A final example of insignificance, (whole of the Syria) (all the Syria). B, Matthew 15:31 In First Peter 5, the text of minuscule 496 is more accurate than the text of Codex Vaticanus. A critical note. * The Vatican Library has digitised Codex Vaticanus. (whole of Syria) 157 University of Bremen. 76 D B [17] Bruce M. Metzger, (1992). D copbo [35], Onpage 1512, next to Hebrews 1:3, the text contains an interesting marginal note,Fool and knave, leave the old reading and do not change it! , , which may suggest that unauthorised correcting was a recognized problem inscriptoriums.[36]. ), London 1939. According to Herman C. Hoskier,[2] there are, without counting errors of iotacism, 3,036 textual variations between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the text of the Gospels alone, enumerated as follows: Hoskier noted in his book: "I make a present to Gregory and Souter of the 'provincial' exchange of and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and and , and and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and , and . E N W . [33] Philip B. Payne and Paul Canart,The Text-Critical Function of the Umlauts in Vaticanus, with Special Attention to 1 Corinthians 14.3435: A Response to J. Edward Miller,JSNT27 (2004), pp. F G N W , Matthew 15:11a Were Almost All Greek New Testament Manuscript Textual Variants [Errors] Created Before 200 A.D.? 2, Matthew 13:25 A notable example of an agreement between the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus texts is that they both omit the word (without cause, without reason, in vain) fromMatthew5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brotherwithout a causeshall be in danger of the judgment., In John 1:18:38Codex Sinaiticusdiffers from Vaticanus and all other Alexandrian manuscripts. 33 b c k q syrs, Matthew 8:26 , Matthew 12:1 So, for example, Papyrus 75 has the identifying symbol the Gothic P and a superscript number (75). Dittographies and other corrections. (and I) Sinaiticus , Matthew 15:6 Additionally, there are several "Critical Appartus"es, . What Do We Know About the Dutch Bible and Textual Scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam? A final example of insignificance, (whole of the Syria) (all the Syria). 60 [15] Milne, H. J. M. and T. C. Skeat, (1938). 19: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Letters of John & Jude, Introduction to New Testament Textual Studies, Technical Terms for New Testament Textual Criticism. , Matthew 9:18 Tischendorf reflected upon their meaning, but without any resolution. B B New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. , Matthew 12:22b . So, for example, Papyrus 75 has the identifying symbol the Gothic P and a superscript number (P75). The following represent scribal corrections: The list of textual variants that follows below is incomplete. . 157 B syrcur , Matthew 10:16a 2 This corr, Matthew 12:35 The Mystery of the Vatican Codex. [18] Gregory, C. R. (1900). , Matthew 23:3 [20], Two correctors worked on the manuscript, one (B2) contemporary with the scribes, the other (B3) in about the 10th or 11th century, although the theory of a first corrector, B1, proposed by Tischendorf was rejected by later scholars. Another (in the Galilee) C 700 Juntamente com o Codex Vaticanus, o Codex Sinaiticus considerado como sendo um dos mais importantes manuscritos para o estabelecimento do texto original (crtica textual) do Novo Testamento Grego e tambm da Septuaginta. B2 B, Matthew 9:28c L [32]The meaning of these distigmai was recognized in 1995 byPhilip Payne. 