Und die Socke die gefunden wurde knnte theoretisch dort platziert worden sein. Norris testified that Darlie was a rude customer that came in every week, constantly cursed her children, and demanded that Darin buy her some jewelry. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. help me come to the right verdict please. Is she a vain narcissist yes I think so. Could it be because she knows 100 times more about this case, and her daughter, and Darin, and what occurred that night, than these self proclaimed Routier case experts do? He thought it was odd that an intruder that presumably came in to rob the house would walk right past the purse and jewelry without taking it all. Kathy Cruz, author of the book, Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, (A book that contends Darlie is innocent) stated: "That sock is the most important piece of evidence in this entire case," It is important, but not the most important. The letter to Aunt Sandy further stated: "We believe we know who did it. When Greg Davis was questioning David Waddell, the first police officer to arrive on the scene. They did observe an open window in the garage close to the floor with a vertical cut to the screen. Do you have a link to the source about the four experts and the juror changing his mind about Darlie's innocence? Anyway, keep up the good work, and I'm sorry that you've had to endure persecution for just stating the facts. In an attempt to show Darlie's character, Greg Davis subpoenaed Kay Norris, an employee from a local pawn that Darlie frequented to purchase jewelry. It was in place and secured when police officers checked the backyard. And, how many minutes did you say that this child could have lived if all four of them had been produced at the same time? This author has been cyber-stalked, insulted, accused of being Darin Routier himself, publicly cussed at and even more recently, threatened with physical harm similar to what happened to author Barbara Davis, until she changed her mind about Darlie's guilt. Have a good day! 8) never knew about dog til your blog. Bathrooms: 2. Please stop spreading myths about this case! Renee, also 16 at the time, was the regular babysitter that Darlie frequently called. Darlie Routier, now 50, has spent the last 23 years on death row after being convicted of the murder of one . However, despite Darin's statements not making a lot of sense and the possibility of him having a motive by collecting on a $250,000 life insurance policy, the forensic evidence at the scene simply did not link him to the actual murders, it linked Darlie to the murders. Devon's covered up body with what appears to be a towel next to it. Darlie Routier fell asleep on the couch with her two oldest sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, sleeping on the floor nearby. Darin later did admit to partaking in an insurance scam involving the Jaguar and talked to people about staging a house break in and robbery for insurance purposes but never carried through on it. They're angry and hateful and they're vicious with anyone that opposes their opinions; similar to a 1970's era militant group. Perfect amount of cocky when necessary. Nabors noticed Darlie's purse and the many gold rings and bracelets (Including a Rolex watch) she had worn that day sitting on the kitchen counter where she had taken them off before lying down on the couch. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued. Because of the new evidence gleamed from the DNA testing and the prosecution files, an amended habeas corpus petition will be filed in the state court, the status report indicated. Kezzy et all are just too stupid to even understand the case, let alone make reasonable arguments about it. Two young boys lay on the family room floor covered in their own blood with obvious deep penetrating stab wounds to their chests and backs. I can't imagine any mother doing something like that. I researched the evidence pretty thoroughly regarding the utility room. I do recall the defense tried to make an issue out of the photo marked states exhibit 38B (I think) which shows what appears to be a possible transfer print of some type that was presumed to have come from officer Wadell's boot as he went around the kitchen and started to enter the garage. But Im not a humble person and Im good with that so let me be CLEARDoug Mulder is dead now and thats a sign that Darlie is circling the drain. Satanist friends? The Routier family is not bound by any of that. Dr Santos testified that under any other circumstances he probably would have discharged her later that morning. The striking feature of these two particular stains is that they weren't simple drops. You dont have to go back and even acknowledge that idiocy. Here, she's seen in a family photo with the slain Devon and Damon. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. I also think there may have been a bit of a language barrier problem there. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Darlie Routier - Part 1. Most members of this second group get the most hateful when challenged to provide a credible source to backup a statement they've made that they're trying to pass as fact. Or else Darin provided entry via an unlocked door for someone he had hired to do the deed. Blood found on the sink back splash turned out to be a combination of both Damon and Devon's blood. Both of her sons, 5-year-old Damon and 6-year-old Devon, were killed in the attack, but she was only tried for the murder of Damon. Yes, the DNA results have been sealed by the Courts and are now confidential. Allison had become friends with Darlie when she was 16. A guilty or innocent opinion cannot be accurately formed based on watching YouTube videos or simply reading a book; which are inevitably someone else's opinion. It is rare to read something factual that reinforces the evidence, probably because people are so vicious toward this viewpoint (the truth). She claims an intruder entered her Dallas area home in June of 1996, stabbed two of her children, and attacked her. Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. I'm trying to get this to as many individuals that I'm aware have a strong interest in this case. While watching the Last Defense last night, I thought to myself-is any of this true? Originally running the company from his house, Darin's business soon took off and was even able to secure high paying contracts with Lockheed and NASA. Evidence which the police and the prosecution found to be non-existent. Darlie friend/neighbor Karen Neal testified for the defense that the dog barked at everyone, including family members. In 2014, a group of experienced retired homicide investigators from different parts of the country did an independent research study and revisited the evidence found at the crime scene. I didn't see mention of your having read the trial transcripts. darlie routier dna results 2021. Upon arrival he observed Darin Routier coming out of the front door wearing only pants with no shirt or shoes. Did they have friends or family that were Satanists. Obviously deliberately placed where it would be quickly found, Close up of sock showing Damon and Devin's blood on it. While still at the house before being transported, she told police that she chased the intruder through the kitchen and in her words" I saw him open his hand and drop the knife on the utility room floor." She picked it up and placed it on the counter before realizing that she and her children were hurt and called 911. On May 3, 1996, Darlie wrote to her three sons in her diary stating that she hoped one day they will forgive her for what she was about to do. You completely created a narrative about a fight, divorce, money problems, Darin helping her cover the crime (didn't the police and DA he was not involved). In her book "Precious Angels" Barbara Davis wrote During one of (Detective) Pattersons visits at the hospital to check on Darlie, he mentioned that the dog had been barking like crazy and would not shut up. Everyone but the Darlie supporters of course. Can we get an execution date this year Texas? And despite a puddle of Darlie's blood drops on top of blood drops indicating she had stood there for some time. The police and prosecution had their sights set on one person as the perpetrator: the boy's mother, Darlie Routier. Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. Currently "out". Several people commented that Darlie never shed a tear during the funeral. It's believed this is where she stood and cut her throat and arm. Out with the old, in with the new. By far, it's the best, most comprehensive breakdown of the case I've ever read. Interestingly, if you look at this group's members, many of them are also members of the "Jodi Arias Support Group." In turn, Mize was upset with Darlie and supposedly called her and according to Darlie, he threatened her. The stems were unbroken giving the investigators the impression that they had just been laid there, not knocked over during a struggle. The only other kind of evidence is direct evidence which means there was an eyewitness to the crime. Merry Christmas! They would work tirelessly to make sure she paid the price. That being said, the person that planted the sock would have had to have gone out the front door and around the house to avoid setting it off. This is a fantastic presentation of facts. While simultaneously ignoring strong evidence against the only adult in the room with BLOOD ALL OVER HER SHIRT AND FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER THE MURDER WEAPON!! Greg Davis: Did you look over to see if a rag or towel or anything had been placed on Damons back? Davis asked if Darlie had placed a towel on the boys while they had searched the house. The case of Darlie Routier is controversial and has the support of the innocence project. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 05, 2018: fedematias, the link worked fine when I tried it just now. Cron quietly approached Lt Jack outside in front of the house and told him that from what he was seeing so far, it was starting to look like these murders had been committed by someone living in the house. The first wound penetrated the left chest, the left lung the left pulmonary artery and the pulmonary valve. Was that the only person that tried to get in? SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 27, 2018: Noted, thanks for your comment and grammatical observations. Almost nobody believes the "Intruder" theory for many of the reasons discussed, and ALL (not much, not some, not most) of the evidence inside the house points to Darlie. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. Even as I write this, the mother in me (which is literally my entire being!) Nabors, Cron, other officers, and I have all examined the couch where Darlie says she was sleeping when she was attacked; although there are quantities of blood throughout the room and around the boys, there was no appreciable blood on the couch where Darlie's head, neck, and shoulders were located at the time she says (in one of her versions) she was stabbed by her assailant. You say theres no evidence to support this; while on the contrary theres nothing but evidence to support this. If they choose to kill me, thats my innocent blood that will be on their hands.. Prosecution: Okay. He was briefed by detective Jimmy Patterson at the house as to what Darlie had stated and began conducting his own assessment of the scene. That entire process could take 5 minutes maybe less. I can only say that i am just so grateful to Got, down on my knees to thank God that none of these fuking braindead imbeciles served the Routier jury. You may be privy to this info already, but I made it a point to dig for the validation and explanation. Darlie Routier Net Worth: At the time on her conviction she had some credit card debt and they were behind in their mortgage. The 3rd and 4th and fourth stabs affected the shoulder and leg. Blood drops on top of drops found here indicate that Darlie stood here bleeding for some time. All the surgeon (Dr, Santos) did was take a peek at the cut, cleanse it, and close it right back up. CHANGING STORIES RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, Darlies 5 different versions of waking up, Darlies 4 different versions of fighting the intruder, BLOOD AT THE KITCHEN AND THE LIVING ROOM COUCH, Darlie's 2 different versions about her standing at the kitchen sink, 1. Supporters like to say she was convicted on circumstantial evidence. I have to agree with author Don Davis' conclusions of the trial. And I love when she says "I've proven it" Proved it to who? They appeared to lean toward the theory of Darlie having planned the murders. He said there was no visible evidence to suggest that someone had exited through the garage as Darlie had stated. Was the trial perfect and free of errors? ", Some Darlie supporters have tried to blame the Rowlett 911 dispatcher (Doris Trammell) for Damon's death due to not giving Darlie first aide instructions over the phone. She used the the knife to cut the twist tie and then cut French bread." And, they never offer any reasons as to why all of these different people would want to do that and perjure themselves. Judge Lokken ordered Mrs. Routier held without bond. Fortunately he had not been harmed. The federal court judge has not yet ruled on those DNA results. Then yet a fifth letter sent to her Aunt LouAnn, Shook read out loud: "We know who did this and we're trying to get more on him." It came on when officers walked out and checked the back yard and stayed on for 18 minutes. Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The killer focused on their chests, he emphasized, almost as if going for their heart. The Darlie supports say that if the entire "Silly String Tape" had been shown in court, including the private memorial service that took place prior to the celebration, it would have made a difference. Darlie is one of the few, to be exact, one of the six women sentenced to death in the United States. She said she opened her eyes and a man was swinging a knife straight down at her throat. The knife used as the murder weapon. Their favorite claim is that she didn't have a motive, they love to say a motive was never proven. He had stated publicly that if he had seen the photos in court, that he would have voted not guilty. Working in emergency medical service for 30 years I've seen it firsthand. The house today. And after you read it, your takeaway was 'Maybe Satanists did it'??? Paramedic Jack Kolbye, the paramedic that tended to Damon in the house was called to testify. Texas." After not finding anyone they returned to the kitchen area. I told the defendant to get some towels and put them on the childs back to try to stop his bleeding. Then the other group with fewer members, consists of the fanatical supporters. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on October 26, 2017: Hi Jen and thank you! If the Routier dog barked at every strange noise as stated, Darin, Darlie and the boys could have easily grown accustomed to the barking and tuned it out as well. Sergeant Walling: No, sir. He not only failed the examination, he failed it big time. DA Toby Shook showed Dr. Santos the infamous bruise photo of Darlie's right arm (Shown below) that her supporters say prove that she fought off an intruder. She dyed her hair blonde, wore heavy makeup (she still does on death row) had a boob job using the largest implants available (36 EE), bought expensive jewelry, expensive revealing clothes, went to tanning salons, and openly flirted with other men when she and Darin went out, causing friction between them. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. You guys be safe! Hardly, the 3 and a half inch laceration (9 cm) on her neck was defined by two physician's (one a surgeon) as superficial. I found a LOT of bias unfortunately. She said that when she woke up, the person was standing over her, and that she was laying on the couch, and that she began struggling with him. Darlie Routier was a 26-year-old mother of three boys at the time of the killings. Three days later, she was sentenced to death by lethal injection. Then she went on to say that she picked up the knife and put it on the counter. Darlie looked at the detective and responded, Oh, he always goes off like that when someone he doesnt know walks in the door. Patterson was immediately alert. The state of Texas allows three appeals for retrial. Darlie's occasional housekeeper, Helina Czaban, stated that when she told Darlie how sorry she was for the tragedy and mentioned the expense of the funeral on top of that, Darlie replied, "I'm not worried. The only report to police of what was referred to as a suspicious car driving through the neighborhood on June 6th shortly before or around the estimated time of the murders was reported by neighbor Sally Bingham. Viewers of The Last Defense, co-produced by actress Viola . They say he lied in court about parts of a conversation between himself and Darlie based on not hearing those words on the 911 call. Back to the 911 call, around 4 minutes into the call Darlie can be heard telling the first officer on the scene, David Waddell, Look out in the garage. I thought you wrote this brilliant article in response to her Looney Tune nonsense. He told her 4 separate times to put pressure on Damon's wounds and she never did it. She was laughing. Ultimately, on February 1, 1997, Darlie was convicted for the murder of her 5-year-old son, Damon. 3)no knife blood spatter when knife dropped.4) her blood in kitchen sink per your blog. Darlie told investigators that she and the boys had decided to sleep in the family room with the boys on the floor and her on the couch watching TV (As later discovered she had done for several nights before the murders) while Darin and baby Drake slept upstairs in the bedroom. That means one of two thingsthis bitch really is circling the drain or were all going to be talking about this crap another stinkin year. Luminol testing on the side of the couch also revealed a child's hand print that had been deliberately wiped off. I'll have to find the exact date of that interview for you. So, if there was a burglar at the Routier household, he was most likely invited there. Paramedic Koschak remained at the scene and when the second RFD paramedic team, Larry Byford, Rick Zimmerman, and Rick Coleman arrived, he turned over Darlie's care to them. I liked your portion about possible motive. Lieutenant Grant Jack, commander of the Rowlett Police Department's Investigative Division, was summoned at home and arrived on the scene around 3 AM. Darin continually told investigators that his business was secure financially. So glad I allowed myself to read your outstanding article. A lot of people that comment on this Hub believe without question that Darlie Routier murdered her children. Well apparently even her own followers are finally starting to realize she's full of it. The involvement of the diary and it's apologetic context I interpret as homicidal thoughts and not that of suicidal as many may have believed. I put my hands on Darlie's shoulders and said, 'Darlie, look me in the eye and tell me you didn't kill the boys.' 47 6 thatphanom.techno@gmail.com 042-532028 , 042-532027 Darlie supporters love to direct people to an old CBS 20/20 special taped 18 years ago in 1999, hosted by moderator Sylvia Chase. ZERO evidence, and even Darlie herself has never made such a claim. Very good read. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later. None - having stabbed two children and a woman, they would get the hell out of Dodge via a door - most likely the one they used to enter the house. If the defense was allowed the proper time to prepare, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A DIFFERENT OUT COME. "My life has been such a hard fight for a long time and I just can't find the strength to keep fighting anymore." Although portrayed as a loving doting mother in home videos, some neighbors and acquaintances stated that they noticed that Darlie had begun to not pay very close attention to the children when they were outside and often seemed aggravated when they were around. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. Plse don't bother answering as I prefer to look on the bright side of life. Darlie claimed she slept downstairs because baby Drake's tossing and turning kept her awake, yet her two boys are viciously stabbed to death just a few feet away, the intruder gets on top of her on the couch and slashes her several times and she sleeps through all this until Damon wakes her up? He explained this action and his rational to Greg Davis. While deliberating, the jury requested to see the video again and a couple of the juror's later stated that they watched it 6 or 7 times. i can understand when she speaks to the police officer the conversation is inaudible, however when the operator asks her a question i can clearly hear her give a reply to the operators questions. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic This is a highly debated case and it's important for the reader to understand that these debates are not about someone awaiting trial, Darlie Routier has already had her day in court. Darlie has a unique ability of mesmerizing people into believing her innocence. 'Re angry and hateful and they were behind in their entirety we know who did it '??... Worth: at the time, was the regular babysitter that Darlie called... My innocent blood that will be on their hands she went on to say a motive was proven. 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