We did public records requests to determine the costs of developing each courts website and we found an expensive mess of less than adequate municipal courts websites. The clerk of courts was then adopted by the more modernized court system through the development of the English common law system. Avoid not providing a reason for your absences from work. ", "My greatest personal accomplishment was graduating with honors at the top of my class in college. Make sure your answer has only 5 digits. Some Court Clerk job announcements will say that the organization prefers their applicants to have a law degree, but it is not required. Yes, I have two questions. Mike Foley ran for clerk of courts to fill the unexpired 4-year term of Greg Brush, a Democrat, who for some odd personal reason, resigned just after he was re-elected Clerk. Focus on the specific methods you use to conduct research. A Court Clerk's working hours will typically be similar to the hours that a court operates, such as Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Const. The clerk is required to keep a financial ledger showing all the receipts and expenditures of the county and as a result, tracks the budget balances available for each department. As long as they perform their duties according to the law, clerks can tell anyone no if and when they are asked or told to do anything improper or illegal. You might note that on slide 12, bullet 4: Risk of hacking/ransomware is exponentially higher due to current architecture. Think of how you decide which project needs your attention the most when you feel torn between multiple projects or tasks. It's also important to respectfully stress the importance of their duty.". Focus on your personal story about why you chose this career. ", "I understand that some relationships come quickly, and others take time to nurture. You must create your own answers, and be prepared for any interview question in any interview. In the federal system, such as the position held by Mitchell, the role of the clerk of court is fairly standardized and hired by the court rather than elected by the public. She is passionate about helping students of all backgrounds navigate higher education. Each side has a maximum of 20 minutes to present its argument orally to the It was a six-day conference covering updates in technology, leadership, cybersecurity, ethics, and management skills. They want to hear that you can work under pressure and manage your time wisely. ( McGroarty v. Wilkes . I am taking night classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I would need to contact my professor and let them know I wouldn't be showing up since I had to work. But is it proper or acceptable at any time to refer to a judge as: -Honorable John Q. Smith-Honorable Judge John Q. Smith-Hon. Avoid saying that living in the judicial district will not be an issue for you if you cannot fulfill that requirement. ", "My experience as a Legal Assistant and Human Resources Assistant have given me a great deal of experience handling confidential information. Is it because a small group of commissioners is susceptible to bribes or other influence? Precinct 4 Lesley Briones . If you are uncomfortable speaking in public, it is best to work on those skills before being hired as a Court Clerk. ", "In my last performance review, my former employer described me as a proactive team member with excellent verbal and written communication skills. Focus on letting the interviewer know that you are flexible with your schedule and available to work when needed. This is a highly speculative answer; I apologize. Explain your approach and why you decided to handle the situation in that manner. As a future transactional or in-house lawyer, you see how your work product might be litigated. McManus did better than any previous candidate in the district that scores at least +5 R thanks to the grand master Gerry Mander who rules Ohio. ", "My greatest accomplishment has been getting back to school to work on my Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice Administration.". When you are motivated to improve yourself, it shows the interviewer that you want to be the best you can be in your profession. (1949 Rev., S. 518; 1953, S. 252d; P.A. When I started my career, I was the youngest Court Clerk that particular municipality had ever hired. McManus ran for State Rep against Jim Butler in OH 41, and worked really hard and might have won, had Butler not been propped up by Larry Householder with big donations and lots of political pressure. Despite the changes, our deadline remained the same. How to Answer: Why Do You Want to Work Here? I am impressed by your mission, values, and reputation for being fair and honest. One day was really busy that I needed to close four real estate deals and also file the application at the Court. At work, I generally use the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote applications, so those are what I am most familiar with. When clerks of superior court are elected, they are only accountable to the people who elect them. It's endless! As a Court Clerk, you will need excellent written and verbal communication skills. In the federal system, such as the position held by Mitchell, the role of the clerk of court is fairly standardized and hired by the court rather than elected by the public. If you want to be considered for the position, avoid saying you see yourself working for another organization in five years. All states and territories have constitutional or statutory provisions governing the propriety of . From that time to the present, the Clerk's duties have . My counselor gave me an aptitude test and recommended that I pursue a Court Clerk career based on my test results. Therefore, any date prior to 2019 might not be accurate. ", "No, I do not use illegal or prescription drugs of any kind. For example, if you say your greatest weakness is remembering people's names, that is not necessarily a job skill that would keep you from being