Congratulations on your float down the flat water section of the Green. Deserts are extremely dry places with almost no humidity, so the heat can’t be retained during the night. I have been in Phoenix in July when the dew point was close to 80 degrees. See Answer. Exclusive: Bitcoin transfer eyed in Capitol riot Why are deserts so cold at night? I believe you’ve done a power of legitimate work to expose the scam perpetuated by the activists, you are a leader in this field. Deserts are cold by night as the cloudless skies allow the daytime temperatures to escape quickly after nightfall. Gasses not resonating are generally transparent to radiation so dry desert nighttime air lets lots of radiation escape to space and it gets cold. Much as your dedication to solving the riddle of ‘climate change’ are appreciated, Steve, it would appear you had other research in mind on this particular field trip. Don’t forget the visibility, it often goes down with humidity. The desert is nothing but a few cacti and tumbleweeds amd lots and lots of sand. Most deserts are high in elevation, so it gets cold at night and hot in the day. That’s why it makes it so disappointing when I read some of your denigrating comments about those with a different view. Why are desert cold at night but hot during the day? This is because (1) dry ground does not retain as much heat as moist ground, and (2) water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas , so dry air allows the surface to cool rapidly at night through loss of infrared radiation to outer space. Those closer to the Equator vary in temperature very little, as little as 20 degrees from summer to winter months. At night the water in the air flings LW photons back at you instead of letting them off to space. What a nightmarish thought! Clear, cloudless skies also help to quickly release heat at night. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. No. The sun is HOT, the moon at night is cold! Most are not. Water plays a role in cooling as well. Deserts are places that are barren(dry). This is the reason why the desert remain hot in the day and cold at night. p.s. In other words, when the sun is present, the deserts are hot, but once the sun starts setting, the region … I cannot believe anyone can actually claim that when the air temperature is 30+ C it is all due to the infra-red absorbing gases yet this is what is claimed by using the “greenhouse gas” argument. Inside the house, your coat was in thermal equilibrium with the room temperature. Predictions By The World’s Greatest Scientists, Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA, The Definitive Data On The Global Warming/Climate Change Scam, The Holocaust Began With Gun Control – After A Shooting, Obama Climate Deal To Triple CO2 Emissions By 2030,,,, Escape The Heat At Your Local Movie Theater, Massive Greenland Fraud Is Rapidly Growing, More Detail On The NSIDC Disappearing Ice, 1995 IPCC Report Showed No Troposphere Warming From 1958 To 1995, NOAA Quadrupling Radiosonde Temperatures By Data Tampering, Climate Scam Being Driven By Politicians/Actors/Journalists, 1905 : Valdez, Alaska Relocated Due To Glacial Melting, Today’s Climate Fraud Winners – Science News, Most Influential Climate Denier On Twitter, SCIENCE : 230 Years Of Blaming White Men For Climate Change, Battling Climate Misinformation In Santa Fe, 1906 : Belief In Climate Change Is Due To Defective Memories. Why night in desert is cold? When retrieving a boat at a ramp what … Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. During monsoon the day to night temp difference can be as low as ten degrees. Biden unveils $1.9 trillion plan with direct payments. While they are very hot during the day, the sand does not retain that heat, in the way that soil or even rocks can. You need to come up with new evidence, hopefully without the use of ‘stupid’ ‘simple’ and ‘basic’. Why Are Deserts Hot in the Day and Cold at Night? In Vegas if the daytime temp hits 110˚ and it drops to 80˚ that’s a thirty degree drop. The next time you freeze to death at night in the least you will know why. People like to use the blanket or coat analogies. The heat that radiates from the sun and heats up the land begins to heat up the air and then escapes into the atmosphere due to the lack of clouds and humidity. That is why it is cold at night in the desert. For those who are interested - indeed it was cold at night, eventhough the temperature in Tozeur was very nice (outside in tshirt in the evening). in both directions. How does it heat up or cool down ? Hypothyroidism. Grand Parc - Bordeaux, France/Flickr/CC-BY-2.0. recent questions recent answers. For those who are interested - indeed it was cold at night, eventhough the temperature in Tozeur was very nice (outside in tshirt in the evening). Hot and dry deserts have a mean annual temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, and the extreme temperatures can range from 43 to 49.5 degrees Celsius during the day and minus 18 degrees Celsius at night. , Steve says: “Because of the lack of humidity, temperatures would plummet over night.”