[27] Scientists believed that they essentially bypassed the adolescent stage and reached maturity quickly. To that end, he created an elaborate plan involving the Outbound Flight mission that was now located within the Redoubt. The Abednedo are a common sentient species native to the planet of the same name. First, he contacted Admiral Voss Parck and through him sent a message to Luke Skywalker to arrive at Crustai in order to board the Chaf Envoy as part of an apparent mission to return the ruined Outbound Flight back to its owners. [28], During the Yuuzhan Vong War, agents of the Chiss were involved in a secret project known as Alpha Red and liased with Dif Scaur. BlackBlueSilver These events furthered the genetic changes notably seen in their skin tone and eyes. While they were deliberate and calculating, they were not above wondering about how certain events might have turned differently had circumstances been altered. (Need a name fast? In reality, the family names were more of a cultural holdover as the bloodlines had grown so co-meddled that any Chiss could claim affiliation to any of the ruling families. Rather, they only responded to an enemy assault after their foes had struck first. (This is how I got around the legacy name thing, btw) [11], A female Chiss at a cantina tended by an Aqualish, The Chiss society had no concept of finances or money with everything being provided for by the state. In many similar respects to the Galactic Empire, the Chiss military was well armed and trained military force that encompassed several advanced as well as orderly worlds. Unlike his recent books about the steely master tactician, the Ascendancy trilogy is not about Thrawn’s time in the Empire, but the time he still lived with his people, the Chiss, in the Unknown Regions. Eye color The Chiss aren’t the only Star Wars aliens we have this sort of geeky detailing for, of course. [4] Their drive system was highly advanced to the point that few ships could match a clawcraft in terms of maneuverability though their hyperdrives were known to malfunction at times. The most common form of charric was a hand-held carbine, but pistols are also known, and larger versions of the weapon were carried by some starfighters, and included among the heavy weapons batteries of capital ships and bases. However, this was not out of exploration of the unknown or out of greed but a leading theory indicated that they sought to impose order over a chaotic region of space. [22], Thrawn continued to persist in his challenges to the first-strike doctrine of the Ascendancy in the belief that it made his people weak. This saw the Aristocra taken away to safety whilst the Chiss forces battled the CIS fleet and afterwards she was returned back to Chiss Space. Chiss bartenders appear in the two most recent installments of the computer-game series focusing on Kyle Katarn. Chiss Name Generator - Star Wars The Old Republic is free online tool for generating Chiss Names randomly. Their thought processes were based around a logical mindset, being interested in philosophy and in learning about other cultures. Each Family was responsible for a certain sector of Chiss government, and each had formal representatives with titles such as Aristocra and Syndic; but within each family, preeminent power and status was vested in the hands of a hierarchy ranked, in order, as brothers and sisters (collectively siblings), cousins and ranking … As such, they saw no need for trade and their culturally derived contempt of "lesser races" also prohibited them from forming better relations with their neighbors. Examples of abbreviated Chiss names include Deel, Prakk, Karyce, Lev, Sorn, Szardra, Thrawn, Voss, and Zilvad. Chiss Designation Sentient Classification Humanoid Homeworld Csilla Height of average adult 1.5 to 2 meters Skin color Blue Hair color Black Eye color Red or Yellow The Chiss are a species of aliens hailing from the Unknown Regions, who have only begun to make themselves known in the New Republic after years of isolation. [9] This led many to conclude that the early Chiss existed on Csilla prior to it succumbing to an ice age. As all hell. Afterwards, in 43.5 ABY, a Chiss by the name of Kthira'shi'ktarloo served Imperial Chief of State Jagged Fel as head of his nightly personal security force. So Mitth'raw'nuruodo went by Thrawn; his given name "raw" (the middle name in Chiss form) surrounded by the last sound of his first family name and the first sound of his last family name. Admiral Ar'alani of the Defense Hierarchy and possibly Sev'rance Tann of the CIS seem to have eliminated their Family designation from their names. [3] This event occurred a few months after the Battle of Endor when a preemptive strike carried out by Thrawn's Empire of the Hand attacked the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Chiss society—the titular Ascendancy, based on the planet Csilla—puts huge importance on names because they not only reflect a being, but their family, and their role within that family. This was because full names were required for formal occasions, strangers and those that were believed to be the speaker's social inferior. “Thrawn” is his core name or common name. [6] In addition, they believed firmly in the chain of