offered the position. The original brick courthouse contains a large formal courtroom on its second floor and within a modern addition, a smaller district courtroom. The location is close to my home, and this role aligns perfectly with my post-secondary training and long-term career interests. Precinct 3 Tom S. Ramsey. Now, heres the thing. We happen to know for a fact that Foley was warned about insecurities on the Clerks website and ignored those warnings. Focus on your public speaking skills, giving an example in your response. Suppose the job announcement says they are looking for an experienced Court Clerk who can type 30 words per minute or more, has excellent time management and communication skills, and works independently with little supervision. Tell the interviewer how you manage juror lists and roll call. The interviewer asks this question to see how others view you in the workplace. If you are ready to learn more about a potential first step toward this career, visit the Rasmussen College Criminal Justice Associates Degree page to learn more. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? ", "I want to improve the quality of service by providing the public who comes to the court with respect and professionalism through the use of my skills and knowledge.". In other jurisdictions, however, the clerk of courts will be elected to a position within the systems office. I recently took a typing class that greatly increased my skill level. Behavioral. A.C.A. Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers are independently elected constitutional officers, who protect the interests of you - the citizen. The clerk must make a decision whether the person filing meets the requirements for office with respect to residency and filing dates and may have to explain why a declaration of candidacy cannot be accepted. He grew up in it. Election; term of office; oath; vacancy; office and office hours; appointment of acting clerk. I would expand on what types of information you had to keep confidential (financial, personal, legal info). Avoid saying that you prefer one over the other and are not flexible. For those reasons specifically, the states first constitution provided for election of a clerk in every superior court of the state. Thank you. Explain how you manage roll call and juror lists, swear in jury members, provide information to selected jurors concerning trial procedures, and provide details and instructions to the jury. I went back to the office looking for the lawyer, but he steps out for a scheduled meeting. Draw from your education, training, or professional work experience to give an example. If you assure the interviewer that you take your job seriously, they will see that you are a team player and have the skills they are looking for in a Court Clerk. court cases has been selective and does not represent an exhaustive compilation of the cases relating to each statute. 88-45, S. If a candidate feels they will not pass any of the requirements for the job, the interviewer may not move forward in the hiring process. "I have identified my typing speed as my greatest weakness as a Court Clerk. They might also answer any questions that come up along the way. "I really enjoy the work of a court clerk and I see myself continuing to learn and grow within the position. And this is where things can go dramatically wrong, like on May 3rd 2020 when the Montgomery County Clerk of Courts, Mike Foley, found out the courts websites had been hacked and there was a ransomware demand. Use this Amazon link to make purchases and a small percentage of each sale helps fund independent journalism in Dayton. There is really no way for me to accurately provide you the cost since each matter can be very different. If you called in sick, it is best to say that you provided a doctor's note. Its Fantasy Farm w/ all the folks taking a gleeful carousel ride. ", "I am a member of the National Conference of Appellate Court Clerks, and I attended their annual meeting last summer. Is your motivation to improve the quality of services why they should hire you? The office has 64 employees and is the official record-keeper for all court documents. Avoid saying you have poor written communication skills. This County is simply not run as a business. Think about what you learned in your highest levels of education and how that knowledge applies (or will apply) to your work as a Court Clerk.Some of these skills could include: - Time Management- Creative Thinking - Business Writing- Public Speaking- Presentation Building- Independent Learning- Academic Research- Self-MotivationThe interviewer wants to hear that you have the education and skills necessary for the position. If the job announcement specifically requires post-secondary training, avoid saying you have the training if you do not. How did you identify the best solution? ", "I am extremely familiar with Microsoft Office Suite. If you have passed a polygraph exam in the past, focus on your experience Those who have passed this exam in the past will most likely have a better chance of passing one in the future. Rasmussen University may not prepare students for all positions featured within this content. ", "No, I have never used illegal drugs in my life. Discuss any issues with jurors when directing them on their steps in the process and how you resolved them. Suppose the job announcement says the organization is looking for a detail-oriented Court Clerk who has strong organizational skills, excellent written and verbal communication skills, is positive, proactive, and is a professional team player. And if the breach coach is ultimately engaged, they can assist our Insured in obtaining quotes for the forensics investigator. It is always best to be honest and forthcoming in your interview. Mention any degrees such as an associate's, bachelor's, master's, or law degree you have obtained and in what subject. Other jurisdictions will have the clerk of courts be appointed by judges. Avoid saying your greatest weakness is one of the essential job skills mentioned in the job description. I enjoy the challenge! ", "A fellow Court Clerk was finishing his education at night so that he could apply to law school. You might be surprised to find that despite all thats on their plates, there are no official educational requirements for a court clerk beyond a high school diploma. /Privacy Policy/Terms of Service. Clerk of Court once a deputy clerk has achieved further education as well as adequate experience, they can be promoted to the post of clerks of court where they will have more responsibilities compared to the deputy clerks. When it came to the county, there is yet another layer of sites, including separate ones for the Common Pleas, Probate, Juvenile and then the 2nd District Court of Appeals. "I don't have anything negative that will show up during my background investigation. 