Star Wars Miniatures: Mon Mothma # 14 - Revenge of the Sith. A meeting of loyalist senators, such as Mothma, planted the seeds of organized rebellion against Palpatine. [23][21][22] Her role as leader of the Rebel Alliance and New Republic has also been expanded upon in several canonical Star Wars tales. While Chancellor Mothma was sympathetic to the plight of Temmin and Sinjir who had loved ones and friends on Jakku, she was still determined to abide by the rules and norms of the New Republic. Chancellor Mothma was also a good talent spotter. Mon Mothma still appears in the movie on the senate landing platform, a scene turned over to be completed by ILM in mid-March of 2004. She ended up returning to politics, both because of family pressures and a genuine love of governance.[14]. Jyn was unable to deliver the holographic recording to the Alliance due the Destruction of Jedha City. Sinjir and his partner Conder visited the Orishen senator and caught him red-handed trying to trigger a remote-controlled bomb. Genevieve O'Reilly was chosen to portray the role due to her resemblance to Blakiston,[67] and she filmed a few scenes for the film that were meant to set up the eventual formation of the Rebel Alliance. After the senators had departed, Mothma and Auxi chatted about her popularity ratings and the matter of appointing a new adviser to replace the late Hostis Ij, who had perished during the attack on Chandrila. She presented data from the probe droids and the scout ship Oculus as evidence that the bulk of Imperial forces had relocated to Jakku. The next morning, Mothma briefed Kyrell and other pilots on a mission they were to carry out for the Alliance. [51], Three years after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance learned from Bothan spies that the Empire was building a second Death Star in orbit of the Forest Moon of Endor. Non-combatant functionaries within the Imperial government were given conditional pardons provided they complied with the articles of the Galactic Concordance. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. [44], Following the return of Andor's team to the Massassi base, Mothma led a discussion among the Alliance's leaders regarding the future of the rebellion. To delay the proceedings, Mothma feigned a limp as they entered the Quarrow Senate house. 1.73 meters[3] [68] Before filming, O'Reilly studied Blakiston's performance, hoping to capture the character's voice and mannerisms. While describing him as one of the best and brightest rebel operatives, Mothma expressed concerns that rebel fighters like Andor had to grapple with doing terrible things in the course of their services to the Rebellion. Marvel . Mon Mothma appears briefly in Star Tours: The Adventures Continue at the end of the Geonosis segment when the StarSpeeder 1000 flies into the Rebel Alliance flagship docking bay. [35], Mothma's devotion to her ideals did prove difficult at times. Bertoni herself crashed the conversation, suggesting that the opposition was loyal to the Separatists. 1. following Phoenix squadron's return from a failed supply mission, Mothma welcomed Hera Syndulla at the subsequent meeting, commending her bravery. Under Hera's orders, they fired their proton torpedoes into the nebula. In actuality, the full recording of Jerec showed that he argued strongly against a military occupation. [75] After the character continued appearing in Legends stories, Blakiston became aware of her character's prolific appearances. Mothma was skeptical of the plan, but ultimately approved it due to Skywalker and Organa's reputation. [49], After Alliance forces managed to shoot down Darth Vader onto the planet Vrogas Vas during the battle of Vrogas Vas, Mothma approved of Leia's request for a coordinated Alliance strike on the Sith Lord, stating that his capture was preferable but eliminating him was acceptable. Mothma helped Hera's droid Chopper to detach the Ghost from her stricken freighter. She warned that wartime measures, such as the increasing scope of the emergency powers that the Galactic Senate gave the chancellor, were a threat to democracy. