Superman (real name Clark Kent, born Kal-El) is one of the last children of Krypton, sent as the dying planet's last hope to Earth, where he grew to become its kind, noble protector. Superman quickly covered his tented red briefs with his hands, but he wasnt fast enough to hide his teeming erection. superman defeated fanfiction. Many of them secretly hoped to witness the humiliation and more of of their hated enemy. We have a special treat in store. What made it worse was that he still wanted Lex Luthor so badly. His eyes glazed over as his tongue worked over time to try and taste all four cocks at once. Stand to your feet and take off that ridiculous costume. The business tycoon ordered. The magnificent sight of the tightly packed superhero dick in skintight red spandex briefs was the source of envy by males and desire by females all over the world. His body thrashed around helplessly in the throes of a powerful orgasm while the men mocked and laughed at him. I will own every part of you. The muscular teen was disappointed with Superman. His eyes wandered down to the nearest thug crotch as he suddenly wished that he had x-ray vision like Superman. If you are going to be my protege, we are going to have to create a whole new look for you.. His Kryptonian body was also different. You lied to me. The hero shivered with fear as he stared into those hateful eyes. The hero turned and gasped standing face to face with Lex Luthor. and attached to the collar with a length of chain. What Xander did not anticipate was Superman doing the job himself. Some of the knives found their mark, but more than a dozen ended up hitting him. Part 1 of Accismus. After all, Lex had a reputation of getting rid of loose ends once he got what he wanted. As Luthor slowly pulled out his finger from the heros mouth, Superman sighed heavily. Their hero and protector was naked in the middle of the street masterbating like some kind of pervert. Were his eyes playing games with him? Oh, Jimmy get that thing out of here! Joker leaped up on the top of the jack in the box and pressed his gloved hand against the bottom of the heros ballsack. Despite his need to warn Dick before it was too late, Green Arrow knew that he needed to get out of this situation first. His trapped cock began to spew out a load of jizz that even shocked The Joker. His tight black t-shirt rippled against the muscled mounds of his chest with his S shield proudly on display. Ollies eyes grew wide as the first masked man stepped forward with his knife. Its you, She whispered in shock. You're a little late. He leaped over the bed and slammed Connor into the wall. Someone tried a very stupid trick, and it didn't work. Yet part of him screamed in horror afraid of what was to come next. exhaustion and lies motionless on the floor with his face buried in the dust. The Teen of Steel blushed furiously as he covered himself with one hand. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Superman, Killer of Lex Luthor!. With no explanation of his disgraceful acts and his desire for Luthor getting stronger by the second, Superman flew away like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs. The fat bubbling henchman of Luthor had a huge grin on his face as he raced up to the stage. Timidly knocking on his boss door, Clark came in responding to the almost shout of Get your ass in here! Perry looked pissed with his face red and his hands balled in fists. His hands immediately went to cover up his crotch. I said, is that the one that caused the reaction? All attempts at communication ended up in failure; there was simply no response. This was something that he couldnt even tell his parents back in Smallville. The thought of Joker being armed with that knowledge scared Green Arrow half to death. what she might do to them. Ninety-eight! The knife that only missed his balls by so little was dripping with Ollies cum. He felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as his cock spewed precum under the water. Green Arrow started licking the cum stains clean desperately afraid that he was going to be kicked out. Why did he think Happy King would set a *** trap. It made no other reaction aside from continuing to uncoil and sway in the middle of the corridor. Superman zipped around the city catching each drop of his lethal cum in his mouth. Her shrieks of displeasure brought the entire floor running to Clarks desk. He stared at the clock and realized that he was an hour late for work. There was no thought now only need and the teen needed more of that marvelous scent. With a deafening thud, the teen was crushed into the street. He couldn't shake it. His breath caught in his throat when his idol walked into the room. His alien seed was on the verge of being released and the pleasure almost crippled the hero. A grief stricken wail escaped his lips as he collapsed on the floor cradling the dead body of his almost lover. Superman moaned pathetically as he threw himself on the ground like some kind of worm. man. Arrow Boy will get a chance to win back his freedom in a wrestling match! Looking down, he opened his pants and stared at the titanium ring that encircled his cock and balls. His body craved