Well the Dr. didn't act to alarmed she just said as long as his face or lips were not blue to just cover him up. it definetly sound circulatory. Just wondering if this is a serious thing, and should I insist he be seen before the 19th. That is a problem for some preemies, lasting until they are 6-8 months old. I am so freaked out and worried. During winter the finger all the time blue. If you explained what was happening to your pediatrician's office, it should be okay if they didn't schedule you till later tomorrow. Those injuries usually heal on their own without treatment. If the baby has pink lips and tongue, it is not concerning and should disappear with warming. First, don't panic. Ive noticed most of my attacks are when im in a big crowd of people. But if your foot starts to take on a purple color without any bumps or bruises, you should see your doctor. Acrocyanosis: this is usually when a baby is born with blue hands and feet, while the rest of the body, particularly the chest and torso, assume a pink colour. So I was wondering if anyone has ever had this experience. This is usually perfectly normal and just reflects the baby's somewhat immature blood circulation. If the toddler is diagnosed with a heart or circulation disorder, medication is likely to be prescribed to prevent limited blood flow to the legs and feet. In the past couple of weeks he has started shivering and the whole leg and arm would turn light blue. I know babies' extremities are expected to be cold, but she can be warm, and still her hands and feet can be purple/blue. Thats why I am changing pedis. I got out of my recliner yesterday evening to find myself. Stinging fingers or throbbing pain in fingers upon warming up or stress relief? Raynaud's disease. if he is getting worse day by day, i would move the appt. Favorite Answer. As blood supply returns to your fingers or toes, they become bright red. For example, it's part of normal infant physiology to stop breathing for brief periods, or to occasionally turn blue at the mouth or feet… I have looked on the internet for causes and this can be frightening. She listened to his heart and she didn't hear a murmur (because I figure she would've told me). Not many people do that. D. Mattern-Muck Besides purple, red, blue or black skin … GL to you!! You may feel tingling, throbbing, or pain in your fingers or toes. Acrocyanosis is simply Latin for blue extremity. Keep him wrapped up, even if its warm and see if you notice the difference. Every doctor we visited couldn't figure out what was wrong and eventually all came to the conclusion that I needed to stop playing piano so much. 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This can happen if the blood vessels get compresse ... Read More Sick One Year Old, Caugh, Cold, Fever, Possibly Thrust. they are always freezing. Galatians 5:6. "Raise your income and your rugrats at the same time." Your fingers or toes may first turn pale when you are exposed to cold or stressful situations. if it is unchanging, i would keep it where it is. My feet turn blue,nearly purple when i sit or stand and return to normal upon walking. I would definatley ask the doctor though and bring it to his/her attention. If you are going to a free clinic, I would get back online and decide if I needed to take him to an urgent care clinic right away. It could be a circulation problem, causing the skin to turn blue because of a lack of oxygen getting to the tissue. Why do black American women breastfeed their children? With acrocyanosis, the baby’s hands and feet are blue. "why does my 10 month hands and feet turn purple and cold?" Karen C:hug::hug: mk 08cds wrote: My little boys hands and feet went blue the other day when he was ill. Today I have woken up and he has purple hands.. Acrocyanosis . But you don't need to worry if your baby's hands and feet turn blue for a short period of time when the rest of the body is pink as this is normal in a baby so young. You may have had bruises that temporarily turned part of your skin a shade of black, blue, or purple. Safest bet is to talk to your doctor. Raynaud's disease causes smaller arteries that supply blood flow to the skin to narrow in response to cold or stress. But because you have, He will bless you!!!! He had his nine month checkup and the doctor did not say a word about it and he saw it happening. My son Cam is just about 6 mths old, and lately I and others have been noticing his hands and feet turn blue and sometimes around his mouth. Do nurses shake baby powder on newborn babies after they are delivered when they diaper them. The majority of the time, it's while he's having a bottle, or just waking up. Acrocyanosis: this is usually when a baby is born with blue hands and feet, while the rest of the body, particularly the chest and torso, assume a pink colour. hopefully your situation will be the same, i'll call my sister in law and get her to tell me what it was that was causing it. Curios Penny on November 05, 2015: My left hand middle finger has been turning blue once I put my hands in water, cold or warm. My doctor said it was acrocyanosis, but offered no cure. Why does my infant son''s hand and feet turn blue periodically and he also has a low pulse rate at times - Answered by a verified Health Professional. Has anyone ever seen this, experienced this. Your fingers or toes may first turn pale when you are exposed to cold or stressful situations. I mean blue. Still have questions? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. There is a lack of oxygenated blood being circulated to the furthest extremities. Central cyanosis can indicate a severe underlying problem with the baby’s oxygen system. Hope this helps. im not sure if its related but he is also premature and had viral meningitis at 8 wks old. I know the office staff in our pedi's office were trained to know when to get a child in right away or whether it could wait, and if they weren't sure, they always would put me on hold and go ask someone. no matter if he is bundled in clothes and nice and warm his feet are still freezing and the same color. I put a post up about this a couple of months ago cos Williams hands, feet, legs and above his top lip kept going blue/purple but they were doing it at random times of the day, even when he wasnt cold. He was tested for Cystic Fibrosis when he was 1 mth due to a prolapsed rectum. It doesn't stay that way for extended period of time and he doesn't seem phased by it in any way. The hands and feet turn blue at bath time also, although I always warm up the house extra, and make sure his water his warm, even adding warm water as I go. After he did, he was still blue so she took him down and checked his vitals, and at that time all was fine, must have been gas she said. Gangrene commonly affects extremities and results from a lack of blood flow or a bacterial infection. He might have circulation or respiratory issues. There is also a usually mild condition called Reynauds, but it is uncommon in children, especially babies. his hands have start to become the same way but not as often. The issue causes areas of skin to turn blue, particularly the lips, facial skin, and tongue. Was he a preemie? Definitely talk to the doctor. I ask because you said he had to stay in NICU for a while. It is usually due to less severe causes than central cyanosis, which may be evident on the face or lips as well. Is poor circulation causing my fingers to go blue? He had a sweat chloride test done, and the woman who administered it said she " thought she got enough sweat", when the doctor called with the results, he said he was in the clear based on the amount of the sample , but seemed hesitant, all at the same time. The blue colour is due to the de-oxygenated blood, which appears much darker in colour than oxygenated blood. Why do I enjoy making other people's babies cry? Why Do My Hands And Feet Get So Cold? Due to the decrease in blood supply, your fingers or toes may then turn blue and may feel cold and numb. That is a problem for some preemies, lasting until they are 6-8 months old. Injuries to the hands or feet, such as a wrist fracture, surgery, or frostbite may also cause damage. maybe his heart rate is just dipping more than it should? Blue hands are a serious symptom that can indicate a severe medical condition and should always be promptly evaluated by a medical professional. The skin may then become red and puffy as the vessels reopen. I have two other sons, and have never seen this in them. People who suffer from frostbite can develop irreversible changes. It is rarely a concern, especially if the umbilical cord is left intact until it stops pulsating, as blood and oxygen are still being … changes in skin color occur as the blood vessels seal off and cause the affected areas (usually the fingers and/or toes) to turn blue or white, or first one and then the other. I am beginning to think mine is also caused by my social anxiety. Skin color changes are typically indicative of a circulation problem. https://www.mamapedia.com/article/14-month-old-with-blue-hands-and-feet, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/tiny-blisters-on-my-fingers, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/cold-child-turning-blue-in-the-not-so-cold-pool, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/daughter-not-gaining-weight-1748, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/sick-one-year-old-caugh-cold-fever-possibly-thrust, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/almost-8-dash-yr-dash-old-hearing-voices, https://www.mamapedia.com/article/two-year-old-foot-turned-in, Cold Child Turning Blue in the Not So Cold Pool. Maybe Raynaulds disease, hands and feet are effected. The discoloration can be splotchy or solid, and usually affects both hands and/or both feet at the same time. There could be several causes of this. If the color changes turn from white to blue to red, that might be Raynaud phenomenon Obviously, the most severe form of cold exposure is frostbite. The discoloration can be splotchy or solid, and usually affects both hands and/or both feet at the same time. I would definatley ask the doctor though and bring it to his/her attention. Cyanosis on the lips, tongue, head or torso is central cyanosis, and should be promptly evaluated by a doctor. Second, examine your child. We're not talking normal mottling reddish purple. Was he a preemie? It occurs when the tiny blood vessels supplying the skin of the fingers and feet become constricted (spasm) in response to heat, cold or other stimuli. What if males are able to give birth to babies in the future ? What are the signs and symptoms of Raynaud disease? I'm a pianist and had problems with tingling and numb hands in high school. Very unusual in a baby though. When we get cold, the blood retreats from the extremities to keep … Answered by Dr. Jeffrey Bowman: Cold hand and feet: This is often associated to raynaud's disease. MBBS. Blue hands & feet are actually rather common in babies. The majority of the time, it's while he's having a bottle, or just waking up. i mean everyday all day his feet are purple or blue. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. I honestly can't remember what it was, its been a couple years, i just remember we were all very worried and then it turned out to be nothing to worry about. 