Law Information Centres (FLIC) You can learn much more about available services, mediation, court process, separation, … The Protocol is subject to change from time to time as may be necessary. REGIONAL NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION PROTOCOL FOR CRIMINAL MATTERS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE, CENTRAL EAST REGION (Effective June 26, 2020) Introduction This Protocol applies to criminal matters in the Superior Court of Justice in the Central East Region effective June 26, 2020, and until further notice. The parties must include a list of the individual documents filed and to be relied on at the motion. If a party seeks to apply for a bankrupt’s discharge following compliance with prior court discharge orders or where the application is on consent or unopposed, excepting matters where there are alleged conduct issues or section 178 BIA facts, the party shall email the materials to the Bankruptcy Court office at. A.5 THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF NAMES AND CONTACT INFORMATION TO BE USED: The provisions set out in this Notice to the Profession supersedes all previous Notices to the Profession. Notice to the Profession – Protocol for Civil Matters in the Superior Court of Justice, Central East Region (Effective July 27, 2020) Protocol for the Resumption of Civil Proceedings, Meaning Civil Trials, Summary Judgment Motions, Long Motions, and Applications in the Central East Region (Effective October 5, 2020) 5. No Books of Authority containing the full text of authorities may be emailed or filed. Accused persons shall attend court by audioconference, videoconference or by designation of counsel. SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE . New Matters Eligible for Virtual Hearing Effective April 6, 2020, the … Hearings with Counsel will be conducted either by video using Zoom or telephone conferencing depending on the wishes of Counsel. Long motions to a master scheduled on and after June 29, 2020 will presumptively be heard on the scheduled date. Family Assignment Court Confirmation Form. The court is only responsible for providing interpreters in specific circumstances, otherwise parties are responsible for ensuring they have made their own arrangements for an interpreter to attend. Motions to Change, not on consent, shall proceed to a case conference, until further notice of recommencement of the DRO program. Contact Info result. The Crown will send the variation to an available judge for approval. Chief Justice Morawetz has extended the suspension of jury trials until at least . Trial Readiness and Assignment Court appearances will be by audioconference unless ordered otherwise. 1. If litigants need help determining whether their matter is urgent and understanding the resources that are available, they may wish to contact the Law Society of Ontario’s emergency family law referral line at: Duty counsel through Legal Aid Ontario is available to provide summary legal advice for family law and Children’s Aid Society matters. Parties are directed to the Law Society’s Virtual Commissioning resource as well as the Law Society’s Corporate Statement re: COVID-19 which provides for alternate means of commissioning affidavits. 2. Bankrupts’ applications for discharge following compliance with prior discharge orders and bankrupts’ applications for discharge that are on consent or unopposed, including matters where opposition is withdrawn, shall be heard in writing and shall be scheduled to be heard in writing by the Bankruptcy Court office on the next available date, excepting matters where there are alleged conduct issues or section 178 (c), (d), (e), more than two (j), (k) and (l) BIA facts, in which case such matters shall be heard by videoconference. The moving party must consult or attempt to consult with all affected responding parties before submitting the request form. NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION, THE PUBLIC AND THE MEDIA REGARDING CIVIL AND FAMILY PROCEEDINGS SUSPENSION OF SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE REGULAR OPERATIONS March 15, 2020 To protect the health and safety of all court users and to help contain the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) is suspending all … Persons in custody at the Toronto South Detention Centre, who are not appearing through counsel by designation, will attend at 9 am. Hearings for self-represented appellants/applicants shall be conducted in person, unless in custody, in which case they will be conducted remotely. As set out in paragraphs A.4 (iv) and (v) below, if agreed between counsel, an in person pretrial application may be converted to a remote hearing. For greater certainty, vacating motions brought in-person to a construction lien. Where portions of the evidence are included in the Compendium, the first page of the document and identification of where it may be found in the record should also be provided. When an action is scheduled for a pre-trial conference, the parties shall serve and file briefs that contain a concise summary of the position of the party and the evidence that will be relied on at trial at least five (5) days before the scheduled date. Such motions may be filed in searchable PDF format through the Civil Submissions Online portal. If there is a reason that the appearance must be in person, the case will be adjourned to 9 am in a courtroom that has been opened for trial matters. The trial coordinator will provide the parties with the teleconference or videoconference information for the hearing. Cases and other source materials referenced in factums shall be hyperlinked and it will not be necessary to file a Book of Authorities unless requested by the judge. To