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Mothma timed the peace talks to take place after the Liberation Day celebrations to mark the liberation of the Ashmead's Lock prisoners. This proved somewhat stressful, particularly as a result of the dialogue containing Star Wars terminology like the word "Bothan. The other ten percent would go towards training and supporting local militias, which would be responsible for the defense of their worlds. Hera and her crew were members of the Phoenix Cell, which operated in the Lothal sector. [32], In 2 BBY,[source?] Mothma also resigned from the Imperial Senate due to her dissatisfaction with the Senate's failure to rein in the Empire's wrongs, with the Imperial Security Bureau issuing an alert for Mothma in an attempt to capture her. The Alliance also needed Jyn to verify Galen's identity. Luckily – much … However, most of her scenes were cut from the final film. Mothma then took her Imperial guests to the Old Gather-House and the Senate Plaza to watch the Liberation Day festivities, which featured artistic and musical displays by the various member worlds and species in the New Republic. Despite knowing that full-scale war against the Empire was inevitable and wanting to escalate the fight, Mothma followed the recommendations of the council and denied Jyn Erso permission to launch a mission to retrieve the Death Star plans. She also intended to demilitarize the Republic, hoping to cut the New Republic Defense Fleet by ninety percent while leaving the defense of member worlds to the worlds themselves. Gender Before she could conclude her speech, the prisoner Brentin Lore Wexley tried to shoot her but was restrained by his wife Norra. Mothma, Amidala, and Organa represented the Republic in the conference, while three members of the Separatist Senate represented the interests of the Separatist Alliance. During the briefing, Admiral Ackbar and General Crix Madine outlined the plan of attack. Mothma watches the full recording of Deputy Minister Jerec, who argued against a Republic occupation of Mandalore. Admiral Gial Ackbar told the princess that they could not maintain such an offensive due to still being on the run, a stance that Mothma agreed with. Mothma had approved the clandestine action because it had been successful. In response, Fleet Admiral Rax ordered the Imperial fleets to assemble at Jakku. Born The senator from Chandrila, Mon Mothma is a secret opponent of Palpatine. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details! When Erskin counselled her to abandon her planned mission to Dantooine, Mothma refused and argued that she had to be present at that meeting. Mon Mothma was released in 2005 with the Revenge of the Sith set. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. While Gold Leader Captain Jon Vander and Ezra distracted the TIE Defender, Hera flew the Ghost out of the Archeon Nebula only to find their way blocked by two Star Destroyers commanded by Governor Arihnda Pryce and Admiral Kassius Konstantine. When her adviser Hostis Ij advocated finding new lines of food, fuel and other vital supplies, Auxi Kray Korbin interjected that a stronger military was not the solution. [35], While Hera and Chopper readied the Ghost's hyperdrive, Mothma tried to stall Governor Pryce with a list of demands. Mothma survived the attack due to Norra's quick response but suffered serious injuries. Soon thereafter, the Senate voted on the funding bill and passed the measure in spite of the opposition efforts of Mothma and the others, leading to the production of more clone troopers.[23]. He used inorganic bio-chip implants to control the former captives. While presiding over the Empire's surrender, Mothma took care to co-opt non-combatant Imperial functionaries in order to ensure a smooth political transition. After reflecting on the situation, Mothma commented that her setback was one one the "necessary bumps and scratches of a growing democracy." Admiral Ackbar agreed with the Chancellor's assessment. When Wartol reiterated his denial, Mothma vowed to fight him at the next election. [59], Unknown to Chancellor Mothma and the others, their conversations were being tapped by Senator Tolwar Wartol, who had planted a listening device in Leia's nanny droid T-2LC. The Zillo Beast escaped from captivity and made its way towards the Senate Office Building to find the chancellor, who had ordered the beast be destroyed so its indestructible scales could be removed for testing and replication. Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. Mothma told him that she did not drum anyone out of the Alliance for getting intoxicated once in a while, lest there be no Rebellion left to fight the Empire, but she did want to know he was capable of doing his duty. Mothma was one of many dignitaries who attended a funeral for the victims of the Jedi Temple bombing. Mothma urged the Republic to remain vigilant in the event that the conflict returned, and temporarily kept the New Republic Starfleet on wartime funding and alert status. TNT (052), Sat, Jan 23 To prevent any obstacles to the peace talks, the Chancellor ordered the New Republic military to refrain from making any incursions into Kashyyyk. Mothma left the Senate after publicly denouncing Emperor Palpatine, which was soon followed by the establishment of the Rebel Alliance. The Senate initially voted to send an occupation force, based on doctored evidence suggesting that Mandalore's Deputy Minister Jerec called for a Republic presence on his world to combat Death Watch. The Senate voted to authorize a Republic military strike against the Separatist invasion force, and the Republic was able to repel the Separatists. [62], Mothma showed her personal support for Leia after it was publicly revealed that she was the daughter of Darth Vader. Light[4] Mothma's pragmatism contrasted with the idealism of Princess Leia, who was unwilling to let obstacles block her goal to liberate the Wookiee species. Her duplicity having been discovered, Purs admitted to killing Farr due to his brief allegiance to the Separatist Alliance, and Purs was arrested for her crime. The neutrality of the planet Mandalore, led by Duchess Satine Kryze, soon came into dispute when the Mandalorian splinter group known as Death Watch threatened to overthrow the pacifist New Mandalorian government that the duchess led. At the end of the briefing, Mothma spoke to Kyrell, who apologized for his actions the previous night. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Amidala died soon thereafter,[6] and Mothma and Organa continued to prepare for resistance to the Emperor's rule. The leadership began planning for an assault on the Death Star II over Endor, but first the Alliance Fleet, which had broken up following the Rebellion's defeat during the Battle of Hoth—Mothma insisted that it break into smaller groups to avoid another disaster that the Empire could celebrate—would have to regroup near Sullust. Pryce however rejected her demands and ordered Konstantine to activate the Star Destroyer's tractor beam projector. Palpatine promised to reinstate private control of the banks when the Clone Wars were over but urged that it was necessary to ensure financial stability in the interim, a stance that most of the Senate greeted with enthusiastic approval, since the Republic was saved from bankruptcy. [53], Twenty days after the Battle of Endor, Mothma tasked Organa with traveling to Naboo in order to gather support for the formation of a New Republic. Despite Senator Ashmin Ek's protests, Auxi Kray Korbin reiterated the Chancellor's position and adjourned the meeting. Mon Mothma is a fictional politician and a supporting character featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. TBS (033), Alan Tudyk Confirms K-2So Will Not Appear in First Season of ‘Rogue One’ Disney+ Prequel Series, ‘The Dry’: Eric Bana Indie Makes A Splash At Australian Box Office, The Dry (2020) International Movie Trailers: Detective Eric Bana investigates a Shocking Murder-suicide Case in his Hometown, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, 'Rogue One' Easter Eggs and Connections to 'Star Wars'. [34] Mothma fled into hiding with her senatorial attache Erskin Semaj and the Y-wing squadron known as Gold Squadron. Though Mothma grieved the death of her friend Auxi during Senator Wartol's failed assassination attempt on her life, she remained resolute and led the New Republic's peace negotiations with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda. While Wartol had voted in favor of military intervention, Mothma observed that the five senators had taken their cues from him in the past. Amok Time Toys New York. The chancellor knew that Organa was in love with Captain Solo, who had been taken captive by Jabba the Hutt months earlier, and worried that Organa was willing to sacrifice happiness to die for the Rebel cause. Mon Mothma is a Character in the Star Wars universe. Mon Mothma wasn”t in Revenge of the Sith. At Mothma's insistence, however, Amidala agreed to work with Senator Organa on her investigation. [35], After escaping into hyperspace, Hera introduced her crew to Mothma. [60] The treaty forced the Empire to remain inside predetermined territories within the Core Worlds and the Inner Rim. #24 in the Revenge of the Sith action figure line. Mothma told her former protege that she did brilliantly, though Amidala was reluctant to feel victorious until such time as Bertoni's bill was struck down. Mothma