State whether the above statement is true or false a) true b) false View Answer 2. Deformation at the end of elements are called _____________ 18. According to the nonlocal theory, the stress at any material point is a. function of not only the strain at that point but also the strains at all. Answer: d c) Diagonal locations The structure stiffness matrix [S] is obtained by assembling the stiffness matrices for the individual elements of the structure. 1 and 4 d) Stress and displacement B. b) Aluminum Answer: d When there are It is convenient to define a node at each location where the point load is applied. You can also use our Area Moment of Inertia Calculator that allows you to play with these geometries to get a better feel for the impact of shape and size changes. This can be evaluated both subjectively, or objectively using a device such as the Cutometer. c) 13 They expand as the cement hardens. This further reduces the number of material constants to 21. ultrasonic monitoring 21. a) Potential- Energy approach Answer: a 1. C. 50:50. By element stiffness matrix we can get relation of members in an object in _____ That is all. We can figure that out using the following mathematical approach. For example, a point on a horizontal beam can undergo both a vertical displacement and a rotation relative to its undeformed axis. 23. %%EOF C. any of the metals commonly used in aircraft fasteners. The inverse of stiffness is flexibility or compliance, typically measured in units of metres per newton. I suggest you to refer the following book: The Finite Element Method Using MATLAM : Hyochoong Bang (Author), Young W. Kwon (Author) Refer the book..Book discusses basics of FEM with MATLAB Code. Elastic modulus is a property of the constituent material; stiffness is a property of a structure or component of a structure, and hence it is dependent upon various physical dimensions that describe that component. b) Natural boundary condition Wood may also consider to be orthotropic. Let's take a typical and simple geometry shape. A. This formula is the heart of our geometric stiffness control method because it incorporates the exact dimensions and shapes well be modifying. Isoparametric formula is ______________ The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between the discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. a) Element displacement vector component's core is These properties are related, but they have important differences: For this article, well review the fundamentals of each, identify common pitfalls differentiating mechanical strength vs. stiffness vs hardness, examine the technical [], How to Design for Part Stiffness Using a Geometric Approach. Answer: a A. thermoset. b) uTT This article is part one of a two-part series that discusses different methods for increasing part stiffness. of a body is a measure of the resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. Shape function is just a ___________ The points where the corners of the triangles meet are called nodes. Proper prepreg composite lay-up curing is generally b) No. The size of global stiffness matrix will be equal to the total degrees of freedom of the structure. [2], The stiffness, When rivets or nuts and bolts are used, slotted holes In other words, Fictiv lets engineers, like you, engineer. What are the basic unknowns on stiffness matrix method? Accelerating new product introduction for the robotics industry, Accelerating new product introduction for the consumer products industry, Accelerating new product introduction for the medical industry, Accelerating new product introduction for the automotive industry, Accelerating new product introduction for the aerospace industry. hTKSaqk&xEnM oQ~ Explanation: The lagrange shape function sum to unity everywhere. M To solve the problem it subdivides a larger problem into smaller, simpler parts that are called finite elements. The given expressions show the relationship between stress, strain and displacement of a body. , B. being inspected. What is the element at the index position 33 of the assembled stiffness matrix of the following mesh if ? Answer: b As Kbandedis of dimension [N X NBW] where NBW is the half band width. This means that we need to decide whether the structure is a single spring or a network of springs distributed in space and connected to each other. Answer: b c) Thermal expansion View Answer 2. The amount of irrigant in the hanging bag was 3000mL3000 \mathrm{~mL}3000mL at the beginning of the shift. Explanation: NBW means half bandwidth. After consulting with his urologist, A.B. For theplane stress problem in XYZ Cartesian system, xx=xx(x,y), yy=yy(x,y) and zz=0, which option is correct regarding the associated strain field? Sandwich panels made of honeycomb construction are used Which then cause material to deform. Explanation: Orthotropic materials have material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal two fold axis of rotational symmetry. But 50% of consumer electronics products fail EMC testing during their first pass. d) Stress displacements b) Vector displacements b) Normal strains For each finite element you integrate the material behavior defined by the constitutive law that tells what forces are caused by a deformation of the mesh, represented by the stiffness. c) Displacement vector These elements are interconnected to form the whole structure. 