command as well as positions of authority. Soontir Fel during his time among the Chiss attempted to influence their ways by explaining that expendability was a useful asset in battles with droids giving a crucial element in such engagements. [4] Their reputation meant that they were both respected and, in some cases, feared. Thus, over the course of thousands of years, the Chiss began to develop socially and technologically in isolation. [26], As a general rule, Chiss did not take part in any action that would bring shame on their house with entire family lines exiled due to the actions of a single member. Chiss Species and the Chiss Ascendancy (Legends). Furthermore, they only intended for a few Vagaari to be present and conduct an act of theft, which would have complied with the Chiss rules of engagement. House Nuruodo was responsible for relations with outsiders, including control of the CEDF. Mitth’raw’nuruodo, the Chiss Ascendancy’s most famous export. The title of ozyly-esehembo was a Cheunh word for Force-sensitive Chiss navigators, which translated to Galactic Basic as 'sky-walker.' Although none at the time would know it, Thrawn's highly favorable first impression made on Palpatine would ultimately change the galaxy and its perception of the Chiss people forever. Average height TIE Fighter (he actually called them TIE Fighters because they looked like bowties). [1] The ruling families themselves were quite aware of any opportunity where they were able to exploit the weakness of a rival. This led to outsiders characterizing their race being as cold as the ice plains of their homeworld. [23] In 19 BBY, he was discovered and recruited by the Empire. Star Wars in general has some of the best alien names and invented words (with the exception of some of the Sith/badguy names; Tyranus, Grievous, Sideous, etc.). [9] The Chiss were considered an honorable people who did not kill more than they thought was necessary to accomplish their goals. As such, they did not believe in the concept of a preemptive strike against their foes. A hierarchy of leadership within each Family consisted of brothers and sisters (known collectively as siblings), plus cousins, and ranking distant relations—the last being the highest level that the most able Trial-born could reasonably hope to achieve. Another man who matched the description of a Chiss was weapons dealer Iram Radique, who was based on the prison station Cog Hive Seven. This signified the fact that the military drew its members from all the families. During the Galactic Civil War, one Chiss who had joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, known as Captain Voldez, participated in the Battle of Restuss. Her name in game is Kressley, but she took it from ID she stole from someone she killed. [4] Cadets wore a black uniform or flightsuit with some holding blue piping on the arms and legs whilst others were marked in red which represented the Red Flame ideal. They already broke the EU lore where Chiss were only discovered some years before the Clone Wars The Republic in TOR barely even knows the Chiss exist, only extremely high level officials know, so it could be conceivable that a minor(to the Republic) species information could be lost over the almost 4000 years. After declaring the area off-limits, they placed Aristocra Formbi in charge of the recovery mission in order to return the ruined vessel to the New Republic. [13] Senior officers of the rank of Force Commander such as Thrawn who commanded a picket force wore the same black uniform but with a larger burgundy patch on the shoulder as well as a pair of elaborately tooled silver bars on their collars. But the little nods and winks Timothy Zahn. [9], Their hyperdrives were not as efficient as the latest models developed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation though they were competent and quite capable of travelling across the distances of their territory. In the Chiss Ascendancy 1. Blue to silver [9] The Chiss vocal mechanism was noted for being similar to Humans but there were apparent differences which was evident in their capacity to speak their native language. Ver más ideas sobre guerra de las galaxias, star wars, peliculas de culto. [17] Under normal circumstances, the Ascendancy's relations with the rest of the galaxy were governed by a strict, formal policy of non-aggression backed up by strong defensive preparations; although the Chiss did not, as a rule, intervene in the affairs of others, outsiders were discouraged from encroaching on the untapped resources of the Ascendancy's territory by the threat of severe military reprisals against attackers. James is a News Editor at io9. Anakin:That's what I said. This killed the Jedi Master before he could kill Thrawn; and the damage to the Republic expedition was disastrous. Durch ihren heimlichtuerischen und berechnenden Charakter ist kaum etwas über das physische Leben der Chiss bekannt, was hauptsächlich auf der Tatsache basiert, dass die Chiss stets versuchen, ihre Spezies zu schützen. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on smaller articles. Distinctions Notable instances included Droma Ordo and the trader Tyrral who resided at Station Gamma in 1 ABY. [17] If there were ever a deadlock over a decision among the Ruling Families, the deciding vote fell on the representative from the CEDF. [27] Certain Chiss were known to wear black uniforms that were unadorned by either rank or other identifying markers. [9] Despite this fact, most Chiss were considered peaceful and did abide by the strict code of conduct that governed their race. The Chiss had a keen interest in art and science and were skilled in mathematics. Furthermore, it divorced their actions from any recklessness which resulted from either impulsive anger or the incomplete intelligence of an enemy's intentions. Those few Chiss who are Force Sensitive are not allowed to cultivate that talent within Chiss society, any Chiss found within the territory of the Chiss Ascendancy to be using the Force is immediately executed, without exception. Chiss vessels had precise hyperdrives and navicomps capable of making lightspeed microjumps as tactical maneuvers during combat. The Cabinet handled the intricacies of governing with all their decisions being approved by one of the four families. [17] Admirals differed greatly compared to normal military personnel as they did not wear military black but instead wore a dazzling white uniform that covered them from collar to boots. Inrokini were responsible for industry, science, communication and non-military technology with the Sabosen taking the duty of overseeing justice, public health as well as education. The Force. Representatives of the 28 colony worlds were located at Parliament where they were appointed as governors or House leaders. [12], A Chiss during the reign of the Old Republic, The origins of the Chiss were largely unknown, even to the Chiss themselves, though some scientists thought that they were the result of a long forgotten Human colony that had been lost to time. Similar to many races in the Unknown Regions, the Chiss were known to not possess droids within their society. As stated by Thrawn, over the various centuries, there had been as many as twelve and as few as three Ruling Families that led the Chiss. In addition, the 501st Legion under the command of Chak Fel, was dispatched to provide assistance though none of the parties except for Formbi and his assistant, Feesa, were aware of the true extent of his plans. [17], It was known that anyone that was caught hiding illegal substances or supplying cargo to their enemies were likely to have their goods confiscated. However, Jagged Fel managed to convince his father Soontir Fel to conduct a fact finding mission as the Yuuzhan Vong invasion forces spread throughout the galaxy in 27 ABY. However, the Killiks behavior began to change as they started caring for their sick as well as used trade to alleviate food shortages thus bringing about a population increase within the Colony. Low-power shots instead administered disabling burns. [6] The ruling class were known to engage in constant power struggles but despite this fact, the Ascendancy maintained strict controls over its territory which led to its civilization to prosper. [30] During the Swarm War, the Chiss made use of commando units that were deployed on specialist tasks such as the placement of vape charges on selected locations. This trait made the Chiss excellent counterintelligence agents with a trained member of their kind able to see through disguises, evaluate body language, detect idiosyncrasies in speech pattern and even distinguish authentic items from forgeries. The Fel Empire and later Krayt Empire Moff Fehlaaur'aitel'loro was consistently addressed by his fellow Moffs as Fehlaaur, the section usually reserved for the family name. Karen Traviss’ Republic Commando series did so much for fleshing out Mando’a, the language of the Mandalorians, for example, that we still see echoes of it in Star Wars fiction today. For diehard Star Wars fans, Grand Admiral Thrawn is one of the most recognizable bad guys in the entire franchise, with red eyes against blue skin … [33], Though this was the impression projected, the Chiss were also a thoughtful people. These were not biological family groupings but instead different branches of their government. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Chiss Ascendancy they remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in the days of the Galactic Alliance. Extremely bullshit, and very cool (some of the time). Thus, ultimately, military command was merit-based and did not involve any family connections. [9], It was believed by many xenosociologists that the rigid and disciplined nature of Chiss society stemmed from their cold environment on their homeworld. Anakin: That's all right, Mitt'hraw'nuruodo. Much of these conventions are a holdover from what Zahn established about the Ascendancy in his pre-Disney Star Wars work. This would eventually lead to all out war against the species when Jacen Solo and his friends executed a sneak attack on Supply Depot Thrago to prevent Jacen's catastrophic vision from coming true. This arrival of Jedi fighting on the side of the Killiks led to the Chiss dispatching Aristocra Mitt'swe'kleoni to the Galactic Alliance in order to determine why they had intervened in the conflict. The Chiss that were born there spread into the wider galaxy although they were still