Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; in: Characters, Rise of the Empire, Banking Clan, Confederacy of Independent Systems. [14], The InterGalactic Banking Clan benefited greatly from the economic turbulence that accompanied the Separatist movement. San Hill would later be given the opportunity to escape Republic captivity. It's a race to prevent the Malevolence from escaping, and get off the ship before it's destroyed. These droids had actually been developed by Phlut Design Systems, a Muunilinst-based weapons development firm that had taken out a large capital investment loan from the IGBC. Durge would later lead the IGBC's new IG lancer droids. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. The site of battles depicted in Star Wars: Clone Wars. The species' elongated skulls added to their height. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. "Heroes on Both Sides" 3.10 | November 19, 2010. This video is unavailable. [18] Imperial forces, which included a corps of administrative personnel, were placed to watch over the InterGalactic Banking Clan's activities.[19]. [6] During this time, a Republic inspection team was sent to discover the origins of the Hailfire Droids captured on Geonosis and believing them to be from the IBC Arcology manufacturing plants.[9]. The whole plot was discovered by journalist Keets Freely, but he was unable to publish it. The InterGalactic Banking Clan operated by facilitating the movement of incredible amounts of credits, data, and other forms of currency that flowed through the galaxy. [11] Allegations later came of the IBC arming the Separatists after a bulk freighter destined for Praesitlyn was detained by Eriadu Customs that contained 144 Hailfire droids. On the onset of the Clone Wars, Hill attended a secret meeting on Geonosis and signed a treaty with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, pledging the Banking Clan's financial and military assets to the movement, with Hill serving as the financial cartel's representative on the Separatist Council. Clan Race. Darth Plagueis, born Hego Damask, was a male Muun Sith lord and magister of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. [4] It continued to back and profiteer both sides during the war. Starting Credits - … The Senate Bureau of Intelligence dismissed the propanda as a hoax whilst the Banking Clan assured investors that their systems were secure. However, the IGBC fought against the Republic during the Battle of Muunilinst, at an early stage of the war. Avis Global : la note moyenne de Clan Race est de au . Shared Projects (30) View all. Featured Project. continued to support the Confederacy[18] and became entrenched on their stronghold of Mygeeto. [9] These hoop-wheeled droids made loan agreements proceed to a chillingly expedient pace. The Rothschild family (/ ˈ r ɒ θ s tʃ aɪ l d /) is a wealthy Jewish family originally from Frankfurt that rose to prominence with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in … John Jacob Astor (born Johann Jakob Astor) was the youngest of four sons born to Johann Jacob Astor (1724–1816) and Maria Magdalena vom Berg (1730–1764).. Remove all; … The IGBC later commissioned Holowan Mechanicals to manufacture General Grievous's elite IG-100 MagnaGuards. #39 to #35 - anon id: d2f2619e . This was because it became the most prominent lending institution that many new independent worlds turned to for economic assistance. It retained representation in the Senate as the Clan was too important to the Republic economy to be persecuted, and like the Trade Federation it continued to argue that it was merely conducting business with both sides in a neutral manner. Enter Clan Race dans la barre de recherche et appuyez sur « Voir » ou « Aller ». [10], The IGBC was already a powerful institution by 1000 BBY, and was known for being far more honest in transactions than Core-based banks such as on Sestria.[source?] However, hyperspace travel from their location to the Core Worlds required use of hyperwave beacons and reversions to realspace, meaning ore shipments were often delayed or lost. [3] It was known to have signed lucrative money-lending programs to large economic bodies such as the Trade Federation and the Techno Union. Location(s) Recent blog posts Forum Explore. Edit. Most wear masks carved from the skulls of their most feared creatures such as the karabac and the mumuu. Race; Characters; Community. Subsidiaries Chairman San Hill[1]Core Five[2]Rush Clovis (briefly)[3]Office of the Chancellor[3] Finally, a South American breeze could sweep through the Saudi desert if Ignacio Casale manages to put in a consistent performance from the get-go. Loading... Close. This was to ensure the Republic's money stayed stable. Affiliation probably something star wars related. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, InterGalactic Banking Clan Collections and Security Division, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Databank A-Z: InterGalactic Banking Clan–Jakku, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Additionally, the Order of the Sith Lords was heavily involved with the Banking Clan since at least Darth Tenebrous's time, secretly manipulating the organization. InterGalactic Banking Clan A 4-armed, crystal-skinned alien species indigenous to the planet Wayland. 1 Overview 2 History 3 Members 4 Notes & Trivia 5 See also 5.1 Media 5.2 The World of Star Wars 5.3 Star Wars miscellaneous 6 External Links 7 References In 22 BBY, the InterGalactic Banking Clan sent two Munificent-class star frigates to blockade a Galactic Republic convoy en route to the moon of Rugosa. Associations [6], During the Clone Wars, the IGBC supplied its security forces including its battle droids to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Though the Empire kept a tight watch on the IGBC, the Clan never considered switching their support to the Rebel Alliance, feeling that they could credit both if it came to that. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. Mygeeto[1]AargauIBC Arcology (Aargau)CoruscantIBC Arcology (Coruscant)NiroNiro 11 Chronological and political information Now it's a race to get to Ziro before it's too late. Maul: Lockdown, An Old Friend, The Rise of Clovis, Crisis at the Heart'–class. Location(s) The Confederacy certainly won't have any credit problems." Watch Queue Queue. A bipedal reptilian species, the Kaleesh have reddish brown scaly skin and cover almost all their bodies to protect them from Kalee's blistering sun, usually leaving only their four-fingered claws exposed. Clan Race's control system is very similar to the others from the 'Trial Xtreme' saga. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Sys, the richest family in the Philippines and owners of the SM Group, made it in the list of top 20 richest clans in Asia, according to business publication Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index. This ancient institution ventures were controlled by key representatives of the old banking families. Chronological and political information Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The InterGalactic Banking Clan (also known as the InterGalactic Bank Clan, Galactic Banking Clan, Banking Clan, or the IG Banking Clan and often abbreviated to IGBC or IBC) was one of the Republic's most powerful and influential commerce guilds. In exchange, Damask allowed Tenebrous to influence the conception of his son, Hego Damask, and subsequently take him as his Sith apprentice, Darth Plagueis. Primary role(s) Cliquez sur « install » pour lancer l’installation du jeu (ou de l’application) (bouton vert). The latter played a prominent role in the Confederacy of … Headquarters Watch Queue Queue. [17] However, Count Dooku, who secretly endorsed Clovis' ascension, blackmailed him into levying debts against the Republic, leading to the GAR to evict the droid army from Scipio. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. The Empire allowed the Muuns to carry on in their day-to-day activities, though they controlled the economy and assumed near-absolute control of the governments of Scipio and Muunilinst. The Banking Clan's representatives had not announced the cost of damages nor the accumulated interest caused by the accident. San Hill. The Myriad are an ancient race of highly intelligent cybernetic beings. Despite the death of Chairman Hill at Mustafar, the IGBC escaped the fate of many of its co-conspirators and managed to survive into the Imperial era, becoming the creditor for the Empire's restructured currency. [4] During the Clone Wars, the organization joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and its chairman, San Hill, was given a place on the Separatist Council. Bands, Businesses, Restaurants, Brands and Celebrities can create Pages in order to connect with their fans and customers on Facebook. However, his speeder's power plant overloaded and exploded which killed the Gran. Muuns also had tiny ears in the middle of the sides of their heads. Muun voices often sound nasal due to their small noses.Mu… This business entity was noted to have allied itself with the growing Separatist movement in the galaxy. Most people believe that their race originated from a deluded wild mage that attempted to polymorph into a cat, but if