avoid any unnecessary adjournments of scheduled hearing dates, the applicant is not permitted to file additional materials after the 10:00 a.m. deadline on Thursday unless the responding party consents. If the Applicant indicates that they wish to be present, arrangements will be made for them to have access to the teleconference call. An accused person may re-elect their mode of trial at the Practice Court appearance. Orders that are granted will be electronically delivered to the party upon disposition. For example, a Trustee’s Report filed in accordance with section 170 of the BIA would be named: BKRE 31-12345678. NOTICE TO PROFESSION IN CENTRAL SOUTH REGION. Notices. All Criminal Jury and Non-Jury trials scheduled in Brampton will be tried subject to courtroom availability. Toronto.family.caseconferences@ontario.ca to be used for: B.12 File Naming Instructions for Electronic Documents, If the Applicant’s name is Smith and the Respondent’s name is Jones and the court file number is: FS-19-36654, save your documents with the appropriate case sensitive prefix, followed by: Smith v. Jones FS-19-36654. Counsel and parties will be advised of the location of the pre-trial conference the week before it is scheduled to be heard. It is intended to address the expansion of services in family law matters in the Central East Region, effective April 6, 2020. SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE COUR SUPÉRIEURE DE JUSTICE 45 Main Street East Suite 721 Tel: (905) 645-5323 Hamilton, Ontario Fax: (905) 645-5374 L8N 2B7 NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION IN CENTRAL SOUTH REGION RE: CIVIL, FAMILY, CRIMINAL EXPANSION From: Harrison S. Arrell Regional Senior Justice – Superior Court of Justice Central South Region … If an interpreter is required for any scheduled remote appearance, Crown Counsel/the Federal Crown or Counsel for the defendant shall advise the trial coordinator. The parties will also deliver their draft Rule 50.08 reports. Trial dates should be arranged by all counsel with the trial co-ordinators following the JPT and before the appearance in court. A copy of the security to be posted (for lien bonds or letters of credit, this includes all schedules with visible signatures, identification of authorized signing officers, and any corporate seals) – high quality colour scan of the original security is preferred; A completed fiat in the usual form (blank copy available at, A draft order taking into account currently necessary directions to the Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice (the “Accountant”), current pre-conditions to the vacating order taking effect (. All motions and applications to a judge made without notice, on consent of all parties, and that are confirmed as unopposed, will be heard in writing. Back to list. 2. While the initial focus of the pre-trial conference will be on resolution of the case, the pre-trial judge will also undertake trial management. Workplace Conflict & Harassment Prevention, Chief Justice’s May 13, 2020 Notice to the Profession, A. Designations may be filed electronically with the court. Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings December 22, 2020 NEW UPDATE While the Ontario Superior Court of Justice remains open during the provincial lockdown, the court must respond to the current public health situation with great flexibility. Part F (Matters Heard by Masters Sitting as Registrars in Bankruptcy) is amended. All other bankrupts’ applications for discharge by bankrupts shall be heard by videoconference. For pre-trial conferences, the Trial Coordinator will provide counsel with the date and time for a conference call pre-trial conference. B.4. The Administrative Crown will post the Form 17 in Word and PDF and other relevant documents to the Shared Outlook File for the JPT. If the matter is prosecuted by the Scarborough Crown’s office or Guns and Gangs, it should be scheduled for a Tuesday at 9 am. Self-represented defendants should be directed to Ms. Maija Martin of the Criminal Lawyers Association (. NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION, THE PUBLIC AND THE MEDIA REGARDING CIVIL AND FAMILY PROCEEDINGS UPDATE REGARDING THE SUSPENSION OF SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE REGULAR OPERATIONS April 2, 2020 This notice supplements the March 15, 2020 notice for civil and family matters and should be read in conjunction with that notice. From The Lawyer's Daily - Starting July 6, Ontario will resume in-person proceedings at 56 Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) courtrooms in the first phase of its province-wide reopening. NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION IN CENTRAL SOUTH REGION. All oral hearings required in construction lien matters will be conducted by teleconference or videoconference, unless the court otherwise directs an in-person hearing. For scheduled guilty pleas, the following protocol continues to apply: (iv) Pre-trial Applications in which no viva voce evidence is to be heard and which are not to be held in camera. The paperwork will then be forwarded to the institution. The parties shall electronically serve the opposing party and shall electronically file with the criminal intake office copies of all factums, appeal books/application records and any other material being relied upon. Request for the Appointment of a Case Management Justice . Parties must file their complete motion materials with the court. Notice to the Profession re: Justice Participants Unable to attend In-Court Hearings in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (July 21, 2020) Notice to the Profession – Divisional Court (June 29, 2020) Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused, Media and Members of the Public (June 25, 2020) Notice Re Urgent Matters Emailed to Trial Co-Ordinators (March 24, 2020) REGIONAL NOTICES. However, if the hearings are held by teleconference, arrangements will be made by the defence to permit their client to attend through a conference line, but Counsel shall not provide the secure number of the Court to their client. All long motions must be confirmed by all interested parties by filing Confirmations, All materials for long motions (including factums maximum 20 pages) must be filed. However, the court recognizes there may be exceptional circumstances where an adjournment is warranted. If the matter is urgent, a judge will either deal with the urgent motion or provide directions for it being heard virtually or in person. 