The first year the challenge consisted of just the classification task. Year The undisputed winner of both the classification and localization tasks in 2012 was the SuperVision team. We also compare the prediction accuracy of the two annotators. Year An inde-, pendent group of subjects verified the correctness of, on ILSVRC image classification dataset since the im-, age annotation pipeline has remained the same. Positive training images taken from the single-object localization dataset already had bounding box annotations of all instances eral objects of interest. along with some additional modifications of Appendix E Each image contains one ground truth label. This leads to substantial cost savings. on statistics of the object localization dataset and the tradition of the Soon after the emergence of COVID-19, medical practitioners used X-ray and computed tomography (CT) images of patients' lungs to detect COVID-19. Our model achieved concordance indices of 0.724 and 0.683 on the internal and external test cohorts, respectively, exceeding the performance of the standard Tumor-Node-Metastasis classification system. For example, annotating 60,000 validation and test images with the presence or absence of 200 object classes for the detection task naïvely would take 80 times more effort than Caffe: An open source convolutional architecture for fast feature Existing deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) require a fixed-size (e.g. Silberman, N., Xiao, J., and Fidler, S. (2013-2014). Geiger, A., Lenz, P., Stiller, C., and Urtasun, R. (2013). Works such as (Torralba and Efros, 2011) emphasize the importance of examining the bias inherent in any standardized dataset. Concretely. We discuss these in order. more diffiult ← If an object can’t be localized with the first 1000 windows (as is the case for 1% of images on average per category in ILSVRC and 5% in PASCAL), we set obj(m)=1001. Deng, J., Dong, W., Socher, R., Li, L.-J., Li, K., and Fei-Fei, L. (2009). This introduces an, recognizing objects that are very small or thin in, the image, even if that object is the only ob, present. XL objects, howev, Performance of the “optimistic” computer vision, Natural object detection classes are removed from this, Human classification results on the ILSVRC2012-, the algorithms make predictions, not before. GoogLeNet struggles with recognizing objects that are very small or thin in the image, even if that object is the only object present. A to-, tal of 80 synsets were randomly sampled at every tree, depth of the mammal and vehicle subtrees. In addition, ILSVRC in 2012 also included a taster fine-, The diversity of data in the ILSVRC image classification and single-object localization tasks. one instance of an object on the given image. First, we corrected any bounding box omissions resulting from merging fine-grained categories: Please cite it when reporting ILSVRC2013 results or using the dataset. Following the strategy employed by PASCAL VOC (Everingham et al., 2014), for each method we obtain a as the second type of images in the validation and test set. Wang, M., Xiao, T., Li, J., Hong, C., Zhang, J., and Zhang, Z. Southeast The full set of, means that algorithms are implicitly required to limit. Section 5 provides an overview of the methods developed by ILSVRC participants. sakovsky et al., 2013). They were the only. Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional networks for visual The images ILSVRC over the years has consisted of one or more of the following tasks (years in parentheses):333In addition, ILSVRC in 2012 also included a taster fine-grained classification task, where algorithms would classify dog photographs into one of 120 dog breeds (Khosla et al., 2011). significantly from 2013 to 2014 (Section 3.3). Annotating images fully with all target object categories (on a reasonable budget) for object detection requires an additional hierarchical image labeling system (Section 3.3.3). This is nec-, essary since annotating in a straight-forward w, creating a task for every (image, object class) pair is, no longer feasible at this scale. Classification: Generalizing to New Classes at Near-. which have been used in all five ILSVRC challenges so far. While users are instructed to make accurate judgment, we need to set up a quality control system to ensure this accuracy. (2006). In ILSVRC2012 40% of Second, users do not always agree with each other, especially for more subtle or confusing synsets, typically at the deeper levels of the tree. (addressed in Section 4.2). The synsets have remained consistent since year 2012. 2014 scene recognition. fox), medium (e.g. Some commonly confused Flickr images queried using hundreds of manually designed high-level queries. Ev-, ery class category is additionally accompanied by a row, of 13 examples images from the training set to allow for, faster visual scanning. A detailed analysis and comparison of the SuperVision and VGG submissions on the single-object localization task can be found in (Russakovsky et al., 2013). 2012 By our esti-, fication dataset (Sections 3.1.3 and 6.4) and 97, images that went through the bounding box annota-, tion system have all instances of the target object class, of the competition regarding using external training, data. OverFeat† Xiao, J., Hays, J., Ehinger, K., Oliva, A., and Torralba., A. In total, we attribute 24, (24%) of GoogLeNet errors and 12 (16%) of human, since it can sometimes be easy to identify the most, annotated in the ground truth. The GoogLeNet classification error on this sample was estimated to be 6.8% (recall that the error on full test set of 100,000 images is 6.7%, as shown in Table LABEL:table:sub14). In 2010, the test annotations were later released publicly; Overview of the provided annotations for each of the tasks in ILSVRC. Berg, A., Farrell, R., Khosla, A., Krause, J., Fei-Fei, L., Li, J., and Maji, The major change between ILSVRC2013 and ILSVRC2014 was the addition of 60,658 we seek to quantify exactly how much of a difference is enough. In (Everingham et al., 2010) this algorithm, of the total detections returned by the algorithm. Figure 13(fourth row) demonstrates that the, object increases. age, along with an axis-aligned bounding box indi-, a list of object categories present in the image along, with an axis-aligned bounding box indicating the, Data for the image classification task consists of pho-, gines, manually labeled with the presence of one of, 1000 object categories. Some examples of XS objects are “strawberry,” “bow tie” and “rugby ball.”. The ILSVRC dataset and the competition has allowed significant algorithmic advances in large-scale image recognition and retrieval. breakthroughs in categorical object recognition, provide detailed a analysis of First, continuing the trend of moving towards richer image understanding (from image classification to single-object localization to object detection), the next challenge would be to tackle pixel-level object segmentation. multiple, noisy labelers. For example, consider an object B of size All 50 thousand images in the validation set and Both ISI and VGG used, perVision used a regression model trained to predict, bounding box locations. Concretely, if the ground truth box B is of dimensions w×h then. About a quarter of these, boxes were found to correspond to incorrect objects, step (with very stringent accuracy constrain. Several datasets provide pixel-level segmentations: for example, MSRC dataset (Criminisi, 2004) with 591 images and 23 object classes, Stanford Background Dataset (Gould et al., 2009) with 715 images and 8 classes, and the Berkeley Segmentation dataset (Arbelaez et al., 2011) with 500 images annotated with object boundaries. This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that a human can very effectively leverage context and affordances to accurately infer the identity of small objects (for example, a few barely visible feathers near person’s hand as very likely belonging to a mostly occluded quill). but for single-object localization and object detection we want to focus only on object categories which can be unambiguously localized in images (Sections 3.1.1 and 3.3.1). Error (percent) In this section we argue that while accuracy is correlated with object scale in the image, not all variation in accuracy can be accounted for by scale alone. object categories. There are 200 object classes and approximately 450K training images, 20K validation images and 40K test images. used for ILSVRC classification task. These datasets along with, ILSVRC help benchmark progress in different areas of, tasks in Section 2. The average precision of XS, S, M objects (44, may be due to the fact that there are only 6 L object, classes remaining after scale normalization; all other, significantly better than performance on S or M ob-, Some examples of XS objects are “strawberry,” “bow, it is clear that the “optimistic” model performs statis-, tically significantly worse on rigid objects than on de-, formable objects.
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