2.) The clerk is often also the auditor, and that's distinct from the treasure to ensure that neither one can rob the public blind. It could be using the internet, referencing law books, or asking a Senior Court Clerk for assistance. Talk to the interviewer about your written communication abilities and support your answer with a brief example or story. If you say you type 60 words per minute but are only accurate at 40 words per minute, you give the interviewer inaccurate information. Along with filing, processing, indexing and preserving court documents, the position also entails supervising more than 60 employees and serving as a probate judge. In an interview, you are your most influential advocate. Focus on an answer that highlights your traits and characteristics. The Clerk of Superior Court is established in the Constitution of the State of Georgia. When you describe the jurisdictional boundary requirements for all employees to live, where do those boundaries start and end? I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather work. A clerk of courts represents a crucial part of the judicial system, for their functions are necessary in tangibly affirming, through written documentation, all actions of a court hearing. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is elected for an eight-year term and serves as the chief administrative officer of court operations. If you have reason to believe you will fail the polygraph, explain your reasons why. Mitchell reflects that she has rarely hired anyone in her office without a college degree. I did this because I believe when dealing with people, you not only have to know the criminal justice system, but you also have to know how to interact with those within the system. ", "Yes, I received my law degree in family law from New England Law in Boston five years ago.". A clerk is a senior official of many municipal governments in the English-speaking world. Now is the time to ask questions that weren't answered when researching the organization or reviewing the job description. Try not to focus on aspects of the environment that are trivial. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Learn more here. They are there to do a job, so I support and respect them the entire way. The interviewer wants to hear that you have the desirable qualities that make you the Court Clerk they wish to hire. You want the interviewer to know that you have the characteristics they are looking for in a Court Clerk. Brace for todays shower of Cares Act giveaways. This was dumbed down and down and dirty. FINANCIAL REPORTS Monthly Statements 17.1-283 Talk to the interviewer about your ability to act diligently on the job and work well under pressure. Our analysis of minimum education requirements for court clerk postings found that just over a quarter of all postings were seeking candidates with at least an Associates degree.3 And when we look at these postings preferred education level, just over 60 percent were seeking candidates with an Associates degree or beyond.3. with the plan being you could then have a roadmap for a modernization and standardization. Work involves preparing, filing and maintaining . V, Sec. 14 slides. The interviewer wants to hear about your most significant professional achievement to understand how inspired and motivated you are to succeed. Treasurer. ", "I would treat them with patience and make sure they feel that they are being listened to. Easy to use. Judges describe the relationship with their clerks as a bond that is unique in legal environments. (function() { My attention to detail, ability to meet deadlines and particular research skills are what earned me that status. Their task is to help other court officers, including attorneys and judges in ensuring that all the court process run smoothly. I had amazing mentors who guided me along the way, and feel that I have now created a great place for myself in this career. When answering questions like this one, you always want to end on a positive note, highlighting how you overcome adversity. They want to hear the top three qualities that your former employer would use to describe you to know if you will be an excellent asset to their team. I look forward to the opportunities to learn more if I'm hired for the position.". Add in, doing background checks is much easier when you dont have to check 7 different sites in one county. I am a reliable person who consistently comes to work as expected.". Share tools, ideas, or creative solutions that helped you solve the problem. If you have set educational goals to advance your career, mention those goals in your response. Its some sort of gobbly-goop eviction story that he is amazingly willing to reap full credit. The interviewer asks this question to ensure they answered all your questions about the position or the organization during the interview. Even if you read law books to understand the terminology better or have read a leadership book to enhance your leadership skills, those are ways that you are trying to improve yourself in this field. Avoid simply saying that you cannot work nights