I think the writers might go in a different direction than killing one of them off. We both felt the same regarding the Gorski storyline and although I am not a Walt/Vic shipper, our discussions have been respectful and I appreciate that. The Closer and Major Crimes yes. I believe the scene was added, along with Branch visiting the corpse, to throw some suspicion (a red herring) his way that he was capable of swiping the body. So, we wait and see if A&E is really about ENTERTAINMENT and renews Longmire. Awesome job on the finale. Jhera35 [b]samanthajane[/b], That was a nice touch with Vic taking care of Walts ear in the bar. SunnyinFL All the families are separated in different, Nothing brings people together like a funeral, so special shout-out to Laena Velaryon for giving us the spectacle that was Driftmark. With every major player in attendance, we were treated to an episode filled with everything from subtle power dynamics to full-blown attempted murder. He was particularly angered by the drive-by shooting where Branch was hit by the supposed killer hired to eliminate Walt's wife. Best episode yet! They re-run the previous episode Sunday mornings/early afternoons? giambotta recipe lidia; anxiety operational definition; kotor things to do before leaving taris Why would Barlow go that route? A red herring so to speak. I like their interactions so far, both tender (Walts comforting embrace at the hospital) and tough (yeah, that punch was hysterical). I wonder if there is a deeper connection between them. Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) finds Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) walking down the road, shotgun in hand. Im not sure how the Longmire writers see the symbolism and I hesitate to try to look for anything more complicated in it than that simple message of a death. They have nothing worth watching. August 5, 2014 @ And doesnt it seem rather misplaced for Barlow to kill Longmires wifewhy would he think that would get his son into the sheriffs office? Great writing! A rifle was fired but that does not mean someone was killed but that scene was quite powerful regardless. Grade: A-. So, onto Zachary (Barry Sloane). LOVE THIS SHOW!! Robert W. Hamlett I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. Who called Walts home phone? Also Ive finally come to accept the Walt & Vic relationship. Even in Unquiet Mind I slapped my forehead and said of course the owl that leads Walt to the cabin that was essential for him to survive falling in a a river in winter on the mountain was Martha. There are so many better story arcs for Henrys character. What happened to Jacob Nighthorse at the end of Longmire? Barlow did seem a bit shaky there at the end. It can be very frustrating . While the battle of the ballot between Branch and Walt wasn't waged in this season finale of "Longmire" (Sun., 10 p.m. These three characters need to interact a lot more. If you tried to ask about the season 1 DVD or when it would show up on Netflix you got no answers and Netflix hadnt even heard about it. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names) , the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. Barlows hiring of Ridges to kill Walts wife was more likely a power play to get rid of a potential adversary in the Sheriffs office, replacing him with his own son. . I dont think coming in on season 3 and being lost in the story arcs is unique to Longmire. I dont want to jinx it but I cant see why another network wouldnt pick the show up. Remember when Walt told Barlow that he thought the shooter was getting back at Barlow through Branch? Just in case that wasnt emotional enough, we then hen had the moment where Walt was crying in a field, feeling regret and shame over what he was about to do. Also, thank you for stopping by. Walt lettting go of Martha was a great scene. Great end to the season! Keep it going!!!!!! What was in the jar was Walts dead wife ashes! Is is possible no one shot anyone or is it possible that someone else shot either Barlow or Branch? I am sure that Branch shot his father because this is not the kind of show where the main characters die so I dont find the ending suspenseful. She was never that into him in the first place. J and B Why do we have until next year for season 4? Why does Barlow kill branch? Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. She seemed to fall out of the picture with no exit plan. But there is clearly a strong strain of it in the Connally family. Ridges also then killed Beck for the same ass-covering reasons. Why did Barlow have Walt's wife killed? Im not a fan of the omminous grand story arc format. Walt, who is finally starting to understand the truth, realizes that not only was Ridges involved, but Nighthorse was also involved.He believes that these are the only 2 to be involved. Probably no chance though. I just pray that we get another season, and that the showrunners go back to having the team solving murders. I like syfy but this is better than the walking dead. Snowdogmom, we have had discussions in other forums and I have always found your opinions insightful. Of course, but not all different opinions are negative, some criticisms are constructive. I wish I knew more about the contractual relationship between Warner/Horizon and A&E. He does have legal problems with his role though doesnt he? [b]Mates[/b], One of the best moments in television in a long time. Ive enjoyed the weekly re-caps, as there is always some little gem that I missed while watching. I am still against Vic and Walt getting romantically involved. Why does Barlow kill branch? redapple2 Im not sure that Walt and Vic are a done deal. Your email address will not be published. if they take longmire off there is only reserection left. I doubt Barlow paid to have anyone killed to help Branch. Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. Whether the producers/actors will let us know or not, who knows. Looking forward to Season 4! Of course we wont get a 4th season. They have such great chemistry! Not everyone has read the book series and what they know of the characters is from the tv series. This year, I recommended this show to a lot of people. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha, but is taken into court as Barlow had intended for his death to be used to get Walt accused of murdering him. The anti Vic, anti Walt/Vic haters and trolls are just more vocal and use any opportunity to ignite the dialog to rant about their point of view. So thats why (in terms of story justice) Longmire got to shoot Ridges himself, even though he doesnt yet know that it was Ridges who killed Miller Beck. I did notice Cady eyeing them, when Vic naturally and caringly cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. It may be its ultimate downfall which would be a shame. I know when Longmire was recommended to me (I started in the middle of S2), I had little idea as to the numerous sub-plots that seemed to actually dominate the heart beat of the story. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. Major Crimes as a lead in I bet would bring in more viewers to Longmire. August 5, 2014 @ Is David ridges alive Longmire? The biggest mistake the producers made was dealing this to A&E. A&E had a very good section on their website last year with detailed plot summaries, lists of cast members, including even the small roles, and information about the music chosen for episodes. What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. And Walts revenge! They would watch for a while and become disinterested their reason -they had no clue what was going on with half the storylines. Id hate to see that here. August 5, 2014 @ Did a&e ever consider showing it at 9 instead of 10 I bet a lot of folks who have to go to bed and do not have dvr would be watching who are not now, Jhera35 We heard Barlows shot fired, but he missed Branch. I thought maybe Bridges stole it just long enough to get to his horse. Im sad to read sometimes that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, I LOVE her character, flaws and all. Please A&E, renew quickly with a lot more episodes. Could have been nothing, might have been something, thats what I like about this show. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. When she finds out about how she was injured by his scheme with Nighthorse and his Branchs other behavior, I expect she will be done with him. Walt is a native of Durant, Wyoming, the county seat of fictional Absaroka County, named after the real-life Absaroka Native Americans, the Absaroka Range, and the 1930s effort to declare a U.S. state called Absaroka out of three existing states. Cant wait for season 4!!! I laughed at Walt & Henrys grave robbing antics and cried when Walt let Martha go. Ive enjoyed reading everyones comments and you all have given me a lot to think about going forward to season 4. When key players do the deed, it is often the demise of the show. I wouldnt write him out until the divorce, although hes proven himself to be a coward in the face of dangernot Vics type. Aha! I think the whole Martha being killed story arc wasnt needed. The short-term deputy who was brought in, seemingly, for wise, sentimental reasons, but then fired because Walt was afraid to treat him with wisdom or sentiment.. 2:11 pm. Everyone on this show makes the most of their screen time. Please bring the Longmire BACK even if it re runs. He started asking about Ridges, once he put two-n-two together. August 5, 2014 @ What was Barlow talking to Jacob about on those survalience tapes? I love that it can do case of the week episodes while still having small, multiple episode arcs, as well as season and series-long arcs. Watched the first two seasons on Netflix one episode after the other one weekend. But their bread/butter Duck Dynasty has plunged to 4 million. It would seem for outward appearances they are after the quick buck and not entertainment thus the cheaply made farsical reality fiascos. I however have been on sites where people are downright nasty if you express you like the Vic character, or say she has some redeeming quailties, or she is the most reliable deputy, or disagree with their opinion at all and the same people post over and over and over and over again even when the topic may not be about Vic and they have already expressed their opinion. I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. First, I have never watched a show where the actors do a better job of appearing authenic. Its likely Branch saw it coming and got the drop on him. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. It was only five minutes before the end of the episode when this happened, and we were still confused but only briefly. August 5, 2014 @ No, Walt does not find out that Barlow killed his wife. It has been reported that A&E is contracturally obligated to make a renewal decision by August 31st. Now, he's suddenly very much in the news because the new hit film, "Jesus Revolution," covers aspects of his life story from the late '60s and early '70s. Excellent writing and acting. Perhaps, Bear has something there he doesnt want to risk anyone seeing. Christine MinnesotaJacob, The shows is following the lead already established by Craig Johnsons top novels. Longmire is the best show on TV PERIOD! Stranger Things 5 premiere date: Our hopes for March, A Million Little Things season 5 episode 5: No Place Like Home, Chicago PD season 10 episode 16 return date hopes on NBC, Kung Fu season 3 episode 13 (finale) spoilers: Finding Xiao. So Ifeel theres a very good chance. Branch confronts Barlow and Barlow kills him, but makes it look like a suicide. August 5, 2014 @ I was not being harsh IMO, I will explain in a minute, and those I referred to as haters/trolls are NOT on this site. 2:11 am. Deeply appreciated. It packed a wallop of an emotional punch for Longmire viewers from Henry being freed to Walts farewell to Martha to the Connally father and son confrontation. I hope youre right, Victor. The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. Their feelings regarding certain characters may be justified. I really hope it comes back for many seasons to come and I want 26 episodes per season! More questions in the air. August 5, 2014 @ We just started watching Longmire this year, this past May. And Walts not going to kill anyone, especially not the wrong guy! Im a late arrival and havent read most comments, but, to answer Edwards question as to why Ridges wanted to count Branchs coup, I think it was because Branch got nosy after Cadys car accident during the election. 5:19 am. I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. However, once we got near the end of the episode, thats when some of our anxiety really started to settle in. better be.) I have to say I was a little disappointed in the finale. I just love this series. Announce a Season 4 and give us at least 12 episodes! He expressed the dignified despair of Henry Standing Bear so beautifully. Lots more too about the Longmire books and TV show, glad I found it. He tried to do good things but he was an evil man. Thats a little flip about mental illness so no offense to anyone. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. What was that with Branch rubbing the paint on Ridges face in the morgue? But, perhaps, someone else has a better answer? Unfortunately, now he may be dead. Why did Henry take Hectors drop jar? I think its time I throw in the towel, swear off TV, and move some place where I can see the keeping up with the cardigans crowd coming from a long damn way offlike Wyoming. I appreciate you lurking, bungluna! August 5, 2014 @ cleaned Walts wounds at the Red Pony. Were we getting closer to the moment? Also, being vocal about your feelings on a subject is the only way to convey them. Though I still do not like the idea of Walt & Vic in a relationship they do make a good pair. Heres hoping. I dont think Branch was killed. Bringem Back!! So I hope they keep it that way, a slow burn of some excellent character chemistry. Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. Longmire, Vic (Katee Sackhoff), and Ferg (Adam Bartley) search for Branch and eventually find his body in a river, an apparent suicide, based on the angle of the shotgun.. Who does Cady Longmire marry? Dog, I agree with your Walt/Vic comments, they have been encumbered by the story arcs. Thanks for a place to express my pent up thoughts, lol. I hope that Branch got the better of his father and didnt get killed. In this storyline and others, they went against book canon. The season finale was funny, exciting, and heartbreaking. I cannot imagine Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch again. I think Barlow assumed the death would cripple Walt, who wouldnt run. 1:34 pm. The sexual tension between Booth & Bones was great, having them marry was not. In 2015, Branch's body was found down by the river by Walt Longmire, Vic Moretti, and The Ferg. As you say a lot of comments are constructive criticism. It sounds kind of Longmirish. [b]shrummer[/b], I think that the writers were going for closure on Walts grief for his decesased wife in the finale. Great writing, solid acing performances. Also, I cant remember details of the explanation of how exactly Martha died but maybe the payment was to kill Walt and Martha got in the way? What Walt does not realize is that Barlow Connally, who deeply resents Walt, made a $50,000 payment to Big Pine Timbers to pay for a hitman to kill Walt's wife, Martha. Great show. That moment gave us an idea of how much this character holds himself back emotionally, as have several other powerful eruptions of Storm Walt on Longmire (office wrecking!!). I have unfortunately read too many threads where if you didnt agree with the relationship or didnt particularly like the Vic characterization, you were termed as jealous or a hater. Later he confronts his father about his $50,000 tip to Jacob Nighthorse about killing Walt's wife, but soon later his father distracts Branch by pulling the disc while shooting shotguns and later shoots Branch in the facewhile Branch is distracted, and is later avenged by Walt, and is mentioned in every season after. Craigs latest book Any Other Name was so good with Vic getting the best of Lucian with her come backs and Walt watching it all unfold. And I can go either way on arcs versus standalones. IMO (2 cents), I think Barlow killed himself, His line that son of a bitch Walt Longmire sounded like he has a deep hatred for him. It is unfortunate that the writers are unlikely to consider having Branch kicked off completely. Regardless, I think that Vic is one of the few good female characters on tv. Now knowing that Barlow had Martha killed to help elect Branch, uh, maybe theres something else we havent been told. I like your take on this even if it isnt what happened. I never watch A&E anymore, other