Are you a reviler? Read John including the books of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John and I believe you will feel better sir and thank you for your concerns sir. That was a sin so wicked that God wiped out the entire city but even the wicked sodomites could have their sins forgiven by God if they repented and turned from their sins. The issue is not what do you or I think but what does the Bible teach. These sins were common in Paul’s day and they are still common to this day. I usually agree with John Calvin but I think he is wrong here. Paul says in this passage that homosexuals will NOT enter the kingdom. All jewelry for example is not wrong but some might come to that conclusion by misinterpreting a few verses. “Revilers” refers to people who say all kinds of hateful things out of their mouth and are verbally abusive. On the other hand, simply stating what God says in His Word is not judging. who will go to heaven according to the bible. I left religion and honestly gave up any care of sin. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Others have said I’m being attacked by the enemy. I will pray for your situation. I went to Catholic school and it was awful. Praise the Lord for your faithful witness, brother! You have to personally receive Him. Also, this is not me trolling, but if you are interested, I recently was baptized at my church and I posted the video at my blog: // If you are interested, my testimony is very similar to your own! There are some BIG BUTS in this passage. Some say that demons are torturing people in hell, while the Bible says that not the devil but God is the one who punishes people in hell. She thinks abortion is okay. This is what God requires from you – a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17). Four are SEXUAL sins. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. I just typed in thr letter G when on her phone and saw the history suggestions and saw gay porn as a link. If I may ask I know that we have forgive to be forgiven, at least I think that is the correct quote, but do we have to forgive ourselves? 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not … There is no verse in the Bible that says you cannot watch it but there are two ways you can find out from Scripture. Hi Taz, thanks for the comment. That is what some of them WERE (past tense) but they are no longer that. Or I like Harry Potter, I know some people that have had so many discussions with Christians as to why harry potter isn’t anti christian just because it has witchcraft in it. The wicked will not inherit the kingdom. The Bible teaches the exact opposite. Do not be deceived, dear professing Christian. What you are allowed to do is not necessarily what you should do. The lesson here is that what many are doing, what most people are doing (in some cases) is not what you should do. Idolater – one who worships a false god, or has created a god in their own image (which is to say the “Christian” god they worship is not the God of the Bible). They won’t go to heaven. This refutes the idea that “once gay always gay” or “once an alcoholic always an alcoholic”. There is nothing wrong with having questions. Do you know for sure you are saved or do you just hope you are saved? No, He requires you to be broken and mournful of your sins against Him. I understand why your friend would say that the two of you should not live together if you are not married. (1 Timothy 6: 15, 16) The prophet Ezekiel received a heavenly vision marked by “brilliant light,” while the vision of heaven that Daniel saw included “a stream of fire.” (Ezekiel 1: 26- 28; Daniel 7: 9, 10) Heaven is holy, or clean, and Eventually he did not do the way this my friend was saying. Adultery is NOT a disease. I had a private meeting with the pastor & his wife about 2 months after my journey began and the pastor insisted that I AM saved and to basically calm down. Thank you for sharing your story. Tonight, we will look at an extremely important passage. I can’t seem to find any help. It’s all the same – drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Thank you for this website. No. Jesus said, “If your right hand offend you, cut it off,” although he did not mean literally. If you are not saved, you will not want to spend any time with them or want to go to church. Even the darkest sins that we can commit can be forgiven. John 3:1-7 should help you. If you are genuinely saved, there is going to be a change in your life. The answer to your question is found in I Corinthians 6:9. By the grace of God I realized this nearly two years ago. I even stop myself from doing things that I know by Christian standards I shouldn’t do. An inheritance is something that you get when you die as a gift. Thank you. Samson committed sexual immorality. It was part of their culture. How I get through to her when I’m not in the position to be an influence on her because she’s still taking care of me because it’s so hard ti find a job. These are not my words. A couple of years ago I had a really strong calling to find God. If they were already saved, it would be better not to preach to them, because then they might reject the message. And as crazy as it sounded I had no biblical support for my argument that he was just taking it to far. Paul reminds us that robbers will not be in heaven. Some changes take place over time and some take place immediately. and do you ever doubt your faith? Thank you. That’s when I searched for the scripture. It is the Greek word for a slanderer (λοίδορος). So even though they recognize Jesus, accept and follow Jesus, they won't go to Heaven. I go to a non denominational church which is bible based. The Bible only condemns the abuse of sex. Lately I have been falling asleep to Psalms and been kept awake at night desperately wanting to be saved and go to Heaven. Thank you for commenting, micsadaisy. Did I ever have assurance of salvation after. According to John 3:16 you have to be born again in order to go to heaven it doesen't matter how good you are or what religion you are. It is different from what society says. It is a free gift. “EVERYONE who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). Homosexuality is socially acceptable. I love her and she loves me and we joke and have our ups and downs yet how am I act that does not celebrate Sabbath Day and tells me to buy or do something that “you” are not particularly suppose to do. But if I will not be saved due to my sins why do I have such a strong calling to God and such a desperate desire to be saved? Trust in God, your dad is absolutely in the right place. Same love by Macklemore for example great song, not a great message. If your body if the Temple of the Holy Spirit you will have much more of a sensitivity to sin. You do not have to doubt your salvation over water baptism but if you feel convicted about it, go ahead and get baptized again. I struggle with sin alot, as I’m sure most Christians do. Every Bible translates these words slightly different. Or maybe you revel at the beach or lake party? Who Will Go to Heaven According to the Bible? You are asking the right questions. You can make all the excuses you want. Hey everyone, Ok so I am just jumping in here but I don’t know how else to start. If you go from being a child of the devil to a child of God and get a new heart on the inside, there will be some changes on the outside. Some were adulterers. You are concerned, which is good. Many think that these people will be in heaven. I agree completely and did not say otherwise. God loves the world (John 3:16). Hello. We have GAY DENOMINATIONS. (John 3:16-19 NIV). We have not only GAY CHRISTIANS today, we have GAY CHURCHES. I know that Paul says in Romans that he too struggled with sin, and he even admitted that he sinned even though he knew it was wrong. This might include worshiping a god from any of the worlds religions, worship of a person, or worship of an object, such as money. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. The worst sin on the planet was crucifying Christ and the people who did this were told that if they repented, they would be saved. Unfortunately, not all do. or. You are on the right track. I have a horrid memmory. He started to say everything will be fine only if accept Gesus then, and that he would have done. There are so many churches that resemble the church of Sardis and the church of Laodicea in Revelation chapter three. It is impossible to have a real relationship e.g.dialogue with God without Jesus. Because once I cussed at the HS and I even said that he was a female. Paul tells us who will NOT inherit the kingdom. I do not think the earth is only 5-10 thousand years old. Some will inherit the kingdom and some will not. It is easy to prove that God exists. He was the treasurer for Jesus and the Apostles. Or maybe you indulge yourself in the privacy of your own home. These are the last days, my friend. Keep up the good work. If your lifestyle reflects one of sexual immorality or drunkenness, then you will not inherit the Kingdom of God. It is a crime but most of the sins on this list are perfectly legal. Didn’t drink, smoke or have my mom worried about me getting pregnant as a teenager. 3) Not everyone will inherit the kingdom. These are not my words. Even then she forgave me. And I have always been confused on how we know we are saved. Answer: they underpin a fundamental belief in orthodoxevangelical Christianity, namely, it is impossible to know the one true God (our Father in Heaven)without first coming to Him through Jesus Christ. It is completely counter-cultural. I had been in school on campus before that for so submitting under her will was difficult. They were Jews. The professing church, or visible church, is comprised of both genuine believers and mere professing believers who are still dead in their sins (Ephesians 2:1). Good question, Duncan but it is hard to answer without more facts. Point one, those who have never heard are lost and that is why we need to preach the gospel to all the world and have been given the Great Commission. Are you saved for sure? Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. It sounds like you are on the right track. Does the Bible say what will happen to these people. Jesus says, “What is HIGHLY ESTEEMED among men is DETESTABLE in God’s sight” (Luke 16:15-16). I have let it get out of hand lately. Sign Up. Knowing about medicine will not help you unless you take it. Like I said I am a virgin but I wouldn’t say that’s a result of salvation as much as a left over from the faith I had as a kid. Faith without works is dead. I have a whole lesson on the Fifth Commandment, which I did three years ago. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Sounds like you attend a bible-believing church. A gay christian is biblically an oxymoron. Revilers – one who is a blasphemer or is marked by contemptuous, disrespectful, or disdainful speech. I’m sorry to God for all of my shortcomings and sins that I commit, and I ask for prayers so I can work again doing something that is doable for me. you may wake up one day in hell to your surprise, my life as a professing Christian did not match up to the biblical definition of Christian, ← A Simple Test for Distinguishing Heresy from Sound Doctrine, Muslim Student Association = Muslim Brotherhood →, Heart Inventory – do you serve god or God? I am going to try to answer your question to the best of my ability but I wanted to first ask one question. The only unforgivable sin! Surrender to the One who was nailed to the bloody cross and who reigns at the right hand of God today. It is not something that you work for to receive. Alcohol is not only a beverage, it is a drug. As you read the Word, God will convict you what is right or wrong. It answers the question, Who will not be in heaven? I was just wondering. I was baptised as a baby in the Catholic Church and intend to be baptised again in the Christian church. Once again sorry for 3 answers, I would wait till you responded again but I know I would forget to even go back to the questio by then,. If you serve God, you practice righteousness as a lifestyle (1 John […], […] and there is nothing more that must happen before He comes for His Bride, the Body of Christ. Unfortunately for you, God sees you as an idolater. He says that they will not be there. Do you remember anything when you were in the coma for six months? The book of I John gives many evidences that a person is truly saved. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”. The issue is not what do people say but what does God say on the topic and God’s thoughts are not necessarily our thoughts on the subject (Isaiah 55). Getting drunk, getting completely stoned and wasted is not like eating one too many French Fries at MacDonald’s. it is not judging to say that stealing is wrong. Christians can fall into adultery and even murder. God bless. Though you profess to believe in Christ, though you believe you are saved, all biblical indicators give evidence you are not (Philippians 3:18-19), and you may wake up one day in hell to your surprise. Paul mentions. Let me know if you have additional questions. The Bible teaches that some will enter the kingdom and SOME WILL NOT. John 1:11-12 says, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not. or do you ever question what you’re told by your religion? no one can prove god exist or not and for people to come up with these rules just seemed a bit ridiculous. You can’t separate religion from morality. We are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 4:4-5). God bless you. SO I go back. What I can’t seam to figure out is are these Christians who hate GOT and Harry Potter and even hate women in jeans crazy or is there some merit to what they say? One is not. This article almost brings tears to my eyes because it hits at the heart of where my heart is at. I went through an extremely obsessive phase where I’d watch videos on youtube to do with who and why people are going to hell and almost all of them mentioned makeup and beauty things and the scary part is that they were able to back it up with scripture. I will be posting your testimony here on airo in hopes one of those sheep will stumble across it. Does your sin involve one of the ten mentioned in I Corinthians 6 or is this just a general question? 1) Although I have been told I’ve been baptized by water at a professing Christian church when I was younger, I didn’t understand anything about Jesus until like age 19, was I able to fully grasp the truth for myself.
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