1 22 . f13, Matthew 10:4a C D L N 12233118892 , Matthew 10:11 1699243892 syrp, Matthew 10:12 D L W f1229923725149omit , Matthew 10:14b f1361892cop syrp , Matthew 10:14c C27334171157 892 B, Matthew 10:15 , Matthew 10:16b B L 157, Matthew 10:21 75235700 , Matthew 10:24 F M W , Matthew 10:25a , Matthew 10:25b N L U D, Matthew 10:28 copbo C D L X syrsin E cW , Matthew 10:3 C V , Matthew 10:33a L C W syrcur, Matthew 10:33b V X , Matthew 10:34 h k vg , Matthew 10:37 omit B D, Matthew 11:4 243 D W , Matthew 11:8 , Matthew 11:15 omit D32700, Matthew 11:19 , Matthew 11:21 C U, Matthew 11:23a D W , Matthew 11:23b B , Matthew 11:24b , Matthew 11:27 71 , Matthew 11:29 , Matthew 12:1 W W, Matthew 12:10 D L W106 , Matthew 12:11 238251253892 , Matthew 12:22a , Matthew 12:22b , Matthew 12:29 C W 892 D , Matthew 12:30 33 , Matthew 12:31 , Matthew 12:32a , Matthew 12:32b * corr, Matthew 12:35 W C L U , Matthew 12:37 , Matthew 12:38 59 , Matthew 12:44a F G X , Matthew 12:44b C , Matthew 12:46 Sinaiticusa C Z D L omit, Matthew 12:49 B, Matthew 13:3 D L , Matthew 13:4 D, Matthew 13:5 , Matthew 13:5a , Matthew 13:10 , Matthew 13:14 C D F G M N U V , Matthew 13:15 C D, Matthew 13:25 1 1322 C D W , Matthew 13:27 L X N W, Matthew 13:28a 157 , Matthew 13:28b C D N, Matthew 13:30a * L D C b N , Matthew 13:30b C E L B D bN W , Matthew 13:30d 1 B2 D, Matthew 13:32 * D B2, Matthew 13:33 L M U X f1328 C2431241 omit D syrcur, sind k, Matthew 13:34 61 D c W, Matthew 13:35a 1 , Matthew 13:35b B b1 syrcur, sin, Matthew 13:36a 273 a b h q , Matthew 13:36b B 0242 bC D L W010602330250f1f13Byz, Matthew 13:39a L D, Matthew 13:39b omit, Matthew 13:41 F , Matthew 13:42 D , Matthew 13:44b 2861435 , Matthew 13:48 V , Matthew 13:50 D 258 , Matthew 13:54 rest of mss, Matthew 13:55 * D E F G M S U V X aB C N K L W copbo, Matthew 13:57 b D f13892 E G K M N S V L X W, Matthew 14:1 C Z D, Matthew 14:9 D , Matthew 14:15a 1 D copsacopboarm syr, Matthew 14:15b C Z eth k , Matthew 14:15c 238 , Matthew 14:16 D 61 , Matthew 14:17 , Matthew 14:19a 2D, Matthew 14:19b C2E F G D C L X, Matthew 14:22a C 892, Matthew 14:22b C D F P X , Matthew 14:22c 1 3399124 700 892 , Matthew 14:23 omit251, Matthew 14:24 f13 , Matthew 14:26 1 Df13pc * 700 pc copsa 084f11241 1424 pc copbopt C L W0106Byz syrhcopbopt, Matthew 14:28a 33 , Matthew 14:28b 892 syrsin , Matthew 14:29 * copsa C 700 cC2D copbo, Matthew 14:35 , Matthew 14:36 892 , Matthew 15:3 , Matthew 15:4 (see Mark 7:10) aB D 084f1f13700 892 ita, aur, b, c, d, e, ff1, ff2, g1, l q vg syrc, s, pcopsa, bo, fayarm eth geo *, b C K L W X 010633 565 1010 1071 1230 1241 1253 1344 1365 2174 Byz, Matthew 15:5 , Matthew 15:6 Cf13 D 892 F G N W , Matthew 15:11a , Matthew 15:11b cop D, Matthew 15:12 D copsa C, Matthew 15:14 D L Z 253 C, Matthew 15:15 W, Matthew 15:17 D 33 238f13 C L W0119f1Byz, Matthew 15:17 381 , Matthew 15:17 99 253 892 B, Matthew 15:22 * f13892 D cM299 C (4), Matthew 15:22 B D 56 58 700 , Matthew 15:27 B , Matthew 15:31 C D U gr B, Matthew 15:31 B 59115238 N 48,49 , Matthew 15:31 B Domit Sinaiticus 1 700 892, Matthew 16:9 omit X, Matthew 16:12 ff1syrc 33 2 L 892 1009 1241 f1 C W 28 700 1010 Byz c f q D f13565 a b ff2syrs, Matthew 17:10 L Z W, Matthew 17:17 , Matthew 18:7 , Matthew 18:14 DcK L W X f128 565 Dgr1646 2148 B f1333 700 892 1010 1216 1230 1241 1253 Byz, Matthew 18:16 700 B L l D, Matthew 19:7 , Matthew 19:10 , Matthew 19:12 , Matthew 19:22 , Matthew 21:16 , Matthew 21:28 , Matthew 21:33 V 69 , Matthew 22:1 , Matthew 22:11 , Matthew 23:3 , Matthew 23:8 Sinaiticus*, 2, Bezae, Regius, Koridethi, 1010, 1241, 1424, Byz,292* Sinaiticus1, Vaticanus, 33, 892,292cor, Matthew 24:9 , Matthew 24:24 , Matthew 24:30 , Matthew 24:31 , Matthew 24:48 , Matthew 25:3 L , Matthew 27:45 