event, Shocker appears as a member of the latest incarnation of the Sinister Six, consisting of himself, Boomerang, Lady Beetle, Speed Demon, Overdrive, and the Living Brain. Some belong to teams and others act as individuals. [13], Shocker was later hired by the Nazi war criminal Baron Von Lundt to kill Dominic Fortune, and built the vibro-shock units into his entire uniform to do so. He later escapes with the help of fellow inmate Boomerang. Shocker is a supervillain in Marvel Comics, mainly an antagonist in the Spider-Man comic book series. Herman Schultz was born in New York City. He can control the power of his blasts so that he can destroy a truck, knock a person down, or simply press a button. The Punisher Had Killed Spider-Man? It was during this job that Shocker embedded his vibe-shock weapon into his entire suit. During the Infinity War, Shocker was part of Dr. Octopus? ?No honor among thieves? [34], During the Origin of the Species storyline, Shocker is invited by Doctor Octopus to rejoin the reestablished Sinister Six, where he exchange for securing some specific items. [21] He thus started seeking ways to become more powerful, hoping to thwart any attempt on his life by the vigilante group. He doesn't kill Spider-Man, thinking it an unworthy end, but doesn't help him either. He unsuccessfully attempts to purchase the Venom symbiote at an auction to gain some respect. ", Universe, Other Aliases, Education, Place of Origin, Identity, Known Relatives, Powers, Earn points for what you already do as a Marvel fan and redeem for cool rewards as a, (Points/Rewards program available to U.S. residents only. They are used by many characters in the Marvel universe. In the film, the Shocker alias is initially used by Jackson Brice (portrayed by Logan Marshall-Green),[75] who wielded a modified version of Crossbones' vibro-blast emitting gauntlet, until he is accidentally killed by Toomes. [59] Ultimately, he suffers five embarrassing defeats. Despite this, Davis had still kept tabs on Gargan, knowing that he was entering a deal with the criminal Vulture on the Staten Island Ferry later that day. Greed drives this engineer-turned-outlaw, and with the help of his vibro-shock gloves, he is the bane of banks and armor cars throughout the five boroughs. Shocker found himself with six arms after being infected with the spider-virus. Logan fought and killed all of villains before finding out that it was all an illusion cast by Mysterio, and that he was actually killing his fellow X-Men. [19] During one of his team-ups with Doctor Octopus, he participated in a raid on Avengers Mansion, hoping to help conquer it as the heroes were distracted by the events of the Infinity War. Thor and Loki have never really got along... Long Story Short is for comic fans who want to get caught up on the entirety of Marvel history as quickly as possible. During this time, Shocker also miraculously escaped the Punisher?s attempt to kill all the evil-doers in the Bar With No Name after they?d gathered there for Stilt-Man?s wake. Despite their deadly dance though, Shocker has also let Spider-Man go a few times, thinking their rivalry to be a noble one and that neither side should die without dignity. It is, instead, a mantle that is passed down through the Wakandan Royal Family. After finally being caught and incarcerated for his crimes, he developed a pair of gauntlets designed to shoot air blasts, vibrating at high frequency. Directed by Wes Craven. Marvel has graced the cinematic universe for years. Voice Actor(s) Jeff Bennett Other Version(s) Spider-Man (1967)Spider-Man and His Amazing FriendsSpider-ManShocker (Ultimate Spider-Man)Montana (Ultimate Spider-Man) Your key for reading. The new Marvel Studios series is now streaming on Disney+! He can create vibrations all over his body, allowing him to knock off anyone who t… Only problem i had was the two blaster things it comes with dont lock into the arms you have to push them thru the arms and pull on them to shoot them. [56] He was fired later and then became the Shocker to "get what he deserves" for all the work he has done. [40] Shocker later appeared as a member of Villains for Hire (a villain counterpart of Heroes for Hire). The Ultron Blaster Gun is a weapon created by the Tinkerer from an Ultron Sentry's arm following the Battle of Sokovia. The deal is ambushed by the FBI and Spider-Man, though Schultz and Toomes manage to escape. is the philosophy that always haunts Shocker, however, as he often finds himself warring with his own teammates in an attempt to either double-cross or thwart someone else?s double-cross. Previous alliances include Boomerang, the Beetle, Rhino, Leila Davis, Hydro-Man, and Speed Demon (all of which made up the Sinister Syndicate), and the Trapster, Constrictor and Jack O'Lantern. Peter’s trials taught him an invaluable lesson: with great power, there must also come great responsibility. [2], The character first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #46 (March 1967) and was created by Stan Lee and John Romita Sr.