. The reason for this is the lack of cloud., The main question is, did his female companion make up for the fall in temperatures? But that’s not to say the land surface temperatures in this sun-drenched city are universally hot. Phoenix has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the hottest cities in the United States. The trip on the camels into the desert was great, the kids loved it! The desert is nothing but a few cacti and tumbleweeds amd lots and lots of sand. Deserts are places with high pressure where the air sinks and, therefore the clouds evaporate by the adiabatic effect of a higher pressure. Image by Thomas. Please don’t be indignant about simple descriptive words. Here is a list of common causes: 1. The idea that the “atmospheric greenhouse effect” is caused by radiation is laughable. ( Log Out /  The reason why deserts are cold at night and hot at day is mainly because of the sand. (Which, BTW, generally runs hotter than Dallas. Because of this, some deserts can get cold at night, dropping to below 40F, which is definitely coat weather. Interesting, right? Where would a body find more weed in the desert in the middle of winter? The dry Canadian air is sucks moisture out of furniture, skin and anything else exposed to it. We always have humidifiers out in the winter to assist with feeling warm. What I want to know is if it was at first too hot to sleep… how did you manage to wake up from your conscious non-sleep state? I’m not discussing the “net effect” Perhaps I was being a bit too subtle, but I actually wasn’t referring to sleep. By Tom Skilling. What Does George Soros' Open Society Foundations Network Fund? Top Answer. This confirms the insignificance of 0.04% of the atmosphere that is the well mixed greenhouse gas – CO2. this is the same reason it can get extremely cold in the wintertime in the north, where clear nights=cold nights, as a general thing. Woden501. Because of the lack of humidity, temperatures would plummet over night. This means a big amount of cold air can be pulled down without getting warmed by the air that is rising up nearby. "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman. After sunset, the hot ground looses heat rapidly by the processes of convection and radiation, which … At night, that heat escapes into space, which makes the temperature in the desert drop very low. During the day in a desert such as the Sahara, a lot of sunlight heats the ground, which then heats the air. Nevertheless, lets not get hung up about it, take out the word ‘bold’ from my comment and respond to the rest. This fits all of those models. There is no ONE factor that explains it. Not all deserts get cold during the night. ( Log Out /  July is usually before the monsoon kicks in and atmospheric moisture and towering thunderclouds move in from the gulf. DESERTS ARE COLD AT NIGHT:Because of the lack of water in the ground, and little water vapor in the air, most deserts can get quite cool at night. Free e-mail watchdog. Most deserts have very low temperatures at night. ), (No wonder the blog’s host becomes exasperated with “you people’.). The hot and dry deserts in which this pattern of heating and cooling occurs include the Mojave Desert and the Great Basin in the U.S. and the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts in Mexico. Yes, Steve, all of the above but possibly mostly because [2] sand releases heat more than soil because of that lack of carbon, it just sucks out your body heat. Therefore less heat is radiated. Another reason is that since desert … Humidity makes it warmer at night. This is the main reason that deserts can be hot during the day but cold during the night. Oh well… I’m freezing from Global Warming up in Minnesota today… All but 6 States are expected to get snow over the next week… Global Warming is total Lies, Fraud, and Bullshit…. Due to the lack of plant life and humidity, it is not surprising that hot and dry deserts can lose twice as much heat at night than the same non-empty natural zones. This explains why it feels so much hotter in high humidity. In the daytime, the cold air from overnight doesn’t stay trapped. Answer Save. Those are found roughly at latitudes 30 N and 30 S where the air from the inter-tropical convergence zone comes down. When this happens the clouds (and that smattering of CO2) absorb the incoming long wave, reflect a lot of visible back to space, and leave only the measly UV and the remains of visible along with their recycled LW to warm you and the rocks. To look at this from a physics point of view - deserts are regions of low or very low humidity. moist air cools slower than dry air. The main reason it is colder is because of lack of cloud cover. 1 0. The moment you present empirical evidence to back up your claim, I will change my view. This is because (1) dry ground does not retain as much heat as moist ground, and (2) water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, so dry air allows the surface to cool rapidly at night through loss of infrared … When it comes to normal places, it is the water vapour and carbon-di-oxide present in the atmosphere that keeps our nights warm. Even in a hot desert it can get very cold at night. Lv 6. First off a desert is not by definition a hot place. The clouds in ATL keep the land and city from heating up as much during the day… sunlight is reflected back or absorbed at higher altitude in Atlanta. But the coat might slow down the feeling of cooling if it has a large thermal capacity. Few clouds also. Yes it is. But of course gets colder when there's no warming sunlight coming down. This is because sand and rock also lose heat very quickly. Electrons are present in all weather events. Look at the weather data. The earth would be more like a desert with less water in the air. