That might be unfair, but should I ignore the lesson I should have learned from the previous incident? What we however need to do is not to get into an amygdala response, based on our past based learnings, but to view that as one of several possibilities that we might hold. But it should not let our minds be set in stone. The author interviews and analyses the accounts of great scientific and artistic thinkers of his time – Poincare, Einstein et al – and finds a common thread amongst each of their discoveries. * More than three decades of industry experience spanning Engineering, Maintenance, Projects, Consumer durables, Supply Chains, Aviation and Tourism in the Gulf region and India. . Before you can ‘Take the Past out Of the Future’, the listening you provide must “get up on the mat” the almost certain future, that is, the future actually being lived into.This is really where, I believe most leaderships we see around us failing, whatever the compulsions. Well , I suppose that’s a perspective to hold. I am left wondering about the significance of the 7th in your name. The pathway to Authenticity is by being authentic about one’s inauthenticities. They show us the trap we are liable to get into as soon as we envisage a solution. by Cy Willson | 04/26/02. No, we should never ignore the lesson we learned in the past. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Never Ending Cycle, Huntington County. Which in turn effects how we act and behave in that situation. Indeed the place to start is, as you say, “… fix ourselves first.” It is only when we ourselves live in a space can we authentically and powerfully invites others to do so. The Cycle of Never Ending Cause and Effect There is no such thing as first or second, or as cause and effect. They call that place where we store our past our default future. Almost all of our thinking is based somehow or other in the past, in what is already known; in other words, it is the result of conditioned cognitive reflexes. They search for answers which are simply entangled in a never ending cycle of events. The troubling conclusion that presents itself as a result of understanding hedonic adaption, is that there may be a formidable barrier to raising happiness over the long-term. I see the problem now as being a great many more people wanting to make things different now, a great many caring more for all of humanity as one, but not knowing how to get beyond where they are stuck. We offer bicycles in a range of prices and styles... Never Ending Cycles As WandaVision arrives, Marvel Studios is about to enter a never-ending cycle New episodes, new movies, and new series all the time By Julia Alexander Jan 14, 2021, 9:00am EST Download our mobile app now. I loved these lines of yours, and I quote, “…Maybe then as we right our own inner problems the solutions of our outer world will rectify themselves.. For is not our outer world a mirror of our inner creative thoughts!…..” As I have said in my post, I may add that the way to escape and go beyond our past dictated default future is to rise above our own world-view and frames of references and the constricting influence they exert on us in terms of our network of unexamined ideas, beliefs,biases, prejudices, social and cultural embedded-ness, and taken-for-granted assumptions. Synonyms for never-ending include constant, continual, continuous, perpetual, ceaseless, endless, incessant, persistent, relentless and unbroken. A future that addresses the concerns of all. The TLOP further state that the way to dramatically upscale our actions and performance is to alter how situations occur for us. I keenly await to hear your 7th story . View all posts by Shakti Ghosal. Humanity has constantly searched for the beginning of things asking questions such as 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". I thank you . a) the way things are, If you leave the past in the past, that is to say, if you do what you need to do to complete the past for yourself, while being informed by the past, you can create a future to live into. In the northern hemisphere, influenza occurs each winter; chickenpox tends to peak in spring; and in the past, polio occurred in late summer and fall. As I see the world from my own perspective, I was allowing myself recently to get embroiled within other people’s stories As I took upon myself their problems.. Finding myself frustrated in the stories of them and not seeing a solution to them.. As part of our survival instinct, we are conditioned to take aspects of our life experiences, of what worked and what did not, fears of what might go wrong and so on…and store them in a place so that we could refer to them, when needed, in the future. Maybe when we stop looking outward at all that others have or have not and judging within our own minds of what is right or wrong… And when we then start to look within at our selves and put Right our own faults. That is, a future that is extrapolated or projected from the past – a future that is based on an extension of the trajectory established by the way the past has unfolded up to the present. ( Log Out /  c) what’s wrong with all that, the solutions that they have had, Everyone has their ideas as to how to fix this mess and yet if one has the ability to see the ‘bigger picture’ one can see that the problems will continue because we are not killing the weed at the root, just the upper leaves. For Christmas my daughter bought me a rack for my bike. Thanks for sharing this timely post!!! Crucible Stories for a world with a new normal, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” First, we are able to close past issues and upsets, remove these out of the default future where we had carried them into and put them back where they belong, the past. A second wave in Europe? When we learn this life is not ALL about Competition.. but when we learn to Co-operate with each other.. We then can find our way forward in living Compatibly with each other.. Maybe we have to learn about the 3 C’s … I would love to see a flip chart on those ideas :-D.. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Day Shakti.. Thought-provoking commentary and opinion on politics, books and the arts. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Shakti Ghosal, Acknowledgement: The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the future of your organisation and your life by Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan, 2011, * A PCC Credentialed Leadership Coach. Also, if I look at the lessons I teach, I should be asking: what worked? The result: lower profitability even with higher sales. Never Ending Cycles is a neighborhood bike shop with an emphasis on outstanding customer service. We are a Emo-grunge, Post-Grunge band. P.S. The farm’s gardens, 2004. A lot of our problems have been very repetitive. View the archive. Authors Steve and Dave refer to this human tendency as they argue that our thoughts, strategies and actions arise from the future as “given by our past”. As a leak is patched at one place and pressure is put back, the pipe cracks at another place and the leakage starts again. Strangely, I am witness to a similar trend as I shift gears and go down to my organisational and personal level. Out in 10 minutes.he told me it was free. He gives back to the community. I’ll share asap, I am delighted that I could provide you some support to recognise that courageous self, the real YOU! In learning…………. As always, great to see your lovely comment here. * ( Log Out /  Initially hailed as a path breaking positive development in terms of spread of people’s power and democracy in the Middle East, the Arab Spring now faces criticism for the collapse of Governance and societal structures in a large swathe of countries like Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria,Yemen and so on. Maya Rudolph's Guide to Dealing with the Stress of the Never-Ending News Cycle. From what you say here, Steve and Dave appear to acknowledge as much, yet remaining open to the possibility of original, intuited thinking is hard indeed, and has been the subject of much analysis over the years. Or, "why don't they get a job?" “The other half of the strategy is to attempt to succeed by polishing that set repertoire for being and acting, and seeking out opportunities in which we can succeed by utilizing our set repertoire.” – This is territory covered in exemplary manner by Erving Goffman in his renowned work The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, and which unpacks what you are calling our ‘set repertoire’, analysing it in terms of it being a nurtured dramaturgical performance, one that very often serves a purpose beyond what is strictly necessary for the task at hand, such as cultivating confidence and belief in the performer’s ability, status manipulation, and so forth. My post was really to highlight the need for us to recognise how our past based default future leads to only certain solutions show up for us and it is important for us to hold the awareness that there are other possibilities which are superior. 11 "mi piace". what didn’t? In my view ( and what the authors also say) that’s the one that has to be taken out of the future for there to be room for a “created future”. Mike is very knowledgeable. 15 examples: This movement and trading has created a never-ending cycle of new types of… As we gain mastery over use of this kind of language, we are able to do two things. First, we as a society, are conditioned to go after the symptoms rather than tackle the underlying fundamental issues. Blessings…V.K. Arguably, no other group in United States history has been as oppressed as the American Indians. What is it that, in spite of the best intentions and efforts of nations and leaders, the world seems to perennially lurch from one negative occurrence to another? Translations in context of "never-ending cycle" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: The resultant pollution of empty plastic bottles - a never-ending cycle. Holding this awareness in itself can lead to an appreciable improvement in our handling of the situation. That sure is a pain in the ass when they keep coming up! We end up being on ‘safe rails’ and doing more of what we have always done. Thank you once gain for the very thoughtprovoking comment and God bless ! There is no good or bad “out there”; good or bad only exist in language.Images require a substrate of language to have meaning beyond being a pretty picture. I am a classic case of self medicating to the point of addiction (at a very early age) The first and most apparent is that influenza is not the only infectious agent and that there are many more nasty customers out there, some of which we know nothing about. Remember, the way you see life in the present, what you think and feel, and the way you act, are given by the future into which you are living. Licensed vaccines are, however, only available against one of the many agents: influenza. I appreciate. e) the resigned-to or worried-about or feared future, * Top level management positions to drive business development, strategy, alliances all around the globe. All this is great in theory but needs self -discipline and focus at every opportunity to gain a mastery of. France has introduced a curfew. The fact that you have taken the time to come in and comment made my day! There is not a lot I can add to these excellent comments and replies my friend.. 