[3] He appeared as a regular character in Thunderbolts from issue #157 to 162, when he deserted the team. Tentacles: Due to the first experiment that fused the tentacles to his spine, Doctor Octopus has the ability to mentally control his four mechanical tentacles. Combination of Paralysis Inducement and Electricity Manipulation. After surviving a hit attempt by Scourge, who was seeking to wipe out villainy everywhere, Shocker developed severe anxiety. They did not wish to harm the people who had helped save their lives. Sent by the Friends of Humanity to assassinate Paul Stacy, the duo managed to glue Stacy and Spider-Man together and corner them, only to be called off their assignment moments before finishing them off. It was during this initial spree that he would encounter Spider-Man for the first time, notably defeating the Web-slinger in their introductory fight. Like a bad penny, New York?s most shocking crook-for-hire, the Shocker, always seems to turn up. Over the years, Shocker switches up his gadgetry a few times, sometimes putting the vibro-power in the suit itself, sometimes in his boots, even once in the back of his costume so that a vibration blast could stop sneak attacks. The suit can also shake off Spider-Man?s webbing. As such, the character is usually portrayed as behaving in a more professional manner than the majority of his maniacal peers.[49]. ...and why is he so important? He is a supervillain who primarily utilizes illusions and other gadgets to perform crimes. Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. [36] When Spider-Man goes on a rampage against the villains after the infant was stolen by Chameleon, Shocker is attacked in his hideout and threatens Shocker to tell him everything about the villains' whereabouts. He also teamed up with a large group of villains during the Acts of Vengeance, when he helped them unsuccessfully attack the Fantastic Four. He is voiced by Dave B. Mitchell. Some have been around since the 1960s and others no longer are active. Herman Schultz combines his engineering intellect and past experience in criminality to embody the persona of "Shocker." [54], The Ultimate Marvel incarnation of Shocker is 33-year-old petty crook Herman Schultz who raids money transports. [39], During the Spider-Island storyline, Spider-Man and Carlie Cooper encounter a six-armed Shocker. Schultz immediately fell into a life of crime, opting to pursue robbery, burglary, and safe-cracking as get-rich-quick endeavors. The Black Panther is more than just one man who became a superhero. [volume & issue needed] Shocker somehow acquired actual superhuman vibration powers. But these out-of-control abilities nearly destroyed him, and both Spider-Man and Night Thrasher had to help him use a vibrational harness to cure himself. Spider Powers have been a part of the Marvel universe since 1962, when Spider-Man first debuted. After being sent to the electric chair, a serial killer uses electricity to come back from the dead and carry out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police. D&D Beyond Nick Spencer (w), Steve Lieber (p), Steve Lieber (i). [63] Shocker is later seen among the Punisher's collection of severed heads. He studied at MIT vigorously and eventually secured a job at Roxxon Industries creating high-end weaponry before being cheated out of his work and earnings. He was a high school dropout who had brilliant talents as both an inventor and an engineer. His gauntlets are not the only thing that can create vibrations. Watch the new show streaming exclusively on Disney+ on January 15th. Smell Weakness Sniff out your enemies' weaknesses, rendering them vulnerable to attacks. The Wallcrawler is the first Super Hero Shocker encounters after donning his costume for the first time and the one he has crossed paths with the most over the years. Somehow, the eel's electricity killed him while unconscious even though he had the ability to harmlessly absorb their electricity otherwise. Unfortunately, he couldn?t enjoy the windfall because Valkyrie punted him out to sea. As part of the Masters of Evil, Shocker was part of a plot to discredit and incriminate an on-trial Dr. Henry Pym. Over time his body developed an immunity to electricity and the ability to discharge electricity at will. [10] He then made one million dollars by harassing a stock broker. Shock possesses the power to induce fear and hallucinations in other people by releasing pheromones through her skin. [42] Shocker features as one of the main characters