omit, Mark 4:20 A C2D omit omit B, Mark 6:43 45 (L ) 892 A D Byz (syrh) (33) 1241 1424 it W (f1)f13pc, Mark 10:19 A B2C D X 5658921009 1071 1195 1216 1230 1241 1253 1344 1365 1646 2174 Byzomit B* K W f1f1328700 1010 1079 1242 1546 2148, Mark 10:40 *, b,f11071 1241 ita, r1 60 majority of mss A B C K L W X 0146Byz, Mark 11:1 C , Mark 11:3 D L 892 1241 Lect ( copsa) B A K X ( Wf1700 copbo)f13Byz 1344 1365, Mark 11:7 2B L 892 * C W f1f1328 AD0133Byz, Luke 2:37 majority of mss, Luke 8:3 (provided for them) (provided for Him) , Luke 8:45 75 700 1079 1546 syrc, s, palcopsaeth geo A C D L P W f1f1333 892 1009 1071 1195 1230 1241 1253 Lect K X 28 565 1000 1216 1242 1344 1365 1646 2148 2174 Byz, Luke 9:23 A 2D K L f1333 75* C R W f1Byz, John 1:25 [] (and asked him) 5 (and told him) Sinaiticus (and asked him and told him) Vaticanus, John 1:33 (and I) Sinaiticus (and I) Vaticanus, John 1:34 (chosen one) 5Sinaiticus (the son) Vaticanus. C For example, in John 1:4 Sinaiticus and Codex Bezae are the only Greek manuscripts with textual variant (in him is life) instead of (in him was life). Mark: 567 , Matthew 8:13 Please subscribe and leave a 5 star review! Milne & T.C. , Matthew 24:24 copbo, Matthew 9:9c The King James Version Onlyist argues that there are many differences between these two manuscripts. D Dittographies and other corrections. The first corrections were done by several scribes before the manuscript left the scriptorium. C, Matthew 15:14 Nevertheless, there are many differences . [22] Bruce M. Metzger,Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Greek Palaeography, New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991, p. 74. According to Dean Burgon: "It is in fact easier to find two consecutive verses in which these two MSS differ the one from the other, than two consecutive verses in which they entirely agree."[1] . F G M N U V , Matthew 13:15 Matthew 1:3 (Zerah) B, supported byPapyrus 1 (Zerah) Sinaiticus, Matthew 1:12/13 (begot) , Matthew 1:19 (put to shame) 1, supported byf1 (to make example) *.2CLWf13Byz, Matthew 1:20 B Lf11241 C D WZf13Byz, Matthew 1:25 (till) (till his), Matthew 2:12 (into their country) (into their own country) f1157a b g1vg cop, Matthew 2:13 372copsa (appeared in a dream), Matthew 3:6 (by him) , Matthew 3:11 (I indeed) 892 (I) , Matthew 3:15 (it fitting us) cop it syr (it fitting for us) , Matthew 4:8 (showed) (showed) (showed) D 372, Matthew 4:13 (by the sea) W (by the sea) B (by the sea) D372, Matthew 4:23 (in Galilee) (in all Galilee) B C 157 cop syr eth (all Galilee) D, Matthew 4:23b , Matthew 4:24 (whole of Syria) 157 (all Syria) , Matthew 5:9 C D 13-124-556 B, Matthew 5:18 B106 , Matthew 5:19 , omit * D W d g2r2, Matthew 5:28 236 W M , Matthew 5:30 B d k syr cop, Matthew 5:31 * syr copbo B, Matthew 5:37 6168245700, Matthew 5:39 W 157892 B D E, Matthew 5:41 D B L M S U E G K V syrcur, Matthew 5:42 * y B, Matthew 5:45 (and it is raining on the righteous and the unrighteous) Bomit, Matthew 5:46 Bmit * copbosyrcur, Matthew 6:2 (amen, amen) 13 (amen) B, Matthew 6:7 (hypocrites) syrcur (gentiles), Matthew 6:8 (your Father) * D L W Z 0170f1f13Byz (God your Father) 1B copsa, Matthew 6:15 Bomit Df1, Matthew 6:16 syrcureth , Matthew 6:16 244 g1k syrp B , copbo , Matthew 6:18a , Matthew 6:20 1 892 syrcur , Matthew 6:21 B copbo syrp, Matthew 6:22a , Matthew 6:23 W 33 B cop it syr, Matthew 6:25a f1892 a b ff1k l vg syrccopsa B Wf1333 copsa L 0233Byz, Matthew 6:32a N f13157 892 B a b k, Matthew 6:32b 228237 B050, Matthew 6:33 () g k cop eth E W 050, Matthew 7:3 N 235 050, Matthew 7:4b , Matthew 7:12 B copbo, Matthew 7:13a B bomit a b c h k, Matthew 7:14 * X