0. By Chloe Hall. Get real time updates directly on you device, subscribe now. The proverb says: “What you sow you reap”. Motorcycle service and customization. Thank you taking the time to read and comment. I implement an incremental volume based pricing strategy to gain a new business account. Never Ending Cycle, Edmonton, Alberta. Band from Indiana Member Vocals-Nolan Minnix Guitar/vocals-Jonathan Wilcox Bass-Tj Dexx Drum-Travis Lee aka NBR (Not Bob Ross) In the post, I have tried to indicate an alternative pathway. Judy Berman. Thank you for bringing this great perspective here. I think every solution leads to a new problem from some perspectives….and the severity of a problem depends on how we are looking at it. Without us even realizing, our actions and performance get restricted to what is allowed by all that stuff we have stored from the past. What I get from your comment are two important points. I’ve yet to discover how to correct the mis-spelling in my title! In stock. I think humanity is on the brink of this break through, they just need help in finding that way out. …. The issue of whether or not language is an entirely necessary substrate for (the genesis of) conceptual thought is, as far as I know, somewhat undecided. There should be room for redefining our experiences. I recommend deviation from the company’s HR policy to help a staff faced with the settlement of high medical bills. Once we end our never-ending-cycle of Fear of what another has, over us, be it medical insurance, the price of oil or that promotional offer.. Some people say, "the poor have only themselves to blame for their situation." I love music, and while I am certainly no Mozart, I can become an accomplished player. Find more ways to say never-ending, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. There should be room for redefining our experiences.”. Definitions for Cycle (noun) a series of events or actions that repeat themselves regularly and in the same order (noun) a long or seemingly long period of time We are still thinking the same way we did when the problems first erupted. The daily diet we are fed, however, of COVID deaths is distorting our ability to understand the real impact of the disease. In order for such images of an extension of the present to be considered as a possible future rather than simply what’s next, language needs to be involved. ( Log Out /  f) the future that they’ve been given by authority, In learning. We do tend to never fully solve the world’s problems, do we? Our writers hold no party line; their only allegiance is to clarity of thought, elegance of expression and independence of opinion. Today the swine flu virus is seasonal and is often included in the annual influenza vaccine to mitigate its effects. However information about this gets known to an existing customer  who then threatens to shift business away if the same low pricing is not offered. As the US and Iran engage in serious talks around international controls on the latter’s nuclear plants and technology, Israel claims this is leading to a heightened risk of war in the region. I know I base some decisions on how I will respond to a situation in teaching – or elsewhere – based on what the result was before. This resulted in the creation of a little known instrument to grade pandemic severity, the Pandemic Influenza Severity Assessment (PISA). Blessings your way my friend.. and again apologies for only just getting around to visit your post .. The appearance of SARS-CoV-2 has been deemed worthy of extraordinary measures to contain or suppress its spread. I am intrigued by the Jacques Hadamard book quoted by you and look forward to reading it at the first opportunity.                                                                                                          – Albert Einstein. As we rise above all this, we gain the power Providing Edmonton area motorcycle riders and racers with professional, quality work, at a fair price. Earlier blacks were the targets of discriminations, today Rohingyas and Sri Lankan Tamils deal with it. I thank you for this added inspiration. Previous coronaviruses have circulated until spring, and the current COVID virus seems to be operating similarly. And London’s nine million residents have been banned from meeting people they don’t live with indoors. With a rise in infections across Europe, politicians are once again scrambling to reintroduce a series of policies that amount to lockdown in all but name. Fashion. The problem really occurs when we get conditioned to see our past based reactions as the only option of acting that we have. So how could we do that? g) and the we-will-work-hard-for-it future. Sometimes I think life was set up to have one solution cause another problem. PISA sets out three indicators for assessing severity when sustained human-to-human transmission occurs: transmissibility of the virus, the seriousness of the disease and its impact. The TLOP holds the promise of getting us out of the above problem- solution trap. I am coming back to the courageous self, I’ve just come to know that what you’ve said is true, and I like this me, with an equal balance of compassion and self respect. I’ll be following. And as COVID fatigue sets in, we need a long-term plan that controls the impact of the disease while minimizing the disruption for the wider society. Follow the first 100 days of the Biden administration! Occurrences that seem to encompass every aspect of our existence- Terrorism, Threat of War, Governance, Climate change and what have you. Right now over here in the U.S. we are dealing with racism run amok, violent protesting, cities burning and police brutality on fire. We thus get sucked into the never ending cycle of problems, solutions based on the past…. Secondly, we continue to view and engage with the emerging problems with the eyes and mindset of the past. The World Health Organization was criticized for having exaggerated the threat of swine flu. Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan, in their bestseller ‘The Three Laws of Performance’ (TLOP), have not only provided an answer but also a sustainable way forward approach. , Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about 2000 And One* - Never Ending Cycle at Discogs. Any make, any model, modern and vintage. Without the context of what happens throughout the seasons, the policy is, unsurprisingly, confused, contradictory and often reaches the wrong decision. Ships from and sold by Veselka Store. At no time in the past or future where the furthest part of a series of events that are regularly repeated ever ends. Find the perfect Never Ending Cycle stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Please know that I am not, at all complaining about my maladies, in fact, after the many decades of learning to manage symptoms, facing head on the many horrors I’ve experienced and learning to make peace with my past problems, both the self imposed, and those thrown at me, being a bit off turns out to be a good thing!!! We remain blinded to the fact that the only solutions to a problem