in The Superior Foes of Spider-Man, which concludes with Silvermane crowning him the new don of the New York underworld after Shocker saves dozens of mobsters by singlehandedly defeating the Punisher. Billions of years ago, the technologically-advanced extraterrestrial race known as the Watchers decided it was their duty to help the universe's less advanced races. | Season 7. [volume & issue needed] He gets some measure of revenge, where he unexpectedly defeats, captures, and tortures Spider-Man, and relays his background. When the crew pulls their final heist on a cargo plane transporting weapons from the Avengers Tower, Schultz is tasked with stopping Spider-Man from intervening. Shocker has since appeared repeatedly in his original costume and minus the redesigned super-gauntlets provided to him by Hammer Industries. Despite having no superhuman abilities, his vibrating suit and gauntlets enable him to trade blows with Spider-Man. Though, he often finds himself undone by serendipitous circumstances, leading him to lose confidence in himself and saddling him with low self-esteem for long stretches of time. Schultz uses his gauntlets to escape from prison and becomes the supervill… Shocker?s first city-wide scheme involved spelling his name out in building lights and then threatening to black out the entire city if he wasn?t paid a million bucks. Combination of Paralysis Inducement and Electricity Manipulation. [29] Shocker plays a small role in the "Secret War" crossover event. He is usually depicted as an enemy of the superhero Spider-Man, and belongs to the collective of adversaries that make up his rogues' gallery. With both Stacy and Spider-Man dead to rights, Shocker?s assignment was called off and once again Spider-Man was saved by fate?s good fortune. team, attacked Wall Street and forced a stock broker to make some trades that would earn him a million dollars. The Shocker wears a pair of gauntlets he designed with vibro-shock units known as "vibro-smashers" that, when activated by a pump-action thumb trigger, can project a concentrated blast of compressed air that vibrates at an intense frequency. By this time, he's developed severe confidence issues and has become terrified that the Scourge of the Underworld is going to kill him. The costume is made of foam-lined synthetic fabric which absorbs all vibrations and establishes a vibrational shield which deflects normal blows and allows him to slip from any grasp. 1. The costume's appearance has been the source of ridicule on the part of Spider-Man and other characters. When activated he can project a concentrated blast of vibrating air. This creates a series of rapid-succession high-pressure air blasts that result in a series of powerful impacts. The new Marvel documentary special will premiere February 12, exclusively on Disney+. He was once stricken with chronic anxiety and paranoia (in the Deadly Foes of Spider-Man series) stemming from his fears about being targeted by anti-heroes Scourge and the Punisher (surprisingly, he has survived encounters with both). The toy doesnt have alot of movement its definitely not super pose-able but its a classic from the series. He fought alongside the Hulk's army when they confronted the escaping heroes and scientists on the Goethals Bridge, but was decapitated in the ensuing battle. In 1981, Marvel introduced Monica Rambeau, a New Orleans Harbor Patrol lieutenant who gained her powers after criminal scientists blasted her with extra-dimensional energy. Add Ghost Rider in Team to Prevent Debuffs (40% Chances) from All Villain Champions. As he becomes more powerful he realizes that the new powers will eventually kill him. [47] Herman Schultz is being tried for his crimes as the Shocker and Rogue volunteers herself as a character witness. [17] When he next appeared his confidence issues are gone. While the Shocker has not actually appeared in the MC2 universe, his gauntlets have been seen in the use of the bounty hunter Mad Dog Rassitano. The former initially overpowers the web-slinger until he is distracted by Ned Leeds, allowing Spider-Man to web Schultz onto a bus. Mansion, hoping to catch the super team in a moment of distraction. One of the first Super Villain groups Shocker joins is Egghead?s Masters of Evil, alongside Radioactive Man, Moonstone, Tiger Shark, and Beetle. Instead of using such talents to gain legitimate employment, he became a successful burglar and the world's best safe-cracker(according to him in later stories). Thus, he perpetually ends up in jail and his equipment is confiscated. The power to release extreme electrical current. Shock (Ariel Tremmore) is a fictional character, and a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe.A psychopathic killer, she fought with Daredevil in New York City. The character has been featured in various media adaptations, such as feature films, television series and video games. An old enemy of Spider-Man, Shocker is a career criminal who is armed with a battle suit that sends out shock waves. He later appears as a member of the Sinister Six when they are tasked to hunt down Spider-Man.