and weekends without giving a reason. As you can see, court clerks cover a lot of administrative ground and play an essential role in keeping courthouses running smoothly. Art. If you are new to the industry, use an example from your time in college. My credit has always been good, and my FICO score is 803. Working in the court system and with confidential information, Court Clerks must not use illegal drugs, including marijuana. Why Clerk? Many organizations drug test their candidates during the hiring process to ensure they hire individuals who do not abuse drugs. When you read the job posting or job description, look for particular organizational ethics. If you come across as a bully, the interviewer will look for another candidate for the position. Examples of Elected Position in a sentence. However, all that was posted the following Tuesday was a retraction of the bid. You may see a problem that you're not quite sure how to solve. ", "Last week, we had a case that needed to be ready in 24 hours. If your written skills need some work, prioritize taking care of them before starting a career as a Court Clerk. This will help you decide which practice area is right for you. The more experience you have working with a jury, the better. Mohamed is on the school board, and is currently the board president. You have an intense research and writing experience that will help you be a more efficient and effective legal writer. [] Beth on Why do we elect a Clerk of Courts? Court administration, the management of a courts non-judicial functions, require knowledgeable and dedicated staff. This was something put together the night before- with a quick run through- one time. Due to various personalities, relationships can take time to form. ", "I received my bachelor's in psychology and my master's in criminal justice. The course teaches you to put a name with an object to help remember names when you first meet someone. If you do not show compassion or an interest in helping others, the interviewer will look for another candidate who possesses those qualities. I would describe my written communication skills as clear, concise, and thorough. This power is dependent on the particular statutes of a State or nation. ", "At my current position, I serve as a mentor to a junior Court Clerk. A great approach to handling stress! As Zach points out, incumbent Mike Foley does not have experience with either the law or technology, and this could have contributed to malware knocking down the clerks e-filing site earlier in the year. According to U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), common court clerk responsibilities include:1. When listening to your greatest personal accomplishment, the interviewer will hear the passion in your voice and see the excitement on your face. Additionally, you. I was so proud to have proven myself to be knowledgeable, reliable, and now I get to shine in a leadership-based position. All interview questions are created by MockQuestions.com and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on MockQuestions.com. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. ", "I handle stress well, and when you call my references, they will attest to this fact. Once identified, I would re-direct them to work on something that they will excel at instead of bringing down the team. About Court Clerks Court clerks ensure the efficient operation of state courts by maintaining dockets and records, handling administrative matters and serving as good will ambassadors to the public. 05.09.2022, Brianna Flavin | The Judiciary Act was silent on the question of the tenure of the federal court clerks, but in 1839 (Ex Parte Hennen , 13 Pet. Jurisdiction . The Florida Constitution (Art. The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. Once I identified the correct name, I was able to pull the required information for presentation. ", "My greatest weakness as a Court Clerk is delegating tasks. "I am looking for a great start to my career as a Court Clerk and have heard excellent things about your team. They are quite important positions for that reason. In counties with smaller populations, the clerk wears a number of different . For example, a good answer would be that your greatest weakness is a lack of experience as a Court Clerk, but you are interviewing for this job to gain experience. Great point re: stressing the importance of their duty. This shows creativity and tenacity. You can then say that accomplishment was so meaningful to you because you were the first person in your family to go to a university, or you achieved your degree by working full-time during your studies. A judicial clerkship is an invaluable experience thatprovides great training and opportunity for growth for all lawyers, regardless of practice area. If you feel your leadership experience is limited, reflect on your education and interactions with clients and coworkers in your previous roles. The interviewer wants to hear that you have goals for professional growth. Rasmussen University does not guarantee, approve, control, or specifically endorse the information or products available on websites linked to, and is not endorsed by website owners, authors and/or organizations referenced. Every story was Covid. You want the interviewer to see that you want this job for reasons other than monetary motivation. These have shifted the responsibilities and requirements for the court clerks office. Can the Clerk of Court Help with a Lost Passport? on This shows maturity and a great ability to work in a team environment where skill levels vary. Along with filing, processing, indexing and preserving court documents, the position also entails supervising more than 60 employees and serving as a probate judge. Give me an example of a time you had to be extra diligent in order to meet a deadline. The jurisdictional boundary requirements for all employees to live, where do those boundaries start and end in and! 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