333-343), four for Rite 2 (pp. It still doesn’t make the poverty of the particular approach at Latinized syntax any more justifiable. I just want to be sure we keep worshiping God, we respect people, and we use human-made tools, including the language of a pagan empire, in their right place: in serving God and others. 333-343), four for Rite 2 (pp. And with your spirit. the Roman Canon, may always be used; its use is particularly suited to days assigned a proper Communicantes or a proper Hanc igitur; to feasts of the apostles and saints mentioned in this Prayer; also to Sundays, unless pastoral reasons call for a different eucharistic prayer. Given that miniscule letters turned up relatively late in the Latin alphabet (around 800 I think — but I welcome correction on this) I have never understood Liturgiam Authenticam §33, “The use of capitalization in the liturgical texts of the Latin editiones typicae as well as in the liturgical translation of the Sacred Scriptures, for honorific or otherwise theologically significant reasons, is to be retained in the vernacular language at least insofar as the structure of a given language permits.”. The Sacramentary EP I was pure poetry. People: We lift them up unto the Lord. We then recall Saint Stephen, the deacon and first martyr of the Church . PRAYER B. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS) TOP 1) Eucharistic Prayer I, i.e. Bring us into the everlasting heritage of your daughters and sons, that with all your saints, past, present, and yet to come, we may praise your Name for ever. Eucharistic prayer is often different: I frequently look to the linguistic unity of the prayer for inspiration, and not individual words or phrases necessarily. For me, the ritual text is one which is spoken, or rather performed by a bodied speaker. Finally, what we really need,I believe, is updated books (new sanctoral, prefaces, etc.) in response to) their merits and prayers’. “We come to you, Father, with praise and thanksgiving” makes this praying body particularly present because of the ’embodying’ quality of the verb “come”, which is stronger than the phrase “with reverence we pray”. There are few elements of the Holy Mass more venerable than the Roman Canon, also known as Eucharistic Prayer I in the Ordinary Form.Writing a few years back about this very topic, Fr. I happen to have been raised in a superb middle class (not upper or even upper middle class) public school district outside NYC that pioneered non-elective (i.e., compulsory) early foreign language instruction, by the middle of elementary school – deliberately starting just before that critical curve point for easy acquisition of languages by children. ‘Through their merits and prayers grant us . 402-404). This is their prayer to you, the eternal God, living and faithful. It is truly right, and good and joyful, to give you thanks, … FWIW, I doubt Americans are particularly worried about too many people getting much of an immersion in foreign languages these days, given the dumbing-down-to-testing focus of our public schools. The Lord be with you and also with you. Re “the pure victim, the holy victim, the perfect victim”, Latin ‘hostia’ can be used for animates (humans and animals) and for inanimates. All: And with your spirit Priest: Lift up your hearts. I give up. The Celebrant, whether bishop or priest, faces them and sings or says : The Lord be with you. This is not the problem at all. In the ancient world, to name things was often seen to have power over them, hence the restricted use of such names as a sign of reverence. Doing so would be like removing a puzzle piece, staring at the intricacy of the piece removed, and then wondering why the puzzle doesn’t “work”. One could see capitalization as a continuation of that ancient practice. This ancient text is especially appropriate for Sundays, unless for pastoral considerations Eucharistic Prayer III … I tried to self-teach myself German in high school, and then took a year of Latin in college; while I can transliterate Greek reasonably, due to all the ancient and church history sidebars I encountered, I never took Greek. R. We lift them up to the Lord. I have several misgivings, but don’t want to comment before trying the text a number of times more. It said that most Mass attendees approved the changes to the wording in the Mass that was instigated last November. © Copyright PrayTellBlog.com Contents. (Through Christ our Lord, Amen). Syntax that conveys sobriety, gravitas and other similar qualities in Latin can result in very different effects (such as prissy and effete) when too ham-fistedly rendered in English. Priests need to surrender to the text offered for prayer, not seek to improve it. It’s a reflection I’d like to take more time to ponder. The Lord be with you. The authentic unbroken tradition of worship is Jesus Christ. Liturgical Press | School of Theology • Seminary | Saint John's Abbey | Comments Policy | Contact Us It would be good if John Robert Francis (#1) could post the 1967 text so that all might see and compare. Practically all the OF form Masses that I have seen were celebrated with the 2nd Eucharistic prayer. In this prayer, we hear the name of John the Baptist, the cousin of Our Lord , who called people to faith and repentance and was eventually beheaded by Herod (Matthew 14:1-12). We lift them to the Lord. Practically all the OF form Masses that I have seen were celebrated with the 2nd Eucharistic prayer. Born into the human family, and dwelling among us, he revealed your glory. 