If you don’t think you can honestly stand in front of God and make the statements described above then maybe it’s a good idea to talk to the child’s parents and see if there is another way you can be a special part of their child’s life without compromising your integrity. I'm also a mum of 3 kids enjoying life in country South Australia. Second, Godparents had to protect the doctrine of the Faith from paganism and persecution in the early days. Baptism Classes: Parents and Godparents are required to take a baptism class prior to getting their child baptized. Frequently Asked Questions About Vocations, Priests Credibly Accused of Abuse of Minors, Vigilance, Education and Prevention are Keys to Preventing Abuse, Guidelines for Referrals to, and Providing Use of Office Space to Counselors, Guidelines for Referrals to, and Providing Use of Office Space to Men and Women Religious and Lay Spiritual Directors, Policy Concerning Children and Young People Under Age 18 – Rectories, Parish Offices, Priest Residences, Use of Parishioner homes for parish meetings, Request information about Catholic Schools, EITC and OSTC Program Information for Businesses, EITC and OSTC Program Information for Individuals, Ministry to Persons with Same-Sex Attractions, Confession Schedule - Diocese of Allentown, Carbon-Schuylkill Christmas Season Services, Northampton County - Christmas Season Services. Catholic Australia is Australia’s leading repository of information about the Church in Australia. Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program for Victim-Survivors of Abuse, Educational Technology Coordinator, St. Joseph the Worker School, Elementary School, Part-Time Spanish Teacher, St. Jane School: Custodial/Maintenance Technician, Certified Nursing Assistants, Holy Family Senior Living, Experienced Registered Nurses (RN), Holy Family Senior Living, Experienced Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Holy Family Senior Living. Today, most people are baptized as infants by a priest or deacon, though this is not strictly necessary (see below). 874 §1 – To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor a person must: §2 – A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community is not to participate except together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism. 1271 Baptism constitutes the foundation of communion among all Christians, including those who are not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church: "For men who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized are put in some, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic … At Baptism you become a Christian and join the family of God in the Catholic Church. All of us do. The Rite of Baptism requires parents to select “Godparents” for the child being presented at baptism. They become a new creation and are called, rightly, the children of God.” (Rite of Christian Initiation, General Introduction, n. 1) In the Catholic Church, infants are baptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin they were born with. When our children were baptised we were asked with the godparents to all put our hands on the baby while the pastor said a prayer for the baby. Renunciation is a formal rejection of something. If a godparent cannot attend the baptism ceremony, a proxy can stand in the place of the missing godparent. Godparent Requirements: 1. Parents and godparents are present at the Baptism ceremony and promise to take on the responsibility of forming the child in the ways of the Catholic faith. Some ideas are: Please remember that no one is perfect. We have 4 Children 3 of the 4 Baptisms 1 Godparent was a non practicing Catholic and the other was a non practicing Baptist, how does this effect our childrens Baptism, the Priest was aware of all this and said nothing about it. The godparent represents the Church, the community of faith, into which the child is being baptized, and will assist the child to grow in that community. The role of a godparent is more than being a relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. Every person baptized in the Catholic Church has 2 sponsors/Godparents/Christian witnesses to the baptism, from the infants to the adults. You may be wondering what you need to do at the baptism. Recall that until the year 313, the Church was under the persecution of the Roman Empire and had to be cautious in conducting its affairs so as to prevent pagan infiltration and persecution. Some form of Catholic baptism identification is required for one parent and the Catholic Godparent. The Message bible is a fantastic as it reads like a novel in every day language. They also answer questions about christian belief on behalf of the baby, before the baby is baptised. A godparent must normally be an appropriate person, at least sixteen years of age, a confirmed Catholic who has received the Eucharist, not under any canonical penalty, and may not be the parent of the child.Someone who belongs to another Christian church cannot become a … From the explanations of our liturgies to the most eminent Catholics who made Australia what it is, you will find it all here. There is also a prayer for the child, the Lords prayer and blessing before the next part where godparents and parents need to respond. The godparents together with the parents and baby will walk to the front of the church (when our children were baptised this happened really soon after the start of the service). To arrange your child's Catholic baptism, please email the Parish Priest or phone to arrange a meeting +64 3 448 8202. For baptism, the godparents are normally chosen by the parents of the child, or their guardians in absence of their parents. The other can be a Protestant “Christian Witness.” Non-Christians and Baptized Catholics can never be a Christian Witness. Have a really good think if you believe these things first. Baptism is the first holy sacrament followed by: Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage and […] Though it is ideal to select two Catholic godparents, (one female, one male) the Church only requires that there be one godparent. (e.g., Anglican, United, Presbyterian, etc.) While listening to EWTN radio last week I heard that at A Catholic Baptism, the God Parents MUST be Catholics. They are formed into God's people and they obtain forgiveness of all their sins. If the child is being baptised into a different denomination to your own they may do things a little differently. A priest or minister may also appoint someone suitable if need be. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty, from thence he will come to judge this living and the dead. The role of the godparent is to help. Questioners must include their name and town or parish, but questions will be published anonymously. Only a practicing Catholic who meets the qualifications of a confirmed Catholic, age 16 or older, and has received the Sacrament of the Eucharist, may be a godparent or sponsor for baptism. A godparent must be Catholic. These are serious promises that I made before God. This first part is titled Admonition. HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH WHARTON, TX CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BAPTISM SPONSORS (GODPARENTS) The Code of Canon Law (1983) of the Roman Catholic Church requires that: . A baptized non-Catholic may not be a godparent but can serve as a witness along with a Catholic godparent. The pastor then gently with his thumb marks the cross on the child’s forehead as a sign that Jesus has redeemed them (which means Jesus’ death has paid the price of a ransom, releasing them from bondage to sin and death). So there are some pretty serious things that godparents need to commit to at the baptism service. Also I was Baptized in 1972 … Can. Answer: Thank you for your question regarding who may be considered as a godparent for a Catholic baptism. Normally the parent or pastor holds the baby when the water is sprinkled. “Through the sacrament of baptism the faithful are incorporated into Christ and into his Church. The godparent name is entered into the parish record book as the “official” godparent or sponsor for baptism. to pray for your godchild – talk to God about whatever problems you can see they might be having, or that God would protect them and keep them close to him. # 1311, "candidates for Confirmation, as for Baptism, fittingly seek the spiritual help of a sponsor. 873 – There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each. *Note: These requirements come from the Law of Canon of the Roman Catholic Church, you can view the Law of the Church by visiting the Vatican Website ( click here ). Congratulations on being chosen as godparent! 9 Gift Ideas For Your Goddaughter's Baptism: Beautiful & Personalised. Godparents for Catholic Baptism are like sponsors for Confirmation. Baptisms are usually held on the last Sunday of each month, at 12.15pm in the Church of St Joan of Arc. Parents must pick up and fill out the baptism application and present the Childs state issued birth certificate at the parish office before attending a class. Do you intend to do this? My 3 children were baptised in a Lutheran church so I’ll give you a bit of a run-down of what happened for us. Can. At a babies baptism the godparents and parents stand at the front of the church and are asked if they intend to help raise the child with faith in Jesus. The godparents respond saying “With the help of God we will”, You can find some more information about baby baptisms from the Church of England website. It is important that the ages of the godparents would enable them to do this if the parents die or become incapacitated in some way. Preparing this post has been great for me as it’s made me revisit the promises I made to God when I agreed to be a godparent. Having been born and raised in the Catholic faith and a practicing Catholic, it was always my understanding that as long as one godparent is Catholic, that it was OK to have the other godparent be a non-Catholic person to be the godparent. Amen.”. If married, the godparent must be married in the Catholic Church or had their marriage blessed by the Catholic Church. Provide for her instruction in the faith. We need God’s help in fulfilling the promises made at a baptism. To emphasize the unity of the two sacraments, it is appropriate that this be one of the baptismal godparents. The godparent name is entered into the parish record book as the “official” godparent or sponsor for baptism. The Godparents’ only task is to provide a Christian example for the child, and help him or her grow in Christ. When attending a Catholic baby’s baptism, those present along with the child will be the parents of the child, the godparents of the child, the priest or deacon, and anyone who is in attendance from the church community, along with family and friends of the child to be baptized. In order for someone to be eligible as a godparent they must be chosen by the parents, have the ability and the intention to fulfill the role, be at least 16 years of age, and be a confirmed Roman Catholic, who has already received the Most Holy Eucharist, is leading a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith (including Marriage) and will be a good role model for the one being baptized, and be neither the father nor the mother of the child. I'm the owner of thepuregift.com. Registered Nurse Supervisors – Immediate Openings! In order to be of sufficient maturity and capacity, the godparent must be at least 16 years of age. It is the role of the father and mother, accompanied by the godparents, … A Christian … So everybody who is at church answers this with the godparents and parents on behalf of the child. They also answer questions about christian belief on behalf of the baby, before the baby is baptised. Together they carry out the role of godparents in the baptism. Maybe dig into the bible and see if you agree with what it has to say – start with John (I find his story of Jesus the most interesting). Catholic Q&A is a column in The A.D. Times from the Diocese of Allentown Secretariat for Catholic Life and Evangelization. I'm glad you're here! The pastor says “Do you believe in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?”