7-42 AMA078 Body force is distributed force acting on every elemental volume. Answer: a b) Shape 4. structures, a change in sound may be due to damage or {\displaystyle k,} springs connected to each other in series, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics. a) Minimum stresses d) U20=0 One benefit of using aramid paper as a honey comb core in Here C is a __________ The _____ can be obtained even with coarser meshes by plotting and extrapolating. First up are round tubes and rods. a) 2 degrees of freedom a) Interpolation function It is acted upon by external loads lying in the xy plane (or parallel to it) that are independent of the Z coordinate. A global stiffness matrix K is a banded matrix. b) Hole Answer: d d) Undefined 4. prepare the damaged area. These composites usually utilize a polymer matrix that exhibits high damping capacity, but low stiffness. Thanks. Answer: d A. high speed, low pressure drills. Assuming that the deformation is much smaller than the size of the beam, these expressions can be physically interpreted as follows. the stiffness matrix of an element is related to the material property and size of the element. c) Non symmetric and rectangular c) -, y- co-ordinates Explanation: Traction force or tractive force are used to generate a motion between a body and a tangential surface, through the use of dry friction, through the use of shear force of the surface is also commonly used. b) Penalty approach Explanation: By penalty approach we can derive boundary conditions of an element or a structure. Materials have a long shelf life. The first step of this approach is to add a large number to the diagonal elements. d) Banded matrix dV=tdA. Answer: c Such configurations are usually not possible. 7-21 AMA037 7-30 AMA037 From solid mechanics, what is the correct displacement(u) boundary condition for the following plane stress problem of the beam? d) T a)1/2[QTKQ-QTF] x=N1x1+N2x2 a) 9 c) Matrix Considering a plane frame element with three nodal degrees of freedom ( NNDF) and six element degrees of freedom( NEDF) as shown in Fig. d) Unidirection composite Now that we know the formulas, lets put them to use with our Area Moment of Inertia Calculator to provide a method for how to calculate stiffness and deflection. a) Degrees of freedom b) Infinity In the two dimensional elements the x-, y-, co-ordinates are mapped onto -,, co-ordinates. Explanation: Truss is a structure that consists of only two force members only. c) B=q Between wheel and ground how much of traction force is required? The dimension of Kbandedis _____ (Here NBW is half bandwidth) Answer: a 29. b) Length Explanation: Strain is relative change in shape or size of an object due to externally applied forces. b) 88 11. 10. large deformations), material nonlinearity's (i.e. 2. remove water from damage area. b) Nodes Answer: b Answer: a The best way to understand which moment of inertia to consider is to think about applying a load around which axis will the bar rotate or wrap? A case in which the stiffness. Answer: a When it comes to calculating the area MOI for a tube, the only dimensions we will need are the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID). Body forces contrast with contact forces or the classical definition of surface forces which are exerted to the surface of the object. throughout their Academic career. 7. a) Scale out technique Explanation: Deformation changes in an objects shape or form due to the application of a force or forces. d)1/2[QF] structures must be constructed of Answer: a 36. How many nodes are there in a tetrahedron element? When an orthotropic plate is loaded parallel to its material axes, it results normal strains. The formula for a tubes area MOI is shown below: In this example, the area MOI is the same about both axes, but with shapes like rectangles, thats not always the case. a) Geometry b) Vigorously Editors note: We published a follow-up blog post on this topic on 4/4/14. While considering longitudinal stresses and vertical stresses in a horizontal beam during bending. Answer: b The strain energy per unit volume is known as strain energy density and the area under stress-strain curve towards the point of deformation. Explanation: Strain energy is defined as the energy stored in the body due to deformation. 9. are not recommended. a) f=[fx,fy]T A category of plastic material that is capable of softening or In problems with multiple DOF, we are required to decide as to which degree of freedom is known when singular points are encountered. However, the derivation is entirely different from that given in Ref. Low order polynomials are typically chosen as shape functions. 11. Using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the following matrix equation can be formed:. This is called isoparametric formulation in literature. Explanation: Degrees of freedom of a node tells that the number of ways in which a system can allowed to moves. In solid mechanics, which option is not a characteristic of a plane stress problem in the XYZ Cartesian system? pressure system to absorb excess resin during curing called? a) Linear c) Axes Thus, . Answer: d C. poor formability. B. Explanation: By elimination approach method we can construct a global stiffness matrix by load and force acting on the structure or an element. Deformation proportional to the stress applied within the elastic limits of the material. Surface element may refer to an infinitesimal portion of a 2D surface, as used in a surface integral in a 3D space. Explanation: Shape functions are interpolation functions. Explanation: The continuum is a physical body structure, system or a solid being analyzed and finite elements are smaller bodies of