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Hot deserts are extremely hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. Sometimes they aren't. Thirty years ago I took my fiancée canoeing down the Green River in Utah for a week in July. Your thyroid hormone levels may be low. In the day sands got extremely heated by the burning sun and such hotted sands releases heat slowly. Some do get very cold, typically sandy ones. In the 1970s, the Sahel strip that stretches along the … Phoenix is very humid in the summer and suffers huge UHI effects. Hot deserts are extremely hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. There is nothing to stop the thermal energy (heat) from escaping back into the atmosphere. DAYS IN DESERT. Add your answer and earn points. so during the night when the sun is not shining the sand loses all its heat, making the desert night cold. 9 Answers. Relevance. When returning from sea, a red navigational buoy should be passed in what manner? Most of the heat at Earth's surface comes from sunlight. DESERTS ARE COLD AT NIGHT:Because of the lack of water in the ground, and little water vapor in the air, most deserts can get quite cool at night. The daily variation in heat content changes. Exclusive: Bitcoin transfer eyed in Capitol riot At night cold wind blows from the sea to deserts releases heat fully and makes it cold. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Because of the lack of humidity in the area, the ground receives more than twice the radiation heat from the sun during the day and loses twice as much heat during the night in comparison to more humid environments. - 32165192 But if they do not radiates significantly once warmed the only mechanism for loss of the gained energy is radiation to space – conversion from kinetic to potential energy is not energy loss – at least that is what thermodynamics teaches. P.s. Cold is relative. Fluffanutter. To look at this from a physics point of view - deserts are regions of low or very low humidity. The Jet Stream pattern and UHI have something to do with that… In addition… Shape and size and location of a city on Continental landmasses has a lot to do with its weather… There are many Cities across the globe … Located at the same latitude… Vastly different weather. Camping in sand with a “girlfriend” can cause allsorts of untold irritation! Asked by Wiki User. If the threads are 1/8 in. During the day in a desert such as the Sahara, a lot of sunlight heats the ground, which then heats the air. Favourite answer. 5 Answers. Favorite Answer. Deserts can be hot or cold. In fact, all the ones listed and probably more than that contribute to why it is colder, to some degree. The rapid cooling is due to an almost transparent atmosphere allowing the hot surface radiation to escape unimpeded and the clear skies allow unrestricted convection. Halloween’s over but tomorrow I will scare a few creatures of habit with that prospect …. Always made a bed of spinifex under my swag if I had to sleep in the sand hills. It always astonishes me when people start arguing with me over things I didn’t say. I don't know what desert you are from but I used to live in Arizona, and it never gets cold there in the summer at night. Why are deserts hot in day and cold at night?? It was hot during daytime and cold during nighttime: long sleeves in a medium sleeping bag plus blanket. Also, humidity might be a greenhouse gas, but most of its effect on weather is unrelated to this fact. Calling people stupid, or claiming that this subject is simple does no service, especially since this site quotes Feynman so often. The reason for this is the lack of cloud. Clear, cloudless skies also help to quickly release heat at night. Might be different with an overcast, cloudy sky. Actually, that is when you change your schedule. 99% of the atmosphere has little interaction with infra-red but O2 and N2 undergo temperature changes every day, everywhere including at desert locations. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. A Joshua tree in the desert is surrounded by snow in winter. Here is a list of common causes: 1. Because of the heat and the lack of rainfall, there are no large canopy trees to shade animals or plants. Extremely problematic, with sand in every fold. ( Log Out /  'The warmth of the day was starting to ebb away into space and the sun was starting to set like a giant red burning ball in the west. So it was emitting as much as your body would have without the coat. Most of the heat at Earth's surface comes from sunlight. Most hot deserts are found between 15-30° north and south of the equator. They contain plants and animals that are specially adapted to these extremely dry conditions. Find answers now! Your thyroid hormone levels may be low. Studying mutual heat exchange between two bodies? Cold deserts gets cold b/c of the … 9 years ago. But a desert usually does see large temperature drops at night. Saying that all weather is caused by greenhouse gases is like saying that all weather is caused by electrons. Duh. The desert, when night falls, becomes VERY cold especially the driest deserts: the Sahara, central Australia and where I lived once up on a time, Death Valley! This means that low level clouds do not easily form during the day. The region of scorching noontime heat becomes dead cold at night. Hypothyroidism. Why is desert region hot during day and cold at night? Most plants are stubby in height, such as ground-hugging shrubs, and there are very few large mammals because they are often not capable of storing enough water. Sands have a tendency to absorb heat quickly and release it slowly. Mar 17, 2016 at 6:13 PM . How do deserts become cold at night? 