Its population is estimated to be about 30,720. The state is both too small and is not close to the ocean. Sometimes it snows in Springfield, the town once experienced a hurricane, its ocean coast has an oil platform close offshore, and Springfield's western side (which is three times the size of Texas) is a vast oil field. In "Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge", it is shown that the population of Springfield is around 30,000. And of all of The … However, this can be dismissed, because Texas does not border five different states on one side. There is also evidence that the Simpsons live in Louisiana. In "Treehouse of Horror IX", during "Starship Poopers", the pacifier signal Maggie transmits to Kang and Kodos is from around the Texas-Louisiana border, near Lake Charles, LA or Port Arthur, TX. Springfield is also served by the Union Pacific Railroad, which runs in the west coast of the United States. On the other hand, Springfield does share elements of its physical geography with Australia. In "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood", Bart, Homer, and the Junior Campers float out to sea during a rafting trip. "New Kids on the Blecch" established that oceangoing warships visit and dock at the Springfield Harbor. It was created by Jerry Lerma and Terry Hogan (with the link to their website sadly no longer working) and states it was last revised on May 26th 2004. AP (CBS News) For 23 seasons, "The Simpsons" have lived at 742 Evergreen Terrace in Springfield. Next: The Simpsons: Which Season The Show Actually Turned Bad In. YouTube user TheRealJims compiled all references in the series to other states, narrowing down the list considerably. In "Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)", Snake commandeers a helicopter after a high-speed police chase, then flies next to Kent Brockman's news chopper. In "Treehouse of Horror XIII", during "Send in the Clones", when it is shown that the Homer clones will have spread across the entire United States, one of the faces in the first frame appears over Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Guillermo del Toro said “hi” to her once. The Statue of Liberty in New York and the Eiffel Tower in Paris can also be seen, along with a large river. In response, Barney says, "If I ever vote, it will be for him.". The guard's reply is almost inaudible, but ends in the syllable "-aska". The state is the north-western-most state of four states whose boundaries intersect at a single point. Springfield, South Dakota has a population of 792. Another reference is in "The Bob Next Door", where it took the Simpson family only a few minutes to get to Mexico, and since Texas borders the ocean and Mexico, it could be considered the place. [12] Similarly, many Minnesotans are of Norwegian descent. As the series is filmed on-site at New Orleans, this implies that Springfield is within two hours driving distance to New Orleans, pointing to it being in Louisiana. That said, he also claims that Missouri represents the "last time I vote to admit a new state." This suggests that Springfield could be in Nebraska or Alaska. In "'Tis the Fifteenth Season", Homer buys an electronic astrolabe at the Springfield Heights Promenade. [17] However, as with the Canada interpretation, The Simpsons has been proven beyond doubt to be set in the United States, ruling out any possible non-US setting. After the photo shoot, the picture is seen back in Springfield in The Springfield Shopper newspaper, which Moe reads to Barney (additional evidence that Congressman Bob Arnold is Springfield’s congressman). Other states that are out are Alabama and Minnesota, as in the episode “Mr. This could be ruled out in "Special Edna", in which a sign in Springfield shows the distance to Orlando too far for Springfield to be in the same state. Marge Simpson and Barney Gumble both exhibit rhotic, New York metropolitan accents (as spoken, for example, in Long Island or North Jersey), while Carl Carlson and Lenny Leonard, as well as Moe Szyslak (who is not a Springfield native, but who moved there as a young child), all have authentically non-rhotic New York City accents (as spoken, for example, in Brooklyn). [11], In "Duffless", Homer's driver's license has an address of "Springfield NT 49007". An FBI agent, in a successful attempt to set up Congressman Bob Arnold, poses as an “oil company" executive who wants to drill for oil in Teddy Roosevelt’s head on Mount Rushmore and offers Congressman Bob Arnold a bribe to get permission to do so. One of the astrolabe's screens displays what appear to be its current latitude and longitude. The state is made up of mainly agricultural land, with occasional large cities such as Capital City and medium-sized towns such as Springfield and Shelbyville. The Simpsons have visited Australia,[18] while Abe has claimed that his forebears were kicked out of that country,[19] further disproving this theory. ", which contradicts Utah location. "Vänligheten är ett språk som de döva kan höra och de blinda kan se". In "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood", on the map of Krusty Burger locations, Homer points to the one off the east coast, implying that they live on the east coast. On the other hand, it would seemingly make sense to be bribing the congressman that actually represents the district which includes Mount Rushmore, thereby placing Springfield in South Dakota. In the Powers of 10 couch gag, while the camera zooms out into the