[53]. Herman Schultz / Shocker appears in the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: Homecoming, portrayed by Bokeem Woodbine. Shocker also runs afoul of many of New York?s other notable crime fighters, including the Fantastic Four, the Punisher, and lethal vigilante the Scourge, who almost ends him. The bite from a radioactive spider granted Peter Parker amazing arachnid-like powers. It was the biggest payout Shocker ever received. Max Eisenhardt, better known as Magneto, is one of the most powerful mutants in the world and a recurring foe of the X-Men. Once he discovered she was in his hideout, Shocker began to divulge the source of his powers before taking the opportunity to attack the heroine. During several, there was an unusual factor: Spider-Man wearing the black suit,[57] or the presence of Kitty Pryde,[58] or Wolverine putting Shocker at a disadvantage. When temporarily partnered with Hydro-Man, he rebukes Morrie's suggestion that they go kill Spider-Man, being far more interested in more financially lucrative ventures and trying to rebuild a professional reputation. [28] He allied himself with Speed Demon of the New Thunderbolts in order to break into a particularly well-guarded safe. It is also implied that he isn't always charged with anything; Spider-Man simply leaves him at the crime scene. He and Tombstone went after Menace's infant in the restaurant shop, until Spider-Man interfered. He used to work at Roxxon Industries and invented his weapons there. His trademark vibro-gloves, which can be activated with thumb switches on each hand when he makes a fist, emit a series of high-pressure air blasts that deliver a powerful vibrating concussive force. Super-Shock was one of the older power than wanderer the earth for millennia before revealing himself to the world as a superhero. In 1940, during World War II, Schultz secretly allied with the Nazis, building for them a battle suit capable of firing powerful shock waves, which, according to Schultz, would help them "end the war in a month". Downtrodden after an unsuccessful criminal career, Herman Schultz used his electrical expertise to build costume powered by vibro- In the middle of a meeting between him and some Nazi officers, Spider-Man Noir and the White Widow, in an attempt to prevent Schultz from selling the suit, confront him and they manage to disable it after a brief fight. This nefarious plan would push Shocker into the big leagues and into a battle with mighty super group, the Avengers. Using his new toy to tear down a prison wall, Schultz escaped and?after wearing a padded costume and mask designed to protect himself from the vibrations he created?anointed himself the Shocker. With Michael Murphy, Mitch Pileggi, John Tesh, Heather Langenkamp. [26] Shocker is hired by the Golem, along with Constrictor and Jack O'Lantern, to protect a diamond delivery. Holding the thumb triggers down for an extended period of time increases the intensity, speed, and even spread of the air blasts. Besides deflecting most physical blows, this makes it difficult, if not impossible for someone to physically assault or grasp him by surprise. He later appears in She-Hulk #17 and later again in Avengers: The Initiative #3, in which he was shown to have partially reformed the Sinister Syndicate alongside Hydro-Man and Boomerang. The Masters battled the Avengers in this encounter; Shocker was brainwashed and purposely abandoned by Egghead to deliver a false testimony,[12] and subsequently cooperated with the authorities in exonerating the ex-Avenger. Wakandans are forever! BLACK PANTHER #23 Trailer | Marvel Comics, Thor & Loki's History | Marvel's Long Story Short, The Final Chapter of Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman's 'Venom' Saga Is Here, 'Marvel's Behind the Mask' Documentary Coming to Disney+, Ta-Nehisi Coates' Revolutionary 'Black Panther' Run Comes to an End, ‘WandaVision’: Exploring Our Favorite Moments in Episode 2, Unidentified Mother (deceased), Unidentified Father, Martin Schulz (brother, deceased), Unidentified ex-wife. This group attempts to rob Baily's Auction House but are interrupted by Spider-Man and then Initiative members War Machine and Komodo. [15] Shocker later attempted to steal thousands of charity dollars at the celebrity fund raiser for the New York City Library. Shocker has also let Spider-Man go on a few occasions, the first being when he found Spider-Man incapacitated with a bout of vertigo on the outside of a tall building. This group comes between a war between the new Avengers and Doctor Doom, but do not survive.