equivalent system when given body is sub divided into an equivalent system. This indicates that this end is fixed, while the downward facing arrow on the right end indicates a load in that direction. Answer: b In discretization of 2D element each triangle is called element. b) Force c) Both Essential and natural boundary conditions the plastic oversize by 1/8-inch. In Imperial units, stiffness is typically measured in pounds (lbs) per inch. C. in corners and around the edges of the structure. Fiber-reinforced composites are composed of axial particulates embedded in a matrix material. That means well need to consider the area MOI about the X-axis. c) Periphery of the circle c) 7 c) Principal axes B. buffed with a clean, soft, dry cloth. Answer: b Internal Combustion Engines (I.C. c) zx0 A node is a co-ordinate location in space where degrees of freedom are defined. A flexible shaft or an elastic shaft is a device for transmitting rotary motion between two objects which are not fixed relative to one another. c) The final velocity Answer: a Explanation: In a structure geometrical notches, such as holes cannot be avoided. c) Interpolation function having an order of, The determinant of an element stiffness matrix is always. 3. b) U19=0 18. wet lay-ups is generally considered the best for strength? Now, lets jump over to an FEA study that looks at our 2.0 OD by 1.5 ID cantilever tube and compare the result, as shown below. In the design of wheeled or tracked vehicles, high traction between wheel and ground should be more desirable. d) Kinematic energy Only No. Two Dimensional Finite Element Formulation,, 7-37 AMA078 Screenshot of the Parameters table in the COMSOL software. These factors are of functional significance to patients. Answer: a We can see that the deflection is 0.0646, which is pretty close to our spreadsheet calculations again. Explanation: The relationship is that connects the displacement fields with the strain is called strain displacement relationship. Hi Sreenivas, Geometric Stiffness Matrix is often used in Buckling. Explanation: A Belleville washer, also known as a coned-disc spring, [1] conical spring washer, [2] disc spring, Belleville spring or cupped spring washer, is a conical shell which can be loaded along its axis either statically or dynamically. The shear deformation taken into account when using the Timoshenko beam theory will, through the shear modulus, have a slight dependence on Poissons ratio, so we need to incorporate that in the material data as well. b) Sleeve and shaft b) Non uniform This load vector is obtained by due to given load. 22. c) KKe Material stiffness is a measure of how much of a load it takes to cause elastic deformation in the material and is numerically represented by Youngs modulus (aka the modulus of elasticity). Answer: b composite fasteners The stiffness matrix is a inherent property of a structure. b) yx0 Tractive force is defined as d) Matrix a) Load d) Displacement and strain d) Program CG SOLVING equations d) Undefined B. create sonogram pictures of the areas being inspected. d) 0.3 b) Displacement function Now, we can quantify the exact increase in stiffness achieved by this modification based on these measurements. b) Orthotropic I am working on a simple script to be able to solve frame structure using direct stiffness method. In engineering approach to FEM in Structural Mechanics, how it is presented, you lose the feeling that you are solving Partial Differential Equations. Now, lets run the calculations for part stiffness and deflection. This gives us a linear force versus displacement relationship, such that the stiffness is independent of the operating point as well as any spatial variation in force, displacement, and material properties. core material with thermoplastic resin. At node 33, the beam is pulled towards positive x; thus, the effective force at 33 is positive. Only No. However, it also translates to the idea that each of these springs has its own stiffness. For time-dependent problems in FEA, which variables must be specified for each component of the displacement field problems? N1=A1/A . b) Global load vector Lets look at our calculator again to run some quick calculations to compare a round tube and a solid round bar. d) uTTl a) Galerkin approach Answer: c Explanation: Penalty approach is one of the method to derive boundary conditions of an element or a structure. If no scratches are visible after transparent plastic enclosure b) 90-180 ._#Y2.)j AAJ6F&BPC> A8|DB-`wb`E@X //1 a) Programming equations 8. A. cure the film adhesive material at 250 degrees F. Explanation: Stiffness is amount of force required to cause the unit displacement same concept is applied for stiffness matrix. A. water from between the laminations. Apr 19, 2013 #8 AlephZero Science Advisor Homework Helper 7,025 297 ThurmanMurman said: In shape functions, first derivatives must be _______ within an element. b) Scale up technique no_nodes = size (node_xy,1); - to calculate the size of the nodes or number of the nodes. c) Singular stiffness matrix Answer: c c) =D Answer: a A. high strength aluminum-lithium alloy. Third Year A high modulus of elasticity is sought when deflection is undesirable, while a low modulus of elasticity is required when flexibility is needed. Such cases will be discussed in a future blog post. a) Node No hanger designs come close to the materials yield strength, but their function depends on the stiffness of the design. c) 25-75 d) On surface Corrosion a factor with composite aircraft components when d) K=AE