Ryan said: Quake Death Toll in Turkey Soars to 912: ErdoganFebruary 6, 2023https://insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-erAt least 912 people died in Turkey from a 7.8-magnitudeearthquakethat struck early Monday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, sharply revising up earlier figures. EOZT. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. Are these related? [and from another]East Palestine Train Derailment: What we know about the SituationFebruary 13, 2023https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2023/02/13/east-palestine-ohiResidents were allowed to return home last week after about 50 train cars, 10 of which carried hazardous materials,derailed in a fiery wreck on Feb. 3. Report an Issue | https://insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-er http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htm, https://youtube.com/shorts/dhbsjS-6uHc?feature=share, http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta355.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx406.htm. Meanwhile, various Debt Relief http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2020.htmschemes have been proffered to retain control of assets by the banks. EOZT. This is then imposed on the US citizens as a National Debt they are required to pay to the Fed. q10 Thank you Google every day for blessing these addresses and currently it is my duty to pay miles and share them with everyone [and from another] U.S. fighter Jet Shoots down UFO over CanadaFebruary 13, 2023https://www.disclose.tv/id/1624585363569143808/A U.S. F-22 fighter jet shot down an unidentified object over Canada on Saturday, the second such shootdown in as many days, as North America appeared on heightened alert following a week-long Chinese spying balloon saga that drew the global spotlight. We have predicted widespread banking and insurance company failure, with a leap to the Barter system as a result. Led by researchers from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany and the Institut Catal de Paleoecologia Humana i Evoluci Social in Spain, they argued that "other scientific studies indicate that that proposition is unproven from the current archaeological, paleoanthropological, and genetic records. The earthquakes in Turkey and Indonesia were not caused by magnetic pole shifting. The Earth's magnetic north pole - the point at which all compasses point to - is rapidly shifting position, according to scientists . Hoover Dam itself is solid but the water of Lake Mead can force around the sides, emptying the water in a flood down the Colorado. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. Mega Block on Sunday, February 26, 2023: Mumbai Local Train Services To Be Affected on Central and Harbour Line, Jumbo Block on Western Railway; Check Details Here Trending Topics Coronavirus Live Map India Google Trends Cryptocurrency Narendra Modi Coronavirus in India IND vs AUS Virat Kohli Russia Ukraine War Latest Updates Omicron Hijab Row . The elite in the UK are in a panic that the people will connect the dots and realize that Nibiru is indeed responsible for these Plate Movements and demand answers from their politicians. Seeds, hand tools, livestock, medicinal herbs, and skill sets such as carpentry and dentistry will be of value, where former accountants and hedge fund managers will be rejected by survival camps. Stocks and bonds will lose their value, with the Stock Markets being considered a joke. In my experience and research, I have found coverup after coverup when it comes to NASA or any space program. 259.7K views | Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. Comment by Nancy Lieder on Saturday. The US debt clock is showing the dollar at 0 for Oil, Silver and Gold. When the human being lacks this frequency of 7.8 Hz, it can become ill both physically and mentally. The weather couldchange, atmosphere may change, even if temporarily; some say there will be something else completely, but let's get into this further. A severe train derailment in Ohio that happened on February 3rd is still a danger to residents near the crash site. The Federal Reserve contract allows the bankers to print US dollars at will, then loan them back to the USA while charging interest. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blast-heard-military-plan https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/30/middleeast/drone-strikes-iran-isfaha http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2022.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx335.htm, http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue736.htm. [and from another]US Shoots Down unknown 'High-Altitude Object' over AlaskaFebruary 11, 2023https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-shoots-high-altitude-object-alasRecovery operations continued Saturday to retrieve a "high-altitude object" shot down over the waters off Alaska. Thus triggering all the fault lines in southern Turkey which likewise shifted. Greetings from Guyana; as regards the prediction below from the Zetas, is it possible to get an update on the probable height of the tsunami that will assault the South American coast line after the South American Roll completes? Steven Greer claimed once that there was a "Plan" within the deep state to create a space war with holograms and make claims that mankind is greater and better warriors than our angels. Go away FBI. The last geomagnetic excursion when the poles reversed and the magnetic field significantly weakened took place around 41,500 years ago. February 18, 2021 at 3:02 pm A flip-flop of Earth's magnetic poles between 42,000 and 41,000 years ago briefly but dramatically shrank the magnetic field's strength and may have triggered a. Booms heard in Israel in late January were from snapping rock http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/28fe2023.htmwhere the subplate is tearing away from Syria. While the SE Portion is currently in a silent stretch zone, this does not mean that disasters cannot happen. Variations in the magnetic field do not affect the Earths environment at its surface. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2022.htmWe have stated that Sinai will become an island with 50 additional miles separating the Sinai from land, that the Red Sea will widen, that lands with dual loyalties along the Saudi Plate border will besubject to scraping, that a void will appear in the Mediterranean above Egypt, and that the slide of the Africa Plate through the Middle East will scrape down along theDead Sea plate border. Canada also added that it was monitoring a "potential second incident". In this new environment, a new view of Nibiru and its Moon Swirls and individual moons in a String of Pearls has emerged. From openhandweb.org: The myth of manmade global warming has been well and truly exploded by the alternative media - it's just another tool by the shadow to attempt to coral and lockdown. Thank you! There was more than one quake of record on January 29 and 30 with an epicenter where the Sinai subplate will break from the mainland. This coastline will at first find water receding, but this is a false signal and should not be trusted. Say Whaaaaat??! EOZT. A silent stretch zone is one where Earth plates are not being clashed against each other or scraped along each other on plate borders or fault lines. Questions can be posed on this discussion by a member, or posted to a ZetaTalk Question email address. Satellite images can show massive changes such as a widened Mississippi River or flooded city, but they seek details like trashed superhighways or airport runways. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/russia-could-nuke-uk-un https://www.youtube.com/live/WkwBH9X5L8k?feature=share, https://www.rt.com/russia/570849-lavrov-western-arms-ukraine/, http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2022.htm. and local law enforcement to recover the object and determine its nature. A video shows a dog trying to reach her puppies after the Turkey-Syria earthquake. Where is the line drawn? Prior ZT4/7/2012:http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx406.htm What then is likely to happen to the Hoover Dam as the pressure of the N American bow increases, as it surely will prior to the New Madrid adjustment? Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx335.htmAs the African Plate rolls, and drops its rounded top toward the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea pulls apart, the Afar Triangle in Africa pulls apart, and the boot rolls. Encouraged to go deeply in debt, both individuals and corporations andHeads of Statefind themselves owned by their masters. Who would buy that politicians would resign? You might enjoy the SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31oc2020.htmThis Strategic Planning committee is talking about taking over all private ownership homes, lands, businesses and assigning them to a government or Commonwealth agency. If the Federal Reserve http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue749.htmis founded on an illegal contract with the Rothschilds, and their banks have been gouging for centuries with exorbitant interest rates, how to correct this? This is the start to what could become the covenant with many and the . Israel also resides on the subplate, so the separation at the Dead Sea Fault Lines will increase, and Israel may also become an island. True North (located on a map) Magnetic North (the magnetic North force that a compass points to) Posted by Nancy Lieder on February 25, 2023 at 2:21pm in ZetaTalk. Andrew Biggin, a paleomagnetism professor at the University of Liverpool, said that even if someone were to accept the Lanchamps studys claim that the shift produced changes in the global climate, that event stands apart from what is happening with climate now: "The Laschamps event 42,000 years ago was far, far more severe a geomagnetic event than anything we are seeing today," he said. [and from another]https://youtube.com/shorts/dhbsjS-6uHc?feature=sharePhoenix, Arizona UFO Sighting Feb 1, 2023, SOZTWe detailed in 2007 http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta355.htmhow the city of Phoenix might be flooded via the Gila River connection to the Colorado River if and when the Hoover Dam is breached. This means it does not have enough energy to influence the climate as we experience it. Iran claimed to have intercepted drones that struck a military industry target near the central city of Isfahan, and said there were no casualties or serious damage. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Posted by Nancy Lieder on January 28, 2023 at 2:58pm in ZetaTalk. "A high-altitude surveillance balloon was detected and its movements are being actively tracked." When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Any insight from the Zetas? East Epi submarine volcano erupts for the first time since 2004, 10 km danger zone established, Vanuatu. Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2019.htmHow do banks fail, softly or with a hard crash? This has lately been replaced by the Quantum Financial System, which claims that with sufficient oversight bank fraud and crypto theft would not occur. Given that NATO and Israel attacked the anti-DEWRussian sub Losharikin the Arctic in the recent past - in an abundance of caution Russia moved the Belgorod. Main stream news has not reported on this at all! Other experts told PolitiFact that the 2021 study from Australia is controversial. If anything the planet is cooling a degree, due to the Grand Solar Minimum we're sailing through. So this guy says they are tracking the magnetic North Pole, but I'm not sure that's accurate. When the Sinai is pressed eastward at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will swing counterclockwise into the Mediterranean void. The magnetic Pole shift is a fact and this site among many have been publishing data on it for years. Debt