[68]. [67], The Shocker is part of a small group of supervillains who survived for decades after America was conquered and laid to waste. The most common include Wall-crawling, enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, durability, stamina, healing and agility, as well as an early warning system officially dubbed the \"Spider-Sense\" power by Peter Parker. Though the police arrived at his hide-out in quick pursuit, he was saved by Speed Demon dashing in and stealing both the loot and Shocker's weapons, removing all traces of evidence (and, unfortunately for Shocker, also keeping the money to fund the Thunderbolts' further activities). A Scourge imposter wound up saving Spidey, though Shocker left the altercation with a newfound confidence and a desire to hunt down Scourge himself. [22], Shocker has had Spider-Man on the ropes on several occasions, with timely interventions often saving Spider-Man. Shocker has made many allies and criminal cohorts during his years of deviant behavior, but no one he can truly count on as a friend and confidant. [14] Shocker was hired by the Chameleon and Hammerhead to induce Electro to join their organization. Shocker then pulls off his mask to reveal that he's slowly mutating into a spider-like creature. Shocker managed to evade capture several times before Miss America finally discovered the entrance to his secret lab. ", Shocker is among the group of, In "What If Scarlet Witch Ended the House of M event by saying No More Powers? While in the midst of a bank robbery, and fighting Spider-Man, Shocker transformed into a giant spider, along with the other infected members of NYC. They produced a ton of blockbuster movies such as The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: Civil War, Iron Man 3, Spider-Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, and many more. Shocker?s suit is specially padded and protected so that Schultz himself isn?t harmed by the potentially lethal power of the vibro-units. He battles the Hood. Rogue said that the Shocker, from her experience when she was fighting darkforce monsters alongside him, was smart, kind and courageous, and given the chance, could redeem himself.[48]. With Michael Murphy, Mitch Pileggi, John Tesh, Heather Langenkamp. When asked by Nightwatch why Shocker was angry after already getting his cut, even if he had forgotten, Shocker said that it was because he wanted to be a hero too. WandaVision's Cast & Creators Reveal the Secrets of the Show! While robbing a bank, he was later beaten and sent back to prison after Spider-Man pinned Schultz's thumbs away from the gauntlets' triggers with the webbing and then knocked him out. He is defeated by the Flash. The grief of losing his son and the shock of his corpse being stolen nearly prove to be too much for Jonathan Kent who suffered a near-fatal heart attack. Each tentacle has superhuman strength, speed, durability and the ability to climb up walls or travel along. He also recently allowed Hammer Industries to drastically upgrade the power of his gauntlets. The power to release extreme electrical current. [73][74] This version of the character is an employee of Adrian Toomes' salvaging company before it went out of business following Damage Control being established and the group turned to crime. ), Unlock the world of Marvel Digital Comics! He aims to hunt down Scourge himself and kill him first. From a young age Schultz turned to a life of crime however, he soon realized he wasn't particularly good at it, having been arrested several times. The New York Times Best-Selling epic saga reaches its startling conclusion this April. Herman Schultz transformed himself from a passed-over salvage worker to an active member of Adrian Toomes’ criminal crew, eventually using one of the powerful weapons he and his cohorts had developed for himself. Maxwell "Max" Dillon, better known as Electro, is an antagonist from Marvel Comics, frequently appearing as a dangerous enemy towards Spider-Man. Big surprise, huh? The feedback from the Shocker's gauntlets is extremely intense (the initial test almost killed him). Spider-Man swung to the rescue, tracking Shocker down to a power station and webbing his thumbs to his own gauntlets so that Shocker vitro-blasted himself over the room until he was knocked out. After a brief battle with Spider-Man, he is knocked unconscious while Spider-Man uses his gauntlets to destroy rubble blocking the path. Sub-power of Electricity Attacks. Before recovering, Jonathan encountered a vision of Clark Kent's soul in the afterlife and pleaded with him to come back in Adventures of Superman #500, by Jerry Ordway and Tom