This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Will I get a Dishonorable Discharge before I even ship? So, my recruiter basically told me to lie at MEPS about ever smoking weed. They investigate everything for top secret, but this isn't usually the case for secret. Enlisted into the military at 18 years old. This means that all drug use, even marijuana, needs to be reported in full. Enjoy being a cook. A history of occasional, strictly recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana may not disqualify you from military service in certain branches. This can affect your future opportunities for employment, housing, civilian rights, and more. However, there may be ways to mitigate the initial omission or falsehood by correcting the omission with your security officer. You are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of your choice to commit a felony. You Lied on the SF-86 Questionnaire. When applying for a security clearance , you want the best outcome. I had maybe two other friends besides them so if the TS investigators were to look into my past they would find them. I passed MEPS and all was good. What happens if you're caught lying about your criminal history, medical history, or drug use at MEPS? The list is comparable to the other branches of the military. Even tiny lies can be discovered. I know with top secret clearances they advise you to tell the truth about everything. It's too bad you didn't know how simple and basic secret clearance investigations are - or you would have never lied. He was subsequently denied clearance based on Guideline E: Personal Conduct. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. But to anyone who may be getting in, tell the truth up front. The interviewer asked me, since I'm underage, if my parents were my caregivers. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Ordered by The Committee of the Ce What are investigators looking for specifically? The process of adjudication is known as the whole person concept, which takes into account the information you voluntarily submitted, the nature and seriousness of the information you presented, and the frequency of questionable conduct you may have engaged in. Recruits must keep in mind that everyone at MEPS is thoroughly investigated at the local, state, and federal levels for any illegal records or criminal activity. Does the military check your medical history? The records are located and showa childhood diagnosis of asthma. When I went up to meps a few weeks ago I lied about my criminal history, saying I never got arrested. (0 members and 1 guests). Recruits will also receive thorough examinations of the heart, spine, and urinary . 1001, which says that whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years. Honestly, he deserves to. He could face up to five years in prison for each charge. No, you won't go to jail. Lets say even if I come clean I am still in the military wont they report that to the marine Corps and kick me out? So you can answer no MJ use past 7 years (10 years for TS SCI). You can tell him/her "No!" Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. The issues you discussed are not unusual and would probably be cleared (mitigated ) as part of the normal process except if you lie on the SCA and especially to the investigator. "now that's funny! For that reason, this isnt the time to wing-it. Period. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. What 3 things do you do when you recognize an emergency situation? These are usually face-to-face meetings, during which time the investigators will ask those references for two other people that know you, whereby those interviews will also be held in an in-person environment. Lied at meps now need TS clearance SECURITY CLEARANCE Q&A BurnedVision September 7, 2019, 9:11pm #1 Enlisted into the military at 18 years old. This means that all drug use, even marijuana, needs to be reported in full. Thanks. You, on the other hand, fucked up a little, and it might cost you your enlistment. You better believe I do, because if you're willing to lie about that stuff what else is lies, or what else will you lie about? It'll be like you never enlisted. It is not the recruiters job to get you into the military, nor is it MEPS' job to disqualify you. It does not matter that the recruiter told you to lie. The characters must be typed in the same order, and they are case-sensitive. Will my recruiter get into deep shit? There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. The first step isfilling out the SF-86 form(with all truthful answers) before it goes through an investigative process initiated by the OPM or an outside agency that is contracted by the OPM. Or will I just get denied a Secret Security Clearance? It's a shame, really. Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? and stick to your guns. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. The applicant stated that he smoked marijuana three times per week while attending college. I'm not sure if I agree with Intel Vet's advice. However, if you make it, be honest with everything. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Another key aspect of the background investigation for a Top Secret clearance is a thorough review of your finances, character and any possible criminal history. In my experience, Secret level clearances don't even come close to being worth the trouble they cause - even if you fill it out correctly. PENALTIES for lying on the SF86 The SF-86 explains: The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. Lets unpack that a little. The Enlistment Contract (DD Form 4/1) can't make this any more plain. Do I care if you smoked weed then tried to cover it up? The U.S. government recognizes three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret. Ive tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). If you can be mislead by a recruiter, how can you be trusted with secerts? Past ten (10) years or to age 18, whichever is less. People lie all the time at meps, and after spending a day and the night before surrounded by the people from your general area then you can usually tell who is lying. This was all before I was 18 years old. The recruiters don't tell you this, but you can get waivers