10 years ago. I only “live” in the desert 2 weeks of the year. What Are the Steps of Presidential Impeachment? The reason why your claim is bold (IMHO) is because almost ALL of our life experiences tell us that the presence of H2O – the overwhelming greenhouse gas – means cooler temperatures. A desert is a place where there is very little rain. Why does it get really cold at night in the desert? Police officer dies from injuries in pro-Trump riot Cold deserts are pretty much cold all the time. Report: Trump refusing to pay Giuliani for legal work. The minute the sun sets, a wind arises and the temperature plunges so by dawn, it drives all the reptiles into their burrows and it is why owls and mice love things, being warm and covered by fur or feathers. Look at instantaneous power, multiply by time. Because of this, when the sun rises, it can get very hot very quickly. why are they i would like to know. 1 Questions & Answers Place. @ Tony 9 Answers. I understand that the above fact doesn’t disprove your hypothesis, but nor have you proven anything after having made the bold statement (s). Some of you people apparently have spent ALL your time in Mom’s basement, never experiencing even the most basic and elementary of meteorological events! While feeling cold may be a simple case of turning up the heat or throwing on an extra blanket, a few medical conditions may also cause this to happen. You used the desert situation as evidence to back up your claim of that greenhouse warming effect, I believe I countered that. That is a different discussion. My friend and I are wondering if ALL deserts in the ENTIRE world are cold at night. Rocks are different. Anonymous. Why deserts are hot. You weren’t being too subtle about the greenhouse effect or the personal thing: it’s about power and energy The resistor example, the dam example, the snuggling. It was hot during daytime and cold during nighttime: long sleeves in a medium sleeping bag plus blanket. Then around midnight or so, you can wind down and get some sleep and get some good sleep because the temperature is good sleeping weather. khushi252542 khushi252542 Why are deserts hot in day and cold at night?? Favourite answer. Change ). Dry air is a requirement for deserts and that is why they are cold at night. Why Are You Feeling Cold at Night? This is not going to have a huge impact on the diurnal temperature range. There are deserts in Anartica! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ask Tom: Why are deserts hot during day, cold at night? Because sand cannot hold heat, it needs a constant source of energy to stay warm (The Sun). Why are deserts so cold at night? This is the main reason that deserts can be hot during the day but cold during the night. Biden unveils $1.9 trillion plan with direct payments. 9.9 x 9.9 x 1.79 estimate; how is the message conveyed? When we went to bed, it was too hot to sleep, and when we woke up it was too cold to sleep. Why Is a Desert so Cold at Night? Strange Americana: Does Video Footage of Bigfoot Really Exist? Humidity is very important up north in winter. This is because (1) dry ground does not retain as much heat as moist ground, and (2) water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas , so dry air allows the surface to cool rapidly at night through loss of infrared radiation to outer space. Surely convection is more significant than radiation where air temperature is concerned – 99% of the atmosphere apparently does not absorb or emit significant infra-red. With temperatures that routinely spike above 100°F (37.8°C), this Arizona city has the highest average daily maximum air temperatures of any in the country.. Sounds to me , what you did make , was a very poorly planed camping trip Tony ! Phoenix is NOT humid! Until such time, name calling and denigrating those who will not accept claims without evidence is behaviour no different to that of CAGW activist alarmist rentseekers. Because of that, the heat gained during daytime can radiates faster at night and it gets quite cold. Climate Hustle Next Monday – One Night Only, The Surface Temperature Record Is A Farce, NASA – Doubling Sea Level Rise By Data Tampering. If O2 and N2 do not radiate significantly the only mechanisms available to lower air temperature are random collisions of molecules with IR active molecules – < 2% chance on average – or convection of these warmed molecules to altitude where their temperature – read kinetic energy in physics speak – is reduced by conversion to gravitational potential energy. 1. Look at the weather in Alamosa, which is certainly not a desert! The thyroid is part of your body’s metabolism and temperature regulation system. Surely convection is more significant than radiation where air temperature is concerned – 99% of the atmosphere apparently does not absorb or emit significant infra-red. 2020-05-28 14:08:43. The desert animals and reptiles come out during night times. 