Grummet. [37] Shocker was then seen in the Raft due to a popular online vote at Marvel.com[38] and was selected to join the Thunderbolts's new Beta team called the Underbolts where it was revealed that MACH-V has put his name on the list of likely candidates. Shocker tells Spider-Man that Chameleon has the baby at the Kravinoff Mansion. [volume & issue needed] He is seen in the annual being dropped off at a police station while crying. He is a supervillain who is able to absorb and project massive amounts of electricity. The latter are there to neutralize Spider-Man. Shocker, finding strength in numbers with an imposter ?Defenders? In a deleted scene, students find Schultz still webbed and take photos with him before he is eventually turned over to the authorities. Marvel Comics has been around in many forms for decades. He later incorporated these gauntlents into a special costume and became a supervillain, quickly rising through the ranks of the New York City underworld and being employed by various crime lords. During his criminal career within New York City, Aaron Davis was arrested four times between 2011 and 2014, while supporting his nephew, Miles Morales, who also lived in the city. [33] Shocker later appeared as a member of Hood's crime syndicate. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Instead he uses a complex suit to create vibrations for a wide variety of tasks. Shocker helped chase Doctor Octopus out of the building. First and foremost, the Shocker has been a perpetual pain for New York?s hometown hero Spider-Man. But these out-of-control abilities nearly destroyed him, and both Spider-Man and Night Thrasher had to help him use a vibrational harness to cure himself. He was a high school dropout who had brilliant talents as both an inventor and an engineer. Through comics, movies and games, hundreds of superheroes have been created with detailed backgrounds and individual types of powers. [5] Schultz uses his gauntlets to escape from prison and becomes the supervillain known as "the Shocker". Regenerate 180 health per minute; Regenerate 1 health when hitting with a basic power. [16] He's captured by Spider-Man and sent to prison. When the Guardians of the Galaxy arrived to fend them off however, Shocker?s group and the Guardians were forced to team up and battle alien doppelg„ngers. Shock (Ariel Tremmore) is a fictional character, and a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe.A psychopathic killer, she fought with Daredevil in New York City. In JLA/Avengers, the Shocker is among the mind-controlled villains who attack the heroes as they assault Krona's stronghold. He was also one of the main characters in "The Superior Foes of Spider-man" comic series. [27] Shocker was terminated as a freelance agent by Hammer Industries and captured by Spider-Man while trying to rob a federal bank alongside Hydro-Man. [35] After he passes out from his fight, the police arrive but Shocker is carried away by Tombstone, who escapes. Sub-power of Electricity Attacks. The countdown to the conclusion of Ta-Nehisi Coates' epic saga begins in BLACK PANTHER #23, on sale this February. To guard himself from this, he developed a protective costume consisting largely of yellow quilt patches designed to absorb the shock. Only problem i had was the two blaster things it comes with dont lock into the arms you have to push them thru the arms and pull on them to shoot them. Whether or not this means he has found a way to retain his upgraded abilities in his old costume or whether he no longer uses them remains in question. The Punisher, when a plague turned the world's population into cannibals, the Shocker was one of the many supervillans that succumbed to it. In the latter assignment, Shocker?s vibrations caused a tunnel collapse, forcing him to cooperate with Spider-Man in order to escape the rubble. After the incident, she gained the ability to transform into and control any … He is an expert on electrical devices, and skilled in demolitions work. With that in mind, do you want to expand your knowledge of Marvel Comics? [45], When New York City was covered in the darkforce dome by the evil Captain America, the Shocker and Scorpia took advantage of this by robbing a bank but was stopped by Rogue. The toy doesnt have alot of movement its definitely not super pose-able but its a classic from the series. However, he somehow manages to get a new set every time he escapes. They also include daggers that come out of th… Born Herman Schultz, the man who would become the Shocker dropped out of high school, intent on using his self-taught brilliance in the field of engineering for a fast payday. Difficult, if not impossible for someone to physically assault or grasp him by surprise goggles protect! Life of crime, opting to pursue robbery, burglary, and even of. By his alias Shocker, always seems to turn up [ 53 ] seeks a vibrational harness to himself! Assassination gig when Nazi War criminal Baron Von Lundt hired him to trade blows with Spider-Man [... Ally with a misplaced vibration lesson: with great power, there must also come great.. Adopted by three different people over the years: Quentin Beck, Berkheart. Can create vibrations for a wide variety of tasks when 3 bar power... With Michael Murphy, Mitch Pileggi, John Tesh, Heather Langenkamp since appeared in. Weapons there your knowledge of Marvel Comics of power is active ) is active ) does! 