You are our provider, our protector, the one who perfectly loves us. Protect our hearts from resistance and rebellion to what your word may poke us with today. Alone, we feel grief and pain most keenly, but together we join in thanksgiving and our hearts are encouraged. Lord in this moment I pray that in the spirit of love and truth that you would comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Would you help us as a congregation to uphold the vows we have made during child dedications to pray for and come alongside of parents as they seek to make disciples of their children? You set your plan into motion through the word of your mouth. We pray for the families and friends of the innocent victims of the senseless terrorist attack this week in New York. We come before you today and ask that you bring to mind any pride that would be lurking in our hearts. Wrap your protective arms at this moment around those who are suffering from abuse of any sort. Lord we pray for brave hearts. Thank you for making us your possession, your people, the sheep of your pasture, the people under your care and guidance and protection. Help us as a church to not squander this moment in our state, nation, and world’s history in the wake of the death of George Floyd in our own backyard. Father, may our response begin with trust in you. You are our Good Shepherd; you are our Refuge in times of trouble. To create a city where the sound of weeping and of crying are heard in it no more. Our hearts ache with every news story about someone being sexually harassed or abused. surrounded by respectable liars, We pray for those who may be asking, “When will there be anything good in my life?,” for those who are worn out from fear, discouragement, illnesses, relational hurt, or other trials. We pray for courts where justice is carried out fairly and quickly but also balanced with compassion. Cause us to praise you anew and continually as we taste afresh that you are good. Help us to remember that you are a perfect King. Help us to be effective in reaching those people you have put into our lives with the good news of Jesus. Coordinating the function for CNA certification training classes (if applicable). Teach us to respond to all this tragedy in prayer and lead us to action from our knees. We ask that you would grant David and Katrina wisdom and energy as they schedule their upcoming meetings. Twin Peaks Restaurant is not responsible if the Winners fails to receive the notice about the prize due to any security settings or provision of incorrect contact information. We confess that we cannot in our own strength cause a person to be alive to Jesus, and so we pray to you, Lord of the harvest. In the words of the psalmist, “You have made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.” What a great privilege and responsibility to be stewards of the resources you have given to us. Thank you for bringing our people through many challenges. Help us to offer grace when we encounter judgement. We have failed to keep our eyes always on You and take joy in Your presence, which is constant. We pray that each student will come home challenged to move closer to you and your design for their lives. Help us to trust in Jesus Christ alone, who lived a perfect life, died the death we should have died and rose from the dead, conquering sin and death. Please cleanse us and make us pleasing in your sight, Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. The vastness of your creation, both above us and around us, shows us the vastness of your greatness and goodness. Father, may we get into line with this magnificent procession of the redeemed and holy ones, all those to whom you gave life and sustenance and strength and wisdom and peace. We confess that our pride, our sense of self-sufficiency, busyness, and hundreds of other distractions keep us from prayerful reliance on your promises. Amid the arrogance and human-centeredness of our day—locally and worldwide, outside the church and, sadly, inside the church—may all the earth, as this psalm calls, tremble before you. Give them an eagerness to see new people brought into their GC, and we pray this would continue to become the kind of community where all people—regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or marital status—can find a home. Give us ears to hear what people are really saying and asking for as we visit. Forgive us for the times we seek to make refuges of other people, of our neatly-laid plans, of our jobs or savings accounts, or of our routines and structures. Help us to practice remembering you and your works in the midst of doubt. We ask for your loving arms would wrap around Kevin and Sarah, as well as John and Marlene enveloping them in your supernatural peace. ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. We hear, “I’ll be home for Christmas.” But some of your people do not have a home to be home to. But we confess that we like to turn to other things. Help us to continue to lift them before you in prayer, as well as the leaders at our state and local levels. We often go about mourning, oppressed by the world, the flesh, and the devil. May the teaching that they receive from Scripture be very nourishing and equipping to them. Please give him strength the handle his hectic schedule. We lift up our students to you as they finish out their school year. We try to rescue ourselves, and we look to other people, or our jobs or accomplishments or stuff to provide for our needs or help us when we’re hurting. May we be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives, for our church, and our communities. Thank you for their gospel ministry in a difficult and unreached place, and we pray that this surgery would afford them many more years of fruitful ministry in South East Asia. And so with the Psalm writer we say to one another, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name.”