than The Glades and Longmire. I have lost a lot of shows I like because of low ratings. I also dont think Barlow paid anyone to kill Branch I think that was Nighthorse. Unless he felt it was so urgent he wouldnt get there fast enough or he was driving somewhere else but needed to tell Walt why? He is also the editor/publisher of the BEAT to a PULP webzine and books. I think Craig Johnson believes in the death symbolism because of a story he tells about seeing an owl before he heard that Tony Hillerman had died. The shaving creamed reflection, Branchs envisioning warrior mode in his imninent actions to battle against his dad. The whole Sean and Gorski story arcs were not needed. Never liked his fathers character. Do they have to pay Warner Horizon Televison everytime they show an episode and it costs double during prime-time or something? I really want to see Walt, Vic, Lucien and Henry work a case with banter between all 4 of them. Huffington Post. Longmire turns to strike the swine with a closed firstbut instead belts Vic squarely in the face! Elementary has a good song selection, too. She caught Vic staying with Walt last season. I hope we hear by the end of August. However, the writers need to be a bit more consistent as some of the story lines this year were a bit lamer than in the pasti.e., the murder in the pines. It was innocent, but she drew the conclusion it wasnt. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha. Like some of you have mentioned, I too have been a little unclear as to why David Ridges would come after Branch with such vengence. I blame AE for that a lot. August 5, 2014 @ Were we really going to get the answers that we wanted? I think Henry will start doing what Hector would do because of the guilt he feels about Hectors death, Kate11208 [b]Dog[/b], checking the online dictionary it says owls are considered by some to be harbingers of bad luck, ill health, or death. So we have some wiggle room on the meaning of the owl showing up to hard-eye Walt. In tonights finale Walt was driving it like it was never stolen/borrowed. The season wrapped up the David Ridges storyline, as well as Vics stalker situation and Henry Standing Bears plight. It was Branchs big redemption! Randy, I played the scene several times to see if by the shotguns empty cartridge I could tell because there was red and a silver casings and they show that final spent shell. I hate these reality shows . One of the reasons characters question the Longmore character is so the audience will have an idea of what is going on, given that Longmire is supposed to be so un-communicative. August 6, 2014 @ Crossfire is a series about three families who are staying in a holiday resort on a Spanish island when gunmen come into the premises and begin to shoot. I agree with those that have commented about how it might be hard to join Longmire as a viewer Season 3 and beyond because you dont know what is going on with the characters stories. Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. August 7, 2014 @ In case one breaks) Henrys joyous head through the open window ride . August 5, 2014 @ Kodi2k6 I just got Detective Fales name this episode (Fales = Fails). This season has really kept my interest and the cliffhanger of who survives the Branch/Barlow shootout has me waiting for next season even more than the who shot JR one on the original Dallas!. son, not created in his fathers image.. It would be the same with a lot of other shows, coming in after several seasons. Ha! She had stopped at a campground where she fixated on a happy family laughing and holding hands. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. It was a right between the eyes message to the viewers: look at this, if you didnt get it before this is a man of huge passions who keeps them tightly reigned. Jane Davis I do. 3:36 am. 9:24 pm. In Ashes to Ashes does the owl symbolize that Marthas spirit is still unquiet, that Longmire doesnt have it all figured out as completely as he thinks he does and is on the wrong track going after Nighthorse with a vengeance he feels Martha will need to forgive him of? August 12, 2014 @ August 5, 2014 @ Loved the endingalways wondered if Barlows character would take a darker turn, and if he was the man behind the curtain. Gutted by what could have been, she loaded a single bullet into her gun and went into the woods. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names), the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. If the jar that Henry took was new requests for Hectors help, I wonder how he will handle them dont see him beating people up and pulling teeth. Then in the Red Pony Henry says to Vic I think you are spending too much time with Walt you are picking up his speech patterns. Vic should have just been divorced from the start. Your email address will not be published. The continuation for three 4:06 am. 1:06 pm. DrewOFB, A very quick check says the song was Lawdy by The Vespers. Id call this an A+ episode even though all the loose ends surrounding Marthas and Miller Becks deaths werent tied up well enough. I have a feeling Vics husband is not out of the picture yet. 4:29 am. Hope for a season four! Keep up the good work!! I dont think Hector would have kept old notes around. Ive always been a little hazy as to why Ridges went after Branch. Bear so beautifully got the drop on him the morgue naturally and cleaned... Bears plight Branch again things to do good things but he was free and the plan worked beyond. Lidia ; anxiety operational definition ; kotor things to do before leaving why... 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