Furthermore, cavalry could navigate the difficult terrain of the Eastern … TM-E-30-480 – War Department: Handbook on the Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944, War Department: Intelligence Bulletin Vol II, No. ISBN 1-4102-2495-3. 3, May 1945, p. 18). “It would be impossible to overstress the tenacity with which the Jap[ane]s[e] clung to their prepared positions. But of course there is always the chance that I missed something or made an error. 3, May 1945, p. 2-19) Since the conclusions of the report are rather short and cover mines, fortifications and ditches of a late war Japanese beach defense, I will quote directly from the report: “1. The war was over, but the problem of the disarming and occupation of Japan remained. When studying World War 2, a common question that arises is what exactly each army group or unit name means? As you can see the roof is constructed with several logs and reinforced with earth. Later, with the addition of Carrier Division 5 (Shokaku, Zuikaku), the six large carriers of First Air Fleet -- Carrier Division 1 (Akagi, Kaga), Carrier Division 2 (Soryu, Hiryu) and Carrier Division 5 -- would form the core of Kido Butai, the Mobile Striking Force which Admiral Yamamoto would task with carrying out the raid against Pearl Harbor. University Press of the Pacific. In Japan military buff are getting older and older because youths cannot compete with grown-ups with a pile of source book. At the outbreak of the Second World War, the basic structure of the Imperial Japanese Army was as follows: (War Department: Handbook on the Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944, p. 102, Figure 86; & p. 100 (HMG)), The position after a week of construction, whereas a week is 56 hours of work. 1. Unlike the Atlantikwall video this video is about the small scale units, hence you will see an individual bunker and also layouts for company and platoon defenses. Some military writers made an effort to break this situation by girls-rich military publications, comics and finally animations. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Signal Company:7 Officers, 302 other ranks 1.3. Since I get quite a lot of repeating question about what topics I will cover, you might want to check out the frequently asked questions on my homepage. Time to take a look at some Japanese field fortifications and defense measures. ... l#p1589865. BLOG; WE BUY; CONTACT US; Toggle Nav (War Department: Tactical and Technical Trends, No. Even in 1943 the commitment in China still amounted to 25 infantry divisions, 1 armored division, 11 mixed brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and 1 flying division – a total of 620,000 men and 14,000 vehicles. by Eugen Pinak » 09 Jan 2013, 22:12, Post THE ORGANIZATION OF ARMIES : Introduction Since the time of Napoleon, the primary unit around which European armies have been organized has been the "division," a unit that contained all the elements necessary to sustain itself in combat. It's interesting, that Soviet publication doesn't mention soldiers' numbers at all, while mentioning their numbers is a rule in IJA drill manual. Japanese Tanks 1939–45. Now, a little public service announcement. Division. Boon WW2 … Airborne Light Tank Squadron (March 1943 — Oct. 1944) Air Landing Battalion of the Air Landing Brigade. However, it returned to France in mid-June in response to the crisis in Normandy. Although their ability to lay sophisticated mine fields was limited for most of the war, the Japanese Army took actions to counter this problem and probably would have reached similar capabilities as other forces. “In this respect, the instructions as a whole are very general. Unit organizations of World War II tables of organization and equipment for Great Britain, Germany, Japan, United States, U.S.S.R. and others. Nonprofit Organization. The division was created to be the smallest Army organization capable of performing independent operations. The soldiers of the 182nd had the chance to visit Japanese cities and the countryside, though much of it had been obliterated by Allied air strikes. In the Japanese equivalent of the Nurnberg Trials, held in Tokyo in 1946, many of the high-ranking officers and government officials were found guilty of genocide and war crimes and executed. by thomastmcc » 10 Jan 2013, 00:08, Post Comparison German Field Army 1917 vs 1944 [Document], [Weapons 101] Trebuchet – Traction & Counterweight – Medieval Equipment, German Squad Tactics & Organization in World War 2, [Tanks 101] Armor Protection 1920-1980 – Features and Characteristics, Japanese Fortifications and Defense Organization in World War 2. Hence, I must assume that the platoon was far below full strength, but still I am confused that this isn’t noted in the report. Basic organization of Panzergrenadier-Regiment (mot) in Type 45 Panzer-Division Although the regiment still could field twelve companies, six of them were motorized Panzergrenadier on foot. “in addition, the bunkers had been planned and built for just this purpose long before the campaign actually started, and the quick jungle growth, sprouting up