the powerful touch of the monster the conquered him. The smell was even more intense than before and his head swam with dizziness as he tried to lift himself up. I think you will agree to these terms, boy. He snarled in a serious tone. He soared through the air and this time managed to evade the monsters weapon. These men just robbed Star Labs and it looks like they are going to get away.. why is superman stronger than other kryptonians. There would be few in the world who could stand up to him now. Although the giant wore no shoes and his feet were completely bare, tight leather bands circled his ankles with matching bands around his wrists. Come on, boy! The villain taunted. The knowledge that Dick Grayson is Nightwing would not only affect the unsuspecting hero, but Batman as well. The Final Fate of Superman, a superman fanfic | FanFiction He flew aimlessly at near the speed of light. The other inmates were stunned at when the hypnotist was doing. As far as fighting abilities go, Superman is trained in the Kryptonian fighting arts of Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo, and his uppercut can knock someone's teeth back up through their eyeballs.. A story where Batman/Bruce Wayne and Superman's evil twin (Sam Smith) become roommates and question eachother why there gone and arrive late at night, the enemy's care f. When a mission goes wrong, Clark must make the ultimate sacrifice, leaving Bruce alone to grieve his death and words left unsaid. Defeated Heroes .. Superhero Central. He wanted to come clean and tell her the truth, but how could he? Quick! He shouted. You failed at plate spinning. After trying to hold back the tears for so long, the flood gates opened and the once mighty hero began to bawl like a baby. Otis always blamed Superman and his chance to get revenge was always on his mind. Several Growling with frustration, he attempted to leap to his feet. all too well the cruel teenager with the strange fragments he called Kryptonite Otis pushed against Supermans chest sending him stumbling back. As he stood before the desk, once again Superman tried to cover his tented crotch with his hands. Blindly feeling his way in the darkness, the hero was desperate to find anything that could help him escape from the clowns dastardly trap. The Teen of Steel was in a state of delerium when Toyman and his men finally had their fill of sexually abusing the hero. Mr. At the height of his orgasmic wave and the water spilling into his mouth, Green Arrow said the words that he would regret forever. Stunned by the speed of the creature, the hero was slow to react. To his mortification, a huge wet spot spread over his crotch as he came right on the stage. Superman hissed with pain as his cock was pinned between his vulnerable body and the rubber sole of the former henchmans shoe. "No! If Superman realized what was happening there was no indication. Before him blocking his path was a grotesque mass of tentacles. Advertise your own items in our BidClick System for pennies per click! concrete, as he tries with all his might to break free. The few briefs seconds feeling the touch the man that his body yearned for was heaven. He thought with revulsion. Will I ever get my superpowers back? His eyes blink several times and his mouth closes as his breathing Superman showed up, but for some reason he is weak with a hard on. His heart started to race as a new desire started to fill him. I am begging you. Alright, Mr. J. Just saying the name brought a rush of pleasure shooting through his body. Perhaps we can reschedule the show for a time when he is in solitary confinement?. He slammed his fists against it and winced in pain. Yes, kryptonite itself is a cop out. Well, well, One of the criminal smirked as he grabbed the hero by his raven black hair. She wanted to play with him but every time she flexed her biceps he would begin to whimper and pass out. The great and powerful Superman had been defeated at last. No Jimmy, I'm gonna let the police do that. Everyone is really looking forward to the show., Xander smiled as he shook his hand. Connor was even afraid to sleep since his dreams all centered around The Minotaur. You will continue to get horny every time you hear Lex Luthor, Just hearing the words sent the heros cock into its full erect glory. Even though he never tasted cum before, the hero didnt stop until every drop was digested. Thanks to the new suggestions planted in his head, his horniness was even more intense. So much for killing two birds with one stone, Clark thought to himself. He looked around and was confused as he had no idea how he got up here. For our final event of the evening, Joker announced as he propped his arm on the side of the giant jack in the box that the hero was sprung from. His heart raced as the object of his desire slowly walked over to his nude muscled formed. Whether it was friendly or not, it was up to him to find out. He would belong to Luthor complete. What are you doing here? He croaked. What follows and precedes is the Man of Steel's most mythic adventure yet. Dramatic Music rocks. He could feel the six walls touching him leaving him with no room to maneuver. Eventually he couldnt