Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Spirit Keepers of the four directions, Oh Great Mystery. Use this herb to bring calm and serenity into your space. 18 Prayer for Peace in the Home. Whose beautiful earth grows ugly with misuse, May the smoke carry away all negative thoughts, emotions, and energies that do not serve our highest good. A simple house cleansing prayer to call in love, light, and spiritual cleansing for your home with help from the angels. my heart, Smudging fits right in. The four smoke medicines. When performing a smudging ritual, you should hold your focused intention throughout the whole process. Give us hearts to understand Our old women gods, we ask you! I go to pow wows and always do it there. Show me the Medicine God beyond me, fear with clean hands and straight eyes. Hear me, that the people may once again go back to the sacred hoop, Shamans would burn sage in order to cleanse others of negativity while also promoting wisdom, healing, and longevity. As you pass by an open door or window, you may use the feather to push the smoke outside, carrying with it the negative energies. That on that day when the mystery unfolds before me, when the work of this flesh is done, That I may utter with my final breath, I DID ALL I SHOULD HAVE DONE!. Its important to remember that every situation is unique so the more you can personalize the prayer the more tailored your intent will be. However, over time, smudging has become a part of the New Age, commercial practices. That as we care for her she will care for us. When the smudge stick is lit, walk around the area you wish to cleanse to ensure the purifying energies reach into every corner. Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. To Dance the dances Allow for a few moments to enjoy this music and enter into a light meditation. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, To love one another. Oh Great Spirit whose voice in the winds I hear, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). of the Quetzal bird lose their color, Of course, this prayer will be a little heavy for some, but the important thing is to use words that mean something to you. We have forgotten who we are. Once you know why you are smudging, you will be able to choose the appropriate medicines, and you will be one step closer to the perfect smudging ceremony to cleanse your home. Teach me to trust these things The Navajos (Navaho,Navajo:DinorNaabeeh) are a Native American people of the Southwestern United States. We come to you today to ask for your help in cleansing and purifying our home. Turn NORTH This is the direction of the cold, of winds, of strength, courage, fortitude, might, single-mindedness, focus, clarity and purpose. Give these people the favor faith used as said to promote balance/ health. To learn. We ask that it be a place of safety and protection, where all who enter will feel your love and peace. But only for so short a while Sage Canhota (dot above the H) used to chase away evil. Contemporary uses includes purifying a new vehicle, your work area or a room or dwelling before moving in; purifying a sacred object such as stone, book or fetish; or for self-cleansing before meditation, prayer or sleep. Amen. Oh Great Spirit, Blow softly upon your house. If there isnt a local new age store, generally all but the white sage can be found in a grocery store. For as long as the rivers shall flow, Who will call my name? Mother, heal my heart My body restore for me. I was always taught we are all one peoplered, white, black and yellow. spouse We ask that you fill it with your love, peace, and joy. In Jesus name, I pray. as the seed which rises in the spring. Again, walk clockwise around the area to be blessed and protected spraying a mist of the holy water. She lives in Cambridge UK, with her two daughters and husband. The white sage will require some hunting online, but is usually easily accessible. That my own children grow Strong, and True. I turn to you in my present need, to ask your help in finding a home. I have made your sacrifice. I feel a connection to this Choctaw woman and do you know if it is possible to connects with me? As we embark on this new journey, we ask for your blessings. Because even a drawing cut in obsidian fades, Please continue to watch over us, protect us, and bless us always. When creating a smudging prayer for the home, you will need to think about what you want to achieve the more specific you can be the better! how to explain how we were able to manage without these fundamental things Give us wisdom as we make important decisions, and bless those who will help us along the way. To see green trees, Enjoy and God Bless! You may feel the need to cleanse your surroundings before performing a ritual, meditation, or even before you start on a new task, to ensure all negativity has been removed. Im about 20 miles from the Oklahoma boarder, Choctaw Nation is not far from me. I am the sunlight on ripened grain, The simplest and most obvious prayer is a request to God that the adversity end and that one be restored to health. We ask that you bless this home and all who enter it. I come to you today with a heart full of faith, believing in your limitless power and amazing grace. After the white sage has been made good used of and has burned out or has been put out, its time to pick up the spray bottle. This prayer is meant to serve as a guide, but it is always important to respect and honor the traditions and beliefs of each individual tribe and community. The Old Ones fade and are no more, I have found my ancestors. Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery, It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Earth teach me freedom Teach me the Lessons you offer: To nurture my children, as you nurture yours, To learn the Lessons of the Four Kingdoms, that make up this World of Physical Things, and To Learn to Walk the Path chosen so long ago. Rebuke him, we humbly pray. Please help us to find a place that meets our needs, where we can grow, love, and serve others. Do you want to be more productive in your home? I am the gentle autumn rain. Pray this day that you may be open and attuned to the countless ways that our Creator God comes to us through your senses, through the gifts of creation. To get some insight into the ancient art of smudging, Native American healer and singer Grandmother Wapajea Walks on Waterwith lineage from the Choctaw, Creek and Cherokee tribessheds some light on the topic. Your email address will not be published. Tewa (North American Indian) Traditional Prayer. and to Mother Earth Doubly grateful with each day, just knowing You placed them there. When I have given up my breath, Pray for these things this day. in many snows, Do not think of me as gone beauty is before me, We ask that this home be a haven of rest for all who live here. Great Spirit, Creator of all things, we come to you with grateful hearts. With me, Please bless and protect our home. Always touch your shoulder. We offer this prayer with a humble and grateful heart. This energy should travel down through the body and out the hands into the spray bottle. Great waters, rains, cover the earth. In the house made of the evening twilight . For centuries, Native American and Indigenous cultures have practiced smudging rituals to clear away negative energy, to invite in peace and harmony for individuals or environments. Smudging Prayer for Home For centuries, smudging has been practiced by Native American tribes and is a powerful way to cleanse the spirit, body, and spirit. Please, this is NOT A JOKE. Teach me how to mourn. The mountains, I become a part of it thanksgiving Smudging is a time-honored ritual used for cleansing a space or home of negative or inactive energy. I am the swift, uplifting rush of Take this down. Your email address will not be published. Majesty and fighting skills. With tenderness they have come up out of the ground Earth teach me caring as mothers nurture their young. Zindy Hall. therefore we were not able to cheat and swindle one another. of quiet birds in circled flight. Remember, smoke is the point, but you do not want to get sick from it or set off your smoke alarms! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Here I stand, and the tree is withered. The Elders were informed by the peoples who were trying to teach the white brothers and sisters. thumb_up_alt 99.7% Satisfaction Guaranteed Share your guarantees with your customers. Day in, day out, forevermore, you are the life of things. Let us know peace. We pray for your provision as we search for a new home, one that will bring us joy and comfort, and be a sanctuary for our family. We come to you today to ask for your protection over our home and family. Away from me you have taken it. Come to us: Eagle, Wolf, Bear And Cougar. My voice restore for me. Where can you buy the proper things for Smudging? 3. Let us be happy on earth. For Native Americans this is the direction of Father Sky. We pray that you would keep our minds and hearts fixed on you, and that you would guide us in all things. Do you want to clear negative energies after an argument? I ask that you would open the hearts of potential buyers, giving them a deep desire to make this house their own. let our eyes be opened to all the blessings you have given us. Happily my head becomes cool. Required fields are marked *. Let thunder be heard over the earth; let thunder be heard; AHO. The universe is walking with me Humbly asking and beseeching to use this aged parchment to face Your drum. I ask for your miraculous intervention as I seek to sell my home, knowing that nothing is impossible for you. and love beyond my fear, Cleansing is the word traditionally used, but you can think of it as a shift in energy from any bits of negativity to a more positive, peaceful state. Thank you all and keep up the excellent work. We trust in your faithfulness and ask that you would be with us always. In order to fully grasp the concept and perform this sacred ritual yourself, it's important to first take a look at what exactly the practice of smudging entails. wife . So much so as to realize the sacredness of life, upon this earth I share. This prayer allows you to do both, thanking and honoring your home for all it's given you and inviting in the right person or family to take your place in the space. I give you this one thought to keep: But for myself I have but one wish, perhaps a foolish one. When I see the eagle no more, be in harmony with thee, Let us know peace. Good medicine and healing are always a good thing to have in the world regardless of the color or background of our brothers and sister. Do Tho, oh Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all other evil spirits seeking to ruin the souls of man here on earth.. Thats why we keep our Pow Wow Calendar up-to-date! Prayer for protecting your home 2. Earth teach me humility as blossoms are humble with beginning. forgiveness It is believed that the smoke acts as a purifier and as it rises, it takes your wishes up into the universe and to the Gods. gratitude To the Spirit Keepers of the East, we thank you for the Air, pipestone and tobacco the Spring and dawn, for the place of new beginnings, the sun and all of the stars and all the living plants and animals. Smudging prayers for cleansing your surroundings can be short or elaborate. Drive away harm and fear, only positive energy may enter here., I have opened this space to love and affection; may all the positive energy around me benefit my space. Where the dark mist curtains the doorway, First Step: Plant your feet firmly on the earth. All of you see me, one with this world. Incense over a medicine bundle, by Edward S. Curtis, 1908. Pray, meditate, and make your intentions clear. May all negative energy be cleared and replaced with positive vibrations. Why Are Land Acknowledgements Important? It has effected our moods energy and MY HEALTH and mental state in a VERY visual and negative way. We pray that you bless this home with your divine protection, and keep us free from fear, anxiety, and any negative energy. All Spirit beings. There are several ways you can conduct this sacred ritual by yourself, but here is a simple one that you can do right at home to practice with. I am a thousand winds that blow, Human Beings, trees, grass, berries. Then light your smudge stick or herbs over a bowl. Does the Tribe do any of this if so could you let me know. Are you a new age believer thats interested in the proper way to bless a house and clear it of negative energy? Condensing your intent into prayer can enhance the practice but what do you say? Thank you for your protection and blessings. Who will sing my name in prayer? We thank you for your blessings and protection. Here are 3 important points to bear in mind as you smudge your space. Make me always ready to come to you Your email address will not be published. May the Warm Winds of Heaven But to fight my greatest enemy myself. A most interesting and educational article, thank you. Native Americans often use smudging in association with other ceremonies. Research shows that Palo Santo has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which help to cleanse a room physically and spiritually. evil I thank You for giving me this opportunity of life in this form so that I may walk among Your wonders with knowledge and given the option to be considerate and to care. Smudging is a practice that has been carried out for centuries, and for good reason! In this post, we'll cover what smudging is, why smudging rituals are conducted in Native American culture, the best herbs to use for smudging, and how to smudge. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yet separate, too. We gather here today to ask for your blessings on this home. I give myself unto Your keeping to let Your will be done. With tears running O Great Spirit, my Grandfather, Earth teach me limitation as the ant that crawls on the ground. In beauty I walk. Smudging prayers for protecting your family are particularly beneficial if you put your emotions into your words. with clean hands and straight eyes., (Translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887). Amen. I trust that you will provide the perfect home for us, at the perfect time and place. When someone was so poor that he couldnt afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, I have prepared a smoke for you. 19 Palo Santo Prayer for Home. That to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench, Zeba, Michigan, I thank you greatly for sharing this with me.. Navajo Chant. Before you begin any smudging ritual, you should open a few windows to allow the smoke to escape (carrying with it your negative energies). Amen. maker of the trees. Once you know why you are smudging, you will be able to choose the appropriate medicines, and you will be one step closer to the perfect smudging ceremony to cleanse your home. spiritual Here I stand, and the tree is withered. I truly do love!!! From the North: where the Elders, who by their long lives Have learned and stored Wisdom and Knowledge. . Smudging is the bridge between mortal life and higher realms, bringing in good spirits and eliminating any negative, stagnant ones. and we take life in your painting us, So we all meet again The mind is incredibly powerful. There is such a large variety of different things to learn and do. The majority of these can be found at the local new age store. Using your five senses, give thanks to our Creator God for the countless ways God comes to us through creation- for all the beauty that your eyes see, for all the sounds that your ears ear, for all the scents that you smell, the tastes that you taste, for all that you feel (the sun, wind, rain, snow, warm, or cold). Lean to hear my feeble voice. Hello Paul, thank you for posting this. We pray that you give us the strength to forgive one another and to let go of any grudges or resentments. It is finished in beauty. All is once, It has been considered a holy, 7 Spiritual Benefits of Sweet Grass (+ How to Use It For Cleansing & Protection), In most western cultures, birthdays are celebrated by making a wish before blowing out candles on a cake. Hold a focused intention 2. . What Is Land Acknowledgement? I had some interest in Native American life, but I didnt know what to expect when I signed up for Turn DOWNWARD and touch our Mother, the earth. Remember the sacredness of things. Its the combination of the frame of mind, white sage, and the prayer/affirmation which results in the clearing of negative energy. Smudging rituals are age-old traditions widely practiced by native Americans to cleanse mind, body spirit and environment. Say, "I ask . Through the intercession of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and all the saints in heaven, I ask for your protection against all evil spirits and negative energies. For as long as the sun shall shine, This is a powerful cleansing technique. with the passing of each glorious Sun. I ask Your forgiveness Oh Great MYSTERY for all the petty things Ive done. Of the healing herbs, From the East: I seek the Lessons of Childhood: To see with the trusting innocence of a small one, The Lessons of Spirit, Given in Love by our Creator. May the Great Spirit Here is an example: The negativity of this sacred space, protection Pray for these things this day. I feel at peace , Double edged sword sharing this with the public. Pray that your heart, mind, soul, and spirit will not forget to look upward this day, to the One who is so much greater than we are. Since we're discussing smudging for beginners, keep your intention simple. Happily I hear again. Im Native American and this really did help me so I can learn about my culture! A Native Prayer you may want to use while smudging: Creator, Great Mystery Source of all knowing and comfort, Cleanse this space of all negativity. I live in Sherman, Texas. I need your strength and wisdom. What is life? Grant us peace, happiness, and joy within these walls, and may we always feel your presence watching over us. Dont forget to say your prayer at this point. courage and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. I am thankful for this to share with my children 5 grandchildren 16 and great grandchild 1! You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other. Be as honest as you can be and the universe will listen. John (Fire) Lame Deer, Sioux Lakota (1903-1976). For instance, you can smudge after you have just had visitors to your home, or any time you are feeling stressed. Oh, Eagle; come with wings outspread in sunny skies. We ask of you. Its a handed-down oral tradition. May it be a place of happiness, laughter, and good memories. Again I recall the great vision you gave me. Learning to smudge is one I keep getting directed to. Water: many people opt to use an abalone shell as the bowl, which represents this element. After all is said and done, a person practicing new age beliefs should retreat to a shower or bath to rinse any residual negative energy off them and down into the drain. That we may heal the earth friend The following are generally recommended for the creation of sacred space, the blessing of a house, and the clearing of negative energy: Native American White Sage A spray bottle Purified or Spring Water Kosher or Sea Salt Calming Music A positive and uplifting attitude. 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