because jesus said you need belief to receive. You have just been given a powerful prayer gift from God and you can now start to use this powerful gift in your prayer life with Him. Even if we had only Acts 1 and 2, we could know the doctrine, for there we have the definition of the baptism in the Spirit. You simply cannot argue with God about this… The Bible is not This practice is humanistically motivated. At Samaria, believers were saved and baptized in water, but had not yet been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 8). Then Jesus baptizes them in the Holy Spirit (Matt. Scriptural Witnesses for Tongues As the Evidence of the Baptism of The Holy Spirit The Bible says, ". In other words, if you have not received the gift of tongues, then you have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. As for believers who don’t speak in tongues, In Acts 19 Paul asked some true believers if they had yet received the Holy Ghost and they said they hadn’t ever even heard that there be a Holy Ghost…. Scripture has to be interpreted in light of other Scripture. . I had had a few real experiences with the Spirit but I did not know at that time that speaking in tongues was the evidence of Spirit baptism. If they don’t, its because they have not yielded to the Holy Spirit when He comes on you. [From my experience, it is sometimes ‘an’ initial evidence. And thoughts! To fail to teach the doctrine is indirectly forbidding. at all ambiguous about the FACT that tongues is only ONE of the gifts of the Spirit. It wasn’t even the case in the New Testament. We only see that they were baptized, and three thousand were added to the church? All who were filled spoke. I was crying uncontrollably and I heard or “felt” a voice tell me everything I was upset about would be ok. Jesus said to His disciples not go out to Teach/preach in my name yet.. Until Holy Spirit come upon you.. We can seek after these gifts and ask God for them, but God will be the One to decide who gets which gift. The power to exercise the gifts of the spirit, they claim, comes initially when a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit, a distinct experience from conversion and water baptism. After I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I became an immediate witness! Life is a journey we can travel together! However, these statements in the book interpret God’s acts, and that gives us unchanging doctrine! The disciples had received the Holy Spirit on the evening of the Resurrection (John 20:22), but Jesus told them the baptism in the Spirit was in the future (Luke 24:; Acts 1:5,8). 12:10; 14:5,27). When I was first baptized in the Holy Spirit I felt a manifestation from my toes all the way up through my face. M. I’m a born again christian for 28 yrs. Regardless of what we says or write to defense our believed until and unless we individual experienced what do the BIBLE says about BAPTISM in the Holy Spirit.its of no use debating with Scriptures. I believe it’s likely that Jesus believed this as well. There are also some good, moral people who are not born-again, but that does not negate the necessity of the new birth. No one who has not been baptized in the Spirit can claim, with scriptural backing, to be filled with the Spirit. But first you have to repent of your sins then you are going to feel your tongue moving and then you are going to hear yourself speaking in other language a language that you don’t speak or understand. Once we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost we need submit to the Spirit and trust Yahoshua to guide us by the Spirit which is the way to be born again, Being saved is a process, not what religion teaches but what Gods word teaches. The reason is you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Nowhere in the New Testament is it taught that speaking in tongues is the only evidence a person has received the Holy Spirit. This is a clip from the first part of the two-part teaching “I will shake all things”, by Derek Prince. 3:11; Acts 1:5). This is part 3 of our series on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I respect your beliefs, even when you are challenged by others for your interpretation of the Bible. And when we felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, we cried and trembled. The normative sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongues but the confession of Jesus Christ as Lord, repentance from sin, and obedience to God. 4. The bulk of the work done has been to support the idea of … Unscriptural restrictions during the church service can result in actual forbidding. But this is undeniably not the case. The Bible Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit There is much controversy today as regards the genuineness of this Pentecostal work, but there is nothing so convincing as the fact that over fifteen years ago a revival on Holy Ghost lines began and has never ceased. To speak with other tongues is to speak languages never learned, by the miraculous enabling of the Holy Spirit. The positive admonition is, “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. Moreover, socio–psychological manipulation tactics such as peer pressure or the subtle power of suggestion can induce ecstatic utterances wholly apart from the Spirit. It is the only phenomenon that occurs each time. The Constitution of the General Council of the Assemblies of God lists sixteen fundamental truths. I just simply knew if I died , I would be with God. It is frequently associated with incorporation into the Christian Church, the bestowal of spiritual gifts, and empowerment for Christian ministry. 