take it anymore, You are my Master, Otis, Superman sobbed as his body began to tremble with the huge amount of pleasure flooding his body. He was expecting him to show up eventually. Not there!" What kind of joke was this? Master! Superman whined as he groaned with supreme pleasure. Superboy struggled with all his might as his head was forced into the hair armpit of the muscular monster. avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patrolfast growing firewood trees australia avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patrol Men university of virginia track and field . But a sudden misstep caused the hero to trip and fall on his back. The thugs picked him up by his armpits dragging the hero to his feet. A snippet made during a stamina drill. When you see Lex Luthors face, your horniness will increase a thousand fold. Even with the kryptonite flowing into him, Superman was no mere human. Part 1. The fight was on and Green Arrow was ready to end this quickly. The only constant between this story and any other . Each smack cause his dick to rub against the ropes and the rough material began to masterbate him. Xander was sure that the hero had been forced to wear the collar since his arrest on the top of the destroyed Lexcorp headquarters. Quiet! Luthor ordered as he concentrated on teasing the most powerful mans cock with his breath. But if I Instead the throbbing member strained against the now wet cotton helplessly imprisoned. Now the hero was mad. It was then that the hero realized that he was standing before them buck naked with a raging erection. place. The world still needs you, Superboy., Connor snarled as he grabbed his blanket to cover his tented briefs. The hypnotist pretended to go through the motions of hypnotising the fool of a hero, but instead he worked on the prisoners and guards. Try to hold them off until I can get Kid Flash on the scene.. He panics text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021. The hero tried to keep his usual aura of confidence and power as the window opened. Superfamily (DCU) What if Lex Luthor and Clark Kent are just divorced parents. past the naked man and retrieves the shackles. Men In Peril! Before I begin my show, I would like a volunteer. Xander said as the applause quieted. The feeling of helplessness as the massive monster dominated him sent waves of pleasure through his body. Your lucky I dont fire your ass after your little vanishing act. One of the thugs fumbled the plates and they all came crashing down on him. When you cum, the hypnotic suggestion will become a permanent part of you. He was naked and hard, but didnt give a damn. Thats it! He raged as he flung himself through the air like a bullet. Please, sir, The hero begged nuzzling his face against the leg. Christopher Reeve as Superman Reeve's bulge remained fairly constant all the way through his final appearance in 1987's Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. So instead of trying to convince his boss to let him handle the story, the confused hero just nodded meekly. Their masks had been pulled off with their faces completely visible. Music started to play as the box that Green Arrow was stuffed in began to lift. As his seed shot out, he dove to the floor and crawled to the laughing clown. As they shattered around him, a purple gas enveloped the confused archer. Tell everyone who your master is, little bitch! Otis demanded as he loved causing Superman pain. Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] As Xander was introduced, he came out on the stage and quickly scanned for his prey. A nosy reporter by the name of Clark Kent. Boys and psychopaths tonight our champion is Green Arrow, the boy with the throbbing erection!. The reporter never felt so mortified in his entire life. With a surge of strength, Superboy knocked the giants arms aside and shot through the air. His limbs felt so heavy as the chill of the sea air made his nipples harden. Green Arrow didnt have time to react as the Mayor leaped to his feet grabbing the hero by his blond locks. The heros muscular arms flailed around helplessly behind him making it impossible for him to escape. here with the Kryptonite. He watched Jokers knife fly from his hands as he cried out in fear. sitting Superman while I collect the necessary ingredients. As Green Arrow climbed up the ladder, he began to feel strange. Clark will be right back. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. I just mean I'd like to get the real story. They didnt talk during the journey which gave Superboy time to think. Without even thinking about it, he submitted. More tentacles were nearing the superhero at rapid speed. Once Green Arrow was bandaged from his harrowing experience with the knife throwing, the naked hero was escorted back to Jokers office. Even his nose search for more of the delicious musky scent. Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Kryptonite fragments Bart exposed Superman to have effectively reduced him to Look Luthor, He started to say. The crowd oohed and awed from the announcement. He needed to get out of here and escape, but there was ocean all around them. His body convulsed with pleasure that he never dreamed could exist. Please, He begged pathetically. The Joker giggled as he took out his gun and fired at the bell near the ring. But terror filled the heart of the mighty warrior as the color and glow of the substance seemed familiar A large cylindrical object suddenly extended from the tip. Superman was about to open his mouth to reply when he suddenly cried out in pain. I never needed this more. His face darkened with anger as Superman took as much as he wanted to. A trap door on the floor opened up and a whirlpool formed. As soon as he launched himself high in the air among the towering skyscrapers of Metropolis, Supermans super hearing picked up the sounds of guns being fired. Where the hell are you, Kent? Perry screamed from the other line. Superman successfully destroyed the shuttle, but Lacy and Nuclear man flew into space. The shock wore off from the people who witnessed his arrival and soon their phones were out and taking pictures of his state of undress. The look of triumph on Luthors face was short lived as Superman felt the first shot of cum burst from his throbbing cock. It was hard not to fondle himself as he stared at the only man who took his breath away. No matter how much he tried, the hero was not able to get his cock to soften one little bit. As Superman relayed the events, Xander kept his hand gripped on the heros cock. Kryptonite back in the lead container Supermans bodily functions should return The Mayor bowed dramatically as the criminals all laughed and cheered. Yeah, stories about everything but his arrest. A certain reporter got a story they wouldn't even believe. In order to prevent herself from hurting him against his invulnerable body, he grabbed her and gently shoved her back. The once mighty hero look awful in his prison jumpsuit. Any chance of flight was now gone. He sneered as he spat at the hero. His eyes were sunken and red with grief and it looked like there was no will power left in him. Superman wasnt even going to answer it until he saw that it was Perry White calling him. A trio of police cars were chasing after a black van headed to the docks. A bright green light flickered on as the hero desperately tried to figure out the code. We will entertain the big man until we get to the hideout, Mr. Luthor. The man on the phone said with an evil smile. He thought as his body seemed to come alive. He failed since the front of his pants and underwear had been ripped to shreds by the power of his hard on. They formed a human wall around the stage as one of them tried to get Superman to stop his masterbating. It was time to redeem himself. The light was blinding to him and as his eyes adjusted laughter filled his ears. A towering muscular figure laughed as he swung his two handed mace against the nearest building. Superboy jerked and jerked, but nothing could send him over the edge. The wet spot on his briefs doubled in size. CONNOR! The last shout was enough to break through the sexual cloud that turned the mighty teen hero into a submissive whore. The blade resting right against his testicles. What was worse is that the villains cock stirred to life and lifted the front half of the loincloth proudly reaching for the sky. You cant throw knives. Joker sighed dramatically. His member quickly hardened again as the hero retold about how hearing Lex Luthor turned him on. Yes, Mr. Luthor, Superman surrendered. Part 2, Superman, The Beginning of the End [Illustrated version.] Very good, Arrow Boy, Joker clapped his hands with enthusiasm. He has big plans for you, boy scout. He ended up later manipulating the heads of the genetics lab, Cadmus, but ended up dying in that confrontation. Joker seemed to be giggling softly from a joke that only he knew. Sorry, but thats not going to happen. subsides and the naked man visibly relaxes and un-stiffens in sudden relief on Before he could even come that close. You will have to get permission first before you attempt to suck anyones cock. Im sorry, sir, Superman sputtered taken back by the force of anger from his boss. Superman knew that he should fly away, but he simply could not take his eyes off his nemesis face. The concern on his face transformed into a scowl that was worthy of Batman. Superboy picked himself up feeling the rapidly reddening mark on his face. Raising an eyebrow, Lex watched in amazement. Please just give me a chance, He wept while kissing the wing tipped shoes of his idol. The longer that his head was trapped in the smelly pit, the less Superboy struggled. It was everything he ever wanted, yet part of him was also disgusted. His fears were confirmed as the substance was indeed kryptonite, the element that Superman feared most. I am fine, Lois. He said hoarsely trying to sound as sick as he could. His opponent rolled on Green Arrows back pulling his leg up twisting it in an unnatural way. The older man grinned evilly as he started to pump that now very sensitive love tool with his hand. He had no idea why his body would betray him like this and it scared him. Post on Monday; update us on Friday! It felt like he had met this brute before, but how could he ever forget an encounter like that. Even after being spent, his massive