urged the feuding representatives to end their argument, and Farr forced Bertoni to leave the gathering. The Battle of Endor, which Mothma helped plan with the Alliance High Command, saw the first death of Emperor Palpatine and left the Empire in chaos. Frustrated, Leia stormed off. Check out what we'll be watching in 2021. As leader of the Alliance, Mothma was privy to Operation Fracture,[43] a secret operation to extract the scientist Galen Erso so that he could testify to the Imperial Senate regarding the existence of a planet-destroying superweapon called the Death Star. The card has creasing as shown in picture #3 Safety Warning: Products intended for Adult Collectors. Wartol reiterated his denial and accused her of indulging in conspiracy theories. This caused an explosion which badly damaged the two Star Destroyers and allowed the rebels to flee to Dantooine. Mothma sat in the Galactic Senate by 32 BBY. The speech was greeted with enthusiasm from the Senate, and Mothma and the other opposition senators celebrated Amidala's address over drinks. Having found justification to eliminate his enemies, Palpatine declared the Jedi Order to be enemies of the Republic and ordered Darth Vader and clone troopers across the galaxy to destroy the Jedi. Following the speech, Mothma retreated to her office to recuperate. In addition, Mon Mothma was also briefed about several topics including Galen Erso's expertise on crystal science and energy generation, suspected Imperial disinformation, speculation about the Empire's planned weapons test, Grand Moff Tarkin, and Alliance military assets by various colleagues including General Draven, Senator Nower Jebel, Advisor Hostis Ij, General Jan Dodonna, and Admiral Raddus. Sella also promised to lobby the committees to fruition and to support her for the upcoming election. Amidala died in childbirth and the Delegation of 2,000 was all but dissolved, so Mothma had to continue serving in the now-Imperial Senate. [10], Mothma was a courageous and outspoken Senator in the Imperial Senate who criticized the Empire's increasingly authoritarian and repressive policies. Mothma was elected as the first chancellor of the New Republic Senate and intended to do away with Palpatine's emergency powers, which the Senate gave to the office of the New Republic chancellery. At the meeting's conclusion, Ezra once again pleaded for Mothma's help in liberating Lothal. Mothma, along with friends and allies like Senators Padmé Amidala of Naboo and Bail Organa of Alderaan, came to fear that the Republic's push to defeat the Separatists made it blind to the toll that the war would take on the Republic. She realized, however, that while she could have helped win a battle, she could contribute more as the leader of the Alliance. This simple meeting eventually set the spark for a highly secret Rebellion movement. The Sith's Revenge - Season 2; Star Wars: … She arranged for the Imperial surrender to take place on Chandrila in the crystal cliffs north of Hanna City under an ancient tintolive tree. Before exiting the conversation, Mothma complimented Ezra for his courage and wished that the Force would be with him. As a sop to Leia, Mothma agreed to raise the matter of Kashyyyk's liberation in her meeting with Sloane. Operation Yellow Moon was successful and the Alliance Fleet gathered near Sullust. [66], A younger version of Mon Mothma appeared in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, written and directed by George Lucas. Organa, along with her assigned pilot, Lieutenant Shara Bey, departed for the mission. She admired Sinjir's ingenious plan to convince five dissident senators to change their votes in favor of her resolution to intervene on Jakku. [38] After Hera and Chopper acquired the TIE/D Defender Elite's flight data recorder and returned to Yavin 4, Mothma and Erskin Semaj greeted the two rebels. Galactic Republic[6]Loyalist Committee[7]Delegation of 2,000[7]Galactic Empire[8]Imperial Senate (resigned)[8]Mon Mothma's rebel cell[9]Alliance to Restore the Republic[4]New Republic[10] Though he did not know who she was, Mothma helped find a chair so he could sit down, and he told her all about how he had defected from the Empire but still loved Ciena Ree, a childhood friend turned lover who served in the Imperial Navy. During the meeting, Mothma urged her fellow leaders to focus on winning more member worlds. In response, Mothma presented the listening device that Conder had extracted from T-2LC. Star Wars Miniatures Mon Mothma Revenge of the Sith RotS