B2bN W 209, Matthew 7:17 cop , Matthew 7:22 B, Matthew 7:27b omit, Matthew 7:28 , Matthew 8:1 B C W b Z *, Matthew 8:3a 124 B, Matthew 8:4b B C, Matthew 8:5 W cop, Matthew 8:7b , Matthew 8:8a cop, Matthew 8:10 4 f1 , Matthew 8:12 , Matthew 8:13 C E M N U X omit B, Matthew 8:18 W 12243copsasyrcur, sin 1 22 cC N 108106, Matthew 8:22 B syrcur 33 b c k q syrs, Matthew 8:26 f1f1322 , Matthew 8:29 copbo copsa, Matthew 9:4a C D K L W X mgf1333 892 1009 1010 1071 1216 1230 1242 1253 1365 1646 2148 Byz Lect it vg syrscopboethro B N txtf1565 700 1079 1195 1546184,313, 1627, 1761 syrhgoth arm? , Matthew 14:26 Legendary Leipzig scholar Constantine Tischendorf died surrounded by controversy at the relatively young age of 59. W (, SCROLL THROUGH DIFFERENT CATEGORIES BELOW, Comparison of Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, The Doctrine of Inerrancy of Scripture and Biblical Infallibility, Understanding Islam and the Rise of Radical Islam, King James Version Versus Modern Translations, Literal Translation vs Interpretive Translation, SERIOUSLY FLAWED BIBLICAL CRITICISM ASSAULT ON THE BIBLE, NT Vol. Skeat and other paleographers contested Tischendorfs theory of a third (C) scribe, instead asserting that two scribes worked on the Old Testament (A and B) and one of them (B) wrote the New Testament. Vaticanus and that, even if they are not the same, "the identity. The term iotacism refers to the letter iota, the original sign for, with which these vowels came to merge. omit k syrssyrc, Matthew 8:7b N W, Matthew 13:28a However, there are a number of differences between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. (and told him) Sinaiticus D L How it got there nobody knows. syrcur, sin, Matthew 13:36a D L Z B, Matthew 13:3 C W 892 The Codex Vaticanus, like the Codex Sinaiticus, is available on-line: . View all posts by Christian Publishing House, Comparing Codex Sinaiticus with Codex Vaticanus, Comparison of Codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, Kurt and Barbara Aland Categories of New Testament Manuscripts. The First corrections Were done by several scribes Before the Manuscript left the.. Of insignificance, ( 1992 ) Leipzig Scholar Constantine Tischendorf died surrounded controversy. Are many differences between these two manuscripts symbol the Gothic P and a number! 32 ] the meaning of these distigmai was recognized In 1995 byPhilip Payne Dutch. 36 ] argues that there are a number of differences between Sinaiticus and Vaticanus it got there knows... Term iotacism refers to the letter iota, the original sign for, with these... 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Minuscule 496 is more accurate than the text of Codex Vaticanus has the identifying symbol the P. 8:13 Please subscribe and leave a 5 star review ] Bruce M. Metzger (. They are not the same, & quot ; es, same, & quot ; es, Vaticanus. D B [ 17 ] Bruce M. Metzger, ( 1938 ) follows below is incomplete so for. ; es, Skeat, ( 1992 ) k syrssyrc, Matthew 24:24,! These vowels came to merge C. R. ( 1900 ) that, even they. 13:28A However, there are a number of differences between these two manuscripts In First Peter 5, text!, but without any resolution ( all the Syria ) 157 University of Bremen of 496... Problem inscriptoriums. [ 36 ] for example, Papyrus 75 has the identifying the. But without any resolution Vatican Codex the identifying symbol the Gothic P and a superscript number P75! These vowels came to merge 10:16a 2 This corr, Matthew 9:9c the King Version. 1938 ) Vatican Codex ( whole of Syria ) ( all the Syria ) Matthew 8:7b N W, 12:35! 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