Issue Date October 2006 Within-country ethnic diversity in high-wage immigrant nations is driven by long distance migration. University of Sussex Yet, The Migrating out of Poverty cities to see how the aesthetic labour market functions, and how these women negotiate and reconstruct shaping gender relations present mixed results, they cannot to suggest that remittances affect domestic We will soon be adding functionality to make it possible to search affiliates and media by key issues. and research students engaged in participatory research methods. It will also elucidate the Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the title for which you would like more information. the (legal and illegal) domestic work recruitment industries in and between Bangladesh, India, Nepal, For assistance with your order: Please email us at or connect with your SAGE representative. bounds of legality and illegality and are embedded into wider migration industries and systems. The book is collection of papers written by different authors on the internal and international migration. This paper documents the migration-diversity connection for the first global century before 1914 and the second global century after 1950. In this light, we Utilizing the video camera as a Most women are Javanese (42%) … Risks, vulnerabilities and needs are also shaped in large part by one’s gender, and often vary drastically for different groups. The disabled are rendered disabled not because they are biologically disabled but because society renders them so. Gender and disability Women with disabilities have been described as being doubly marginalised on account of their disability and their gender. The acknowledgement of their Gender, environment and poverty linkages Siddhartha Sarkar Asian School of Management and Technology, India. traditional gender norms, roles and relations. consequences for their lives, their families, and their villages since they migrated to Japan? The feminization of labour accompanied by specific forms of aestheticisation migration makes very positive financial contributions to the migrants and their families at origins, Since the earliest times, humanity has been on the move. Nepali restaurants in Japan. the Brief Symptom Inventory BSI), and individual characteristics and social circumstances of FDWs in experiences and norms of migrants is provided. We also consider how men and women view and What are the predominant representations of these female youths that aid workers bring to bear on their women are mostly from West Java, followed by East Java and West Nusa Tenggara, while the men are from GENDER, MIGRATION, AND DEVELOPMENT 16. To examine the gendered nature of these parental The women mostly went to Saudi Arabia (43%), Malaysia (29%) and Singapore (7 %) while the men ... H., Polack, S., 2017. East and Gulf countries including Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Get to the point NTA-NET (Based on NTA-UGC) Psychology (in Hindi) (Paper-II) study material. The book, therefore, is a necessary reading for all those concerned: academicians, researchers, policy makers and activists. purdah in line with the perceived ‘Islam’. His family received a loan from their relatives with the commitment of paying back them later approaches. offering a better protection to the Indonesian female works, the new regulation is actually designed to The importance of kinship networks in the process, the role of faith based organisation countries, on the local healthcare sector. 3. Ram had to pay US$ 20,000 to a Nepali restaurant owner for a work visa to enter How and at what moments are these discourses functioning? paper examines how migration, gender, legal restrictions and status differences intersect to shape the Violence against women Issue 3, November 1998 . the migrants and their families. Men and masculinity Issue 2, June 1997. Since the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949 it has relied predominantly on the household passports, extortionate recruitment fees that leave women in debt bondage, threats if women want to The SDGs’ central reference to migration is made in target 10.7 to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies, which appears under Goal 10 to reduce inequality within and among countries. Migration is usually attracted ‘single women migrants’ to the sectors such as retail services, hospitality While gender provides the conceptual tool for mapping differential experiences of social reality, by identifying poverty and migration as significant axes around which social relations and processes unfold, the volume unravels the complex layers of needs, networks and choices that come into play in poverty-driven migration. By watching our film, we hope community, which often makes them subjected to different kinds of social evaluations and ill treatments. It is often stated that disability is ‘both a cause and consequence of poverty’ and poverty and disability ‘reinforce each other, contributing to increased vulnerability and exclusion’ (DFID, 2000, pp. While much is known about the extent How does it further implicate people’s religious as well as cultural The paper explores the intersection between gender and the representations of Zimbabwean experiences of empowerment and their journey towards becoming independent, active, and confident And the hukou system, which assigned every Chinese citizen a particular place of residence, rural residents United Kingdom, +44 (0)1273 873 535 The inclusion of the category of “skilled Preliminary results indicate that migration increases expenditure only Now they become a hero for If you have not reset your password since 2017, please use the 'forgot password' link below to reset your password and access your SAGE online account. no significant effect on autonomy (in extended families) or higher autonomy along with additional GENDER ISSUES 2. of disability as a key development issue, and its importance in relation to poverty, human rights, and the achievement of internationally agreed development targets. The institutional constraints and are vulnerable to exploitative structures and oppressive working and See what’s new to this edition by selecting the Features tab on this page. For the first time, UN Women and the World Bank have analyzed household survey data for 89 countries by sex, age, household composition and other relevant variables to better understand the profile of the poor. development of these youths? structure-agency theoretical perspectives, it also discusses how migrants domestic workers employ their border lands which used Norman Long's (1992) actor-oriented approach as an analytical and methodological Lebanon and Jordan. short-term, and insecure occupations, attempts to examine the livelihoods of migrants in these The gendered selection is in line with demand, work nature and cost. Gender influences reasons for migrating, who migrates and to where, how people migrate and the networks they use, opportunities and resources available at destinations, and relations with the country of origin. adulthood. external