universe, it reveals that the Simpson house is located in Springfield, Illinois. Springfield must have access to the coasts via a river or lake. However, this is considered non-canon. In "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers", Marge is driving and sees a car that is very slow from New Jersey, and Marge tells it to go back to New Jersey, which could give the impression that she is not from NJ. Because The Simpsons’ Springfield has been shown to have a bit of everything, from gorges and desserts to beaches, and the size of it has also been inconsistent (Lisa once said West Springfield is “three times the size of Texas”), the town can’t be placed in a specific location within the U.S. It is located near Shelbyville, Capital City, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook in a state whose name is never mentioned. At last, Matt Groening has revealed where The Simpsons is actually located: the actual Springfield is next to Eugene, Oregon, the state where Groening grew up. Keep clicking for more local references on the show through the years. The area also has a good rail network, with both passenger and freight services. While in the air, Lisa spots the Space Needle from Seattle, Washington. Futhermore in Bart's Comet, Bart says "Race you to Utah! Robert Terwilliger (former) 4. By elimination process, there are a couple of states that could be the home to Springfield... if only they were slightly bigger (you know, to fit an area as big as West Springfield). In "The Canine Mutiny", it is implied that medicinal marijuana is legal. However, in "Fear of Flying", when offered free air travel to any US State, the Simpsons are told "except Alaska and Hawaii. As the camera pans away from earth, the concentric radio signals are shown to be emanating from Louisiana. In, "C.E. In "Dancin' Homer", Capital City has a Second Best Western; Richmond has four Best Westerns. While Portland does not border nethier an ocean nor a desert, the Pacific and the Oregon High Desert are relatively close by. Springfield, Missouri is located within the Ozarks and is commonly referred to as the Queen City of the Ozarks. In "Rosebud", New York was shown to be downstream from Springfield, presumably on the Husdon River. They are rescued by floating towards an unmanned oil rig which nevertheless features the Krusty Burger Oil Rig. Missouri has both a Shelbyville and a Springfield. All the states the Simpsons have visited in different episodes are also ruled out, such as Michigan, Tennessee, and Florida, and the family mentions at some point that the two states they can consider for vacation in the future are North Dakota and South Dakota.,based%20on%20one%20of%20those. In "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson", Homer has a flashback from a time when he stopped in NYC on a bus trip to Harrisburg (presumably PA). Taking all those references into account, that leaves the following states out of the list of possible locations for Springfield: The previous list leaves six possible locations: Virginia, Illinois, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska – although depending on who you talk to, all of them would also be ruled out due to Springfield having both beaches and deserts. [2], The state has many counties. If you use this as a basis, Interstate 95 cuts right through present-day Springfield, Virginia, Tennessee is in the southwest border of Virginia, and Springfield is on the water of Potamic River, at Ft. Belvoir (now a museum). The real I-95 is a major north-south route along the east coast of the United States. Marge Simpson (former) 3. However, this could simply be an out of date license. The Simpson family's street, Evergreen Terrace, is a notoriously poor section of Springfield, Illinois. Because of this, the state becomes very polarized, with constant feuds between upper and lower class citizens over issues as petty as telephone area codes. In "Treehouse of Horror XIII", during "Send in the Clones", when it is shown that the Homer clones will all spread through the United States by tomorrow, one of the Homer faces appears over Ohio. The mystery of Springfield’s place on the map has become a running gag that even Matt Groening and company have taken advantage of when attending conventions, and truth is that Springfield isn’t really meant to be in one area of the real life map of the U.S. Related: The Simpsons Just Aired Its Longest Episode Ever. [1] Settlers from Maryland were heading for New Sodom. The series has addressed this in its peculiar sense of humor, adding further contradicting descriptions, interrupting conversational references, or simply obscuring or blocking the view of map representations, thus leaving its true location a mystery. A circle of exactly 1000 kilometers would sweep (clockwise) southwestern Texas, eastern New Mexico, mid-eastern Colorado, northwestern Nebraska, center-southeastern South Dakota, central Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, central Michigan, central Ohio, southwestern West Virginia, a very small and uninhabited segment in the easternmost tip of Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, northwestern South Carolina, central Georgia, northwestern Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. In real life, Grunge originated in Washington state in the mid-1980s. Adlai Stevenson (likely referring to Adlai Stevenson II) was a former Democratic governor of Illinois and ran for president in 1952 and 1956. Whacking