. We pray that you would work through us individually to draw people closer to you. You take pleasure in your creation as it radiates your glory. Gracious God and Heavenly Father, thank you for this Psalm that reminds us of why we should worship you. Help us to teach our children by our life that Jesus is better than lots of activities. We pray for faith to grow in times of hurt and uncertainty, for Your goodness to be made known, and for faithful endurance when the light of morning is not visible in the long night. We take our eyes off your watchfulness over the way of the righteous. We pray that as we, Your church, prepare to vote, that we would be guided by Your Spirit to make decisions that honor You, both in the presidential election and in the many local decisions that affect the communities in which You’ve placed us. We pray for our global partners, all currently serving from the US, that you would grant them joy in their work here as they surely have left part of their hearts behind in the world and culture for which you have given them a passion. Finally, Lord, remind us of your Son today and warm our hearts to love him. May we treasure you, the giver, more than your gifts. We pray that the words of this psalm would be characteristic of this local church: “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” In a world that increasingly views children as a burned—as an impediment to freedom—we pray that you would help us to love and shepherd our children and students well. Thank you for our law enforcement servants and local firefighters. Almighty God, we confess that we often lack this enthusiasm in our faith, especially when it comes to obeying your law. This is our hope that the things we read about in the news don’t get the final word. They are elusive and live up high almost year round. May your resurrection life be their solid hope and deep comfort. Your creation both reveals and proves your greatness, majesty, and splendor. We must confess that we have not heeded the psalmist when he says, “For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.” Forgive us for turning this upside down. Thank you for our local mayors and city councils. And on this Father’s Day we pray about fathering issues and our congregation—give wisdom to fathers raising children at home; wisdom to those caring for aging fathers; comfort in the memory of fathers no longer living; faith in the face of fatherhood denied. Help us to lay down our defenses and to listen. The reason we come is because we need you, you are faithful, and we know you never grow tired of our prayers. You have no beginning and no end, and you grieve in our pain and rejoice in our gladness. We come to you today, not as a crowd of individuals but as your people, as your congregation, as the sheep of your pasture. Help us to humbly come before you and cry out for peace. Posts about Centennial written by simpletravelourway. We pray for organizations like Prison Fellowship who disciple men and women who are incarcerated, helping them to reenter society as wholesome citizens. Father, we praise You that Your unfailing love surrounds us. Thank you, Lord, for this community of faith. Bring us into contact with people who need mercy and compassion and allow us to be your ambassadors wherever we go. We, as your people, love you together. We praise you for giving him not only to us but to the whole world. Menu and widgets. Landmarks Jaw-dropping peaks and stunning vistas, await you when you start a Fitbit Adventure in Yosemite National Park. Thank you for your plan to make all things new. We call out to you in sleepless nights, again and again, with outstretched hands we plead for your intervention in our lives. In the holy name of Jesus Christ we pray. We pray for their protection amid the pandemic. A couple of minutes later I was still going up at more than 1,000 fpm, with throttle closed, carb heat on, nose down, doing 140 kts—30 faster than cruise. Teach us to hope in light of it. Just as Israel demanded a human king, we look to presidents, senators, congressmen, and other human authorities to provide for our protection, comfort, and power. But you provide ALL of that. The potential for rock fall is real, and likely is the number one hazard to be aware of while climbing. You see each tear that is stubbornly held inside. All this we ask in the name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We think of our global partners Nate and Carey and Catherine and we pray for people groups who do not yet have your written word in their own language. Put it on the hearts of those near to these loved ones of yours, to stand up for the vulnerable and so glorify your name. Father, help us to actually take refuge in you, teach us to run to you, to cling to you, and to trust in you always. You know them all. Look upon them today with the full measure of your mercy and grace. It is Your Word that makes wise, that gives light, that refreshes our souls. Father as we walk through this Lenten season, thank you for the many suggested ideas we have been given to make this a meaningful time. Show these ones a larger picture of the value of their work. How often we idolize our own person, our accomplishments, our possessions and even our offerings. They have received some of the most painful news any parent can ever receive, and they have been forced to make decisions that no parent should ever have to make. You see everyone who has hurt them. Grant wisdom to the leaders in both our congregations as they seek your will for partnership in advancing the gospel. You are not surprised by any politician or political decision that’s made. What changes do you want to bring about in us, individually, in families and circles of friendship, in our church, in your church across the land? Help us to experience righteous anger that emerges from holy grieving. Forgive us, Father, for elevating ourselves above you. We praise you for the promise of priests who would be clothed with righteousness and the promise of jubilant worship by your people as they revel in your goodness. Please be Lord of our hearts, and our beliefs. We praise you this morning for your constant help in our times of trouble. Father we have also seen the incredible power on display this last week through Hurricane Mathew. We are struck with the way you must have been mulling over the Old Testament Scriptures from day to day in your earthly life. Father, bless our youth and young adults as they seek your will for their lives. This week as so many things battle for our time, attention, and affection, please help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, and remind us that everything we need comes as a gift from Your hand. So often we go through life thinking we are alone. There are people here today that are in constant battle with their health, some who have unbearable financial stress, and some who are struggling relationally. We pray for our students and leaders from The Edge who are at the district youth conference in Duluth this weekend. We ask that as we read your Word, here and in our homes, that you would give us space to pause and meditate. When you raised him from the dead it was as though you parted the waters of death. You bore in full measure all divine wrath against our sin, and so now our relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one of peace, free of all divine anger, a priceless blessing to us. As a sheep lies down in green pastures after eating his fill, give your peace and rest to us, that we may lay down trusting in you. How Long, O Lord, will this sort of thing continue? There is plenty in this psalm, Father, to keep us praising you all through 2019. You look down on this day upon this group of people sitting in this room at this time and you know each and every one of them entirely. As you fix our eyes on you, give us pleasure in giving freely of our money, time, resources and treasures. We admit, dear Lord, that we find it hard to step out of our comfortable lives and put ourselves in the shoes of others. Thank you, Lord. Give us Gospel compassion. We thank you for the safe return of Catherine and Dan from their trip to Papua New Guinea. confession is that we believe, and Lord help our unbelief. You see us wandering away from you towards such useless desires. Thank you for the vision you have given him and his wife, Meagan, to resource underprivileged pastors and reach all nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We lift up your work at Elmwood Church. Forgive us for our participation in systems that perpetuate injustice. Some feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of parenting; some feel trapped by the pace of their life and they simply don’t know how to make the necessary changes to have healthy boundaries; some feel nervous about the future because of health concerns or financial uncertainty. You are righteous. Your right hand of power and deliverance is raised for our Lord Jesus. You have created because you are a redeeming God who deserves to be praised. Protect your people from cloudiness of thought if they are tired. In these intimate spheres of daily life, keep forming Christ in us, give us his wisdom at every hand, and reflect him to others through us. Forgive your church for too often placing our hope in making a new Washington, D.C., instead of in the New Jerusalem. How marvelous. Jesus, as we seek to find our place as believers in a post-Christian culture, bind us to our past, to your people throughout time. God, we pray for those among us who have grown kids and parents who are growing older and requiring more care. Amid political quarreling, may your church faithfully, patiently, and fruitfully proclaim your salvation from day to day. We lift up parents with regrets, hurting parents, those who wished or still wish to be parents, but are not, and those who have no children of their own. We thank you for giving us one another, for giving us the family of the church. Some of them have been dragged here by someone else. And, Lord, this morning it is with both excitement and heavy hearts that we send off Bernie into a new season of life and ministry. Please grant this to the leaders you have placed in our local cities, our states, and the national level. We thank you for the God fearing grandparents among us and pray that you would bless their efforts as they seek to draw their grandchildren to you. Thank you for the ladies’ retreat this weekend. Heavenly Father, it is good that we come together today to lift your name up high. Especially give us progress in living out the very things we have been learning from Peter’s first letter. In him, we see all that could only be hoped for in David. Forgive us in the name of Christ, your Son and our Redeemer. Many are separated from their mothers—or their children—because of quarantine and are not able to celebrate together. Many of us are so thankful to have our children with us yet are struggling to juggle the many demands placed on us and are missing our villages to do this together. Thank you for being our prince of peace in the midst of all this. Draw our attention to Jesus, our Savior who never married, and help us to cherish him as the One who laid down his life in order to make us his Bride. We confess that our lives do not always reflect the victory and power of your resurrection and do not exhibit the qualitative difference that your resurrection can and should make from day to day. We pray that You enable them to hear Your voice clearly amidst the clamor of life around them, and that You give them the confidence and calm that come from fully trusting You as they move forward into the future You have for them. Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. We pray that you would show our Gospel Communities how to be involved as a team in the world around us. Father, as a congregation, in response to your loving kindness we proclaim together a loud Hallelujah! You shouldered and suffered the cross. May our love and longing for You grow to push out all those desires that are not of you, that as we love Your Word more, we begin to put to death the sinful desires that cling so tightly to our hearts. Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. Forgive us, Lord, and open our eyes and hearts to worship you in the splendor of your holiness. We think of teachers, paras, meal staff, coaches, administrators, and others who work day after day in a school with children who are not their own. Like David, they too cry out “I am the utter contempt of my neighbors; I am forgotten as though I were dead.”. We thank you for the shepherds of your flock, whom you have given us at Centennial, Pastor Larry and Pastor John. For you have brought to us David’s ultimate descendent, King Jesus. May we seek your face amidst warfare. We ask that you would help [name withheld]’s heart to continue to heal well. We grieve with those who have recently, or not so recently, lost family members and loved ones. Give us wisdom for the year to come. Continue to encourage him by the ways he can see you at work in Asia. May we extend grace and friendship to those who see things differently and learn from their perspectives. Your hand of judgment did indeed rest on him, and through his life, death, and resurrection we have been brought out of darkness and idolatry into newness of life. Father God, great are you and most worthy of praise! Also be important close proximity to victims from the Edge who are new morning! To human flourishing over partisan arguments having compassion on us, you made your. Wise in leadership over us our most truthful confession is that you multiply your kingdom is obscured in our this., psalm 126 is celebrating something great to horde—may we share because you already... Political quarreling, may this humble us and give him wisdom and as! 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