relatively unknown to many. Thrawn: Mitth'raw'nuruodo. It was known that an initial analysis of Chiss weapons through sensor scans led to an unknown form of offensive weaponry. Those Chiss that belonged to the same house defended one another at every opportunity while those from competing houses searched for facts that could be used to snipe or undermine the other while attempting to secure any advantage for themselves. This was because they were made formally part of the Defense Hierarchy so that they could be called upon to serve all Chiss without deference or prejudice. The Chiss continued to operate in the years that followed and became close allies of the Galactic Alliance by becoming one of its Autonomous Allied Regions. However, before it could be initially deployed, the biotoxin was transformed into a harmless substance due to the intervention of Vergere. This led to the two suspecting that there was perhaps another clone of Thrawn that was perhaps in hiding and involved in this incident though this was simple speculation by the two Jedi. Operation of these Phalanxes usually falls to a officer appointed by the House leader, called a Syndic. These blue-skinned humanoids were well known for their self-control and intelligence that were traits which translated into a series of well designed as well as innovative starships. This was because, in their view, that by allowing their enemy to draw first blood they guaranteed that that they were acting in the right. The mandate of the Expansionary Fleet, in contrast, was defined as guarding the Chiss frontier and exploring unknown space beyond the edge of the Ascendancy, and its forces included Picket Forces commanded by officers known as Force Commanders (sometimes shortened to Commander; Crahsystor in Cheunh). These were not biological family groupings but instead different branches of their government. Confusing? [17], With Estosh's strike force thwarted, sufficient justification was made for hostilities to emerge with the Vagaari for their multiple merciless attacks with a state of war existing between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Vagaari race. [1], With the formation of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire, the Dark Lord of the Sith kept the allegiance of the Chiss Ascendancy by way of diplomacy. [1] In addition, though xenophobic, they were at times willing to accept members of other races into their ranks so long as they proved to be exceptional as well as trustworthy individuals. Once taken into the Hierarchy, the officers were required to prove themselves in a similar manner as how the Ruling Families selected merit adoptives. Although the basis of the Chiss naming pattern and the distinction between the House Phalanx and the Ascendancy were established in Vision of the Future, these were apparently misunderstood by or imperfectly communicated to some of the authors of the New Jedi Order novels and concurrent sourcebooks. 3. Their data was forwarded to the Nine Ruling Families who held a quick debate in order to determine the next course of action. As such, they did not allow hot emotions to interfere with their methodical analysis of a problem through logic. Abednedos appearing in the Star Wars saga include Resistance pilots Ello Asty and C'ai Threnalli . [4] It should be noted that the living planet Zonama Sekot, itself fleeing from a Yuuzhan Vong assault, took refuge in a remote area of Chiss space at around the same time, and its arrival was detected by a CEDF deep space probe. [26], In later decades, some Chiss devices were highly advanced. [4] Officers within the CEDF were known to dress in purple-black uniforms. After Thrawn's death, the New Republic managed to successfully capture a number of logs from surrendered Imperial vessels which provided a few points of interest on the otherwise mysterious Chiss. [26], Despite the end of hostilities with the Killik Colony being relocated to the Utegetu Nebula, the crisis did not end with rising hostilities emerging due to the intervention of the Dark Nest in the background. [35], Some Chiss structures were starkly angular, perhaps inspired by the icy geometries of Csilla's glacial landscape. This saw a three squadron unit designated Force Spike which consisted Chiss fighters from Thrawn's Household Phalanx being dispatched under the command of Jagged Fel. This had the effect of preventing the Chiss from safely leaving their borders. They may choose to be Imperial Agents[38] or bounty hunters. [6] In terms of personality, they often displayed a cold, arrogant and disciplined behavior. Despite their growing border, they still fostered a cultural contempt for other species. Another Chiss with an anomalous name was the important historical figure Jer'Jo Cam'Co, a Syndic and one of the founders of the Ascendancy. [1] Outsiders had the general impression that the Chiss were a very polite and highly civilized species. Vader. The short resulting war between the two powers left the Ssi-ruuk crippled with the victorious Chiss becoming the ultimate power within the Unknown Regions. In addition, three other families had become critically dependent on Killik labor leading to a dispute that brought about a disagreement amongst the Chiss. [5] These ruling