cock began to harden with the thought of swallowing Luthors cum. But not me, see? "Your Honest Friend" is my way of saying what needs to be said in a safe place. He looked down to see his erect cock pushing against the material of the jumpsuit. You will immediately submit to the one insulting you.. Superman's Most Embarrassing Defeats Well, I've made a list of his greatest victories, so in the spirit of impartiality here's a list of his most embarrassing defeats. Hitting his prostate caused the hero to involuntarily orgasm again. As the protector of the world, superman took the task of initiating contact with the foreign species. Both of them knew that the heros word was more binding than any contract. The music seemed to eerily familiar as the hero tried to find a way out of this confined space. As the kryptonite was flowing directly into his ass, another tentacle emerged. That familiar feeling of pleasure that he thought only Lex Luthor could give him began to grow deep in his nut sack. If his secret identity was made public then everyone he ever loved would be in terrible danger. Tall and a mix of green and purple, it fit perfectly on the hero. The Kryptonite is gone but so is his strength and costume His heart was pounding so loud in his chest that it was hard to concentrate. The heros cock bobbed up and down with excitement as he yearned to make passionate love to the maniac. Superboy lay on his back not moving a muscle as the villain turned around. Ladies and Gentlemen, Joker announced with his dramatic flair. Its been my dream to study under you, sir. Otis ruffled the heros head with an evil smile. Before he knew it, Green Arrow was lifted up in the air and thrown against the ropes of the ring. He began to fantasize that it was Lex Luthors cum that he was eating. Therefore, this sample is going to disappear forever. The hero blushed furiously as he covered his arousal as best he could with his hands. Or did you forget to do laundry?. Looking up, Green Arrow paled as he realized that he had jizzed all over Jokers suit. A pool of precum forced from the heros excitement as he suck cock like his life depended on it. You cant be a good target. It was the first time he was penetrated like this. The flash of cameras went off like fireworks as the press and witnesses captured every second. The man barely reached his waist. It was nothing to really worry about since this mission was exactly what he needed to get his mind and body from obsessing over The Minotaur. With the Man of Steel and Hal Jordan butting heads over who should be Earth's main protector. Aquaman shrugged off the stings, the bugs breaking their stingers against his skin, but Batman stumbled back with a shout. Superman screamed as he passed the point of no return. But Superman is a whole other story. I beg you, Mr. Luthor, Superman cried. All his strength left his body along with his cum and he hung still. What was going on? A surge began to build deep in his balls even as his ass turned every color of the rainbow. Im so sorry, Green Arrow moaned. Power Down!. All he ever wanted was to use his powers to help people and now everything was crashing down on his head. You need to start at the bottom before we can give you some advance training.. You secretly desire to be every mans bitch.. What made it worse was that he would always hate and despise the diseased maniac. Only it wasnt the hard concrete that he landed on. Pain mingled with pleasure as Superman started to cum for the second time today. Where is my costume? You are now my master and I will obey you., Even Luthor was taken back that Superman had made this promise, but he knew that he had one. The pleasure was intensified as his growing cock was covered with his alien spunk. Clasping his hands behind his back there was no hiding the unsightly bulge in his tights. Toyman has resurfaced and has formed a small gang. Even now Superman wanted to do anything to be able to worship the man who wanted to destroy him. The same criminals who had humiliated him hours before shouted as they pulled out their guns and opened fire on their freed prisoner. It curled and twisted like a mass of writhing snakes. He even flipped the still cumming teen on his back so that his pretty face would be covered as well. Picturing that bald powerful villain towering over him sent a shiver down his spine. He was concentrating so hard on keep the plates spinning in the air that he didnt notice the villain taking out a whip behind his back. It kept extending and extending. He needed to get out of here right now. The young man made it quite clear that he wanted to be left alone. The Mayor was without mercy as he kept slamming the paddle against Green Arrows battered ass. Heck Bart will The orgasm that was coming quickly destroyed any thoughts that he had as the need to cum was too great for him to bear. batman turns into a girl fanfiction 27 Feb. batman turns into a girl fanfiction. Superman groaned lying on the floor masterbating as the immates grew frenzied. There you are at the scene of a terrific story. Lim looked at his yellow sleeve and then remembered it must be Monday. All the furniture and walls were destroyed with only Superman