9NEWS meteorologist Kathy Sabine in her forecast tonight for the Denver metro area: … as the snow ends and the skies clear temperature’s going to drop like a rock without that blanket of clouds …. As there are no trees and water in the deserts, there is no source of these to keep the temperature warm. So the diurnal temperature range can change in two ways. I think it was a ‘multiple guess-choice rhetorical’ question: lack of greenhouse gas H2O (cloud / humidity / etc). Answer this question. The heat that radiates from the sun and heats up the land begins to heat up the air and then escapes into the atmosphere due to the lack of clouds and humidity. Eh, yep! Gasses not resonating are generally transparent to radiation so dry desert nighttime air lets lots of radiation escape to space and it gets cold. The reason you feel the variation is simple. But you need to also provide bold evidence to back up your claim. Why night in desert is cold? 10 Answers. Your claim may not be bold to you, but it is bold to me (and I did explain why I thought the claim was bold did I not?). The reason why deserts are cold at night and hot at day is mainly because of the sand. This results in an extreme temperature drop. Are you claiming that a fiancée is better than spinifex? 2 See answers keziahms2009 is waiting for your help. We call it the monsoon season. The very dry air of the desert holds little moisture and thus holds little heat; thus, as soon as the sun sets, the desert cools considerably. During the day, the land receives direct sunlight without any protection and at night the hot air escapes because of the lack of cover to keep in the heat. This is due to : No, sleeping, the active activity. Like other types of desert, cold deserts get very little rain or snow. Yes I realise you claim CO2 is saturated and further additions makes very little difference if at all, but what’s already there causes a greenhouse warming effect. On the flip side, deserts are hotter during the day time than tropical regions at the same latitude. … Derrick S. Lv 7. At night, that heat escapes into space, which makes the temperature in the desert drop very low. But those are put on when the temperature gets colder. All of this makes you rather unpleasantly warm in July on the Green River until you jump in and have another beer. It is because there is often a high pressure. Deserts tend to lack any cloud cover. The desert animals and reptiles come out during night times. The desert is hot during the day is because the sand cannot hold or absorb heat so when the sun is present, it merely reflects the heat of the sun and radiates it to the atmosphere. Most deserts are hot during the day.Deserts can be very cold at night.Some deserts are extremely cold during the day and night though. Or the region of the atmosphere that experiences the variation in heat content changes. Answer Save. I didn’t make a bold claim at all. Desertification . You quit worrying about your beer supply. That slight hue of pink was turning to streaks of red and purple right across the sky, which was being caused by … No. Something like the greenhouse effect is real, but the everyman notions like your car getting hot in the parking lot and greenhouse gasses acting like a blankets are not good analogies. Why deserts are cold at Night. Answer Save. 1 decade ago. To determine if the net effect is one of warming or cooling, one must determine which effect is larger. Phoenix certainly is humid from July to September. And it can be interesting when you are wearing shorts, the sun goes down and you get goosebumps on your legs. While feeling cold may be a simple case of turning up the heat or throwing on an extra blanket, a few medical conditions may also cause this to happen. No clouds to keep the heat in the lower atmosphere. The end Once the sun heats the sand up to almost boiling point the day ends but there is no vegetation to hold the heat in the sand so at night when the sun isn't shining all the heat from the day escapes, and then it turns As you understand, a cloudless sky gets a lot of heat during the day but also looses a lot of heat at night. Heat loss to space is fairly rapid as a result, so it CAN get quite cool at night even if it was extremely hot in the day. Geniuses like yourself otherwise have to explain how the temperature in Dallas goes down in the overnight hours in summer … WHEN OUR WINDS ARE FROM THE SOUTH FROM THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF HOUSTON! The desert, when night falls, becomes VERY cold especially the driest deserts: the Sahara, central Australia and where I lived once up on a time, Death Valley! Phoenix and Atlanta are at the same elevation and latitude, and yet it is always hotter in the summer (on average) in Phoenix–day and night, despite all the greenhouse gas (water vapor) and clouds in Atlanta. In a dry period where huimidity can be in the single digits in the middle of the day the swing can be 30 to 40 degrees. The sun is HOT, the moon at night is cold! And from outside the planet, the effect of the cloud, is that “space” sees a layer of suspended water at a colder temperature than the land surface. But then who wants it hot at night? Because of this, some deserts can get cold at night, dropping to below 40F, which is … But going with the example of "Hot" deserts: Deserts are hot for two reasons: 1. Says: “ because of the sand transmitted back at night hot to sleep, and when we up! Can not hold heat, it is finally cool enough to be outside rather unpleasantly warm in July the... Of `` hot '' deserts: deserts are cold by night as the Sahara, a lot of heat both. 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