5. Was this just a healing experience or was it baptism in the Spirit ? It’s because they believe and God honored thier belief. When speaking in tongues is a sign to the unbeliever (1 Cor. . "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:4; also see Mark 16:17; Acts 10:44-48, 19:6). Mary, why in Acts Chapter 2, there is nothing written that the believers who were baptized by peter spoke in tongues. What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? By Ray Pompa. No. Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance. 3:17). We’re here to help you find ways to make sense of tough life issues, discover insights from God’s Word, the Bible and connect with others who are experiencing life’s journey. When a specific phenomenon occurs every time a biblical experience is described, we cannot deny the integral relationship of the phenomenon to that experience. Just a friendly reminder: Pride is a SIN. God bless. It is stated: “The baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance (Acts 2:4). Indeed, yes. In Acts 9 we have the account of Saul’s conversion and the Lord’s statement that he would be filled with the Spirit (v. 17). . We dare not redefine what the Word has clearly defined. Doctrine must be formulated by the Word of God, never by human experience. However, I want to state one thing about the gift of tongues in reference to the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It's what sets us ablaze for Jesus in a way that you can never experience without the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As a continuing help in one’s daily devotional life, bringing edification to the believer and glory to God (1 Cor. Tongues plus interpretation are equivalent to prophecy in edifying the church. 1 Corinthians 12:4 goes into each of the nine gifts. However, just be patient with Him. Depending on how strong the Holy Spirit wants to manifest Himself to you, you may actually start to cry when this manifestation starts to occur. You don’t feel or experience coming out of the water, getting helped up the steps and the sheet that was wrapped around you removed. So be sober and vigilant…Thanks to the Word of God and your article. This is an incredible experience to be able to feel the manifest presence of God on the inside of you. Faith was planted in my heart, a gift of God, and many years later when I read Habakkuk 3:17-19, it was like reading my own heart’s cry. until then. If there is no evidence of the tongues, then it is doubtful they have really been filled. The doctrine of speaking with tongues as the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is clearly taught in the Scriptures. Longing to Experience the Spirit Pentecostalism is usually defined as a movement in Christianity that thinks of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a second experience, usually after conversion, marked by speaking in tongues. . In conclusion : most believers in our churh pray ( speak) in tongues. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Luke clearly intended to define what Jesus promised. However, just because nothing has happened does not mean that He has not entered into your soul. My mother was an abusive, gaslighting, narcissist who told me no-one loved me , from the age of 5 at the latest. They are greatly blessed by God and are dedicated to Him. Are the words of a believer speaking in tongues always addressed to God? It is initial in that it comes immediately with the infilling. Speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism. I believe In the inherent worth and dignity of all persons. Some are addressed to men and will, if interpreted, be either a warning (14:21) or a message of edification for the church (14:5-6). Is the tongues-speaking in Acts different from that in Corinthians? Some have. in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established" (Matt. It is also clear that the outpouring evidenced by this speaking will continue throughout the last days (Acts 2:17). . When you first receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, one of three things may happen: Some of you may receive the gift of tongues right off the bat. It says all that believe will receive New tongues mark 16 Not a few Not a specific set of people. The initial evidence doctrine does NOT mean that baptism in the Holy Spirit is only about gaining the … I am on the side of love. Tongues as initial evidence of Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Though there are many promises that believers shall receive the Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues, there are only four accounts given, describing this New Testament experience. If their conclusion is correct, then it does not line up with the above verse on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit – where each of the 9 gifts are given as to how God wills, not as we will – which will include the gift of tongues. What meaneth this?” (Acts 2:8-12). This is … God can touch, bless and encourage us with the Holy Spirit before we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, we cannot base doctrine on anyone’s experience. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is considered a separate experience from both conversion and water baptism. Scornful remarks about tongues can amount to forbidding. I was actually awaken from my slip to feeling as if I was having sm outer body experience. You only come back to earth as they place the robe around you, and then you step outside and everyone stares at you as you walk past until someone tells you why.. you are glowing, the place where the lump was is bright red. If the gift of tongues does not manifest in you, or you do not receive any type of inner manifestation from the Holy Spirit when He first enters into your soul – then the next thing that may happen is absolutely nothing! Acts 1:4-8 Jesus Himself says not many days ahead you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I had no idea what was happening, so that day I had my blood sugar level checked thinking I had diabetes due to the tingling. How to Receive The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Benefits of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. They have been born of the Spirit (John 3:5-8), but not all have been baptized in the Spirit. We hope you’ll come back again and again! The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? Why was the sign of tongues the most common evidence of Holy Spirit baptism? Do Pentecostals place too much emphasis on tongues? The voice was not audible. Third, if speaking in tongues is evidence that one has a unique infilling of the Holy Spirit, we’d expect people who speak in tongues to generally manifest more of the fruits of the Spirit than others. Some bystanders asked, “How hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born . The “outward physical evidence” the Holy Spirit dwells fully within them, is their love for God, His the doctrine and His people, just as it was on the Day of Pentecost (Ac. ye shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost” (Acts 11:16) [emphasis mine]. To teach such a doctrine is stretching the Bible. Next we see that the sentence has a compound predicate. 14:16). As the Holy Spirit regenerates and indwells our human spirits, bringing us new life and ensuring our everlasting fellowship with God, the Spirit also immerses us into the universal church. These accounts are found in … In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord (I Corinthians 14:21). Some will actually feel the presence of the Holy Spirit on the inside of them. I’ve asked the Lord, on multiple occasions, why believers who speak in tongues act like it’s the one & only way to prove Spirit indwelling. What about praying in the mind and also in the Spirit when we don’t know what to pray and the Holy Spirit intervenes – Romas 8:26-27. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a free gift from God and does not come with all the hoops to jump through that you have added. It seems like there are a lot of personal interpretations of what the Baptism of the Holy spirit is. Thus, we have clear statements that speaking with tongues is God’s sign of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Next time I felt an echo of this was when I held my newborn in my arms, only then could I identify that what I had seen and felt was love. The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:4-10, 28), but different in purpose and use.”. which brings into the question that Paul asks will everyone receive the gift of tongues. 14:22) as it was at Pentecost (Acts 2:4-12), it is not necessarily prayer. It is the same in essence, but it may be used for different purposes, as context reveals. …building up yourselves on the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Are there not some who have accomplished great things for God who have never spoken in tongues? Acts is a historical book, but it is also rich in theology, giving us sound doctrine. . when I joined another pentecostal church in our place. . Questions are good! We must be willing to wait for Jesus to do His work. It is considered an event in which the Christian receives the Spirit’s power in … Likewise, we can be sure that each time believers were baptized in the Spirit, they spoke in tongues. If this should happen to you, what you will literally feel is God’s love for you. All rights reserved. The previous tests were documented with scans, photos and video. . Each time the answer I have been given is: “Spiritual Pride”. But in our former church signs and wonders follow us, meaning to say we experience the gift of healings and miracles. The most distinguishing features of the baptism in the Holy Spirit are that: (1) it is theologically and experientially distinguishable from and subsequent to the new birth, (2) it is accompanied by speaking in tongues, and (3) it is distinct in purpose from the Spirit’s work of regenerating the heart and life of a repentant sinner. If you want to know that you have the gift of the Holy Ghost I recommend asking Him for the gift of tongues. Second he said, “Then remembered I the Word of the Lord . Peter took their terminology and gave them God’s answer: “This [speaking in tongues] is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel” (Acts 2:16) [emphasis mine]. The doctrine of tongues as the initial, physical evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit has come under increasingly heavy attack in recent years, but it is fully substantiated in the Word of God. There are many ways to forbid besides a command not to speak. It occurred on only one of the New Testament instances of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It might only be a one time occurrence but you will definitely know that you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost (not to be confused with the gift of tongues). Both the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues are accompanied by speaking in tongues. As a ministry gift of the Spirit to bring edification to the assembled church when accompanied by the gift of interpretation of tongues (1 Cor. God is not going to hold someone back from receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit just because someone is not really ready to receive the gift of tongues. And it had occurred in the Old Testament (e.g., 1 Kings 19:11), where it was clearly not the evidence of the Pentecostal baptism with the Spirit. If you do, that is great. I read Acts 2:38 again and it says that after repentance and baptism in Jesus name, we will receive any if not all the 9 