The Inuit consume the meat of arctic hares and use the hide for clothing and bandages. In summer, the ice breaks ups and the enormous ice-sheets crack and split. It comes as a surprise to many visitors to Antarctica, but polar bears only live in the Arctic - … Antarctica, which is almost totally covered in ice, has icebergs and glaciers of incredible height, without any of the vegetation the northern polar regions have. • Antarctic convergence encircles Antarctic as well as Antarctica. Admittedly, there are numerous similarities between these two regions, and at first glance they’re easily confused for one another. It is dominated by the Arctic Ocean and includes Greenland, Svalbard and several other landmasses. Let’s take a closer look at the Arctic and Antarctica and how to tell them apart. Leopard seals are the second-largest of the Antarctic seals. These cookies do not store any personal information. Antarctica vs the Arctic: 5 Things You Need To Know. Each year, a few lucky travellers visit the North Pole. Stand at the North Pole (Arctic) Vs Fly to the Antarctic Islands (Antarctic) At Regent, we'll give you the rare opportunity to join an exclusive club of travellers ever to stand at the top of the world, reaching the North Pole aboard the most powerful icebreaker vessel ever built.With its 75,000 horsepower, the I/B 50 Years of Victory is the most powerful icebreaker ever built. ("Perennial" refers to the oldest and thickest sea ice.) Camille Seaman describes how enterprising people and organisms have found ways to reside … The average summer temperature at the North Pole is barely freezing at 0°C (-32°F), while the South Pole remains much colder at -28°C (-18°F). Antarctica, on the other hand, is a continent, covered by a very thick ice cap and surrounded by a rim of sea ice and the Southern Ocean. Arctic fox are well-adapted to the Arctic environment, and remain active all winter and live in the open. Antarctica is the polar region at the south of the planet, home of the penguins. Although Antarctica is surrounded by sea, the cooling effect of the massive Antarctic Ice Sheet counteracts any moderating influence of the ocean, except near the coast. There are no arctic foxes in Antarctica. When we visit in summer, the weather in the Arctic and Antarctica is quite pleasant! Antarctica and the Arctic are the two coldest places on Earth, but Antarctica is much colder than the Arctic. Although both poles are covered in ice, what lies beneath the ice is very different from north to south. It is situated high on the polar plateau, which is covered in ice 2.8km (1.7m) thick. Although people tend to picture deserts as hot, sandy areas, dryness is actually the defining characteristic of this kind of biome. Bearded seals have a circumpolar distribution and are permanent residents of the Arctic. This includes Adélie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo, king, macaroni and rockhopper penguins. From October to March, large patches of the Arctic Ocean are frozen making them almost impossible to navigate. These flightless seabirds are extraordinary swimmers. In the summer months, thousands of tourists make the journey to experience the otherworldly icescapes and wildlife of the south. The difference between Antarctic and Antarctica stem from the fact that Antarctica is a continent within Antarctic region. Fortunately for Arctic and Antarctic travellers, we steer clear of the polar regions in winter, and we never visit the chilly South Pole! If you have any questions about these remarkable corners of the globe, feel free to drop us a line and we’ll be in touch. Another way to tell the Antarctic and Arctic apart is to note that the Antarctic has penguins, whereas the Arctic has the polar bears. • Antarctic region including Antarctica has some species of animals that can bear the cold temperature such as seals, penguins, blue whales, orcas, etc. In the Antarctic region, we can see animals such as seals, penguins, whales and Antarctic krills. The island territories in the Southern Ocean that belong to the Antarctic region are situated south of the Antarctic Convergence. The Antarctic (US English , UK English or and or ) is a polar region around the Earth's South Pole, opposite the Arctic region around the North Pole. It doesn’t belong to anyone, but in 2007 Russia sent two submarines more than 4km (2.5 miles) below the surface to plant a one metre high titanium flag on the ocean floor. Next: More arctic and more Antarctica, including Science and survival on Continent 7 and Drifting With the Ice: Life on an Arctic Expedition. The polar regions cover the ends of the Earth like caps, and the Arctic is just slightly larger than Antarctica. The South Pole is so far above sea level that some people who visit will experience altitude sickness! When people are deciding which to visit first, the Arctic or Antarctica, they’re often surprised to discover just how different they are. There is another word called Antarctic that confuses many as they think that both refer to one and the same in the world. The winter average at the South Pole is a seriously nippy -60°C (-76°F). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Another favourite meal for arctic foxes is birds and their eggs – so it’s fortunate for penguins that they are only found in the Arctic! Antarctica is a continent that is surrounded by the ocean and the land mass remains buried under the ice sheet that is almost a mile thick. The shield is very depressed in the centre of Antarctica. As you can see, Antarctic is a region while Antarctica is a continent situated in the Antarctic region. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Microscopic invertebrates live amongst the moss. The North Pole and South Pole are geographical (and polar!) Eight of the world’s 18 penguinspecies live in Antarctica and on subantarctic islands. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Yes. The ringed seal is the most common and widespread seal in the Arctic. Antarctic convergence is kind of a curve that continuously encircles the Antarctic. Snowfall tends to be low, except near the ice edge. Weddell seals are the most southerly breeding mammal on Earth. But if you lifted the ice off the North Pole in the Arctic, you would find the Arctic Ocean. It covers an area of 14 million square km (5.4 million square miles), making it the largest ice sheet in the world. The Arctic is not as cold as the Antarctic for two main reasons, firstly the effect of the sea that doesn't fall below -2°C which means that the whole of the arctic polar region and coastal regions are kept relatively warm even though the sea is covered by ice. They radiate most of the heat that reaches them back out to space, keeping the air above them relatively cool. The land mass is very important for human beings to conduct scientific experiments and to analyze the effects of global warming and pollution on sea animals found here. But few things so perfectly express the polarities of our planet as its literal magnetic poles – or more generally, the Arctic (north) vs. Antarctica (south). Only two flowering plants, plus many mosses, lichens and liverworts. @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } Similarly, the Artic actually encompasses a vast ocean, the Artic Ocean to be exact, whereas the Antarctic mainly comprises of the Antarctic continent. The Arctic is largely sea, with the north pole over 400 miles away from the nearest land mass. Quiz: Arctic vs Antarctic: Can you tell which is which? Fossil remains of Lepus Arcticus have been found in a 12,000-year-old Eskimo site in northern Greenland. At the start of January, the same month the world marked the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, scientists on snowmobiles were zipping across its diamantine ice, dragging a rig of metal detectors in their wake. Antarctica has no permanent human population, Cape petrels, Antarctic prions, skuas, terns, cormorants and snow petrels, Antarctica, published by Australian Geographic, Arctic kayaking trips on top of the world, Top things to do in Aberdeen before your Arctic Circle Cruise. This is where the cold water of the Antarctic meets the warmer water of sub-antarctic region. The Arctic is the polar region at the north of the planet, where polar bears roam. Our cruises will take you as far as the Antarctic Peninsula, including the Falkland Islands, South Shetland Islands, and South Georgia. There are an estimated 500 trillion Antarctic krill in the Southern Ocean, weighing 379 million tons. With streamlined bodies like torpedoes, they use their flippers like wings for propulsion in the water, and their feet (and sometimes tail) to steer their course. Smaller than the familiar red fox and with more rounded ears and muzzle, the arctic fox is distributed all around the Arctic in high latitudes and out on the open tundra. The North Pole is the northernmost point on our planet, situated at sea level in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. The arctic hare is one of five species of Lagomorphs (the order that includes rabbits, hares and pikas) that live in the Arctic. 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Thanks for staying with us to learn about some of the similarities and differences between our planet’s two polar regions, Antarctica and the Arctic. Most of what I knew about Antarctica came from watching The Pebble and the Penguin, and most of what I knew about the Arctic included Santa Claus. Keen on outdoor activities? Most of East Antarctica is still not well known by geologists. If you could lift the ice off the South Pole in Antarctica you would find a rocky landmass (or landmasses) of gorges, canyons and mountain ranges, much like the other great continents on our planet. Antarctica is actually a desert, and it's the largest desert in the world. Polar bears can also cover amazing distances at sea: they can swim 48 km (30 mi) regularly, and up to 354 km (220 mi) at a stretch, before they need to find sea ice or land to rest. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Arctic covers an area of approximately 14.5 million square km (5.5 million square miles). While there is no landmass at North Pole with Arctic being an oceanic basin underneath a thin layer of ice, South Pole has a land mass which we call as Antarctica, the second smallest continent of the world, the smallest being Australia. The United States, Chile, the Soviet Union and Germany disputed Norway's claim. Let’s take a look at some of the whales we see in Antarctica. • Antarctica is a landmass buried under an ice sheet 1 mile thick. This is the place where warm waters from the north meet frozen water from the south producing waters that are very productive with lots of animals and plants. They generally begin to arrive in Antarctica in November, reaching peak numbers in February and March. Apart from that, all other characteristics of the places seem to be the same as they are both in the same region. Reindeer are vegetarians and they eat most available types of vegetation, including new-growth leaves, lichens and even fine twigs. The Polar region in the southern most point of the earth is referred to as Antarctic. The largest is the southern elephant seal, which is the largest seal on the planet. So perhaps it won’t come as …, If you’re looking for a different type of travel experience in one of the most remote places on Earth, we …, On an adventure to Antarctica and the Subantarctic islands with Aurora Expeditions, there is one animal that almost everyone wants …, Perched at the top of Britain, Scotland is characterised by its historic cities, winding roads and rugged terrain. Arctic foxes prefer to live in the arctic tundra, where they feed on lemmings, voles and other small mammals. It is roughly the size of the United States and Mexico combined and is almost completely covered by a layer of ice that averages more than one mile in thickness, but is nearly three miles thick in places. The Arctic vs Antarctic: which should you visit? The Arctic is an ocean, covered by a thin layer of perennial sea ice and surrounded by land. The Arctic is a sea of ice surrounded by land and located at the highest latitudes of the northern hemisphere. When the sun returns to the polar regions in summer, they still receive less sunlight than other places on earth due to their position at the north and south extremes of the globe. The sea beneath the North Pole is frozen into huge plates of sea ice, which are constantly moving, and there is no marker to mark the spot. Crabeater seals mostly eat krill – never crabs! There are many small shrubs, grasses and sedges in the arctic tundra. Obviously, this definition excludes Antarctica right away, since it doesn't get much more "south" than the south pole. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. There are many reasons why the poles are cold, including: For 6 months over the winter, the sun doesn’t rise above the horizon within the polar circle (66°30’ North and South). • Antarctica is a continent within Antarctic region. Here, it carries the bulk of the Antarctic ice sheet. If you’re interested in learning more about Antarctica or seeing for yourself what it’s all about, contact our expedition experts today. The North Pole is located at sea level in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, while the South Pole is in the middle of the Antarctic continent at an altitude of 9,300ft (2835m). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Both the Arctic and Antarctica have large ice sheets and seasonal sea ice, both of which help keep the poles cold. With their mathematically precise huddles and pebble-stealing antics, they have developed some truly remarkable ways of thriving in the harsh Antarctic environment. Even when it’s covered by ice, the Arctic Ocean has a moderating effect on the climate, helping to keep the Arctic slightly warmer than Antarctica. Note: Choosing between the Arctic and Antarctica will depend heavily on what time of year you’re able to travel. Antarctica, however, is entirely surrounded by ocean, so moisture is more readily available. Fur seals are the only Antarctic seal that uses fur for insulation, in addition to blubber. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. Cape petrels, Antarctic prions, skuas, terns, cormorants and snow petrels also thrive on the Southern Ocean. All rights reserved. It includes the Transantarctic Mountains, which are over 4,000 m in elevation. The bowhead, beluga and narwhal are year-round residents of the Arctic. The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, named for the first two expedition leaders to reach the South Pole, supports 150 researchers and support staff in summer, and 50 through the winter. The walrus is the largest pinniped in the Arctic, with distinctive tusks which they use as weapons, or levers to help them move around on land. However, many other whale species such as orca, humpback, and sperm whales are commonly found in these waters during the summer, visiting the Arctic to dine on the rich bounty of marine life in these productive waters. Their coat is very heavy and dense, and is predominantly brown to olive, although some populations in Greenland are almost completely white. Find out more about some of the wonderful wildlife you could spot on a voyage to Antarctica here. • Antarctic region lies in South Pole opposite the Arctic region on North Pole. This forms giant icebergs that melt as they float north throughout the summer. The Culture: Arctic vs Antarctica. Wildlife. While the two look the same at a simple glance, there is a great difference between the two. The Antarctic is characterized by the blowing of strong winds. Antarctica is the windiest continent on the planet, which makes cold temperatures feel even colder due to wind chill. Due to the extremely cold climate of the region, you cannot see many animals in the region. In the summer, much of the water around Antarctica becomes freshwater from these melting ice-sheets and glaciers. It’s not uncommon to spot giant petrels soaring past the bridge as we sail, or delicate Wilson’s storm petrels dancing on the surface of the water, foraging for copepods. The southernmost point of the earth that is referred to as Antarctic includes Antarctica, the second smallest continent on earth. The white surfaces of ice and snow are highly reflective. Antarctica has no permanent human population. The Arctic: Cruising season is determined largely by the sea ice. Antarctica is covered by ice throughout the year, less than 5% of Antarctica is free of ice. But this is where the similarities end. There are a number of seals that live in arctic waters. Antarctica is a landmass surrounded by ocean and the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land. A cold desolate continent covered in miles of ice and snow year-round, the south pole of Antarctica … • Antarctica is the world’s 2nd smallest continent lying in Antarctic region in the South Pole. You can find polar bears across the Arctic from the U.S. (Alaska) and Canada to Russia, Greenland, and Norway (Svalbard). Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Antarctica and the Arctic have many things in common: they’re both cold, icy and home to an array of wonderful wildlife not found anywhere else. Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, windiest and brightest of the seven continents. Antarctica is known for being the highest, driest, coldest and windiest continent on earth. It is one continent that is coldest and least populated because it receives almost nil precipitation, and hence, labeled as world’s largest cold desert. Scientists estimate that approximately half of this is taken up by the seals, penguins and whales that rely on krill as their main source of food. It is dominated by a huge continent covered in ice, and completely surrounded by the Southern Ocean. Antarctica is quite isolated from the rest of the planet. However, the truth is somewhat different, and this article attempts to highlight the differences between Antarctic and Antarctica. 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