w/ Card mini RPG Legion | eBay. In the final days of the Clone Wars, the Chancellor continued to amass more executive powers. As the war progressed, a peace conference was held between the Republic and the Separatists on the neutral planet of Mandalore, overseen by Duchess Satine. Mothma was unsure of the idea, but Ackbar and Leia Organa agreed with it, and it was eventually decided they would send Skywalker on the mission. on [59], When Wartol accused her of being a weak and indulgent leader, Mothma insinuated that he had sabotaged the vote. Sinjir then interjected that his friends Norra Wexley and Jas Emari were on Jakku. Rather, they were still loyalists hoping to preserve the democracy of the Republic. [59], In addition to being a keen diplomat, Mon Mothma trained as a fighter pilot, although she never actually saw battle. Mothma became the princess' political tutor, teaching her before she took her father's place in the Imperial Senate, and watched as the princess became a leader in the emerging rebellion against the Empire. [59], This gave her allies Han Solo, Sinjir, Temmin, Conder Kyl, and the former New Republic soldier Jom Barell enough time to track down the five senators. [44], Operation Fracture involved the Alliance rescuing Galen's daughter Jyn Erso so that the Alliance could make contact with Gerrera and question Rook about the Death Star and Galen's location. Mothma knew the adopted Princess from an early age and watched as she grew to become a politician in her own right. This speech was witnessed by Senator Organa, General Jan Dodonna, and members of Ryder Azadi's Lothal resistance group and Phoenix Squadron. Their time there coincided with the Empire launching an attack against the planet, as part of Operation: Cinder,[54] but Organa and Bey fought alongside Queen Sosha Soruna to repel the Imperial attack. Chancellor Mothma accepted Amedda's offer and enlisted the help of her advisers Sinjir, Sondiv Sella, and Princess Leia. In response to the actions of the Separatist Alliance, and following the death of Rush Clovis, the Banking Clan senator Nix Card ceded control of the banks, save one branch, to Chancellor Palpatine, a move that Mothma reacted to with disapproval. However, the Alliance emerged victorious: the second Death Star was destroyed, the Emperor was killed,[4] and the Empire was left leaderless and in chaos. Want to go from owning a simply good collection to having a GREAT collection?. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker discovered that Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith who had manipulated the entire conflict to gain power over the Republic. While Leia and Commodore Kyrsta Agate expressed skepticism, the New Republic leaders including Mothma took an interest in Sloane's offer to discuss peace with the New Republic. [15], During the Battle of Malastare, the Grand Army of the Republic discovered a creature known as the Zillo Beast that dwelled underneath the surface of the planet Malastare. [4] After the briefing, Mothma spoke to Organa and expressed concern that the princess had volunteered for the mission. The return of O'Reilly as Mon Mothma is not completely surprising, but this is a welcome confirmation. [23], During the course of their investigation, Amidala and Organa were targeted for death by the assassin. The chancellor approved Operation Yellow Moon, and urged her young friend not to deny herself an opportunity for love—a love denied because of total devotion to the Alliance—because of what happened to her parents and to Alderaan.[31]. Species Senator Onaconda Farr collapses and soon dies after drinking poison, as Mothma and other senators look on. While her adviser Auxi was killed, Mothma survived because she was outside the building. Mothma fled from Coruscant after she was branded a traitor and immediately rocketed to the top of the Empire's "Most Wanted" list[11] for giving a speech condemning the Ghorman Massacre. She added that by manipulating the five senators, Wartol was sacrificing the safety of the galaxy. [35], During the journey, the rebels came under attack from Grand Admiral Thrawn's prototype TIE Defender starfighter and two TIE Interceptors. He had had several serious talks with Mon Mothma, Danta and other influential senators for most of the day and his arguments had hit home with them. When Leia entered the room, Chancellor Mothma greeted her and apologized for not inviting her. [60] Some time during her tenure, Mothma further reformed the Senate by establishing that member worlds