gifts of the Holy Ghost. He made three doctrinal statements that caused the others to agree with him. The Scripture states clearly that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit had taken place on the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit of the Lord came upon the Apostles. God has not told us why He chose to make speaking in other tongues the sign of the baptism in the Spirit for the Church Age. That’s the stereotype, anyway, of what Pentecostalism means. When the apostles first received the Holy Spirit in the upper room, they came out speaking in other tongues. The Holy Ghost has been speaking to me lately about the importance of the Holy Spirit baptism and the speaking of tongues. NO ? The third theological statement is in Acts 11:17: “God gave them the like gift as he did unto us.” The term like means “the same; identical.” Once one does receive the baptism they will know it because they will indeed speak in tongues. At Ephesus, Paul asked believers, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed” (Acts 19:2). This verse tells us that God gives each one of these gifts to who He wills – not as we will. It is verified both in New Testament experience and in subsequent church history. Can someone explain this to me. (Originally published in the Sunday School Counselor, April 1989, by Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri. 14:5). The “all things” includes speaking in tongues. I'm going to tell you. That is absolutely NOT what the Bible says! 14:39). The warning is, “Forbid not to speak with tongues” (1 Cor. You must be able to discern wether it came from you or God that’s where the Gift of the Holy Ghost is useful and helpful. The greatest church growth comes when this doctrine is preached and experienced. 40 Daily Lessons, Designed to Answer Life's Questions. The doctrine of speaking with tongues as the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is clearly taught in the Scriptures. And if you didn’t receive this one according to her, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Late one evening in mid December, 1976, I was kicked back in my Lazy-Boy recliner reading a paperback book about receiving the baptism of the holy Spirit. To become a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Is it because of a greater desire… ? Though the scope of this article does not permit coverage, there is much well-documented proof that what we have noted as biblical precedent has been continued in practice throughout church history. A literal rendering of the Greek is “Having believed, did you receive the Holy Spirit?” This would be an absurd question if all believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Paul actually kind of downplays the gift of speaking in tongues in comparison to the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is one way we hear from God is through Him impressing a thought or feeling. It was amazing!!! Scripture taken from New King James There are lots of different gifts, lots of different workings, but it's all by the same Spirit." That’s a sure sign to you to absolutely know that you have His Spirit in you. We know that each time people believed on Jesus, they were baptized in water because Jesus so commanded and because several instances are recorded. I believe no one is above or below the other. God the Holy Spirit fell upon me like a warm wind, filling my soul regenerating it. If this should happen to you, do not be afraid of it. hath shed forth this which you now see and hear” (Acts 2:32-33) [emphasis mine]. This is theology within history. When you get baptized in the Holy Spirit, tongues is the evidence and that is the – infilling and the infilling is continually topped up (river of living waters). When a person is baptized by the holy ghost they must speak in tongues as the spirit gives utterances the same way it has been given in the bible read the book of acts the holy spirit have move upon people many time but it doesn’t mean they are filled with the spirit all spirit filled Christian’s speak in tongues please be sure u have this gift before assuming we know not we are to pray for therefore to holy Ghost make Intercession for us with growning which can not be uttered. I told everyone that … Some have misinterpreted 1 Corinthians 14:2 apart from the context. Some utterances in tongues are addressed to God by the Spirit and will, if interpreted, be a prayer or an expression of thanks (1 Cor. this great doctrine is wrenched by religions and denominations in order to do what the enemy does best, create confusion and conceal the truth about this great salvation, If you have not received the gift of tongues but you do wish to know the truth you certainly will receive this gift. In other words, some people will get the gift of tongues and others will not. the gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Peter and the other Jews with him could identify the Gentiles’ experience because “they heard them speak with tongues” just as they, the Jewish believers, had spoken at Pentecost (v. 46). As the crowd gathered, the believers continued speaking in other tongues, telling of God’s wonderful works (v. 11). Version. 3:11; Acts 1:5). If you are praying and you feel your body moving that does not mean you receive the Holy ghost. Speaking with tongues is the only sign Simon could have seen that is not ruled out by (biblically) logical consideration of all possibilities. We cannot separate the “being filled” from the “speaking in tongues” without doing both grammatical and theological violence to the Word of God. 14:18); it is scripturally logical to say that he began to speak with tongues when he was baptized in the Spirit. 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