over the earthworks, gave first-class natural camouflage.” (War Department: Tactical and Technical Trends, No. “ by fontessa » 07 Jan 2013, 22:40, Post So let’s take a closer look. And also some basic wiring on the flanks. The Japanese military forces, ... tables of organization, actual strength figures, status of demobilization, and locations and names of commanders of demobilization depots. During World War II, the division was credited with many "firsts". The 1 ST Battalion, 127 TH Infantry, commanded by Lt. Col. Powell A. Fraser, was selected to be flown to Kyushu, southern most of the four main Japanese islands. (War Department: Handbook on the Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944, p. 103, Figure 88; see also Japanese in Battle), Now, let’s take a closer look at a platoon position from Burma. The circular endings of the trenches are foxholes, whereas each has a one-man-dugout nearby, which had an earth and timber cover. Object description. But the problem is that a rifle platoon of an infantry company of an “A” or “B” type division had 3 LMGs and furthermore 62 or 54 men. Now, let’s see what the US engineers noted about a late war Japanese beach defense. From 1943, the lack of available replacements for the Wehrmacht began to become apparent, reducing the division’s TOE strength and introducing a new organization. Their effectiveness was limited only by poor concealment, failure to arm some shells, and failure to cover them with fire. "This volume is concerned with the organization and disposition of United States Army ground forces that opposed the Japanese during World War II. In 1944 according to the Intelligence Bulletins this changed: 1.1. a) there is no mention of ranks of individual soldiers - only positions; I believe in any country, depleted company sets up ad hoc formation. by Eugen Pinak » 11 Jan 2013, 11:54, Post The heavy machine gun is deployed along the support position. 2002, S. 143-166). At the beginning of the Second World War, the Japanese Navy (or, in the Japanese language, Nihon Kaigun, or even Teikoku Kaigun, the Imperial Navy) was arguably the most powerful navy in the world.Its naval aviation corps, consisting of 10 aircraft carriers and 1500 topnotch aviators, was the most highly trained and proficient force of its kind. The same officer ranks were used for both the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy, the only distinction being the placement of the word Rikugun (army) or Kaigun (navy) before the rank. [Battle of the Bulge] Why were the Allies surprised. (War Department: Handbook on the Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944, p. 101-103) Let’s take a closer look at the development of a company position. 21, March 25, 1943, p. 17) See more ideas about wwii, world war ii, world war. 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment - - Able Company. (HQ Eight Army – Engineer Section: Intelligence Bulletin No. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 4, December 1944, HQ Eight Army – Engineer Section: Intelligence Bulletin No. (War Department: Intelligence Bulletin Vol III, No. Dr. Niehorster’s previously published works include the “The Royal Hungarian Army, 1920–1945”, which was acclaimed as one of the Top Ten Books of 1999, and is considered by many experts to be the single most important English language history on the Hungarian Army. Co. K 179th Infantry 45th Division Reenactors. by Eugen Pinak » 11 Jan 2013, 19:38, Post The Imperial Japanese Army was the official ground-based armed force of the Empire of Japan from 1868 to 1945. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I am not sure it is official by any means as soviet division was supposed to have about 10,000 men instead of 5600 given in divisional chart. 4, December 1944, p. 15) The organization of this type of division varied, but it is believed that the basic pattern was originally a two-regiment, three-battalion division, with normal supporting units and an additional antiaircraft battalion. Imperial Japanese Army. Note that every country had some distinctive features, but the general layout were to a certain degree quite similar, if we consider this statement from the in publication Japanese in Battle from August 1944: Following the severe losses at Midway, the Japanese reversed their policy from offensive operations to defensive operations. 104th Infantry Division WWII Research and Living History Display Group. It varied in size from 6,000 to 25,000 men and was usually led by a major general or lieutenant general. On 7 December the IJA had two divisions serving in Japan/Korea and 50 serving abroad, most in China. But to say the Japanese infantry "sucked" would be wrong. Please note: This post contains amazon affiliate links. Airborne Division Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment of the 6th Airborne Division. interested in German military organization in World War II. In ... World War II Japanese Tank Tactics. 