4 above. I just don’t think it works well to speak English with Latin syntax. Lift up your hearts. The theology of retrenchment needs to be balanced with the genuine needs of the current age. It didn’t make any difference to them that vocalizing capitalized words is not comprehensible. Eucharistic Prayer IV, however, should always be used with the preface printed above.) Hosanna in the highest. And also with you. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER A Based on ASB Rite A Prayers 1 & 2. Eucharistic Prayer C – The Great Thanksgiving. People And also with you. It was the absolute work of the Spirit. In any event capitalisation is part of the structure of English. The Lord is here. One has to understand the reasons for the silence and the gestures in order to enter fully engaged, actually participating, in this prayer prayed in this fashion otherwise to the ill informed and those of little or no faith it becomes “mumbo jumbo” or “hocus pocus.” But for the informed and engaged, actively so, intellectually but also in the gift of faith, it is something sublime, other worldly and mystery in the sense of Mysterion/ Sacramentum. In this prayer, the celebrant acts in the person of Christ as head of his body, the Church. There are small parts of your translation I like (keeping the T right at the start of the Canon is a good artistic move), but I much prefer 2011. R. And with your spirit. We lift them up to the Lord. Worship and praise belong to you, God our maker. Eucharistic Prayer IV is unique among the three in that the Preface of this prayer must always be used and not changed out with another Preface (see GIRM, 365d). Now! (It’s not easy to sing, either!). The people remain standing. But thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy. A core concept of liturgical postmodernism is the notion that Latin is non-egalitarian. The Lord be with you. Accept them as you graciously accepted the gifts of your righteous servant Abel, the sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham and the offering of your high priest Melchizedek, a holy sacrifice and spotless victim. (The very opposite of ‘Twitterese’). I really miss the old ICEL EP I. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. There are few elements of the Holy Mass more venerable than the Roman Canon, also known as Eucharistic Prayer I in the Ordinary Form.Writing a few years back about this very topic, Fr. But he is also wearing a hat topped with a propeller, as well as a necklace of brass bells. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. God’s Spirit is with us. 137:4-7 NRSV). @Jonathan Day – comment #32: I wouldn’t say that non-LA Catholics are in any way immune from gnostic tendencies. @Jordan Zarembo – comment #21: Yesterday. The people remain standing. Offer us the grace this day to worship only you On the night before he died for us, Our Savior Jesus Christ took bread, and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his friends, and said: “Take, eat: This is my Body which is given for you. Only then a reader of the score shall not be found. You make them holy and fill them with life, you bless them and bestow them on us. Having heard from colleagues that for reasons such as this they no longer speak this prayer at Mass, I thought it might be an interesting exercise to attempt a version that would both be close to the Latin and allow a less demanding articulation. We lift them to the Lord. By your Holy Spirit may they be for us the Body and Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. Remembering his death and resurrection, we now present to you from your creation this bread and this wine. Our sacred authors constantly led their communities into areas few had entered before. Jordan Zarembo : What benefit is there is hearing the discrete words of the eucharistic prayer? I had to go back and read it myself to understand it. (Latin was not an option, however, until I got to college; it was only French or Spanish in elementary and middle school; German and Russian were options in high school in the mid-1970s – nowadays, it would probably be Arabic and Chinese). Chuck Liturgiam Authenticam into the garbage bin and move those “graciously grants” and “chalices” into an appendix, but for heaven’s sake let English and other languages fly I say. Florida123 February 9, 2011, 4:55pm #1. … I generally like the way you’ve reworked it. It is right to give thanks and praise. But I do not see anywhere in Scripture directly saying it should be done that way, and the Early Church Fathers seem to say that it must be done by a Eucharistic Prayer instead (for example, Saint Ambrose; De fide ad Gratianum 4.10.125). Could a proponent of Lit Auth and the new translation please explain this? I can’t see many school districts innovating in this way nowadays in this country. Latin, then, is not an obscurant’s hobby but rather one of the greatest liberators of minds. Lit (!!) 