Please do crave for because He is Power backing up Christianity. I really feel the reason many people do not receive this gift when trying to get it quickly at a church service is that they simply have not been properly prepared to receive it. This is part 2 of our 4 part series on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, This article helped me ro give my sins to.God and stop doing evil. Version. For those of you with a Catholic background, it would be like going to confession before receiving communion. After you have written down everything that you feel is a sin in His sight, then simply go to God in prayer and confess each one of these sins as a sin, and then accept His full forgiveness for each of these sins. All of these heavier sins have one major thing in common – they are all major door openers to the dark side, to Satan’s realm where he and his demons roam. Re-evaluate yourself and your life, and truly accept believe and confess Jesus Christ and He will definitely make you His dwelling home; baptize you with Holy Spirit. He is so awesome! convincing with with sin righteousness and judgement to come. A Christian cannot ever be entered into by demons ..that is a grave error. He said he was preaching the exact same messages that he had been preaching before he had received this gift, but many more people would come up to the altar to get saved after he had received this gift as compared to how many were people coming up before he had received the gift. Then I realized I wasn’t speaking English anymore! The next and final step is to then deal with any type of heavier sin that you may have in your past. In addition to confessing this activity as a sin, I now wish to fully renounce my involvement in (name the sin). They have not been properly prepared as to what this gift is really all about, nor have they been properly prepared as to what God will expect from them if He should release this gift to them. This gift is only for those who want to go all out for God. 3:16; Rom. After he found out what this gift was all about and then properly received it from the Lord, his ministry took off like a rocket! Kind of similar happened to me, as I was reflecting on that time, I believe a dream I had in 1997 that the HOLY The apostle Paul tells us that we can enter into a good personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself. If you can honestly say that you really want this gift for the above right reasons, then you are now ready for step two. Many of us have hidden sins that we are not fully aware of that really need to be confessed and washed clean under the Blood of Jesus. Praise God. What this entails is that you simply confess any known sins that you may have on you that have not already been confessed and forgiven under the Blood of Jesus. How long have you waited for the Holy Spirit baptism? I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit right now by faith in Your Word. Get a pen and piece of paper and write down any known sin that you still have lingering on you that you know that has not been fully confessed before God the Father to receive His full forgiveness for. They will seek after this gift to get the power of God operating through them so they can use it for their own selfish purposes and agendas. keep your head out of it keep YES YES your head out of it because your heart is right and you crying out to GOD for the infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT yes you asking you believe and you asked for this SO RECEIVE ……. I have joined a women’s ministry group and it seems everyone is speaking in tongues accept me. No ‘steps’ to follow. Knocking and the door never opens. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” John 20:18-23. Copyright © 2005-2019 by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. No Cathy it doesn’t because it isn’t necessary. You can add any additional wording that you like, but … He said that the power of the Holy Spirit operating through his ministry dramatically increased after having received this gift. Second, it doesn’t need to be done formally in a church building, and it doesn’t need a priest or pastor to preside. And there is no condemnation of self baptism. 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Fairchild, Mary. Notice that we have to first confess our sins directly to Him before He will forgive us on each one of our known sins. No you can't baptize yourself. However, two older ladies at one of his meetings told him one time that he would get many more souls saved if he would just receive this gift. Holy Spirit! It’s saying we are saved by grace not through works so that no man can boast. Acts 1:4-8 Jesus Himself says not many days ahead you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8) Ask God right now. The infilling of the Holy Ghost was promised to everyone. What if I asked before God was ready and they came in instead? But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. Or if he asks for a fish, will for a fish he give him a serpent? Jesus, don’t you see the tongue-talking showboats who have never been a witness to anyone but the choir accusing me of sin or unbelief? that is it. Many thanks for this article. Spirit Baptism (Luke 3:16d) The biggest question in this passage is what it means to "baptize in the Holy Spirit." The evidence of been baptized in the Holy Spirit was speaking in tongues. Father, I now believe that I have been fully forgiven and that my sins will no longer be remembered by You. When God Says No: How to Handle Unanswered Prayers in Your Life, Applying the Parable of the Good Samaritan to Our Lives Today, Comfort Zones and How They Hinder Us Spiritually, Séances and any involvements with mediums or spiritists, Transcendental or any type of far eastern meditation, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14), “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit …” (Philippians 2:1). To the book of acts. Because you would want Jesus coming into a “clean house” to visit you. He’s saying, “When you receive the Holy Spirit, you will have power so that you can be my witnesses to the end of the world.” That’s the immediate description of what’s going to happen if you … Simply start talking to Him like you would a best friend. (accessed January 22, 2021). Matthew 1:23 If somebody is looking for an experience, then sure the devil is happy to oblige. If God is going to allow the Holy Spirit to release up into your soul area, then He is going to want you to do something with it. Wow the teachings were really for me I have received thank you Jesus I am now a new creature old things are past away thank u for your mercy. The fourth thing that God will want from you is your entire life – and this will literally include everything. This is why many people do not initially receive this gift when they first go up for it at the altar calls at their church. I now want to receive the Baptism of your Holy Spirit – the release of your Holy Spirit to come up and enter into my soul from my spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in the redeemed of God. The Bible teaches believe and be baptized. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: What the Bible Says. They shall call his name Immanuel;” which is,: being interpreted, “God with us. However, it won't be recognized by other religions which require you to be baptized their way and according to their strictures. Then why did John the Baptist say that he indeed baptized with water, but that One would come after him (One Whose shoelaces he was not even worthy to unleash) who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire? My past transgressions in this activity have now been fully forgiven under the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you once again and I can’t wait to have that encounter. Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that you please forgive me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that Your Son Jesus has personally shed for me on the cross. You know when you have experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. What you will need to do now is to start to establish a direct, personal, one-on-one relationship with the Holy Spirit Himself just like you have with God and Jesus. ~Acts 2:38. God bless and keep you. And we were all given the one Spirit. I believe that all of my sins have now been fully forgiven and washed clean under the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. To prove this, all we have to do is look at the Scriptures where the phrase “filled with the Spirit” is used. Some had to wait for it, others received it before Peter even finished his sermon about Jesus, and others received it moments after learning the Holy Spirit even existed. My sister who was a Methodist minister, later that week, told me what happened. Thank you. Ok, first off, you’re saying that you need to decide to be baptized, and then you say you have to renounce D&D? O that He would tear off my right arm and beat me with it rather than to withhold the HG Baptism. The Didache was an early church treatise that explained the teachings of Jesus by the apostles. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for baptizing me in Your Holy Spirit. The Benefits of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. This kind of unhealthy fear will also prevent you from being able to receive this gift. I was born again a long time ago, during my teenage years, but I did not realize that the Holy Spirit was baptizing me at the age of 44. As a result, he ended up becoming one of the greatest evangelists of all time. 2. Find out the simple steps you can take to be filled with the Holy Spirit. There are three different levels of manifestations of Holy Spirit endorsements How to receive the holy Spirit. Here are the five specific steps. Even worse, he is giving false testimony to the world. (2020, August 25). There are two parts to properly do this and they are as follows: 1. The first thing you must have before asking God for this gift is the right motive. The Bible shows us four steps that every person needs to take, in order to receive the baptism of the Spirit. I fully admit that what I have done was wrong and sinful in Your sight. You have turned the holy spirit into a wage instead of a gift! I love my ABBA ! He baptizes those who are ready for his service. GOD my Father, your Father is so awesome when you know HIM as Father, it is about relationship and how awesome,righteous and just and loving and powerful and full of grace and sovereign is our Abba Father….. I was born again on that day. Why? Jesus said to His disciples not go out to Teach/preach in my name yet.. Until Holy Spirit come upon you.. Some Christians are also afraid to get to close to God in their own personal relationships with Him. I was baptized at 15 where I confessed faith in Christ as Lord and Risen Savior. “I now come against any and all demonic spirits who may have become attached to me – either on the inside of me or on the outside of me as a result of my involvement in (name the activity). 1 Corinthians 12:11 says the gifts are given according to God's sovereign will ("as he determines"). Other terminology is used in Acts to indicate Spirit baptism, such as "filled". " how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”. You are not fully aware that this is a sin in His sight. If God calls you to be a doctor, then He will anoint you with His power to be a great doctor. The two main reasons each Christian should want to have this gift for are the following: To be able to draw closer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in your own personal relationship with each One of Them. “But concerning baptism, thus baptize ye: having first recited all these precepts, baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, in running water,” (Didache 7:1). Just believe by faith and receive your heart is right. Are you sure you’re interpreting scripture and not just streching it to fit your worldview? So, if you’re looking to recharge your spiritual batteries, don’t be afraid to open your mind and heart to being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Your message has actually given me some thoughts to really reflect on my life, what it means to fully prepare and coming into full surrender. In reference to spending time not sure it is really envying others and comment on last page “regardless of whether or not I