In no way am I asking your diagnosis but when a hospital wants to ship me on a weekend to a Cardiovascular hospital without running 3 blood tests and 4 EKG’s I become suspect to insurance. Over this summer, I have gained maybe 20 pounds (vacation), and my problem has completely disappeared. Heart attacks may damage areas of the conduction system also. 46M 200lbs weight BP on mid 130s to 80s (sometimes goes up). My Cardiologist did a stress test and holter monitor and said no problems but I feel really lousy when my heart rate drops so low. Don’t drink anything with caffiene. I’ve had a stressful couple of days at work but I can’t say I felt any symptoms like faintness or shortness of breath. The heart rate was approximately 41-55 bpm. If he's having any symptoms with the heart rate of 30, such as dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, being sweaty, or … Sometimes when I stand up after sitting, I am dizzy for a few seconds but it wears off. I don’t take any medications. also if my stomach has something to do with my bradycardia. Should I be concerned? Articles always say that “young healthy athletes can have HRs as low as 40”, but then I read other things that say “the lowest HR on this study was 36” (and I look and see that I’ve been down to 32 before). My normal heart rate during the day is 60-70s. Sitemap. the longest episode had 291 beats, occurred on day 5 at 10:18, lasting 1m 44s with average rate of 167 BPM. If there are no other associated symptoms then a heart rate of 50 is not a real cause for concern in itself. Our heart rates will fluctuate which, for most, is a normal variable. and 70 to 100 per minute for the age of 6 to 15 years. May check those out, too. I am 69 and have been running for past 4 years. You should see an electrophysiologist for evaluation. The way in which bradycardia, a slow heart rate manifests clinically can be with passing out, dizziness, lethargy or fatigue. Sometimes infection of the heart valves can extend in to the conduction system of the heart also. My resting HR sitting behind a desk is usually just below or above 50. After my work I have energy for about 3-4 hours but afterwards I am exhausted and tired. my Q. it could be i suffered from old heart attack in the past and those tests above cant determine that ? I.e. im 33 and evertime im lying in bed my resting is 50 somtimes 47 and when im active diring days it s60 to 80 i am active mom because doing household chores walking everyday is my resting heart rate is good ? So get a good ribeye steak and a bottle of nice wine and congratulations! It also seems to skip a beat here and there but only at night. I tribute this to the 46 which used to approach 30 with no symptoms. After the syncope episode, I am left with weakness, extreme fatigue & exhaustion. Moderate pulmonary hypertension. Recently, my pulse is 53 and below….sometimes 48 during the day. Thank you. A resting rate in the low 50’s in itself may not be any issue whatsoever. Extremities being cold, hair falling off easily, poor concentration all hint at less than adequate blood supply to limbs, skin, head etc. Last fall while out hunting I passed out an on rare occasions I get light headed. I am experiencing all that now. Answered by Dr. Jeffrey Webber: Normal, yes! Suddenly felt a real electric shock. I never sit. Love your work, I hope you are already feeling better and i would not write to you if i was not sincere! He now has a low resting heart rate around 30-35 bpm. Were you given a cause for the bradycardia and were causes such as hypothyroidism ruled out? If it would reassure you, travel a distance and seek a second opinion. 54 years old here and I am an athlete. © 2015 MyHeart. Recently, the frequency has increased. Sounds like they have things covered from a heart point of view. He said on paper, he can find nothing wrong. Because of the holidays I cannot see my cardiologist until January 10. I felt scared and then my heart rate raced then felt like I could get enough oxygen. My normal heart rate has been in the 40’s for some time, and has slowly declined over time; I also take a blood thinner for Afib and a statin for moderately elevated cholesterol. 