1973 had ‘May their merits and prayers gain us’. Yes, I see your point, and it is well taken. The prayer is also called The Great Thanksgiving, the anaphora, the prayer of consecration, and the canon of the Mass. And perhaps the time to do that is now, before gnostic and idolatrous influences chase more believers into the arms of the evangelicals, or worse, the nones. Each eucharistic prayer has its own internal logic, its own way of unfolding the sacrifice and paschal mystery. I think both aims can be realised, but would not presume to pretend that mine is anything more than a starter, and there are many other people with greater gifts than I have in this field. ± and with your spirit. The Sacramentary EP I was pure poetry. Those who have enlisted the “Edomites” of a strident vernacularization to destroy our linguistic heritage have traded the song of the Canon, its ancient folds of knowledge in meter and literary device, for an everlasting but never satisfied desire to cater to the perceived trends of the day. Thank you for those comments, I think I would agree and will try and work with them. Yet, the Spirit works hard and the content remains, but rendered in such away as it flowed from the tongue and touched the listener. If anything, the contemporary fad for imitating Latin word-for-word shows up just how unsuitable the Latinate overlord/cringing-serf imagery and resultant “ecclesiastical Babu” language is for contemporary inculturated worship. But little more. V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Order our days in your peace, bid us be freed from eternal condemnation and counted among the flock of those you have chosen. After communion, the priest goes back up to the altar to purify the sacred vessels. His Spirit is with us. Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy. The Preface printed at the beginning of EP II is the same as the Preface for Weekdays VI, number P42 in the Sacramentary.) Jack Feehily : Some folks at the Vatican thought that capitalizing certain words makes them more sacred or reverent. Eucharistic Prayer IV, however, should always be used with the preface printed above. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. The new translation treats Lit Auth in so cavalier a fashion that there can be few who support both. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Through their merits and prayers grant us always the defense of your protecting help. I had it memorized and loved hearing it on the high holy days and sprinkled here and there on Ordinary Sundays. The official translation constantly ignores this well-founded tradition of the Roman euchology. You have filled us and all creation with your blessing and fed us with your constant love; you have redeemed us in Jesus Christ and knit us into one body. However, I would prefer that more effort were put into maintaining as much Latin as possible [as Vatican II decreed!] In the Missale Romanum (2002/2007), other Eucharistic Eucharistic prayer 1. Protestants have long claimed that Catholics place mediators other than Christ between God and humanity, despite 1 Tim 2:5. Spanish syntax became more “natural” for me by the time I was in high school. I am sure that to some it will sound ‘clunky.’ Hey ho, as they say. But little more. Through him we ask you to accept and bless these gifts we offer you in sacrifice. (There is a small typo in the text above. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Eucharistic Prayer (page 411). Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites the day of Jerusalem’s fall, how they said, ‘Tear it down! My point is not to say, “It’s you, not me,” but to impress upon others that wrapping oneself in the mantle of orthodoxy does not absolve one from error. and to cease and desist from worshipping Latin. The following prayer may be said. With deep reverence we ask you, almighty God: command that these gifts be carried by the hands of your holy angel to your altar on high in the sight of your divine majesty. Through Christ and with Christ and in Christ…, –is perhaps one of the clunkiest things I have ever read. I’m celebrating my 40th anniversary as a priest today and am grateful for so many blessings. That process didn’t cease with the writing of Scripture.” Through Abraham and Sarah you called us into covenant with you. Non-Primary language most definitely has the whiff of specialized experience, and was ordained in,... What we deserve but granting us your forgiveness struggles to figure out what is this Eucharistic prayer (... All eucharistic prayer 1 and with Christ and in Christ…, –is perhaps one the... Subterfuge to enforce a wholesale dismissal of our service and that of your protecting help issues! See who comes in the same way: ‘ by their merits and prayers grant always. 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