44th Infantry Division 381st Bombardment Group (Heavy), Ridgewell - Veterans 1st Fighter Group USAAF - Europe 78th Division History 78th Division WW2 Occupation History - Germany My Dad Goes To War. In most other countries only machine-gunner was armed with pistol (sometimes he had no other weapon, than his LMG), while British armed with rifle even machine-gunner (clumsy solution indeed). So let’s take a closer look. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/mhvThe organization and structure of a German infantry division. 4, December 1944, p. 13) Hisashi - thank you once again. Right? Post They did not issue appointment paper to platoon leaders, and instead attached 3-4 officers under company leader (he himself received an appointment to so-so company leader). To summarize, although the Japanese had a serious distaste for defensive combat, their ingenuity and improvisation skills allowed them to construct various kinds of excellent field fortifications and defensive systems. „The division usually has from about 3 hours to a half day to complete its organization of the ground. Strike Witches series made a commercial success and enabled them to realize Girls and Panzer. 3, May 1945, p. 18), “2. 25 yards [23 metres] of standing fire trench in a little over 3 hours.” (War Department: Handbook on the Japanese Military Forces, 15 September 1944, p. 101), Now, here you can see a company position after about 2 hours of work. But I doubt such an error would occur, especially since this layout was reprinted in two different military intelligence publications. The report notes that the dugouts near each foxhole and three-bay machine gun position were the two interesting features. Notably, cavalry had the advantages of being able to keep up with the rapid advance of armored formations while requiring far less supplies and upkeep than other types of units. Furthermore, although I am not completely certain, since there is no legend on the original figure, there would be tunnels or covered trenches connecting to the rear area. Source Documents: Reports of General MacArthur, Volume I (Plates 118 and Plate 124) JCS 1455 Requirements for Land-based and Carrier-based Aircraft to Accomplish the Defeat of Japan GHQ AFPAC O.I. Ein Vergleich. [AT – Anti-Tank; AP – Anti-Personnel] As you can see it has a circular pattern. The armored division was a key structure in the United States Army and thus its structure went through one key change during the war. in World War II (c. 1941-1945): Updated as of 1/21/2017. Color Legend: ... there were only 2,000 Negro replacements available to the entire 92nd Division compared to 1,200 replacements for the Japanese-American 442 Regimental Combat Team. Occupation of Japan. “Squad positions will be enlarged [to] standing trenches. In Photo #2, Americal Division officers inspect a large collection of Japanese weapons at Yokohama. Division, Afrika Corps, Dieselpunk, War, History, Tanks, Composition, German, Templates . ):42 Officers, 931 other ranks 1.4. 1.1. The caption of the illustration reads as follows: Pbk. Note that in this case I used mostly sources from US military intelligence in World War 2. Edward Drea, Nomonhan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat, 1939 (Fort Leavenworth: US Army Command and General Staff College, 1981), 91-95. In December 1941 Japan, already at war with China, attacked British, Dutch and American territories in Asia and the Pacific. by hisashi » 11 Jan 2013, 14:11, Post Jun 27, 2014 - Infantry Battalion Organization | 1939 infantry division 1 1944 infantry division 1 Nonprofit Organization. IJA simply ruled that a company shall be subdivided into platoons and squads. The log and rail barriers probably would not have stopped medium tanks or bulldozers completely, but would have provided sufficient delay to prevent armor over-running a position covered by adequate AT and small arms fire, and made the tanks good targets for AT weapons. In General, besides their attitude towards defensive Combat the Japanese were renowned for both their elaborate defensive fortifications and their tenacity in defense. World War 2 (WW2 WWII) veteran, casualty, and military unit records search by WW2 Researcher Bill Beigel. Most of the firing positions and shelters afforded protection only against small arms fire, blast, shell and bomb fragments, and light mortar fire. In March 1945 US troops landed on the Talisay beach, where the Japanese had established an elaborate defensive system, but since the beach was undefended the site was mostly intact and could be examined by US troops. by hisashi » 12 Jan 2013, 04:31, Post The First World War is often described as the start of a new era of continental expansion and military authority in Japan. For example if a company has only 20 survivors, the leader makes up two or three groups and name a leader for each, setting aside whether he call each as a platoon or squad. So stay tuned, I plan to cover nearly every era of military history, major battle and much much more. The shown position is according to the description for a platoon. Such a “light” division in total consisted of around: 11 000 men 54 M8 Armored Cars 54 M7 Priest Self-Propelled Artillery 460 2 ½ Trucks, 450 M3 Halftracks 465 .30 cal Machine guns 404 .50 cal Machine guns 30 57mm anti tank guns Grenades, and ordinary gun and mortar fire were completely ineffective. 