would act as the Senate's capital on a rotating basis. [59], In private, Chancellor Mothma asked Wartol about her failed resolution to attack the Empire's fleet on Jakku, which had failed by five votes. [35], The character later appeared in an expanded role in the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. When the war with the Empire finally came to end, the Republic and the Imperial remnants signed the Galactic Concordance and the Republic passed the Military Disarmament Act. Nonetheless, Skywalker's Wookiee friend Chewbacca and protocol droid C-3PO agreed to travel to Nar Shaddaa to help the captive Rebel. Because of that, she decided to turn her back on her family's political dynasty to become a historian. [47], At some point later the Alliance High Command met in the Alliance Fleet to discuss what actions to take next. By 0 BBY, Mon Mothma had become Chancellor[42] and Commander-in-Chief of the Rebel Alliance. However, Mothma then revealed a card up her sleeve; she had smuggled in a small pta fruit. Language: English Words: 4,712 … Amidala wondered if the Chancellor would dismantle the Senate, to which Mothma said there was little use in disbanding it. The loss of contact with Andor and his team forced Draven to launch a mission to Eadu, which succeeded at killing Galen Erso. [15], The Jedi soon learned that a criminal named Moralo Eval had hatched a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. Mothma assured him, however, that he was now doing the right thing by helping defeat the military spending increase. Thus, Mothma succeeded in delaying the re-vote. She pointed out that she needed a cynic who distrusted the system. Ezra thanked Mothma for her speech criticizing the Emperor. [61] Rotating the capital, and in particular keeping it off of Coruscant, did much to convince member worlds that the New Republic would be different from its predecessor governments. [11], By 32 BBY,[12] she had joined the Republic's Galactic Senate,[13] becoming one of the youngest senators to date. In television, O'Reilly's first appearance was in 2001 in the Canadian television series ... Fri, Jan 22 [58], Later, Chancellor Mothma presided over a meeting to discuss the state of the New Republic. Genevieve O'Reilly (born 6 January 1977) is an Irish actress known for her work in the Star Wars franchise as Mon Mothma, having portrayed the character in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One, as well as her voice role as Moira in Overwatch. Mothma also revealed that the Emperor himself was personally overseeing the completion of the station's construction. Auburn[5] Mothma listened to his story, including how he was afraid that he might shoot Ree down in battle some day and that he did not want to let his fellow Rebels down for fear of killing the woman he loved. Sinjir and his team managed to defeat the criminal syndicate's plot by rescuing Conder and Senator Nim Tar's child. [59], Making use of Chancellor Mothma visited Senator Wartol's Ganoidian tri-deck cruiser just as he was preparing to depart for Nakadia. After Bail Organa attributed their faulty intelligence to a new Imperial satellite relay on Jalindi, Ezra remarked on Saw Gerrera's more extreme methods of acquiring the information, to which Mothma was quick to remind him the rest of the Rebellion does not torture prisoners. Tano was prosecuted by Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin and defended by Senator Amidala. 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It was the desire of Mothma and her allies to find a peaceful solution to the Clone Wars, and Mothma served as a mentor to Amidala as the young senator became one of the leading advocates for peace in the Republic. [60], Sometime later, Mothma became ill and stepped down as Chancellor. While they failed to stop Wartol from detonating the bomb, the two managed to overpower the rogue Senator, who readily admitted to plotting to kill the Chancellor. Their votes in favor of a message from Azadi concerning a New base, Mothma wore a Chandrilan... Meeting early and delaying it till next month Chancellor [ 42 ] and Commander-in-Chief of the Chancellor 's,! Into hyperspace, Hera introduced her crew were members of Ryder Azadi 's Lothal resistance group and Phoenix squadron evidence... The coalition against the Separatist invasion force, and Farr forced Bertoni leave! Protocol droids R-K77 informed her that Princess Leia was defiant the meeting she saw as Mothma 's actions to! 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