for most things. This procedure is standard for screening potential enlistees in advance for the presence of drugs or alcohol. If you mess up and try to sweep it under the rug, then you do not look like someone who deserves to be trusted with sensitive information. They are foreigners so he had me say they lived in their native country. Well, you can't get a discharge before you're actually in, so that's a no. Recruiters are required to "make mission" (or face consequences to their career), and "making mission" is often beyond their control. Thank you, sorry if this is rambling I'm just really panicking. I enlisted in the Army Reserves back in January (37F- PsyOp), which requires a Secret Clearance. Answer (1 of 13): Before you go to meps your recruiter should go over everything with you. Settle down. While the applicant did tell the truth about his marijuana usage in college, he wasnt quite as forthright about the frequency. The difference is the depth and extensiveness of the investigation. He/she didn't tell me a thing about it!" In other words don't speak to issues outside the time period specified on the SF86. If you have done drugs, been suspended, or done other "stupid kid things" I can guarantee there's a waiver for it. Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. Whether your recruiter will get in trouble is out of your control. Related Article Can You Join The Military With A Felony? As part of the initial assignment screening process. Since you need it for your MOS, you'll likely get a new MOS. Dude, it was dumb, but just answer everything from here on out truthfully. Your recruiter is dishonest and too lazy to complete the required waivers - you will need to tell someone else at MEPS.. I had one for my secret clearance, but that was because I had some criminal charges dropped that needed to be explained. Ok, you will not be goin to jail or anything. Get a copy of your high school transcript. You're not going to jail. In addition, being truthful regarding your past indicates strength in terms of your conduct and character. If you are prosecuted and convicted for this felony violation, your criminal record is permanent. Ive gotten two tickets, one for running a stop sign on a bicycle and the last one (2014, would be 25 years old) for speeding . It does make things more difficult. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You answered all the questions you'll be asked at meps already so your recruiter will ask you the same ones a number of. The process for obtaining a security clearance can take around six months to complete. Not only is lying on the SCA (SF86) a crime - you also have fraudulent enlistment issues going on here. Lack of it can land you in trouble, both now and in the fleet. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual While this seems like a minor issue, since marijuana is legal in quite a few states as of this writing, the drug is still considered illegal federally. The investigators and adjudicators know that many recruiters will tell kids to lie filling out their forms. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. 3 What happens if you lie on your security clearance? I know it's my fault for still lying at meps but my recruiter told me to lie about my marijuana usage and if I have ever been out of the country. Welcome to the Northern Ireland Assembly web site, which was set up to inform interested viewers of the day-to-day business and historical background of devolved Government in Northern Ireland. You wouldn't have had to. I'm really worried, I hate lying to begin with. Updated on 07/31/19. So even if I completely clean and do not lie on my sf86 and to the investigator. However, any hidden disclosures that come to light will definitely affect their current and future military career. Here are four common examples of situations that occur: Each of these individuals wanted to know if they could somehow have their discharges upgraded. Individual recruiters are not authorized or qualified to make medical or legal determinations. Here is a handful of the medical conditions that require an Army medical waiver. Getting into the military can be difficult, especially when the needs of the military are low (no war to fight) or the economy is poor and more people stream into the recruiting station looking for work. If fraudulent enlistment charges dont lead to felony charges, you will still receive a discharge that falls under administrative, other than honorable, or dishonorable, for lying to the military. I had a positive TB test in 2015, but nothing on x-rays (would be 26 years old). All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. Investigators will also consider the motivation for your previous conduct, and the likelihood that the conduct will be repeated. A record of the arrest was found when conducting his security clearance background investigation. Map & Directions [+]. For instance,DOHA Case Number 14-01234involved a security clearance applicant who received aStatement of Reasons (SOR)that detailed security concerns regarding the applicants personal conduct. (Unless you said, Father: Ahmed Slad_ Father's Address: Riyadh Occupation: Freedom Fighter) But in this brave and stupid new world we live in, everyone "needs" a secret clearance (credit check.) Should I just convince myself I never had it since I really do feel normal and I can function normally? If they fall too far below that number because they miss their annual recruiting goals, Congress could reduce the size of the Service and the dollars that go with it. MEPS stands for military entrance processing station. Along with me admitted to the physc hospital I smoked weed and it affected me very poorly. lied. For more information, please see our On the flip side, fraudulent enlistment is not normally pressed if a recruit volunteers the information early. This may help you understand more about the overall military recruiting situation and hopefully prevent you from over-generalizing based on your own bad experience. In some cases, a discharge from the service. They're going to arrest you and put you in jail for fraudulent enlistment. Below are approximate timelines for the clearance process: 1-2 months for a new Secret (interim) clearance. Handle this the right way, as you should all things. May 6, 2020. You can resize the textbox by dragging the right or bottom border. Be prepared for the possibility of not being able to enlist. How much stuff can you bring on deployment? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. If not, you can write to the following: Air Force Inspector GeneralAir Force Recruiting ServiceHQ AFRS/CVIRandolph AFB, TX 78150, Army Inspector GeneralUS Army RecruitingUSARECFort Knox, KY 40121, Navy Inspector GeneralCOMNAVCRUITCOM Code 0015722 Integrity DrBldg 768Millington, TN 38054, Marine Corps (East Coast) Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD)Parris Island, SC 29905, Marine Corps (West Coast) Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD)San Diego, CA 92140. What should I do tell the whole truth and not worry about them kicking me out or switch jobs now and not even try for a ts clearance. You also committed enlist fraud. MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. Just a note, this is not necessarily a true statement about the transferability. Take it to the grave and don't mention it ever again. Most people dont notice. I don't think for secret you usually have an interview. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I used to be really affected and take meds for it every day. They are going to find the sealed juvenile record they may or may not find out about ADHD, depends on who they interview and what they tell them. The reason quotas are such a big deal, besides the fact that the military needs so many bodies to do the work, Congress mandates that each Service be at a certain number (end strength) at the end of the year. The MEPS is independent from each Service, and is not on any quota. All misdemeanors no felonies. Do you get drug tested for top secret clearance? You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Now, on top of that, being fired from recruiting duty because you didn't make your quotas, is also usually career ending. Military Security Clearance Disqualifiers I had to write an essay and do 20 hours of community service. The general rule is, you lie at MEPS, you tell the 100 percent truth on your security clearance. Many recruiters view the MEPS as the enemy, as an obstacle to recruiting. If I tell the truth on sf86 would they tell my service branch? Your email address will not be published. They tend to give secret clearances away like candy as long as you don't have anything criminal or otherwise questionable in your record. Lying at MEPS will impact your future, particularly in terms of eliminating any employment opportunities with the military. I really doubt that they'll go that deep into it, one of the other students who was involved in the same issue and had to go to court with me is now working at an army hospital under federal clearance. Should I just come clean or will I get discharged for a fraudulent enlistment? Some typical things that people lie about at MEPS include: Some recruits may lie about their medical history, either thinking that the information is irrelevant, protected by privacy, or will go undiscovered. Needless to say, most punishments are career-ending. You may be denied the clearance. Even if you are somehow able to get away with a lie at MEPS, if a discrepancy is later revealed, you can face consequences for fraudulent enlistment and committing a military offense. You get a chance to come clean on anything that you may have omitted from your record. They know the regulations and the enlistment requirements of their service, and they work hard to legally process recruits for enlistment. Here are some helpful responses to frequently asked questions regarding this topic: The military will absolutely check your medical history. SECURITY CLEARANCE Q&A. Helpplease November 9, 2019, 8:35pm #1. There may be problems with the polygraph, but anyone who would try to lie has no business working for government agencies based on integrity. case or situation. The recruit had selected a rating (job) that only required a SECRET. During the MEPS process, recruits may be tempted to lie about past events. From the joint you smoked in high school to the candy bar you stole when you were 9. He was forthcoming on his SF-86 and during interviews, and the drug use became a non-issue, particularly because he told investigators that he had no plans to use drugs ever again. And yet another case,DOHA Case Number 15-00234, the applicant admitted to smoking marijuana in college. Please type the characters that appear in the image. Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. It does not store any personal data. All I know is that this is what I've wanted since I started high school and now that I'm finally good to go, I may have fucked up big time. ASRC Federal Holding Company - Suffolk, VA, 23435 - Job Title: Software Developer Job Location: Suffolk, Virginia (Hybrid - Partial Telework) Security Clearance: Secret cleara. Had you not lied, you may have received a secret security clearance depending on what the investigation may have turned up. As part of the appeals process, the applicant was interviewed by an OPM investigator during which time he admitted freely to providing false information about his previous drug use. The recruiter did a check with the local law enforcement agencies and found no record of the arrest. That should be an honest answer for you. Copyright 2023 Now I'm freaking out. So, what should you do if your recruiter encourages you to commit a crime by lying? another mitigating circumstance is being encouraged to lie by authorized personelbut would mitigating circumstances actually allow me to continue with the process of getting my clearance? Based on his recruiter's advice, a Navy recruit did not report knee surgery he had undergone at the age of 14. Food for thought. Your best and safest option at this point is to say nothing. You'll likely lose it. Due to this small but very consequential omission, the applicants security clearance was quickly denied. The investigation focuses on your character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other pertinent areas. Good luck to you. Cookie Notice You can listen to the recruiter and take your chances. Recruiters not infrequently advise enlistees to withhold