58 is perfectly normal if thats what it normally is. He had a holter, echocardiogram and EKG when he was 7 years of age and we were told all is normal. Occasionally I will get down in the high 30s while sleeping. I’m not on any meds. The heart rate itself isn’t the issue here, the degree of block and the conduction system disease is the issue. I have lost 20 lbs I weighed 290 now 274 in 3 weeks . I go to the gym 5 days a week, running and lifting 3 days and playing competitive raquetball 3 days. My family doctor prescribed amlodipine to increase my heart rate with limited results. A heart rate can change dramatically while sleeping or with daily activity and exercise. But when I get up this morning and have a BP of 134/77 and a heart rate of 46 yeah I am concerned. The first doctor told her, she needed to go through a stress testand with dobutamine. Highlighted ‎07-14-2016 10:48. I went to my primary care doctor and they did an EKG, which came back abnormal so I was ordered to where a halter monitor. Its not rigorously studied but i have heard of both excess weight associated with bradycardia and also weight loss associated with bradycardia. I also feel nausea when rate drops below 60. I work from home and my job is sedentary. I noticed on the treadmill despite the shortness of breath I had a low heart rate of 79. The good thing is the Fitbit watches provide some insight into all this, and give me something to discuss with the cardiologists. Mediterrean diet with lots of omega 3s. Your resting heart rate, though, tends to be stable from day to day. I’m 33. I have had several incidents of chest pain etc and a Heart Attack 18mth ago. Aging tends to speed it up. The next step is to wear a monitor, likely starting with a holter monitor to characterize the heart rate and rhythm during these episodes. I went to see a doctor last week and he carried out blood tests which came out clear. Often, heart rate variability decreases in stress no matter where it comes from and how it is. RHR in mid to low 40s for as long as I can remember. However, I have noticed that I have been having a lot of drops —today it went to 36 while I was awake and sitting. Doc I am 15 years old. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age. As soon as I sit down, within two or three minutes it drops back down to the 50s, even the high 40s. My rhr varies but rightnow it’s 54. Heart monitor, EKG, Renal study – all good. I have a RBBB, which I’ve had for at least 6 years. I enjoyed reading your article. Here’s where I am this Christmas morning. My RHR lately has been anywhere from 44-47 over the last month. It is entirely different from non-REM sleep. I don’t know what caused my heart rate to drop so low. Hi I’m a 33 female with a 52 Rhr , I’m not athletic ( I don’t run or do much cardio) and I’ve had tons of ekgs, mris and Holter monitors I do get dizzy/ light headed especially when standing up. I have a question, I’m a 58 year old male with diabetes 2, 30 lbs overweigh and Post-Polio Syndrome PPS. There is normal left ventricular wall thickness. It is called sinus bradycardia, a kind of arrhythmia. Now for the symptoms: I have tried to read up on online about the negative symptoms associated with bradycardia. Apart from a heart murmur when I was a child and anxiety attacks I feel ok. What symptoms or signs should I be concerned about? My PCP wasn’t concerned the week before but he didn’t time my heartbeats, he listened with a scope. For chest pain it’s normal in youth to experience this and in adults it’s more likely to be stress induced pain, so the chest pain in it self is not a symptom ok . So I worry….because we don’t know what is causing the slow heart rate. Anyway I’m scared now about my low heart rate. My concern is, if this is normal or do I have some complications or anything ? In this scenario, your lowest RHR occurs near the midpoint of your sleep, when the amount of melatonin present reaches a peak. I’ve taken an ekg and came back normal. Have a doctors appointment in 10 days. I’ve had two ECG’s done which don’t show any issues but haven’t had a stress test or any sort of medical heart monitoring done. Any insight? My drs threatening to stop the pain meds if it doesn’t go up? Symptoms are normal, however the normal echo, stress test and holter monitors is extremely reassuring. I forgot slurred speech or I misspronouce words. Shouldn’t it be “Patients with sleep apnea, for example, may have very low heart rates at night that can be treated by treating the sleep apnea.”? Genes play a role. If your sleep pattern is optimal (Hammock Curve), take notes. Thank you. I am an entirely asymptomatic male in my late 60’s, still working as a professional. I’m thinking of buying a device to use on iPhone to check your own ekg. you can follow our twitter at @mustafaahmedmd. Is the low heart rate the likely cause of symptoms? A 12 lead EKG would be the initial step with a history and physical. My resting rate is usually in the 40’s – low 50’s. i have pots and a ligament laxity issue. When I walk I’m bouncing off walls. Required fields are marked *. Can anxiety cause them? Look up adrenal insufficiency and see if you have the symptoms. I just got an Apple Watch that monitors my heart beat every few minutes. A heart rate of 50 in general is not worrying. Blame this mostly from not sleeping well. Your RHR may momentarily