you ask a tibbit, you’ll get a different story every time. [16], Since leaving the aurodium standard, the Republic partnered with major banks, including the Banking Clan, to keep a credit reserve. Muun's are tall and thin humanoids with elongated bald … Muuns were tall and gaunt humanoids with thin bodies and elongated heads with hairless craniums. [Source]. [17] Following the invasion of Scipio, control of the Banking Clan was ceded to the office of the Supreme Chancellor. It was the Banking Clan that funded governments, supported settlements and bankrolled countless commerce guilds, trade corporations and shipping cartels. In exchange of that, the IGBC supported the Chancellor in the Galactic Senate in a moment when the not-yet-Emperor still needed that support. "Except perhaps for greed." This ancient institution ventures were controlled by key representatives of the old banking families. [6] Amongst their combat automata included the hoop-wheeled Hailfire droids that were used exclusively by the Banking Clan's Collections and Security division[8] and being the property of IBC executives. They also had pasty-white/pale pink to grey skin, most likely because the vast majority of the species did not like traveling, even on-planet, and usually stayed indoors. InterGalactic Banking Clan Watch Queue Queue My findings show that while the insurgent group rebuffs talks on the national stage, it frequently negotiates local issues with the government and other groups through senior clan elders. [15] It was governed by the Core Five from the Main Vault located on the Outer Rim world Scipio. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Currency Upheavals Deliver Profits to IBC, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241, The Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Viva Space Vegas! Organizational information [6], During the years of the Separatist Crisis, the IBC data-server spread Separatist propaganda when clients accessed the datacom-net where messages of secession and Senate reform were stated with the signature of Count Dooku. [6] The IBC had their own data-server that allowed clients to access to the banking clan's datacom-net. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [3], At some point, a vast region of the Tingel Arm became an economic playground divided between the IBC and the Corporate Alliance. Search. Fini ! Collections and Security DivisionInterGalactic Currency Exchange SystemBank of AargauInterGalactic BankInterGalactic Bank of KuatDressian Kiolsh Merchant BankBank Niro Eleven What I've been doing. The Yam'rii petitioned in the Senate for Republic intervention, and got as much when the Jedi arrived to end the war. Mr Abdihabib Warsame, 44, probably wanted to pursue a career in political science, not politics. Galactic Republic[4]Sith EmpireOrder of the Sith LordsConfederacy of Independent Systems[5]Galactic EmpireAlliance to Restore the RepublicAlliance of Free PlanetsNew RepublicZsinj's EmpireThrawn's EmpireDark EmpireCrimson EmpireImperial RemnantYuuzhan Vong empireFel EmpireEmpire-in-exileGalactic Federation Triumvirate Once finished, remove this notice. Remove this notice when finished. May 16, 2012 - "InterGalactic Bank Clan? It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. Add a photo to this gallery. Clan Race is a motocross game developed by the creators of the 'Trial Xtreme' saga, in which you can compete against three other players in real time, using the internet. San Hill, chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Clone Wars. [7] In 22 BBY, the IGBC experienced its 18th straight quarter with increasing profits. The clan elders I spoke to had prior interactions with Al-Shabaab, while the defectors were mid-ranking commanders and rank-and-file fighters. Within the hierarchy of the Banking Clan, leading positions included the Muunilinst High Officer, the Administrator the treasure world of Mygeeto, the Director of the Treasury Branch and[3] the Vice-Chair of Communications,[9] with the Chairman of the Banking Clan at the top of the corporate hierarchy.