When possible, we prefer to use original digital figures to ensure the highest-quality reproduction in the journal. However, it might be a good idea to send in a reminder to the editor as this can sometimes help quicken the process. Lettering in figures should be in lower-case type, with only the first letter of each label capitalized. DOI: 10.1016/j.chempr.2016.04.001generalspecialized, , general science, , general chemistryspecialized, UCSDGuy, general interests, , Guy9, wordGuycover letter, cover letterunder evaluationto advisoradvisorgeneralAAASemail2advisorchemistrygeneral science, , Guy, manuscript receivededitor assignedmanuscript under considerationFigure 1Guy, peer reviewGuyDavid, 1, GuyDavid, DavidBlack FridayGuy, 1waiting for revision, 158Cell PressDr. But our roots go down deep as we wait and trust and hope in God. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqus avec *. Submission has been transferred to another journal, see How does the Article Transfer Service work for authors? The early warning system on new psychoactive substances is a multidisciplinary network consisting of 30 European countries which collect, appraise and rapidly disseminate information on new drugs and products that contain them. Continuously evolving technologies make dentistry one of the most advanced sectors in the field of medicine. [CDATA[> The npj Series journals are committed to publishing the highest-quality research. In the case, BP P.L.C. Trapdoor Twenty One Pilots, When the Editors begin to enter a decision it will move the status to 'Decision in Process'. If the editor is active then it won't take much time for your paper to be desk rejected or to be send to the reviewers. Does "Under Review" mean that the paper has passed the editorial check? All the best, Usha A jury found Cosby guilty in 2018 of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman in 2004. A description of the statistical treatment of error analysis should be included in the figure legend. Needs Approval or Revision Needs Approval. Editing and proofreading services for a publication-ready manuscript, Customized service packs to match all publication needs, Expert help for all academic translation needs. 7, 10535; 10.1038/ncomms10535 (2016). There are options for a wine and chocolate pairing or a wine and Typical Literary Agent Responses and - Write It Sideways An email template is a model email that contains the basic information an editor should include in an email on a particular topic. Dynamic Join Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks * Svilen R. Mihaylov Marie Jacob Zachary G. Ives Sudipto Guha Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. {svilen, majacob, zives, sudipto} @cis.upenn.edu ABSTRACT To enable smart environments and self-tuning data centers, we are developing the Aspen system for integrating . [CDATA[// > Dr Hashmi Gastroenterologist, Mbchb Admissions Data Document Glasgow, Destiny Davis Married To Brandon Davis, How Long Does It Take Tsb To Release Mortgage Funds, Articles W