22 years experience Pediatric Cardiology Acrocyanosis: Being cold causes vasoconstriction (tightening down) of the blood vessels in the periphery. What do I do if I think my child has cyanosis? changes in skin color occur as the blood vessels seal off and cause the affected areas (usually the fingers and/or toes) to turn blue or white, or first one and then the other. Do you ever get colour change in the fingers as a result of temperature or stress? My hands & sometimes feet turn very blue when i am cold or stressed. Purple feet are a sign of a circulation problem that can be potentially serious. The hands and feet turn blue at bath time also, although I always warm up the house extra, and make sure his water his warm, even adding warm water … if in your gut, you feel like something needs to be re-done, go for it. I ask because you said he had to stay in NICU for a while. Have a great day!!! Sometimes the bluish tinge has nothing to do with the blood and is entirely due to surface factors. We have noticed in the past couple of months that his hands and feet/legs turn blue when he is sitting or being held or just laying there. Where as MAJORITY white American women use baby formula? It is usually seen when the baby gets cold and can be dramatic after they are pulled out of the bathtub. It happens because blood and oxygen are circulating to the most important parts of the body such as the brain, lungs, and kidneys rather than to the hands and feet. So unless you are going to a free clinic, you can probably breathe a little easier. Acrocyanosis – blue hands and feet, also due to vasomotor instability and also generally benign. Do you get numb fingers, tingling, painful fingers or pain in the hands? Thank You. She has reflux and has had a reflux scan to prove it. The one she has been seeing seems to think everything is normal. So thanks a bunch! This is called acrocyanosis. I … eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'mamapedia_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',637,'0','0']));This was happening to my brother's son too (at about the same age as your son) and it turned out to be nothing serious. www.formyrugrats.com It does sound like it could be a circulation issue. please help. Im glad you've got hospital appt. For example, some people’s feet turn purple every time they walk barefoot on the floor. When he was just two days old, I noticed his lips and around his nose were blue, so I called the nurse down to my room, and she told me he just needed to burp. The MOM Team Blue hands are a serious symptom that may be caused by a serious or life-threatening underlying condition. DD2 (9 months) suffers with what appears to be very poor circulation in hands and feet. The episode must last less than a minute, and then resolve itself on its own, the panel said. I wish you lots of luck with your family and love how you have thanked God and given Him the glory for the blessings in your life. : Purple or blue coloring to hands or feet usually means decreased or slowed circulation to the area. Cyanosis (a blue color to the skin/nails) is never a good sign. Dr. Robert. I … Hope this helps. The skin may then become red and puffy as the vessels reopen. Do your hands ever look like these photos, with blue skin, white skin, blue fingers or blue hands, white fingers or white hands? We have visited the GP and on the second occasion - armed with photographs - she has referred us to a paediatrician. If so, his hands and feet could be turning blue because he is not maintaining his temperature. BRUE episodes happen in babies younger than 1 year of age when one or more of the following conditions occurs: Turning blue or pale, Irregular, decreased or halted breathing, A marked change in muscle tone, Unresponsiveness. I am going to the dr. tomorrow but won't be until late. Ive had this when I was a young child and i wear a normal pair of socks and bed socks although the last 2 months despite wearing these and my uggs my toes every year are covered in chilblains (last year I had 11! DD2 (9 months) suffers with what appears to be very poor circulation in hands and feet. When it affects the extremities only, like the hands and feet, then it is referred to as peripheral cyanosis. Consultant. i can push on them and they turn … Cyanosis refers to a bluish cast to the skin and mucous membranes. It is embarrasing right now with summer and everyone say … read more. Is an infant is sedated by his doctor will he think he is dying? Outlook. The affected body parts, usually fingers and toes, might turn white or blue and feel cold and numb until circulation improves, usually when you get warm. Which makes sense because most (not all) of the time his feet are ice cold...so there ya go. "Infants probably do these things regularly and we don't know it," said … My son's hands and feet turn blue frequently. I know nothing about the symptoms of meningitis, but if symptoms truly point to that, I wouldn't mess around. Karen C:hug::hug: mk 08cds wrote: My little boys hands and feet went blue the other day when he was ill. Today I have woken up and he has purple hands.. A lack of oxygen in your blood will lead to a blue coloration of your skin that is most quickly seen in your hands, feet and lips. While white American babies are bald headed when they are born? I can't answer to the blue hands, but have you ever seen a chiropractor for your tingling hands/feet? WHY DO MY BABY'S HANDS & FEET GO PURPLE AND BLUE? It can be an indicator of circulatory or heart issues but rarely & in those cases it also effects the lips typically. Why Do My Hands And Fingers Turn Blue In The Cold? Circulation problems might not be the only cause of the color changes in the skin on your toddler’s legs and feet. there is nothing wrong with that. "Infants don't come with a manual, and they do things parents wouldn't expect," Tieder said. over the past couple of week we have began to really notice that my sons feet are constantly purple or blue. Her pedi took her off all of her reflux meds when I asked about D/C her reglan. PT is also worried about her hips and has seen her hands and feet turn blue. Cyanosis (a blue color to the skin/nails) is never a good sign. Its only his hands and feet nothing on his face or torso. I know babies' extremities are expected to be cold, but she can be warm, and still her hands and feet can be purple/blue. We have visited the GP and on the second occasion - armed with photographs - … Peripheral cyanosis is when there is a bluish discoloration to your hands or feet. If the legs and feet of your toddler turn purple, contact your doctor. Is it bad for my 21 month old son to be using a pacifier? We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. | Sort by Date Showing results 1 to 10. I have an appt made with his doctor, and i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their child. If so, his hands and feet could be turning blue because he is not maintaining his temperature. 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