the middle skin layer where nerve endings, blood vessels, hair follicles, and other biological structures are found Examples of Dermis in a sentence The nurse injected the medication into the dermis that lies beneath the top layer of skin. 2. It's difficult to see subcutaneous in a sentence. The injections are made by means of a hypodermic syringe into the subcutaneous tissue, into a vein, into one of the serous sacs, or more rarely into some special part of the body. Adjusted subcutaneous heparin versus warfarin sodium in the long-term treatment of venous thrombosis. Well adapted to subcutaneous injection, on account of solubility. subcutaneous fascia: a continuous layer of connective tissue over the entire body between the skin and the deep fascial investment of the specialized structures of the body, such as the muscles. carotene pigments in subcutaneous fat (adipose tissue) (orange-yellow color ). Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). dermis example sentences. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 2. Triceps skinfold thickness (measure of subcutaneous fat). All Rights Reserved. The incision should include the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The definition of subcutaneous is something located or placed just below the skin. Under the skin. Subcutaneous is used to indicate that something is situated, used, or put just under the skin. The thickness of this subcutaneous layer varies throughout the body and also from person to person. Here are 73 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "dermis". Doctor injected subcutaneous medicine. 4. subcutaneous layer. relating to or located below the epidermis; "hypodermic needle"; "subcutaneous implant" more Show declension of subcutaneous ( , ), ) stemming. 1 1 It's made of the same types of cells and the same three layers: the protective top layer called the epidermis, the supple middle layer called the dermis, and a deeper layer of subcutaneous fat. Protects against abrasion; contains melanin, which absorbs damaging UV light 2. The treatment is therefore to administer an ounce of sodium sulphate in water by the mouth, or to inject a similar quantity of the salt in solution directly into a vein or into the subcutaneous tissues. No severe reactions have been reported with subcutaneous infusion. From Cambridge English Corpus The ribs were approximated with a single 2-0 silk tie, the subcutaneous muscle layer was repaired, and the skin closed. The adipocytes group together to form lobules, which are separated by connective tissue.The number of adipocytes in th… Types of cells that are found in the hypodermis are fibroblasts, adipose cells, and macrophages. Skins and subcutaneous layers are soft, for the same reason. The bottom two layers, the dermis and subcutaneous layer combine as they connect, providing mutual assistance to one another in order to keep the entire skin system healthy. In mink, early transmission of TME by subcutaneous inoculation had led to the proposal that natural transmission might be initiated via wounds. Below the upper layer of skin, the dermis contains the blood vessels that nourish the skin cells. Do not mix cyclizine or prochlorperazine with diamorphine for intramuscular or bolus subcutaneous injection. The hypodermis consists primarily of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat. Showing page 1. The venom is generally introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, whence it reaches the general circulation by absorption through the lymph and blood-vessels. ‘The superficial veins conduct blood from the skin and subcutaneous tissue.’ ‘Each strand of hair grows from a follicle rooted in your skin's subcutaneous tissue.’ ‘However, it can occur in the skin or subcutaneous tissue anywhere on the body and may present as single or multiple lesions.’ It's made of the same types of cells and the same three layers: the protective top layer called the epidermis, the supple middle layer called the dermis, and a deeper layer of subcutaneous fat. In a given case of anasarca due to a cause acting generally, it will be found that the liquid of the pleural cavity always contains the highest percentage of proteid, that of the peritoneal cavity comes next, that of the cerebral ventricles follows this, and the liquid of the subcutaneous areolar tissue contains the lowest. Be warned. Ask your vet to teach you how to give subcutaneous injections. Findings Subcutaneous sumatriptan Twelve trials were included in the analysis. Example sentences with "subcutaneous", translation memory. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Administration is by subcutaneous injection preferably in the loose skin on the side of the neck, observing aseptic precautions. This is the reason why some subcutaneous injections and drugs in creams or ointments include a small amount of the enzyme hyaluronidase. The numbers of patients with a positive effect or no effect of subcutaneous specific immunotherapy were extracted. Examples of Subcutaneous in a sentence Botox is a subcutaneous treatment because it injects neurotoxin under the skin. cannula insertion depends to some extent on needle size - but subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic itself causes pain. The subcutaneous tissue layer is the inside layer of the skin that attaches the epidermis and dermis to the underlying muscles. The physician injects local anesthesia at the base of the penis or under the skin around the penis (subcutaneous ring block). subcutaneous emphysema can be an indication of the extensive internal damage. These layers are the epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. These are oral dosages, mind you, whereas the study used subcutaneous injection, which amplifies the effect of the drug further. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 1. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. All three patients received prophylaxis with subcutaneous heparin and compression stockings. This effect is the same however the drug be administered, as, even after subcutaneous injection, the arsenic is excreted into the stomach after absorption, and thus sets up gastritis in its passage through the mucous membrane. — The Washington Post,, "Dachshund blew up like a balloon, 'crackled like Bubble Wrap'," 1 June 2018 Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells. 24 examples: The prevention of preterm labour and delivery is the single most important… Thus Krawkow and Nowak, employing the frequent subcutaneous injection of the usual organisms of suppuration, have induced in the fowl the deposition within the tissues of a homogeneous substance giving the colour reactions of true amyloid. administered as a subcutaneous injection and therefore has a rapid speed of onset. Asked by Wiki User. Subcutaneous in a sentence up(0) down(0) Sentence count:155Posted:2017-04-28Updated:2017-04-28. , You could consider a splinter a subcutaneous wound since it usually gets stuck under your skin. Other organic derivatives employed are sodium metharsenite and sodium anilarsenate or atoxyl; hypodermic injections of the latter have been used in the treatment of sleeping sickness. The project aims to compare the biological activity of conventional and cross-linked polyethylene using the rat subcutaneous air pouch in vivo model. It is probable that the parasite is then transferred to the alimentary canal of man by means of drinking-water, and thence makes its way to the subcutaneous connective tissue. Your skin is attached to your bones and muscles by the third layer called subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat covers and envelops a network of hormonal signals. drill-bones) may develop in a soft tissue with no natural bone-forming tendencies, as a result of interrupted pressure, or a fatty tumour may arise in the midst of the natural subcutaneous fat in the same circumstances. The last of the layers of the skin and the one closest to your organs is the subcutaneous fat layer. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. During its continuance fat is absorbed from the subcutaneous tissue, and patients become very much thinner, so that it not only lessens flatulence, but reduces obesity. A recent method of using the drug is in the form of sodium cacodylate by subcutaneous injection, and this preparation is said to be free from the cumulative effects sometimes arising after the prolonged use of the other forms. The substance builds up in the cat's subcutaneous tissue and transfers to the flea when the flea bites the cat. Botox is a subcutaneous treatment because it injects neurotoxin under the skin. Much of the development after that is external: hair, subcutaneous fat, etc. Development of such antibodies is seen more commonly in patients treated with EXUBERA compared to subcutaneous insulin. See more. The subcutaneous tissue also helps insulate the body against heat loss. Skin is made of three layers: Epidermis, Dermis, and Subcutaneous Tissue. This prompted us to explore the use of subcutaneous methotrexate. It comprises an outer normally fatty layer and an inner thin elastic layer. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Subcutaneous tissue, which is also known as the hypodermis, is the innermost layer of skin. See Answer. Showing page 1. Cutaneous definition is - of, relating to, or affecting the skin. The collapse must be treated with hot blankets and bottles, and subcutaneous injections of brandy, ether or strychnine. CATS: Caninsulin should be administered twice daily at an interval of 12 hours by subcutaneous injection. Layers adjectives are listed in this post. These cookies do not store any personal information. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Under the name of anti-opium cure various remedies containing morphine in the form of powder, or of little pills, have been introduced, as well as the subcutaneous injection of the alkaloid, so that the use of morphine is increasing in China to an alarming extent, and considerable difficulty is experienced in controlling the illicit traffic in it, especially that sent through the post. 11. vitamin A. vitamin B. vitamin C. vitamin D. vitamin E. Match the structure with its protective function. She touched the subcutaneous communications implant behind her right ear, which activated the communications net, and rolled onto her back. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Wiki User Answered . No translation memories found. Sentences Menu. What really matters is the relationship between two tissue types, subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle. continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion for diabetes, Technology Appraisal Guidance No. It is also known as the subcutaneous layer or subcutaneous tissue. The innermost layer is called subcutaneous tissue. The adult stage of this form is the Filaria loa found in the subcutaneous tissues of the limbs. The hypodermis is the innermost (or deepest) and thickest layer of skin. To get a visual six-pack you have to get rid of the subcutaneous fat, the fat underneath your skin … Learn more. pharmacokinetics of darbepoetin alfa has been studied clinically in chronic renal failure patients following intravenous and subcutaneous administration. 57. , Technically all of your veins are subcutaneous since they are beneath your skin. Top Answer. The drug must be at once withheld if haemorrhages (subcutaneous, retinal, &c.) are observed. If the injury be a small incised wound through the skin and subcutaneous tissues without any septic contamination, there usually follows a minimum of reaction on the part of the tissues. Produce secretions that create … ... Pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin A term referring to below the skin. Also, this layer of fat acts as food storage that the body can use in times of emergency. Though transient, this action is so certain, marked and rapid, as to make the subcutaneous injection of atropine invaluable in certain conditions. There is a subcutaneous layer of skin beneath the surface layer that you can see. Sentences Mobile The animals displayed hydrocephaly and had abnormal hypodermis fat layer morphology. Subcutaneous injections are given just under the skin, where the medicine is gradually absorbed into the bloodstream. Most medicines administered at home are given orally or topically; although some medications, such as insulin, are usually given by subcutaneous injection. Sentence example with the word 'subcutaneous' subcutaneous cortical, dermal, ecderonic, ectodermic, endermic, epidermal, furry, hypodermic, intradermal, intraspinal, intravenous, skin-deep, testaceous Definition adj. Cysticercus cellulosae may be comparatively innocuous in a muscle or subcutaneous tissue, but most hurtful in the eye or brain. The resulting subcutaneous emphysema can be an indication of the extensive internal damage. COLLOCATIONS: ~ administration~ injection Subcutaneous drug delivery devices, such as implants, are placed under the skin. Definition of subcutaneous tissue in the dictionary. Angioedema-Patches of circumscribed swelling involving the skin and its subcutaneous layers, the mucous membranes, and sometimes the organs frequently caused by an allergic reaction to drugs or food. Sentences with the word : Synonyms. They come from many sources and are not checked. You could consider a splinter a subcutaneous wound since it usually gets stuck under your skin. What MRI scans reveal is the difference between visceral fat, found inside the abdomen, and subcutaneous fat, found under the skin. Absorption may also take place from the skin, from the rectum, from the respiratory passages, or from wounds, and from direct injection into the subcutaneous tissue or into a blood vessel. Definition of subcutaneous adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. They are typically the last of the "six pack" to appear because they lay buried under a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. The term subcutaneous is in Latin and hypoderm in Greek, both of which means ‘beneath the skin’. Skin cells play an important role in producing. subcutaneous sumatriptan Twelve trials were included in the analysis. This reference page can help answer the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing LAYERS. The subcutaneous tissue is composed of subcutaneous fat and various other types of cells. They do not represent the opinions of Whether administered in the form of the official lamella or by subcutaneous injection, physostigmine causes a contraction of the pupil more marked than in the case of any other known drug. Otters have little subcutaneous fat for energy storage and must constantly feed. Subcutaneous definition, situated or lying under the skin, as tissue. Some involve the connective tissue in the subcutaneous layer of the skin. 1. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. He tapped the subcutaneous button before returning to his boots. My heart, muscles,and feet are subcutaneous. subcutaneous specific immunotherapy were extracted. She touched the subcutaneous … a, Cavity surrounding fin ray; a', fin ray; b, muscular tissue of myotome; c, nervecord; d, notochord; c, left aorta; f, thickened ridges of epithelium of praeoral chamber (Rader organ); g, coiled tube lying in a coelomic space on right side of praeoral hood, apparently an artery; h, cuticle of notochord; i, connective-tissue sheath of notochord; k, median ridge of skeletal canal of nerve-cord; 1, skeletal canal protecting nerve-cord; m, inter-segmental skeletal septum of myotome; n, subcutaneous skeletal connective tissue; o, ditto of metapleur (this should be relatively thicker than it is); q, subcutaneous connective tissue of ventral surface of atrial wall (not a canal, as supposed by Stieda and others); r, epiblastic epithelium; s, gonad-sac containing ova; t, pharyngeal bar in section, one of the "tongue" bars alternating with the main bars and devoid of pharyngo-pleural fold and coelom; v, atrio-coelomic funnel; w, socalled "dorsal" coelom; x, lymphatic space or canal of metapleur; y, sub-pharyngeal vascular trunk; z, blood-vessel (portal vein) on wall of hepatic caecum; aa, space of atrial or branchial chamber; bb, ventral groove of pharynx (anteriorly this takes the form of a ridge); cc, hyperbranchial groove of pharynx; dd, lumen or space of hepatic caecum; ee, narrow coelomic space surrounding hepatic caecum; $, lining cell-layer of hepatic caecum; gg, inner face of a pharyngeal bar clothed with hypoblast, the outer face covered with epiblast (represented black); hh, a main pharyngeal bar with projecting pharyngeal fold (on which the reference line rests) in section, showing coelomic space beneath the black epiblast; ii, transverse ventral muscle of epipleura; kk, raphe or plane of fusion of two down-grown epipleura; 11, space and nucleated cells on dorsal face of notochord; mm, similar space and cells on its ventral face. It's made up of fat and connective tissues that house larger blood vessels and nerves, and it acts as an insulator to help regulate body temperature. subcutaneous definition: 1. existing under the skin: 2. existing under the skin: . Examples of obstetrics in a sentence, how to use it. 128. Pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin. What does subcutaneous tissue mean? triceps skinfold thickness (measure of subcutaneous fat ). This is a result of damage to the skin tissue under the outer dermis or layer of … Another name for the hypodermis is the subcutaneous tissue. The sulci are emphasized because the subcutaneous fat, which is copious in order to pad the skin for the purpose of firmness of holding„ being restricted to the intervals between the lines along which the skin is tied down, makes these intervals project, and these are the monticuli. If you need … Your skin is attached to your bones and muscles by the third layer called subcutaneous fat. She even caught herself touching her ear to keep from sliding her finger behind it to the subcutaneous net implant. Examples of hypodermis in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web He was diagnosed with subcutaneous emphysema - a rare condition in which air gets trapped under the skin's lowest layer called the subcutis or hypodermis. This thermal layer acts as an insulator, much like the hypodermis. 2012-10-15 23:43:43. The muscles and associated tissues in this region had been destroyed and there were very extensive subcutaneous contusions. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. relating to or located below the epidermis Last update: June 30, 2015. The task is harder when the child has a large amount of subcutaneous fat, a common situation in toddlers. , If you think about it, almost all of your organs are subcutaneous because they are covered by your skin. A subcutaneous injection is given in the layer of tissue just beneath the skin. It is thickest in areas of the body such as the buttocks, palms, and soles of the feet.Subcutaneous fat is the most widely distributed layer of subcutaneous tissue and is made up of adipocytes. In such diseases the bacteria, when introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, rapidly gain entrance to the blood stream and multiply freely in it, and by means of their toxins cause symptoms of general poisoning. Pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin. Subcutaneous drug delivery devices, such as implants, are placed under the skin. The epidermis and dermis also have their own functions. Finally, the subcutaneous layer gives the body its shape. a n v d [Please select] 0. subcutaneous heparin versus warfarin sodium in the long-term treatment of venous thrombosis. The bottom two layers, the dermis and subcutaneous layer combine as they connect, providing mutual assistance to one another in order to keep the entire skin system healthy. How do you use subcutaneous in a sentence? The recommended posology of Rebif is 44 micrograms given three times per week by subcutaneous injection. 2. Protects against abrasion; acts as a heat insulator, protects the eyes against foreign objects 3. The subcutaneous layer can be compared to wearing a thermal layer of clothing. A subcutaneous injection is given in the layer of tissue just beneath the skin. A subcutaneous injection is administered as a bolus into the subcutis, the layer of skin directly below the dermis and epidermis, collectively referred to as the cutis.subcutaneous injections are highly effective in administering medications such as insulin, morphine, diacetylmorphine and goserelin.subcutaneous administration may be abbreviated as SC, SQ, sub-cu, sub-Q, SubQ, or … The layer sits above the deep fascia (dense connective tissue that can surround individual muscles). It is well recognised that benign calcifications occur naturally in the subcutaneous tissues of the breast, usually within sebaceous glands. Subcutaneous is used to indicate that something is situated, used, or put just under the skin. Subcutaneous fat below the dermis consists primarily of adipose tissue, and it provides mechanical protection … add example. The epidermis … The skin is opened using cutting diathermy and the subcutaneous tissue using coagulation diathermy. Subcutaneous in a sentence 1. The skin can divide cuticular , derma and subcutaneous tissue three-layer, the most outside for skin, 0.2 millimeter are only thick, can prevent outside eyewinker to inbreak. , There is a subcutaneous layer of skin beneath the surface layer that you can see. necrosis of subcutaneous tissue extending to, but not through the muscle. How to use Subcutaneous in a sentence as an adjective. Example sentences with the word dermis. The dermis or corium underlying the epidermis is 0.3 to 4.0 mm in thickness and may be divided into two layers, papillary and reticular. From Cambridge English Corpus The hypodermis, also called the hypoderm, subcutaneous tissue, or superficial fascia is the lowermost layer of the integumentary system in vertebrates. An example of subcutaneous is a wooden splinter in a finger tip. subcutaneous calcitonin Four of four trials described benefit compared with placebo. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In the wasting of the thyroid gland in myxoedema, or when the gland is completely removed by operation, myxomatous areas are found in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, nerve-sheaths, &c. Lubarsch succeeded in inducing it merely by the subcutaneous injection of turpentine, which produces its result, it is said, by exciting an abscess. Found 208 sentences matching phrase "Subcutaneous".Found in 4 ms. Information and translations of subcutaneous tissue in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. She opted for a subcutaneous mastectomy in the healthy breast. Vaccines that are used intramuscularly may cause local reactions (such as irritation, skin discoloration, inflammation, and granuloma formation) if injected into subcutaneous tissue. Antitoxins can be prepared by immunizing a large animal, such as a horse, by injecting gradually increasing doses of specific toxins into its subcutaneous tissue. The penis is the intromittent organ of generation, and is made up of three cylinders of erectile tissue, covered by skin and subcutaneous tissue without fat. Meaning of subcutaneous tissue. How to use cutaneous in a sentence. Indian Head Massage relaxes the scalp and tones up the subcutaneous muscles relieving eyestrain, headaches and improving concentration. Each word below can often be found in front of the noun layers in the same sentence. Subcutaneous fat: the major fat depots are immediately beneath the skin, and packed around the viscera in the abdominal cavity. The relative bioavailability of EXUBERA compared to subcutaneous fast-acting human insulin is approximately 10% . Filaria medinensis - the Guinea worm - is parasitic in the subcutaneous connective tissue of man (occasionally also in the horse). 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