[3]. Myrkr Heir to the Empire: 1991 Book Treacherous swamp planet used by Talon Karrde and Mara Jade. Vous pouvez maintenant jouer à Clan Race (ou utilisez l’application Clan Race) sur votre téléphone et votre appareil Android. It extended its financial services to many of the major commercial guilds in the galaxy.The IBC had their own data-server that allowed clients to access to the banking clan's datacom-net. Among its battle droids were the IG lancer combat droids, which were more advanced than the more common Baktoid B1 battle droids. After a scandal involving new IGBC leader Rush Clovis, the entire organization was placed under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, effectively nationalizing the banks. Banking Clan; Calendar of Teresyum; Teresyum Brutal Business Book; Teresyum Guns; Teresyum Spell Changes; Here you will find all the classes available to the players in Teresyum. Star Wars at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies THE DEATH OF MOAR CHEDDARS by flipstaboy101; HOUSE ANIMATION by flipstaboy101; death of cheddars by flipstaboy101; A SECOND MESSAGE FOR … The InterGalactic Banking Clan (IGBC), also known simply as the Galactic Banking Clan or as the Banking Clan, was one of the most influential commerce guilds during the waning days of the Galactic Republic and the most important organization in the Outer Rim. c. 25,053 BBY[3] It extended its financial services to many of the major commercial guilds in the galaxy. [2][17][4] Rush Clovis and Padmé Amidala uncovered evidence of corruption within the Clan,[2] which forced the Republic and the Separatists to conduct a temporary truce so as to appoint new leadership. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Primary role(s) The latter played a prominent role in the Confederacy of … Main Vault fortress, Scipio[2] [9] During the Battle of Muunilinst, Banking Clan droids were attacked by Republic forces. Organizational information Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the final days of the Cl… Notable Muun were Palpatine's mentor and predecessor, Darth Plagueis, and the ruling members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan including San Hill. [13] However, the Banking Clan continued to conduct business with the Republic during the conflict, though at exorbitant interest rates. Reply +8 [-] You’re not wrong, but the emperor did manage to do … ―Siri Tachi and Adi Gallia. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. [3] During the time of the Cold War, a proxy conflict between the reconstituted Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, a group of thieves planned a heist on a Banking Clan vault. PDS found itself unable to repay the IGBC, and, in response, the IGBC seized the company's assets, adding the IG lancer droids to the military forces of the CIS. Headquarters This came after the disappearance of the Republic inspection team on the world and saw Republic Diplomat Gaddatha In'Kro attempt to relieve tensions by pointing to IBC ties to the Separatist Alliance. : 15 The InterGalactic Banking Clan is based on Muunilinst, and much of the galaxy's money moves through banks on the planet, earning it the nickname "Moneyland." The same technology would later be used to save the life of Darth Vader. Content approaching. Bail Prestor Organa reviews the high interest rate the IGBC will charge after deregulation of the banks, In the Galactic Senate, the IGBC's interests were represented by Senator Rush Clovis, a human from the planet Scipio, though his dealings with Lott Dod and their plot to construct droid factories for the Separatist Droid Army were exposed. Clan Race. During the Clone Wars, Chairman San Hill was allied to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but the Banking Clan itself remained officially neutral. [citation needed] Myriad. The Senate imposed harsh sanctions on Kalee, plunging the world into an economic crisis. (That Is Why The TBC Has a Foothold In Almost Every Galaxy) CREDITS. The founding of the IGBC dated back to the creation of the Galactic Republic where it dictated the flow of wealth between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim Territories. Damask also tutored his friend's son San Hill in preparation for his accession to the Chairmanship of the Clan. Coruscant[7]Cybloc transfer station[8]Muunilinst[9]Mygeeto[10]Vandor[11] The Intergalactic Banking Clan is a bank system that controls finances in major parts of the Republic. Muunilinst[1]Scipio[2] Version du Jeu : . The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. Planet Kalee Clan race est de au reconstruction in exchange for his as... Remove this template when finished find hidden places, solve puzzles, challenges! ; Community and became the most profitable organisations throughout the war independent worlds turned to for economic.... Banking Clan was tolerated by the Core planet of Corulag intervened, Eriadu risked becoming client... Guilds in the middle of the Core Five and became the most profitable organisations throughout the war Restaurants Brands. Their small ears were also flat, and got as much when the Inter-galactic Banking continued. 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