Unidirectional composites are stacked at different fiber orientations to form a ______ d) Shrinking technique Answer: b d) Program SOLVING It has adverse effects on different structures. Some shapes perform better in certain load cases than others, and some parts need to be bigger to accommodate higher loads. When drilling through acrylic plastics, a drill bit with an In solid mechanics, what is the correct vector form of the equations of motion for a plane elasticity problem? Answer: b 13. C. install anchor tabs on the aluminum surface. The matrix representation for translation in homogeneous coordinates is, The matrix representation for scaling in homogeneous coordinates is, The two-dimensional rotation equation in the matrix form is. a) Identity matrix That is to say, the deflection of the smaller diameter tube is 170% greater than our larger diameter tube. Answer: c Explanation: The points at which both displacement and force degrees of freedom are known or when two different values of the same degree of freedom are specified are called as singular points. d) Zero Each node has only _______ In the Finite Element Method, if two different values of the same degree of freedom are specified at a point, then such point is called as a singular point. d) Singular matrix 25. d) f=[2|i-j|+1] The COMSOL software solutions match the analytical solutions exactly. b) A-A1 A zero rank tensor is a scalar, a first rank tensor is a vector; a one-dimensional array of numbers. We may use the info you submit to contact you and use data from third parties to personalize your experience. All other faces of the beam are unconstrained and unloaded. 27. b) Force matrix c) Displacement matrix f=[fx,fy]T. 8. d) Small deformations in non-Hookean solids Then we extract the displacement vector q from the Q vector. For linear user elements all material behavior must be defined through a user-defined stiffness matrix. c) Transverse axis. Quadratic shape functions give much more _______ b) Degrees of freedom a) x-, y- co-ordinates 7-24 AMA037 7-20 AMA037 4. d) Undefined a) Rayleigh method Explanation: By elimination approach method we can construct a global stiffness matrix by load and force acting on the structure or an element. c) Crystals #3. The skin maintains its structure due to its intrinsic tension, contributed to by collagen, an extracellular protein that accounts for approximately 75% of its dry weight. a) Zero This correlates pretty closely between the two different approaches, so were happy with the result. When the applied force is released, the system returns to its original shape. A point in a triangle divides into three areas. "#HHH N The other end is supported by both roller and hinge support. d) Two By using Element connectivity, and determine the element stresses. The round tube is almost as stiff as the solid round bar, even though the center is hollowed out. 168 Welsh Street San Francisco, CA 94107, 1001 N. Central, Suite 802 Phoenix, AZ 85004, 5-6 Building 11, Changhua Creative Park, Panyu District, Guangzhou, 511495, Pride House Office No.402, 4th Floor, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411016. A 1D representation of the beam, obtained using the balance of bending moment in the body. It is the frusto-conical shape that gives the washer a spring characteristic. 10. %PDF-1.5 % Finite element method uses the concept of shape functions in systematically developing the interpolations. a) Square surface In finite element modeling nodal points are connected by unique ________ d) One, two and three When dividing an area into triangles, avoid large _____ c) Linear equations Do the geometric dimensions of the structure vary irregularly in certain directions? b) 3 nodes a) 30-120 A. covered with a thin coat of wax. d) [NBW X NBW] A. less than full strength curing of the matrix. How is Assembly of stiffness matrix symbolically denoted? A snapshot of the Study settings illustrating how the load cases are set up to activate only one component of the force vector at a time. 90 degrees a) Element force vectors only b) Only nodal C. dirt and foreign substances from between It is unique for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation (strain) at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading (stress). a) Longitudinal axis. Unidirectional fiber- reinforced composites also exhibit _______ behavior. d) Coupling d) Load 2. Answer: b Weve matched our original stiffness after adding just 0.030 to the outer diameter, while keeping the 1 internal diameter for our tube stock. 2. In elimination approach method, extract the displacement vector q from the Q vector. The structure is divided into discrete areas or volumes known as elements. 1 is true. Hence, we can express the axial stiffness of the beam for this 0D model with the following equation: Assuming the Youngs modulus of steel is 200 GPa, we find that the axial stiffness of the beam is k = 4109 N/m. Potential energy =1/2[QTKQ-QTF]. Explanation: The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. The same idea holds true for the displacement (v) along the y-direction as well. A highly ordered, hexagonal, nacre-like composite stiffness is investigated using experiments, simulations, and analytical models. d) Co-ordinates Year Of Engineering Answer: b Answer: c In this case, a 0D model is also a single degree of freedom (SDOF) representation of the beam. Elements are interconnected to form the whole structure future blog post of surface forces which are to... 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