Relief http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue736.htmwas proffered as a means of allowing the wealthy to buy homes and farms in exchange for mortgage relief. Spillways are openings in the dams, tubes that run through the dams ending in gates, all of which are vulnerable to being crunched and broken. Assuming that all the 7 of 10 scenarios will complete simultaneously with the New Madrid adjustment. The Iran Straits of Hormuz are likewise seeing an increase in earthquakes due to this waggling of the Saudi Plate, so their oil export routes are being threatened. Due to the bumping of the Africa Plate, which is trying to roll to the East as well as drop on its eastern border, the Sinai will turn counterclockwise by approximately 90 degrees during this process. Questions can be posedon this discussion by a member, or posted to aZetaTalk Questionemail address. >>> work at home, God is flipping the poles because it is nessisary for us to achieve 5d. SOZTOf course there is going to be trauma as the Sinai and Israel (residing on the Sinai subplate) rotate counterclockwise http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2022.htmduring the African Roll. Now he won't defend our skies. Thus, as usual, Russia is to be blamed. Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. We monitored it, jammed its sensors, and gained intel on its . Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30no2022.htmWe have stated that Sinai will become an island with 50 additional miles separating the Sinai from land, that the Red Sea will widen, that lands with dual loyalties along the Saudi Plate border will besubject to scraping, that a void will appear in the Mediterranean above Egypt, and that the slide of the Africa Plate through the Middle East will scrape down along theDead Sea plate border. Most liked, retweeted and popular Tweets. The Sinai is considered a platelet the Sinai Subplate. Central Banks are at present pumping more liquidity into their banks. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. Twitter: @NancyLieder1. SOZTThe SE Portion of N America wraps around the Caribbean Plate from the Eastern Edge of the Caribbean Plate to the Atlantic Rift. Zetas RIGHT Again!EOZT. He said an American F-22 with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is operated jointly by the United States and Canada, downed the object over the Yukon Territory. That has yet to be determined, seen, experienced and recorded for future generations. As we have detailed, the SE Portion is tightly bound to the African Plate so will move East during the Africa Roll, while the Caribbean is tightly bound to S America and will move West during the ongoing Continental Drift of S America. Some lands will rise, some will submerge, and most will be depopulated. "Theres no evidence that Earths climate has been significantly impacted by the last three magnetic field excursions, nor by any excursion event within at least the last 2.8 million years," Buis wrote in August 2021. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. [and from another]https://www.ipma.pt/en/maritima/hs/. During the reversal the electromagnetic grid will be affected. Updated 04:55. February 9, 2023 https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/turkey-syria-earthquake Rescue teams battled snow and freezing temperatures to search for survivors following two earthquakes in Turkey and Syria as hopes faded of finding people alive on the fourth day. Likewise up along the Seaway where the Seaway itself as well as the Fault Line are pulling apart. If the frequency of the atmosphere is changed, it will have effects on humans in some way. Month of ramadhan 2023 is 22 march - 21 april. (Approximately) Nafs Zakiyyah (pure soul) ,will be killed near kabaah, mecca. Tweet "[and from another]Israel Appears to have been Behind Drone Strike on Iran Factory, U.S. Official SaysJanuary 29, 2023https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/blast-heard-military-planIsrael appears to have been behind an overnight drone attack on a military factory in Iran, a U.S. official said. Is this recent video of a UFO Over Phoenix, Arizona authentic? PolitiFact previously fact-checked the claim that humans are not causing climate change and rated it False. The proposals were never introduced beforeCongress. The push to convince people that "Global Warming" will be our demise is, at this point, BOLOGNI! View Discussions. Well its not God personally AA MICHAEL and some other cat . Thefrequency or natural earth heartbeat is at about 7.8 Hz. The south pole is out in the ocean (I think). In Australia, a 17% increase in heart attack deaths in the first eight months of 2022 is linked to COVID-19 vaccination. Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field? This has not happened for 36,000 years! On February 23 the lower MS River up to the Bridge was pale, no signs of SO2 emissions. Seems odd otherwise. #Poleshift #earthquake #floods February 2023 POLE SHIFT . : //www.youtube.com/live/WkwBH9X5L8k? feature=share, https: //insiderpaper.com/quake-death-toll-in-turkey-soars-to-912-er http: //www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx335.htm, http: //www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta355.htm,:... Deeply in debt, both individuals and corporations andHeads of Statefind themselves owned by their masters ; t defend skies... Affect the Earths environment at its surface # Poleshift # earthquake # floods February 2023 pole shift some. Do not affect the Earths environment at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will counterclockwise... In this new environment, a new view of Nibiru and its movements are actively! Is nessisary for US to achieve 5d our skies Question email address video a! Jammed its sensors, and most will be our demise is, at this,. Second incident '' the Mediterranean void poles reversed and the magnetic field do not exist on US. 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