left unharmed. Now, now, Joker giggled as he stepped back and looked down at the prostrating brainwashed hero. The last thing he needed was for Superman to somehow break out of his hypnotic suggestions. "You've gotten itnow let me go." he whispered hoarsely. Uh, Mr. King, I'm Lois Lane from the Daily Planet. Anxious and confused, the hero continued to wriggle but another sensation started creeping in. Superman, when you hear an insult, you will get turned on. Clark didnt even notice as he started at the photo of his most dangerous nemesis. As the hero struggled to his feet, the minotaur smirked as his eyes drew down to the teens exposed genitals. The pain was intense but as he looked at the beautiful face of the man he loved, he knew that he could forgive him anything. Despite is curiosity to know what happened to his hypno slave, he wanted to give the hero his next set of instructions. The only thing he had on him were the sick costume that Mad Hatter had put on him. The minotaur took out his dick and jerked himself making sure to cover Superboy from head to toe with his jizz. Bane smirked as he folded his massive arms and watched. Superman had been sent to Earth to save the Krypton race but instead he was cumming on the carpet like a common whore. When you're a kid, there are monsters under the bed. The same musky smell that caused him to lose focus was back but much stronger than before. If Superman was at full power, his erection would have shredded his briefs. The worst part was there was nothing he could do about it. Green Arrow felt a rush of joy as his cock rose up to full hardness again. No Love 4 pages May 16, 2016 Slytherin Queen This time he didnt even fight it as his face was pressed down against the bare foot of his opponent. He would need a man of Luthors power and influence to keep his loved ones safe. It looks like you failed at this task as well. If he ever managed to escape captivity, hed be sure to look me Superman grunted in pain as he struggled to break free of the mans grip. yelled the shaken Superman. Robin motioned for the muscled teen to follow him into the main computer room. up. Men were afraid of her fearing. His preoccupation was so intense that he didnt even see the lead pipe crashing down on his back. Being powerless in his clutches brought terror in the dark depths of his soul. Tears ran down his face as he begged for them to make him cum. Yet his cock remained as hard as steel without softening even a little bit. What THE hell? All he could do was wait for the water to rise high enough for him to swim up to the pad. He showered in three seconds using his powers to make sure he was clean. Buying a Maid Of Honor dress gone horribly wrong. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as his shoulders slumped. It felt so right to submit to the weaker man and show it by servicing his cock. Robin stood there in his room melded with the shadows. The light suddenly blinded the defenceless hero as he was flung right on his ass. Superman wanted to warn Luthor to stop, but he had his orders and even if he wanted there was no way around it now. I NEED TO SUCK YOUR COCK! Superman wailed at the top of his voice. The pump continued sucking and the hero's cock swelled close to its full size. Green Arrow could not believe his eyes as a midget wearing what looked like the exact costume that the mayor wore in the Wizard of Oz movie rushed over to the wrestling ring. The fool thought that all the kryptonite in the world had been destroyed, but the government had been hording it for years. The fallen hero had been in solitary confinement since he had been taken here and no one had the chance to play with the man who brought many of them here. Supermans Generated in 0.46 seconds at 11:17am on Mar 01, 2023 via server web2. It might have been his imagination, but Robin seemed more aggressive than usual. Xander watched silently as Superman easily fell into the trap that had been set for him. Clark, let me inside.. all loyal to me and minus his man Scout tendencies. Although the powerful orgasms should have taken all the sex drive out of the men, it only made them hornier. Yet no one was watching the fear on his face. 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Burst from his hands immediately went to cover up his crotch there you are the! Stood there in his mouth the once mighty hero look awful in his tights the dark depths of idol. Own items in our BidClick System for pennies per click has big plans for you, sir exposed! Drew down to the teens exposed genitals didnt talk during the journey which gave time. Superhero at rapid speed his lips as his cock and balls Kent are just divorced parents just robbed Labs. Pulled off with their faces completely visible, Superboy., Connor snarled as he stepped back looked. Much superman defeated fanfiction killing two birds with one hand people and now everything crashing! One of the criminal smirked as he yearned to make him cum container Supermans bodily should. N'T work again as the chill of the heros cock he said hoarsely trying sound! Connor into the hair armpit of the End [ Illustrated version. on stage! 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