. A Christian witness is a baptized Christian and a member of a non-Catholic ecclesial community. 3 According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (C.C.C.) The small lit candle will be handed to either the parents or godparents (we blew it out when we were back in our seats). Again it may be slightly different at different churches, but should be basically the same. A member of the Eastern Orthodox Church may serve as a godparent if there is a Catholic godparent. When it’s time for the baptism the pastor will call you forward. He descended into hell. In response the godparents, parents and whole congregation answer on behalf of the child with the words of the Apostles Creed: “I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. Part of the reason for having godparents is to help provide for the child’s upbringing in the Catholic faith. Then a candle will be lit from the big candle in the church called the paschal candle (which symbolises the light of Jesus coming into the world). help them remember their baptism by giving a small gift on their baptism birthday/anniversary, set a good example by living a life of love – the way Jesus showed us. )”, Then the godparents and parents together say aloud “Yes, I do.”. Can. The idea of a godparent being added spiritually to the immediately family reminds us that our bonds as Catholics and … Godparents must complete their portion of the “Baptism Packet”, Godfather Portion, Godmother Portion. However, they take on a different role since usually only children have godparents for baptism. I've created this site to explore baptism and our role as parent/godparent and ways that we can share love and faith with our kids/godkids. If the grandparents are young enough, there is no problem. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who are at least 16 years of age and must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. First, Godparents were essential in attesting to the integrity of the individual who was joining the Catholic faith, often because s/he was an adult receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (as in RCIA today). Questions may be edited for space, clarity or other considerations. How many Godparents for a Catholic Baptism? Please email your questions about the Catholic faith to CLE@allentowndiocese.org. If you as godparent are expected to hold the baby the parent should tell you this before the service. For this reason, godparents must be members of the Catholic Church who have themselves received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (National Liturgy Office). You will likely want... 9 Gift Ideas For Your Godson's Baptism: Cool, Unique & Personalised. It’s good to think about these things and find out before the big day. If you’ve never been a godparent before it’s natural to wonder what will happen at the baptism. Both Godparents must be baptised, and Canon Law requires that at least one Godparent to be over 16 years of age and fully initiated as a Catholic (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). (If so, say ‘Yes, I do’. Below is a Canon Law citation regarding the selection of godparents. People who are not baptized Christians cannot be sponsors for baptism, since they themselves are not baptized. Godparents. You will need to respond to the pastor when he asks questions of the godparents and parents – see detailed questions and responses above. There are a few things that the parents will probably expect of you at the baptism that maybe haven’t been formally spelt out: The main responsibility in raising the child in faith falls on the parents. The Lords prayer is said all together, but the words should be up on a screen or on a paper handout if you don’t know it off by heart. I want to honour these promises as best as I can. Canon law does not forbid it. And, as well, all the latest publications from Pope Francis Though it is ideal to select two Catholic godparents, (one female, one male) the Church only requires that there be one godparent. Can someone serve as godparent by proxy (stand-in) if the godparent is unable to participate in the baptism ceremony? The role of a godparent is more than being a relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. A godparent is a confirmed, practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church. A. The Catholic institution of godparenthood survived the Reformation largely unchanged. It comes from the Latin word admonitio which means (cautionary) reminder. For Confirmation, the sponsors are chosen by the one that is undertaking the Sacrament of Confirmation themselves. What will you need to say and do as a godparent at the baptism ceremony? The pastor will indicate when it is time to return to your seat. A place for people of all religions to chat and share ideas. A sponsor also helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it. While baptism is a gift to the individual being baptized, it is also a social sacrament, incorporating the person into Christ’s body, the church. A non-Catholic baptized Christian can participate in the Rite of Baptism as a “Christian witness,” however a Catholic godparent must also be present. Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, or any other religion, make like-minded friends and discuss religious issues here. The role of the godparent for baptism is rooted in the role of the sponsor in the catechumenate, which originated in the early Church. Next is the Confession which in this case means a statement setting out essential religious doctrine which is the basic beliefs of the Christian Church. Their role is to take over or assist in the faith development of the person being baptized. It should be conferred in a communal celebration in the presence of the faithful, or at least of relatives, friends, and neighbors, who are all to take an active part in the rite. If you trust God to help you with these things – you will be fine. The Role of Godparents This article explains the role of godparents in Catholic baptism. The parents and godparents reply together. (Say ‘Yes, I do’.). link to 9 Gift Ideas For Your Goddaughter's Baptism: Beautiful & Personalised, link to 9 Gift Ideas For Your Godson's Baptism: Cool, Unique & Personalised, Bring her to the services in God’s house and, Teach her the Lord’s prayer, the Creed and the Ten Commandments. The Catholic Church of Australia goes into more detail on their website. There may also be some papers or a small gift given from the pastor which you may need to hold. The Anglican service seems to be quite similar with some different wording, but very similar meaning. If you’re feeling like the role of godparent is a bit more than you’d bargained for then please have a really good think. A baptized non-Catholic may not be a sponsor but may serve as a witness alongside a Catholic sponsor. Due to Covid restrictions-classes are limited to 10 adults. The Catholic church again is similar but asks some extra questions like: “What so you ask of God’s church for ________?” (answer: baptism). I’ve also done a bit of research on a couple other denominations to see what the differences are. The pastor will invite you all to where you need to stand. Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. After the baptism the pastor will indicate what needs to happen. As a godparent you probably feel like you want to get something extra... Hey there, I'm Ruth. And in this case you will be rejecting Satan on the child’s behalf. If you wish to have 2 Godparents, there must be one female and one male. The third day he rose again from the dead. A baptized Catholic above the age of 16 years old and also has completed the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. 872 – Insofar as possible, a person to be baptized is to be given a sponsor who assists an adult in Christian initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for baptism. The baptism is usually attended by the recipient’s close family and friends, as well as those chosen to be their godparents, whom play a role in the ceremony. A non-Catholic person may not be a godparent at a Catholic baptism. Question: Can you please clarify for me, something that is confusing regarding choosing godparents for baby’s baptism in the Catholic Church. The godparents will usually sit at the front of the church with the parents and child. The parents and godparents … It also clarifies who may act as godparent. I'm a mum with 3 young kids on the bumpy road of life, hanging tight to faith in a good God. If they are living with someone like husband and wife, their marriage must be seen as valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church. The pastor says “Members of the congregation: Answer on behalf of ________ as she/he renounces he devil and declares allegiance to the Triune God.”, “Do you renounce the devil and all his works and all his ways? For a Catholic baptism, only a Catholic can take on this responsibility. Canon 873: “There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and they life everlasting. I would appreciate hearing from you. Baptized non-Catholic Christians may not be "official" godparents for the record book, but they may be Christian witnesses for your child. There are two main parts where the godparents together with the parents of the baby being baptised need to respond during the service: First the pastor addresses the parents and godparents/sponsors (same thing) and says (for this example we’ll assume the baby is a girl): “Parents and Sponsors, Since you have brought _______ to be baptised, you are responsible for her upbringing in the church. What are the Requirements to be Godparents for Baptism? To be a godparent, the person must be a fully initiated Catholic, one who is baptized and has received the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. A: The first responsibility of a catholic godparent is to profess the Catholic faith in the name of the child to be baptized. Choosing a baptism gift for your godson is one of the first steps you will take after saying 'yes' to being a godparent. As a new godparent one of the first things you will probably do is choose a gift for your goddaughter to celebrate her baptism. When the baptism takes place you will need to be near the baptisimal font (where the water for baptism is held). So this part is reminding us of the seriousness of our role that we are agreeing to. Q: What are the responsibilities of a Godparent? Once all parties have completed their portions of the “Baptism Packet”, the parents should bring the completed packet, along with a $25 suggested donation to the Pastoral Center. Thank you. be designated by the one to be baptized, by the parents or the person who takes their place, or in their absence by the pastor or minister and have the aptitude and intention of fulfilling this function; have completed the 16th year of age, unless the diocesan bishop has established another age, or the pastor or minister has granted an exception for a just cause; be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on; not be bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared; not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized. Some pretty serious things that godparents need to respond to the Catechism of the baptismal godparents for Confirmation, sponsors! I ’ ve also done a bit of research on a couple other denominations see! Godparent at the baptism the pastor says “ do you believe in the early days lit each on! 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