rise during REM sleep. My resting heart rate increased to 48. It does not jump around but is usually fairly constant. I occasionally have shortness of breath when resting on couch. I’m 97lbs. Below is a graphic that shows the average range of heart rate variability by age, from 20-65. Anonymous . Myself akshata. A normal range is from 60 to 100 beats-per-minute while awake. The good news is that most of the immediately threatening things are ruled out from a cardiac point of view. I’m active but no athlete, and need to increase aerobic exercise. I have also had headaches frequently. A week after getting off all drugs my heart rate rose a bit during the day but at night when I sleep it can be in the mid to upper 40s. I did have a T4 test or T3 that was right at the bottom of the reference range, but not abnormal. One time they caught PVC’s. I can’t sleep because I’m up all night checking her heart rate. I had a pacemaker implanted a few weeks ago with 2 leads, one in each of the lower ventricles, The purpose was to avoid the recurrence of a 7 second heart pause I encountered and to treat a left branch bundle block that I have had for the last 30 or more years with no symptoms. Doc, A zap. Is it possible im going hypo? If palpitations are new and there are GI symptoms checking electrolyte levels with a blood test may also be recommended. I have also had some periodic episodes of hypotension with readings as low as 80/50 something and this usually happens in the overnight hours or after a period when I have really overexerted myself, etc. The doctors have just said my heart rate is low because I’m young and healthy. Does he get a tingle on his lager side? This was the interpretation of the result of my boyfriend’s treadmill stress test. Resting heart rate can vary from person to person and be influenced by a variety of factors. Inadequate HR response I also had calcium scan with result of 0, and ekg in Feb that showed normal sinus rhythm . He gets very little physical activity. Female. All of my life, I have had a slow heart rate with no issues. Hi, My resting pulse used to be in the 40s and drift into the upper 30s during the night, lately it is in the upper 30s drifting into the mid 30s at night. And she has some arrhythmia. Doc, He had an ultrasound today where his heart rate went to 32 beats per minute. And also, he has started feeling dizzy when tilting his head back. I know it is difficult to consult without personally seeing someone and running tests or doing an EKG, but I figured I would get your feedback and hopefully put my mind at ease somewhat. And I am no athlete. His heart rate has been low his whole life. I’m in my 30’s, female, and a well trained competitive endurance runner and cyclist for many years. In fact you cannot exceed your own body’s limitations, it’s a wonderful machine! Can this be hereditary? A baseline EKG wont hurt. HR 48 • Avg. Thank you, a most informative and straightforward paper that explains bradycardia in a format that is easy to understand. In terms of the BP i would start with a blood pressure diary and maybe 24 hour ambulatory monitoring to see the peaks and lows and determine how to treat it best. The heart rate of 40-45 isn’t necessarily worrying although with the dizzy spells i would recommend a routine check up and exam and at least a baseline EKG to see where to go next. Some basic blood work such as thyroid function should be checked also. As the intense pounding began to slowly subside, my left arm went numb & I got a horrible stomach ache, the palms of my hands & souls of my feet were wet & cold. I have had more cardiac tests than I can count. When searching for a definition of a low heart rate, it’s important to know what is considered a normal heart rate. 3. There’s no way any medical professional — or anyone else for that matter — will ever convince me a resting heart rate of 100 is normal or good even though it’s within the standard 60-100 range. With the raynauds like symptoms and the low heart rate its probably wise to consider stopping the beta blocker and using a calcium channel blocker like amlodipine to control the bp, discuss with your prescribing physician. When I walk i feel almost SOB/ heavy chested. I am a 56 year old man and a long distance runner. I am 81 years old female. Now, my heart rate rises up fast when excercisng. Once in a blue moon I might feel a hard beat of my heart but nothing other than that. I do drink in moderate amounts, usually no more than 2 a day 4-5 days a week but sometimes I’ll overdo it. Scan with result of 0, and i weigh 176 lbs a RBBB, which i hadn t! Back negative bloodwork possibly an exercise treadmill to assess rhythm wreck too.. and not to the 50 ’ physician. 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