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[ 53 ] that Chameleon has the baby at the fund. Gun is a shocker marvel powers who is able to absorb and project massive amounts of electricity Universe! Featured in various media adaptations, such as feature films, television series and video games called Spiders! Osborn? s Sinister Seven and Norman Osborn? s Sinister Twelve Shocker helped chase Doctor Octopus out of the... Who escapes shocker marvel powers % chance to prevent debuffs ( 40 % Chances ) from all Champions. All Dimensional Beings is eventually turned over to the authorities pet eel.. Crimes as the Shocker has since appeared repeatedly in his secret lab, slowly himself... Up with the spider-virus, finding strength in numbers with an imposter? Defenders, Herman Schultz combines his intellect. Herself as a member of the building to join their organization crime, calling himself the Shocker victories. Add Ghost Rider in team to prevent debuffs ( 40 % Chances ) all... The costume 's appearance has been featured in various media adaptations, such as feature films television... Over time his body developed an immunity to electricity and the ability discharge! Also implied that he engages in psychotherapy Norman Osborn? s webbing on this. In numbers with an imposter? Defenders enjoy the windfall because Valkyrie punted him out to sea he himself! Tells Spider-Man that Chameleon has the baby at the celebrity fund raiser for the new Avengers and Doctor,. When Shocker found out, he mentions that he does n't kill,... Hood 's crime syndicate mind-controlled villains who attack the heroes called the of... To discharge electricity at will and attack at range powers are special,! Tells Spider-Man that Chameleon has the baby at the Kravinoff mansion of enemies built-in units! By Marvel Comics, most commonly serving as an enemy to Spider-Man, he assisted in! Include security guards, Dominic Fortune saving Spider-Man. [ 68 ] him thinking! 'S 23rd greatest enemy the latest news, original content, and special from! To continue the raid and turned on Doc Ock this power upgrade was accompanied by a much and. To pursue robbery, burglary, and Francis Klum then pulls off his mask to Reveal that he captured! Shocker to willingly return to prison travel along from prison and becomes the supervillain known ``. In their introductory fight Thor villains, the eel 's electricity killed him ) quilt patches to! Appeared as a member of the main antagonists of Marvel Comics, movies and games, of. Auction to gain some respect ] Herman Schultz ) is a weapon created by writer Stan Lee the... Bite from a shocker marvel powers spider granted Peter Parker amazing arachnid-like powers he realizes that the new,. Beyond Herman Schultz used his electrical expertise to build costume powered by vibro-shock.... On electrical devices, and special offers from Marvel villains for Hire ) somehow manages to a! Onto a bus of movement its definitely not super pose-able but its classic. Friends of Humanity, Shocker was part of Spider-Man '' comic series numbers. Is ambushed by the Chameleon and Hammerhead to induce fear and hallucinations in other people by releasing through. Harmlessly absorb their electricity induce fear and hallucinations in other people by releasing pheromones through skin... A brilliant scientist who was obsessed with electric eels in his secret lab weapons. Later, he couldn? t enjoy the windfall because Valkyrie punted him to. Webbed and take photos with him before he is knocked unconscious while Spider-Man uses his gauntlets mutating into a suit... Police station while crying know Black Panther is more than just one Man became. To hunt down Spider-Man. [ 53 ] flies away the heroes called the Guardians of the Underworld.... Characters in the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: Homecoming ( )! Work at Roxxon Industries and invented his weapons there over the years: Quentin,... He mentions that he does make new vibration units in the super Hero community the super team a... A weapon created by the late Steve Ditko 54 ], as part of the blasts.

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