Day In The Simpsons Movie, Ned says that Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky all border Springfield. In "Treehouse of Horror XIII", during "Send in the Clones", when it is shown that the Homer clones will spread through the entire United States, one of the faces in the first frame is in Illinois. Springfield, KY is also only around fifty miles from Fort Knox. Many states have been mentioned or shown in both The Simpsons Movie and the series, offering clues as to where Springfield could be. However, this could have been fake, as she was on the run from the police. There also happens to be a Lake Springfield and a city named Springfield in Missouri. In "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade", when Bart and Lisa go on a field trip to Capital City, they get lost and meet a bunch of hobos/rednecks, a common stereotype of people in Kentucky. However, others will argue that they shouldn’t be left out that easily as, funny enough, these states haven’t been mentioned in the series (except for a joke about Oklahoma, which makes it debatable). To start, this is a major point that I tried to talk my way out … "- One of Bart's chalkboard gags. Since Capital City is the capital of Springfield's state, this could mean that Springfield is in Colorado. The area's several international airports also provide a strong transport link with destinations in the state, other US states, and the world. In "Blood Feud", Homer's thank you letter from Mr. Burns has a return address of "1000 Mammon Ln, Springfield" with scribbles following which could be construed as "IL, 22617". Smash is able to drive an aircraft carrier to New York City. The family has been to New York City and Canada by bus. The Springfield depicted in The Simpsons isn't always a flattering portrait. The map above shows the town of Springfield from the Simpsons. Related: The Simpsons Episode NOT On Disney+. Simpsons creator Matt Groening was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Springfield, Ore., hoped it had an in because "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening is from Portland, the state's largest city, and many of the show's landmarks are named after streets in Portland. Like Springfield's state capital, Capital City, Frankfort, which is the capital of … Many descriptions do not apply for any real state. Additionally, there are frequent mentions throughout episodes of the state capital, Capital City. However, it is possible they could still be in a real state, as Nash Castor mentions the Springfield primary and "49 other primaries" in "E. Pluribus Wiggum". Another observation in favor of New Jersey would be the frequent use of the word "Hoagie" to describe a large sandwich on a roll, a term used almost exclusively in the Philly PA area (on the NJ border) and all across New Jersey. In "Grampy Can Ya Hear Me", when Miss Hoover begins to pass back her students' astronomy papers, on the chalkboard reads, "Five States Whose Capitals Start with the Same Letter as the State: Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Oklahoma, This State". In "Itchy & Scratchy Land", the Simpson family briefly has to stop at a Fruits and Vegetables checkpoint, causing Homer to panic (as he was apparently smuggling fruits and vegetables as a side job). Groening also confirmed recently that Springfield was in fact based on Springfield, Oregon. This coupled with the fact that Springfield is located on an ocean and the sun sets on it seems to leave California as the only possibility. In "Lisa the Iconoclast", when a few members of Springfield are digging up the grave of Jebediah Springfield (looking for a literal silver tongue), Groundskeeper Willie tosses a shovel-full of dirt onto the eternal flame of Adlai Stevenson. "Simpson Tide" also shows that the submarine Homer is commanding travels west out of the Springfield Harbor into Russian waters. The proposed identity of the state "NT" is also seen on letters (bills/magazines) addressed to the Simpsons in "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington". In "C.E. The first three places are all in the UTC-5 time zone when the Northern Hemisphere is in winter (also when the episode was first aired). In "Principal Charming" and "Selma's Choice", Hans Moleman's driver's license shows a ZIP code of 90701. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. Though it is more likely a vague exaggeration of Romney's wealth, Romney did in fact own a house in New Hampshire at the time. Springfield, Illinois is located on Lake Springfield. Also, in the Simpsons Jumbo Rain-Or-Shine Fun Book, there is a fill-in-the-blank story in which Lisa says, "There's a car with ____ strapped to its roof!" Chelmsford, MA is also referenced several times throughout the years. Bart tells Milhouse Route 401 is 4 miles from his house. Government discovered evidence that Mr. Burns is going to face trouble as camera. 13 ] such a distance of 676 miles to Ogdenville destroying the Magazine... Florida. Unnamed Governor was once Governor simpsons' springfield state 1998-2002 and possibly 1994-2002 implied that marijuana!, but it rules them out as possible locations and marriage retreats like the Simpson family lives in San... Of 792 and Shelbyville, de youtube user TheRealJims compiled all references in the extreme southeast Texas., Michigan. more of them attended college in Massachusetts than any other state. the Mexican border North... 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