that occur for us in fact arise out  of our default future where all our past is stored. . d) and the hoped-for or dreamt-of future, As we go through life, we keep on storing more and more such stuff in that place of ours. Why would it be assumed that COVID-19 be any different? A US study that followed over a thousand individuals for eight years found they are most common between December and May, with only 2.5 percent of infections occurring between June and September. In an age of science, why are face masks a matter of opinion. *A passion to envision trends & disseminate Leadership incubation globally. I will no longer allow my fears (including those that have had me repeating the same patterns you speak of) rob me of joy. If you read Hadamard’s analysis of psychological invention, detailing accounts as given by the great minds of the inventors, then one can see that the subconscious, which does not overtly utilise language of course, is where the work gets done, so to speak. Business gurus may aim to project the impression that their methods allow us to escape this phenomenon, though I remain sceptical of that myself Shakti. I’d like to think we will see it in our life time but maybe not….All we can do is keep trying and fix ourselves first…….Be well friend and have a great week ahead…VK . Historically, seasonal pathogens have been dealt with by either monitoring them or by vaccination of those most vulnerable. Happy to have found you. If you set your threshold as low as 50 cases of infection per 100,000 people (irrespective of whether they are ill or not) as appears to be the case with COVID-19, then you have a problem. By Rachel Sugar Oct 22, 2020, 8:30am EDT I do, of course have to brush up my skill first, I jest, but I am rusty. P.S. I think of the phrase: “Those who do not remember the past (history) are condemned to repeat it.” So are our actions hemmed in by what happened in the past? A future in which everyone joyfully comes to live into. I did today he assembled it. I appreciate. But it should not let our minds be set in stone. It was not as severe as initially thought, in part, because older people were found to have population immunity. Given that COVID does not appear to have a vastly higher mortality rate than that linked to other common circulating pathogens then, we need to ask ourselves: what are the long-term consequences of the ‘special attention’ paid to COVID-19? Sue . Because in fall – as soon as schools and universities go back – you’ll rapidly exceed that threshold. The past has all been about influenza, where the historical threshold has been around 400 primary care consultations per 100,000 registered patients. Because if we didn’t have any problems we wouldn’t have any growth. Though I succeed with my recommendation, this opens up a Pandora’s Box of complaints about discrimination and how other similar cases got rejected in the past. So, have you tried to gain access to that ‘real you’? Though that might seem to be the comfortable or logical thing to do at that point in time. If a ‘circuit breaker’ is adopted, what happens when this ends in three weeks? While this gets achieved, the sales of other products suffer leading to some Principals and suppliers getting upset. Based on my directive, the sales team resort to focussed selling of identified products to maximize revenues. Subscribe. Over the past few years, I've learned so much about the aviation industry, airline price points, master packing/safety tips, and destination research, etc. Britain's new three-tier approach to the coronavirus crisis will leave millions of people in "a never-ending cycle of reprieve and restriction", a mental health expert has told Sky News. This is a practical approach to problems and also a thought-provoking post.. No sooner did nations heave a sigh of relief that the war against Global terrorism viz.Al Qaeeda in Afghanisatan had been won, one is witness to the rise of other terror groups like the Islamic State (IS) and Boko Haram in Iraq and Nigeria. If we don’t, then we need to prepare ourselves to get ready for the annual policy merry-go-round with its possible benefits and certain harms. I am an e-bonehead, please bear with me. This only allows us to do what we did in the past which in fact created the problem in the first place. Once we end our never-ending-cycle of Fear of what another has, over us, be it medical insurance, the price of oil or that promotional offer.. Sarah the 7th. Each infectious pathogen, generally, has its seasonal window. About . If our occurring is positive, our actions would be more empowered and effective. Obviously, by its very nature we do not know what the mind is doing in formulating conceptual frameworks beneath the level of consciousness, and it may be that the same neural networks are used as are for language manipulation. Many thanks for this eloquent and informative article Shakti. I am delighted that my post could support you in some manner. So as a situation occurs negatively for us, the actions and performance correspondingly suffer. New York-based publicist Juliette Levy’s early days in beauty PR revolved around drumming up press for two big product launches per year. It sure will not be happening overnight Shakti…The people have much work to do to get there. The Sisters pray for plentiful harvests and their prayers are answered, as kilos upon kilos of vegetables are gathered by the “little supplicants” of Rang Saint-Joseph. As someone said, ” If things were easy, word would have got around!”. In effect we start understanding how this past driven default future actually impacts how situations occur- for us and others, and how that correlates to actions and performance. Steve and Dave go on to explain why solutions implemented lead to new problems. Select from premium Never Ending Cycle of the highest quality. Do you notice how, inspite of the best intentions and competence, solution to an existing problem somehow becomes the harbinger of a new problem? This cycle has already begun, and with such low thresholds for intervening and high sensitivities for COVID-19, it is likely to continue. 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