21, March 25, 1943, p. 17) See below for a complete breakdown of a division. In each instance, I cast the issues in relation to the wider conduct of the war, and in the American case consider the legacy of the bombing for subsequent wars down to the present. 21, March 25, 1943, p. 17), Although, the Japanese employed various ruses like dummy snipers and simulating friendly fire by synchronizing their own artillery with the artillery of the attackers, but their capabilities in mine warfare was quite limited for most of the war..( War Department: Tactical and Technical Trends, No. But let’s take a closer look at those issues. 2nd Sendai Division c/o Bob Starr Panzer34t@hotmail.com: 47th Independent Mixed Brigade (USA) -- The 47th Independent Mixed Brigade site, they are a group of reenactors from Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee that portray the average Japanese infantry man in World War Two.. Includes HTML versions of various volumes of 'History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II', 'Marines in World War II Commemorative Series', the Historical Monograph series, and the Order of Battle of the US Marine Corps. (infantry drill manual article 147). Ninety-one divisions were formed by the U.S. Army in World War II. So, let’s take a look at the MG position. One of the most notable attributes of the Soviet Red Army was its widespread use of cavalry, even into the later stages of World War II. So company leader could change the number of platoons in his company. It should be borne in mind, however, that while all Japanese divisions are not identically organized, tactics will not materially differ, although there will be differences in composition of columns and grouping of units. Now, in this part, we will take a closer look at defensive positions. Quote Reply. They inflicted a serious defeat on Ghormley's naval forces in the Battle of Savo Island (8 August 1942), landed large numbers of reinforcements on Guadalcanal, and ultimately lost strong ground, air and naval forces in a desperate … https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Organization_of_the_Imperial_Japanese_Army Discussions on all aspects of the Japanese Empire, from the capture of Taiwan until the end of the Second World War. After another 4 hours, the firing trenches of the squads should be connected forming a single line. Paderborn u.a. No. 51. Basically, the numbers don’t add up. To give you some time-frame for orientation it is noted that: Heavy Machine Gun Light Machine Gun Army Structure Semi Automatic Rifle Horse Drawn Wagon Command And Control Ww2 German The Unit. by Eugen Pinak » 09 Jul 2014, 18:54. by hisashi » 10 Jan 2013, 04:05, Post As a quick reminder a company usually consists of three platoons, so basically we take a look at a unit one level deeper. Japanese employment of bombs and shells as improvised AT and AP mines was excellent. World War II. by Eugen Pinak » 10 Jan 2013, 00:53, Post Historians portray the comprehensive list of demands presented to China in January 1915 (the so-called “Twenty-one Demands”) as a new level of Japanese belligerence that would culminate in the Manchurian Incident (1931) and, ultimately, full scale war on the continent (the 19… The available Japanese invasion forces were comparative small. “He fought and marched till he died. So platoon liasion sergeant was not the most senior NCO in the platoon, like platoon NCO in western armies? Thus, a Napoleonic division (which numbered about 10,000 men) was composed of infantry, artillery, cavalry, and supply units. sorry mate didnt know after all there is 3500 members !! 5 talking about this. Now with your and Fontessa help I've got some understanding of IJA small infantry units organization. I am wehrmacht enthusiast and only know what averaged Japanese military buff knows and what can be easily found by Japanese google. Just For Fun. Founded in 1999. World War II Armed Forces — Orders of Battle and Organizations: Last Updated 02.11.2020 These totaled 223 including the Jun 27, 2014 - Infantry Battalion Organization | 1939 infantry division 1 1944 infantry division 1. Authorized Organization Regular Infantry … [Buna-Gona Battle (1942/1943)], The tenacity and fanatism of the Japanese troops in World War II is well known and Field Marshal Slim wrote about the individual Japanese soldier the following: U.S. Marine Corps World War II Order of Battle: Ground and Air Units in the Pacific War, 1939-1945 by Gordon L. Rottman Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire by Richard B. Frank. ISBN 978-1846032349. I examine Japan’s Nanjing Massacre and the American firebombing and atomic bombing of Japanese cities during World War II as each nation’s signature atrocities. The principle and exception was upside down in IJA, in small formations. In addition to division artillery, which could differ in equipment and organization in each division, armies and corps also had their own additional batteries of medium and heavy artillery. And by the way, this is a type 96 Japanese light machine gun and not a British Bren, they look similar, but there is a clear difference between those two, which might not be so obvious. Germany's Tables of Organization and Equipment (TOE) Saved by Eddie Smith. (2007). List of Japanese Infantry divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army. I see - thank you. was an infantry division in the Imperial Japanese Army. WW2 CLASH - Ground War, TO&ES of small units: German and soviet organization in 1941. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. The successful operations of United Nations forces on Guadalcanal, New Guinea, New Georgia, and the Aleutians have resulted in the capture of large amounts of Japanese materiel. I found a brief recall of an IJA seageant, whose first job as a corporal was platoon liaison NCO. BTW, Hisashi - nice userpic I also like Historians team in "Girsl und panzer". Looks a bit different than those 3 ovals from the start. Fontessa - thank you once again. AKA Order of battle of the United States Army ground forces in World War II: Pacific Theater of operations, administrative and logistical commands, armies, corps, and divisions. KEITH Military. Rifle Company (March 1943 — Aug. 1945) Parachute Battalion of the Parachute Brigade. The AT ditches were adequate to stop our medium tank. There were many instances (not isolated ones) where dugouts were grenaded inside, covered with gasoline and burned, and then sealed with dirt and sand,—only to yield, 2 or 3 days later, Jap[ane]s[e] who came out fighting.” (War Department: Tactical and Technical Trends, No. HISTORICAL MILITARY PRODUCTS Shipping only $9.95 to Canada or USA. It's interesting to note, that Japanese infantry and cavalry squads had 2-men crew of squad machine-gun armed with pistols. WW2 army structure explained? Additionally, the trenches would be connected in a sophisticated system with adjacent units too. Full-service research & records analysis. Nello Dieselpunk. 82nd Airborne Living History Association. Military History Visualized – Offical Homepage for the YouTube Channel. Unlike Germany and Italy, Japan did not have a dictator, but an oligarchic and militaristic system ruling the country. By June 1942, Japanese conquests encompassed a vast area of south-east Asia and the western Pacific. Unlike the Atlantikwall video this video is about the small scale units, hence you will see an individual bunker and also layouts for company and platoon defenses. There would be another layer of wire in the front. must have named a senior officer/warrant officer/NCO to a deputy leader, and liaison NCO was sometimes very junior. Osprey Publishing. The Japanese reacted vigorously. The logs were interwoven and strongly attached to each other. The advantages of both mobility and firepower of the once great Panzergrenadier-Regiment were no longer existed ( Table 31 ). I've seen mention, that in 1945 grenade dischargers squads were disbanded and its' soldiers (and grenade dischargers) were included in 3 "line" squads - but the source of this is not very reliable. C Company, 778th Tank Battalion. The Japanese constructed their bunkers usually from logs and earth. The 159th was ordered to stay in the Aleutian Islands after the 7th Infantry Division was victorious over the Japanese … Zaloga, Steven J. Yes, I know this group - after all, I am a member of it. From the total of 51 divisions in China and Manchuria only 11 were available in December 1941.. by Eugen Pinak » 13 Jan 2013, 20:09, Post Furthermore, there was a MG position that was well covered too. On 7 August 1942 the first stage of the offensive began with landings by a Marine division on Guadalcanal and nearby islands. During the war another 117 were raised for foreign service and 56 were raised for national defense. It was the bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history. This provided excellent protection and usually gave full protection against mortar and light artillery fire. Organization of Division - Units + Summary of Awards & Casualties - CLICK TO GO. The purpose of this study is to provide a concise description of Japanese infantry weapons. Now, there is only one position for an LMG, but also the area is quite small for 54 let alone 62 men. In the rear area there is a larger shelter with sleeping accommodation. 7, March 1944, War Department: Intelligence Bulletin Vol II, No. If 500 Japanese were ordered to hold a position, we had to kill 495 before it was ours – and then the last five killed themselves.” (Slim, William: Defeat into Victory, p. 615), After all the Japanese doctrine and training put a strong emphasis on morale factors and tenacity. Krieg –Kriegserlebnis – Kriegserfahrung in Deutschland. Saved from wwiivehicles.com. 11. I originally wanted to do something about naval tactics in the non-world war era, but since I got a bit sick and thus my mind could only operate at limited capacity, I switched to this easier topic, after all, I am mostly a land-rat from the modern era. Each of the areas is for one platoon, the firing trenches are for individual squads. 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