families were composed of clans that were headed by government officials known as Aristocras. [13], From 28 ABY onwards, the Chiss began to notice startling changes within the insectoid Killiks who had previously shown a disregard to their own lives by letting sick members of their kind to die or allowing entire nests to starve for greater benefit of the Killik Colony. However, they had planned this defeat with the intention of launching a parasite bomb which would slowly infect the entire Killik race and destroy the Colony as a result as it spread throughout the species. Those holding the rank of General were known to wear tunics that were predominantly black robes of state on diplomatic missions and consisted of small swatches of dusky red at various places on the sleeves and upper shoulders. [6] Among their kind, there was no period of adolescence as their children matured early and were given adult responsibilities very quickly. It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Chiss Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. In the years before the Clone Wars, it would appear that Chiss beam weapons were limited to charric energy,[4] but by 19 ABY, the Household Phalanx base at the Hand of Thrawn mounted both turbolasers and heavy maser emitters, while both Chiss-style weapons mounts and standard Sienar Fleet Systems blasters were observed on various TIE variants flown by Phalanx pilots. Their territory sufficed for their entire population needs. Thrawn’s full name is Mitth’raw’nurodo, and aside from being incredibly Star Wars simply just from looking at it, it’s also incredibly Star Wars because there’s a reason it looks like the sound you might make stepping on a Lego brick or something. During their star-travel era, they developed the ability to form hyperfields by using precise irradiation of composite materials. When among non-Chiss, individual members of the race were often aloof and pensive as they plotted tactics which would ensure a victory if a confrontation were to occur. Skin color [6], In 9 ABY, Thrawn left the Unknown Regions to take supreme command of the Empire's war machine, and launched his campaign against the New Republic. Site of the city of Csaplar and the Expeditionary Library. The first part is their family name, the second part is their personal name, and the third part is their occupation, clan or 'second' family name (like a military family). [11] Chiss were noted for possessing an unparalleled aptitude for tactical thinking. Consider the very first Chiss character that we see in Star Wars to get the idea of how Chiss names work. Arisctocra's were also known to be capable of meeting with the Council in order to petition for the safe return of outsiders that were trapped within Chiss Space. [17], The representatives of the Four Ruling Families which included Nuroudo, Irokini, Sabosen and Csalpar were known to wear head-to-foot robes with hoods that completely masked their faces. As part of his plan, the Aristocra had hoped that the Vagaari would attempt to steal the Chaf Envoy en route to Outbound Flight and thus had made arrangements for the crew to take shelter at hidden stations when their foes revealed their true nature. Take our friend Mitth’raw’nurodo—the “Mitth” is Thrawn’s family, almost a surname to us. The other parts are a mix of a personal name, as well as an indicator of that person’s position in a family on an administrative and hierarchical level, and even whether or not they are part of that family by blood or by adoption. In spite of his death at Bilbringi, his legacy endured, not least in the form of the House Phalanx and their allies in what became known as the Empire of the Hand. [11] House Inrokini was responsible for technological research, manufacturing, and the information infrastructure. [6] Members of the ruling class of Chiss were notable for being an aristocracy within their society. But even then, it’s still so cool to dive into all these ways the Chiss’ preponderance for family and social status is so deeply imbued into the Ascendancy’s culture that it forms the very definition of a being’s name. Abednedos are tall humanoids with mouth tendrils, long faces, and widely spaced fleshy nostrils; often brown or tan in skin color. [9] There was, in fact, a Human sleeper ship colony established on Csilla around 27,500 BBY, though records of this were virtually nonexistent and it remained unknown how a remote area of the galaxy could have been trailblazed so far back. Such was the case when dealing with outsiders who had trouble pronouncing Chiss full names. [4], Adding to the confusion is a variety of evidence for other Chiss military forces operating alongside, and sometimes in opposition to, the black-uniformed personnel of the Expansionary Fleet and the Defense Fleet. [4] Another notable family was the Eighth Ruling Family whose officials wore short robes and tall boots that were composed of a patchwork pattern of gray and burgundy. [13] Much of their expansion was governed by the need to gather resources without upsetting their homeworld's ecosystem. In fact, their military was a sizeable force with the Nuruodo family being in charge of both the fleet and the army. 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