45 Main Street East Suite 721 . Counsel and parties are required to confirm their long motion or application by email to LongMotionsStatus.Judge@ontario.ca. To schedule Family Law Conferences, counsel and parties must first obtain a date for a Family Law Conference from the Trial Coordinator’s Office. For all long motions and applications, each of the parties shall also file and upload to the online storage folder a “Compendium” containing just the brief portions of the cases and the brief portions of the evidence to which each intends to refer during the hearing. Failure to file court documents in accordance with the Central West Region Filing Court Documents will result in the documents being rejected. If the case is prosecuted by the Downtown Crown’s office, the matter should be scheduled for a Monday at 9 am. Failure to comply will result in being denied admission to or being required to leave the courthouse. Consent forms signed on behalf of all parties must be filed unless counsel provide a written and signed statement representing that a party whose signature cannot be obtained consents to the order sought. If the application is on consent or unopposed, the Registrar will deal with the matter in writing. ... Superior Court of Justice June 25th Notice to the Profession, Litigants, Accused, Media and Members of the Public. Effective October 5, 2020, amended December 31, 2020. Counsel should ensure they have a copy of the photo identification from the proposed sureties. Motions in writing to a master may be made for motions brought without notice, on consent of all parties, and that are confirmed as unopposed. 3. Where a pre-trial date has not been obtained before the committal, counsel can arrange a pre-trial date in advance of the Assignment Court through the Trial Office as noted above. The failure to have a court reporter present should not prevent the hearing from occurring. C.1.2 Additional Civil Matters before a Master. COUR SUPÉRIEURE DE JUSTICE . The court welcomes counsel and parties to provide draft orders with their motion materials in Word. Please note that O. Reg. NOTICES AND ORDERS RE COVID-19 AND COURT OPERATIONS . All documents uploaded to the online folder are to be named in accordance with the Naming Rules listed in the Practice Advisory Concerning Civil Long Motions in the Toronto Region Effective April 3, 2018 found at https://www.ontariocourts.ca/scj/practice/practice- directions/toronto/t/civil-long-motions/. (a) Where the accused person is represented by counsel, the following procedure applies: For Matters prosecuted by the Provincial Crown: (b) Where the accused person is self-represented the following procedure applies: (ii) Administrative Pre-trial Appearances in the Superior Court – “Practice Court”[2]) – On and after July 13th 2020, (d) Subsequent Administrative Appearances, (g) Re-elections and Short Applications (For example, Remove counsel, release exhibits). A designation may provide for unlimited appearances by counsel or it may indicate that the lawyer is authorized to appear for limited purposes or for a limited time. The applicant shall return the signed paperwork to the criminal intake office by email, and the criminal intake office will distribute the court order(s) to all interested parties and to the institution, if applicable; Case conference will continue to take place virtually. The Admin Crown will file all materials with the Trial Coordinator’s Office at, In the case of 90-day reviews, the trial coordinator will email Ms. Maria Ranaudo (. If not, counsel/party will be so advised. To address the safety of all who use and work in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (SCJ), the Court suspended its regular operations and implemented processes to have ONLY urgent matters heard in all areas of its work as set out in the Notices to the Profession issued by the Superior Court of Justice on March 15, 2020, which came into effect on March 17, 2020. Only one adjournment will be granted on consent. Counsel will be notified by the Commercial List Office regarding in court hearings to be conducted beginning July 6, 2020 in Courtrooms 8-1 and 8-6 at 330 University Avenue. 4. The court file number is located on the top right corner of the issued Application and all subsequent documents. Sureties sign the form either in the presence of counsel or counsel should provide written confirmation that they have “witnessed” the sureties’ signatures by video. Counsel, accused persons and witnesses shall attend in person for all scheduled trial dates on and after July 6th 2020, unless otherwise directed by the Court. Date: March 16, 2020 . If not, then the court file number should be left blank and the court will assign a Toronto file number. As a result, CW’s limited judicial resources are wasted and obtaining new long motion dates from the Trial Coordinator are often well into the future. Trial date, JPT, application date). Pre-trial applications in which viva voce evidence is to be heard or which are to be held in camera may be heard remotely if the parties consent and agree on a procedure and a judicial pre-trial is held before the hearing is scheduled. 