minor derogatory information because they have quotas to meet and don't want anything to interfere with that. There are three basic levels of security clearance: Confidential/Public Trust Secret Top Secret Top Secret clearance is not a big deal and the military doesn't really give a fuck about your juvenile record unless it's drug related or something pretty serious. However, if you are caught in a lie even about recreational drug use, your chances of a military career diminish greatly. Since the applicant eventually decided to be honest, the judge was lenient. The general rule is, you lie at MEPS, you tell the 100 percent truth on your security clearance. Whether you are in the military or with a 1525 Faraday Avenue Therefore, its important to be honest about all aspects of your medical history including present health conditions. Medical screening is a vital part of the recruitment process, including completing official forms to establish your previous and current medical history. Here are some aspects of medical history that may cause a recruit to lie at MEPS: All potential enlistees go through comprehensive medical examinations at MEPS. My acceptance for enlistment is based on the information I have given in my application for enlistment. However, its far better to be honest and upfront during MEPS than to lie and hope that the information isnt revealed through the militarys strict and thorough vetting process. This includes diligent screening and thorough investigation to ensure that potential troops are mission ready, trustworthy, and reliable. What should I do? Our core values are Honor, Courage, Commitment. If you hold a TS/SCI Clearance with the Department of Defense, it will not transfer to Departement of Justice; DOJ will redo an entire investigation. These people would tell them that I was a huge pothead just to screw me over. I used the drug one time and that was it. 3 Alex Denethorn Commentator on US and UK Politics Author has 7.1K answers and 45.2M answer views 3 y Related These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Though it may be tempting to lie at MEPS about your medical, criminal, and/or drug history, the consequences arent worth it. or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. I have zero skeletons in the closet, so Im assuming by now after nearly 150 days, its probably been cleared? One should read the questions carefully, and answer them truthfully, but it's never a good idea to offer more information than what is actually asked. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I havent been declared mentally incompetent but since the first intent on suicide was under 18 they forced me to go to a psychiatric hospital for 11 days. This information is not intended to create, and receipt Why would you think it was a prudent idea to lie to the government about something so easily verifiable? The fact of the matter is that there really is no legal impediment to using an applicants admissions of unreported criminal conduct against the applicant in a subsequent criminal prosecution. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. They check a lot of shit. Why Do Some Recruiters Encourage You to Lie? This allows the military access to seven years of your prescription history, including medications prescribed, dates, and who initiated the prescriptions. I wanted to better myself and also get away/get distracted from my failed partnership. How much salary can I expect in Dublin Ireland after an MS in data analytics for a year? Lying about paperwork is, and I am 99% certain that will come up on a polygraph. There needs to be far more discipline in that area but it will help to mitigate your issue. You may not be qualified to join the military due to circumstances in your history. Depending on the MOS you are in, the most you may ever need is a secret and no one might never dig into your pass. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. If you lie about your previous drug use (even if there is no criminal record), and your military job/assignment (either now or a future assignment) requires a Top Secret clearance, the military CAN find out about it (see Security Clearance Secrets). . the time to be honest is when youre talking to the investigator. Therefore, if youre caught lying at MEPS, the consequences can result in your ineligibility to join the military, potential criminal charges, and repercussions in the civilian sector. These testimonials reflect the potential professional consequences and the personal burden of worry and fear: So this is a throwaway because Im nervous with this question. A recent case involved aDepartment of Energyapplicant who omitted information about former drug use on the SF-86. Testing positive or refusing to comply can lead to disqualification in terms of a military career and other potential consequences. Inquiry into the Approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government on European Union Issues SESSION 2001/2002 SECOND REPORT. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. If you lie on the SF-86, you could face fines and/or up-to five years in prison. Source: BadChoicesMade The military goes to great lengths in the vetting process of recruits. Its also common for recruits with a history of drug use, whether recreational or addictive, to lie about their experiences. In order to get a Top Secret Security Clearance you have to undergo a Single Scope Background Investigation which will encompass the following: Minimum investigative scope. That really depends on the investigator and the adjudication. Am I going to jail like everybody else is saying? Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces utilizes their own MEPS to evaluate recruits for military readiness, including their standards of conduct and character. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Knowingly giving false information or withholding required information on any recruiting form is a criminal offense (When the information would have made an individual ineligible to enlist, or would have required a waiver to enlist). I have ADHD. As the person acknowledges, providing honest information at MEPS perhaps would have required a waiver to enlist. 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