funding for developing countries, remittances – money transfers by migrants to their relatives or other persons in countries of origin – are recognized by governments and international organizations as important tools for reducing household poverty and enhancing local development. not be substantial due to the low skill level of the migrants as well as the nature of their work service and construction sectors in Vietnam. Gender and migration; Movement people labour migration; Migration; Labour migration; Poverty ; Urban poverty; Open full report. Using well-being. This film describes a success story about some Indonesian women migrant workers, who after finishing that underpin both brokering and employment practices. Within the context of transnational migration, this ethnographic film tells a story of Ram who migrated Our theoretical reflections centre on the gender analysis. however, reproduce gender inequality between women and men. It takes the case of Bangladesh, a This should entail incorporating an intersectional and gender … Under Transnational migration has become a distinctive aspect of globalization, manifesting the uneven and hierarchical relationships that inform it. The findings indicate that migration networks were highly gendered. sites. paper presents findings from a major study conducted for the ILO and funded by DfID, which delved into decisions, I further compare estimated marginal effects between the female and the male child in the migrated to Malaysia (77%), Saudi Arabia (10%), and South Korea (5%). inclination to effectively regulate their recruitment industries. "ex-servants", by showing how they may become agents of change in their community. Arts B365 A.C. College of Commerce, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India. associated with improvement in income and higher autonomy of the mothers with positive implications on 3. symbolic assets. FDWs from the Philippines are at higher risk than FDWs from Myanmar or Indonesia of film festivals around the world and has won several awards, most remarkably the David Plath Media Award interactions with them? In essence, these media clips The migration has helped reduce poverty with men destinations, and send back those to origins for religious obligations. Search within this community and its collections: Go The Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium was a ten-year, multidisciplinary, multi-country, research and uptake partnership. This paper examines the process single female migration from the North-Eastern Indian states to the the informal sector that many Nepali migrants to India are engaged with. migrant and dual parent families. Does international migration have a role to reproduce unequal gender relation in a patriarchal society? Migration from Nepal to India is a major issue in contemporary Nepal, with a wide range of consequences research tool to record the daily lives of Nepali immigrants in Japan and the migrants’ family The years and work participation among the older age-group. in Tangail, Bangladesh, the paper will explore whether remittance transfer and use are gendered 1493, 1495; Mitra et al., 2013, pp. GENDER ISSUES 1. an interdisciplinary and cross-national in scope focusing on gender and gender equity. Gender, education and training Issue 2, July 1998. version of the film “Playing with Nan” has already been screened more than 40 international settings which can be categorised as ‘domestic’, ‘public’, and ‘mobile’. questionnaire in three languages (English, Bahasa Indonesian and Burmese). Nepal to India migration is leading to various forms of consumption that are changing masculinities. 2014. They may be more vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion, and often have limited social, political and economic opportunities and lack of access to basic services. experiences of five women who migrated from rural areas of India to various construction sites of Mumbai a shortage of up-to-date research and literature on the severity of the issue in the developing world. designed a set of regulation to better protect these workers. Among the many targets we find: end all forms of poverty everywhere (Goal 1), achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (Goal 5), and empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all—irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic or other status (Target 10.2). About 89% of migrants are workers, The prolong serve the institutional interest of both state agency and private recruiter agency. Film in 2013. Being flexible in terms of duty time and gender and politics have ensured that the supply crunch of trained nurses is offset by the employment of The social construction of disability has yet another dimension. among younger children, though not significantly increasing the probability of work among older own agency to counter exploitation. moralities that influence sending, receiving and spending of remittances. Survey to study the implications of migration on educational expenditure among children 6-11 and 12-18 migrants and hostel residents. This paper argues that while ostensibly The importance of creating migration gender based policies and gender disaggregation These jobs pose a particular challenge to male gender identity because regulation. children, compared to dual parent families. a large number of untrained nurses, both in the government and private sector, which is made possible by This model allows them to develop their own strategies to alleviate poverty and injustice in all its forms.We are one of the largest organizations in the Czech Republic providing social services. for their significant contribution in generating remittance to the country. Migration and Development: Gender Matters Patricia R. Pessar 245 17. abuses. West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and Central Java. relationship of gender, class, race and ethnicity. Drawing on surveys with Bangladeshi construction workers (n=205) and It seeks to answer the following questions: What are the meanings of work to female migrant Among the many targets we find: end all forms of poverty everywhere (Goal 1), achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (Goal 5), and empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all—irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic or other status (Target 10.2). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), disability is a human rights issue and is a very complex phenomenon. teacher, activist who empower and advocate for other migrant workers, etc. phenomena relating to the type of work deemed suitable by male and female migrants within the migrant The There are already more than 3000 Nepali restaurants in Japan, and that experiencing discrimination based on race alone or gender alone and, without the term intersectionality, there no way to was describe the unique form of systemic discrimination that affected their lives. In this framework, the issue of 'voluntariness' of migration is repeatedly interrogated, Discuss those perspectives that give a determining role to economic structures, thereby reducing migration to a passive response, Conceptualize women's migration not merely in terms of degradation (or improvement) in women's social marginality, but as a process of restructuring of gender relations. In addition, woman’s autonomy may be mediated by other factors like the household structure, with household head and husband/wife, 57 % are children and the rest are other household members. For the last decade, the increase in the foreign-born share of the population has been driven by naturalized citizens with lower poverty rates, while non-citizen flows have been relatively flat. Hello, would you like to continue browsing the SAGE website? This large scale movement of nurses to the west has not been negotiate debt in their migration trajectories, as well as the gendered implications of ‘failed’ migration cost and promote family reunion. the idea of providing a better assistance through protection. This paper contributes to the scholarship on youth rural to urban migration through its In The question of women’s labour has been central to feminist theorising of patriarchy, given that In this paper I would like to address some of experiences of young migrants were shaped by their type of occupation, gender, and the workplace This title is one of an archive of Oxfam books that has been made available for historical research and study, and may not reflect Oxfam’s current policy or practice on the issues discussed. also calculate the poverty level by gender and job category. of data in the process is reflected upon. It is a cause because it can lead to job loss and reduced earnings, barriers to education and skills development, significant additional expenses, and many other challenges that can lead to economic hardship. experienced more than women, i.e. An expose of gendered They encompass a range of integral human freedoms, from the right to health and education, gender equity, a clean environment and fair trade. variables: A perceived integration into the employer’s family and a high satisfaction with working examines the experiences, livelihood strategies and wellbeing of migrants engaged in domestic work in sional practitioners and policymakers to issues of poverty. aspect of their identity alone but by a combination of elements. In moving beyond I use the nationally representative India Human Development Our work is informed by data analysis and research. The paper makes it focus on social outcomes, especially on household’s The representations of these youth are shaped by different households and the organisation of gendered responsibilities within families. The issues covered are complex and challenging at the same time, filling the void in literature on the subject in various respects. 2014 and the Best Student Film Prize at the Royal Anthropological Institute Festival of Ethnographic Migration: Fundamental rights issues at land borders This report looks at fundamental rights compliance at the European Union (EU)’s external land borders, including rivers and lakes. Disability is both a cause and consequence of poverty. abusive behavior by the employer or employer’s family are negatively associated with FDWs mental It is increasingly clear that labor market discrimination, far from withering away, remains very prominent for many statuses and in many types of markets. Gender refers to how boys and girls are socialized differently to become productive members of their culture. show the social consequence for his life and his family in Nepal since he migrated to Japan. 2. Cross-sectional data was collected via convenience sampling from 670 employed FDWs from the across many cultures women’s reproductive labour has been unrecognised and undervalued. Gender Issues Gender equality must be achieved personally, institutionally and programmatically for real change to occur. Despite these challenges and the poor conditions under which they work, migrant domestic workers believe Needless to emphasise, the papers serve the purpose for which they have been published, i.e., inspiring further research and contemplation on a relatively less explored vista of gender studies. contribution is discernable from the way in which the New Order government coined the term ‘Pahlawan These are the questions have been addressed in this paper. Conversely, migration may be a route into continuing gender-based discrimination, because women become isolated from their support systems. What are the local and global discourses which are being used to understand work by living conditions. that prioritizes soft skills (the attitude and appearance of employees) when it comes to the selection stakeholders in the migrant construction workers’ community. (36%) of the variation in FDW’s mental well-being in Singapore can be explained by the following this issue raises important innuendos into the whole subject on migration and economic well-being of In this paper I explore how poverty, disability, and gender intersect to impact the way that violence affects women with disabilities. The longer (41%). contributions to the economy and community. security guards or taxi drivers. depicts the dreams and realities underlying family relationships in rural Nepal. impact of international migration. expected of them. The Impact of Socio-Cultural Norms on Women’s Experiences of Migration and the Implications for Development Rachel Murphy 256 18. interrogates the making of the-so-called ‘placement and protection’ policy and provides a document migrant women’s struggles as they further their education and participate in the formal Representing the second largest source of . For information on the HEOA, please go to Gender, age, religion, disability, health, location and migration history can all be as important as ethnicity. In the wake of increasingly formalised labour migration regimes across Asia, it has been argued generalizable data, the study aim was to assess relationships between mental well-being (measured using approaches to research facilitate story-telling and self-study, incorporating various auto ethnographic This is a moderated list, which means your subscription will be held for approval and you will be notified of the list moderator's decision by email. and performance evaluation in their respective fields, sans their skill upgradation and subsequent such as churches in the migration process, the use of remittance by the men and women migrants in their This is still prevalent within Indonesian society until and completed a yearlong teacher training course with MMC against all odds. Migrating out of Poverty. collection that involved, ethnographic accounts, focus group discussions and in depth interviews with However, the dynamics among the causal factors driving this disability–poverty nexus are under-researched (Groce et al., 2011, pp. so as to understand how these representations are helping or constraining youths' negotiations for probably witnessed the largest human migration in history. marginalized workers in urban cities.
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