2. Scans of forms that are blank or not filled in or completed or blank pages after tabs; Copies of documents, notices or reports in connection with the discharge of the bankrupt; and. The Court will soon provide a detailed notice to the profession and to the public about all proceedings in the Ontario of Justice. Where a case requires case management, the matter may be held down until the end of the set dates or adjourned to another court, to a JPT, or to the afternoon session (2 pm) of Practice Court. Parties are advised that their filed materials for a long motion must include: After the motion materials have been served on all interested parties, all counsel and the litigants must agree in writing upon a timetabling schedule for completion of all steps necessary for the long motion to proceed on the scheduled date. Central South Region . All requests for criminal applications and pre-trial conferences will require the applicant to email the Trial Coordinator’s Office, briefly outlining the case name, nature of the application and if there is any urgency to the matter. The cases will be called in the order in which they appear on the docket. The parties must re-file their pre-trial briefs in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. The hearing request form has been updated. 2017 B.9 Self-Represented Litigants in Family Matters, Toll-free: 1-800-268-7568 Adjournments of long motions are discouraged. The Protocol is subject to change from time to time as may be necessary. Trial management is especially important with the possibility of virtual or hybrid virtual/live trials. C.3 Rule 7 Applications, Rule 7 Motions, and Other Applications and Motions in Writing That Are Proceeding on Consent of all Parties. The “Monday morning pre-trials” will now be held on the Thursday and/or Friday afternoon before the trial is to commence at times to be arranged by the Trial Coordinator. Documents in an Application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee can now be filed by email to the appropriate estate court office. The factum must include paragraph references each time a case it is cited in the factum. Notice to the Profession and Public on June 25, 2020. Amendments to the Request Form for Access to Digital Audio Recordings of Federal Court of Appeal Hearings, Notice to the Profession, April 15, 2019. Consolidated Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding the Small Claims Court - Updated January 14, 2021. The types of motions as enumerated in paragraph F.7 herein shall be heard in writing. The court staff will make every effort to put the motion materials before a judge as soon as is practicable. Any steps taken by the court or counsel outside the usual procedure due to COVID-19, including proceeding by way of teleconference or videoconference, shall be expressly noted and recorded in the endorsement or order as necessary. Notice to the Profession and Public Regarding Court Proceedings - January 13, 2021 UPDATE . Civil Practice Court sits every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. by Zoom. The issued and entered order, signed fiat, original security, and, if applicable, a copy of the endorsed lien bond or letter of credit are then taken or sent to the Accountant, who will post the original security (and, if applicable, the approved copy of the security), and will issue a receipt. Notices/Forms Real Estate. … If an accused person who has an appearance in Practice Court to set a date wishes on that appearance to enter a guilty plea, the matter may be dealt with by the presiding judge or held down until all of the dates have been set or sent to another court or to the afternoon session (2 pm) of Practice Court. Effective December 29, 2020, all (non-jury) matters should proceed virtually unless it is … In addition, the court may also contact counsel to schedule other pre-trial conferences at its discretion. Posted May 14, 2020 by Juda Strawczynski On May 13th, Chief Justice Morawetz issued a Consolidated Notice to the Profession regarding the operations of the Superior Court of Justice, expanding Court operations. Starting July 6, Ontario will resume in-person proceedings at 56 Superior Court of Justice courtrooms in the first phase of its provincewide reopening. If an urgent motion is required, a party must: Serve the motion material on the opposing party or parties by email (if not an, Filing the motion material, a draft order and a populated restraining order if appropriate (and affidavit of service if not an ex-parte motion) by emailing the motion material to. Parties must file their complete materials with the court. The criminal intake office will arrange for a contested hearing to be held remotely and notify the parties; A draft order shall accompany applications on consent, including a Form 10A (if applicable) signed by all parties, and e-filed with the criminal intake office by the applicant, unless self represented, in which case the crown shall electronically file the application and materials with the court; Draft orders should be e-filed in the Microsoft Word format (.docx) rather than a PDF version; The paperwork will be completed by the criminal intake office and provided to the parties for their signature. ii) Opposed adjournments more than 14 days prior to the long motion hearing date. To determine the appropriate method of filing of your documents refer to the Rules of Civil Procedure and Superior Court of Justice Notices to the Profession and the Public.
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