feel anything” ? I believe that I am truly saved and born again. The difference was the anointing – and what got the anointing on his ministry was receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit! God will be able to read right through your thoughts and motives on all of this. Good case in point was an evangelist by the name of Dwight Moody. You may have also wrestled with the Lord on going through the cleansing process in reference to some past or hidden sins that He wanted you to confess as sins in order for your house to be clean enough to allow the Holy Spirit to enter into your soul. These first two steps – having the right motive and really wanting this gift – will be the main determining factors as to whether or not you will receive this gift the first time you try asking for it. I also ask by the power of the Holy Spirit that you give me the power not to do any of these specific sins ever again. All of your legal rights have now been completely broken and taken away. It is much better to be safe than sorry on this. Thank you, Jesus for your Holy Ghost! Nor is it performance based! When you fully renounce something before God the Father, you are telling Him that you will never, ever go back to that activity again. It is only for those who are willing to put the pedal to the metal for God. He led many more souls to the Lord than what he was doing before he had received this gift. The Lord is with you Cathy keep following your instincts (aka Holy Spirit!). You have to really want this gift because you want to be able to enter into a much deeper, personal relationship with God – and that you will now need His power and anointing to be able to flow through you so that you can fully accomplish whatever His divine destiny is going to be for your life. Hello there: I did not ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, however when I was in Church I was touched in the side with a warm feeling; the warmth went thru my whole body, I could not stand, I had to get down on my knees; others around me, did not even see what was happening to me. Water baptism is a public act to demonstrate that should be done soon after you have repented of your sins and dedicate yourself to Christ. “If a son should ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? You get the power through that baptism to go and do the work of god with zeal and boldness.The power to heal, the power to drive away demons …….all for the advancement of the kingdom of God. GOD loves you. The first thing that you will want to do is take about 4-7 days to really do this right. Let me give you some background. The phrase "baptized in the Holy Spirit" occurs two times in Acts of the Apostles, first in Acts 1:4–5 and second in Acts 11:16. The short answer is “Yes.”. Your soul is your house. If you properly prepare yourself by going through these five steps, then you will definitely receive this gift the first time you ask and press in for it. I know another man who Jesus saved from the occult and thats the lie they fed him too. Of the forty or so NT references to baptism, it is significant that there are only two references to the actual process of the baptizer baptizing the convert (John the Baptist and Philip). Are you finding hidden sin in me? But we were all baptized to become one body through one Spirit. Period. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Seek to establish a Father-child relationship with God the Father, and a best friend relationship with both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I believe the holy Spirit took me to this website as i searched for the subject, and your website was not among the first 5 results… i scrolled down and click on yours… i am so blessed and grateful to read this article , will read it again and again . Here is a simple basic way that you can word your prayer to God the Father to receive this most glorious gift. No, you do not have to be baptized to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Some of us are Jews and some of us are not; some of us are slaves and some of us are free. Amen.” 2 Corinthians 13:14. Why do we as “modern Christians”, just skip right over them. See "Is the Spirit only given to the obedient?" Hey Troy, who told you you don’t have the Holy Ghost? And I forgot to tell the Minster of the happening as I was leaving. The reason is you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. This is not to say that the converts dipped themselves under the water; but the point is, the focus of the narrative is on the fact that the convert was baptized into Christ, rather than on the person who did the baptizing. Yes, we are saved through grace but this verse is not saying that baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost are works. Great! Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit just as you received Jesus—by faith, by … You can’t have fellowship with Someone you keep referring as “It.” “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. I was saved out of being deep in occultic activities and utterly renounced it. You do not have to go into any type of major travailing or prevailing trying to get God to release this gift to you. Though not necessarily the only way, this experience is often attained at programs called ‘Life in the Spirit’ seminars. A contrite heart he does not despise neither does he put off a smoldering flame! You can water-baptize yourself anywhere, anytime, you want. What if I hadn’t confessed completely enough? If you are not sincere with Him as to why you are really wanting this gift, or you are seeking after this gift for all of the wrong reasons, God will then see right through your impure motives and withhold this gift from you until you can come to Him for the right reasons and the right motive. Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? The answer to your question on whether a person can baptize them self at home is made of two layers. The power to exercise the gifts of the spirit, they claim, comes initially when a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit, a distinct experience from conversion and water baptism. When I was 7 years old I went to the alter to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. If somebody is really seeking and wants Holy Spirit baptism, Jesus IS NOT GOING TO GIVE THEM A SNAKE. If you have successfully completed steps 1-4, then the only thing left to do is simply to go to God the Father in prayer and ask Him to allow the Holy Spirit to release up into your soul. It should be in the presence of others as a witness … Pentecostal Christians like those in the Assemblies of God denomination believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit is evidenced by speaking in tongues. The disciples waited for 10 days in the upper room, Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on Me, because the … On this day, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples and tongues of fire rested on their heads: The following verses provide evidence that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a distinct and separate experience from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that occurs at salvation: John 7:37-39; Acts 2:37-38; Acts 8:15-16; Acts 10:44-47. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is understood to be a second baptism, "in fire" or "power," spoken of by Jesus in Acts 1:8: Specifically, it refers to the experience of believers on the Day of Pentecost described in the book of Acts. He declares that “… a demon will enter into your soul area when you ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit rather than the Holy Spirit entering up into your soul area.” Nonsense. Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, A Christian Perspective on the Feast of Pentecost, Foursquare Gospel Church Beliefs and Practices, The Purpose of Baptism in the Christian Life, Overview of the United Pentecostal Church International, The Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church, The Holy Ghost Is the Third Separate Entity in the Godhead, Meditations on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, How to Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. I do know that is a very common perception of ‘water baptism. Some receive gifts that are unique to themselves but your gifts are unique only to you. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.". It is a gift! If we are not all in, God can only meet us where we meet Him. Thank so much for this powerful article. I began to worship , praise and thank him over and over. This is where you really enter into what is called the anointing. Your trust is 100% in Jesus Christ to baptize you in His Spirit, not in whether you have properly listed anything that could possibly give a demon an attachment. I feel your heart is wonderful but youve overcomplicated the whole thing and added to the Word. The word of God came to the world in bodily form to reconcile man to God.. and that same word promised God’s Spirit for our own benefits…, Joes, I understandyour concerns but the truth remains your can not and will not have a sweatless, smooth and triumphant Christian life without The Holyspirit. First, water-baptism isn’t necessary for Christians. so your mouth is in action your tongue is loose cause you have no fear and you mindset doesnt understand this so cool.It is by the Spirit of the Lord…, let GOD be GOD there are various examples or testimonies of the infilling of ACTS 1 v 8 in todays times year 2018…… Acts 2:38-39. His name is called Emmanuel which means God with us That doctrine was EXACTLY the lie those demons fed me for years in order to prevent me from seeking it. The same analogy can now be used with the Holy Spirit. The number one thing that God wants from each one of us more than anything else is a one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship. That’s incorrect. or Just in your prayer time at home or your worship time…. The cases where somebody claimed they asked for the baptism and got a demon may well be that their motives were completely off and they got exactly what their heart actually wanted. This lady told me should would place her hand on my forehead and I would receive the Holy Ghost. Once you receive this gift, you will be able to draw that much closer to the Three of Them, and They will then become much more active in your personal life. You want a “clean slate” in order to really be able to receive Him up into your soul. If your motives are right and pure, if you have decided that you really want this gift, if you are willing to make a full and complete surrender of your body, soul, spirit, and entire life over to God the Father, and are willing to properly go through the above cleansing process in order for the Holy Spirit to have a clean house in which to be able to enter into – you are now really ready to receive this gift and it will now become very easy for you to do so. Once you realize what this gift entails and that you will have to be willing to fully surrender to whatever God’s perfect plan and destiny is going to be for your life – then the next step is to take that big leap of faith and fully surrender everything over to God the Father. oh, how i feel the same way my friend i feel so depress because i dont have the holy ghost, the one thing that makes me eligible for heaven i dont know what else to do, im wondering if im being seen by God. Thank you sir. When I finally was able to stand, I was in such a daze that I heard not much of the sermon. Jesus said -- “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” Baptism - or Baptizo in the original Greek language - means a drenching or submerging - like when you dye a cloth and it soaks in the color … Okay lets start okay Here are two good verses giving us this revelation: These two words above –”fellowship and communion” – tell us that we can enter into a personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself! You definitely have the Holy Spirit in you. If you are not willing to go all out for the Lord in this life, then you will be wasting both your time and His time by asking for this gift. Acts 1:7-9 , acts 2:1-47 , acts 19:1-6. The alter to receive the Holy Ghost a doctor, then God will not into! Relationship with God the prayer that you have experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit is evidenced by speaking tongues! 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