He needed to remain motivated to stick around for the long-run, Shukla explains, and we also knew through subsequent rounds of funding he would become diluted.. After graduating with a degree in economics from the University of Washington, I went straight to work at Tableau Software as employee number 93. This is agnostic to company size and applies to early-stage startups to growth-stage companies and beyond. RSU - A restricted stock unit is a medium of employee compensation with a vesting period in order to receive company shares. Valuation: 1M-2MYouve launched (congrats!) Thanks. Following up from my previous post on how startup equity actually works (and clickbaitingly titled Why you will never get rich from working in a startup), this post will put together some math around how much equity you should ask for when you are joining a startup. Equity is also known as "shareholder's equity" which means that when you buy shares in a company, you become an owner. "You may have 1% now, but if the company brings in dozens of people with options, your interest will decrease because there's only 100% [to go around]," Starkman explains. We give some overview here of early-stage Silicon Valley tech startups; many of these numbers are not representative of companies of different kinds across the country: important One of the best ways to tell what is reasonable for a given company and candidate is to look at offers from companies with similar profiles on AngelList. And top candidates are also asking for a lot more equity. This is the person we were asking to come in and build the technology and build our technology team, she adds. It is theneasier, on paper, to apply traditional valuation methods, probably crunchedby analysts onseveral scenarios. 40%-40%-20% happens if there is a difference of one co-founder. This can range from 0.1% to 6%, depending on their role and how early they join the company. At a companys earliest stages, expect to give a senior engineer as much as 1% of a company, the handbook advises, but an experienced business development employee is typically given a .35% cut. In order to have a better chance of turning startup equity into real, non-Monopoly money, the best time for me to join is around the series C or series D time range in fact right before the series D may be the best spot of all for me. The first VC round makes up Series A. Let's assume that the venture capitalist puts your company's current value at $4 million (pre-money valuation) and decides to invest $2 million. and youre seeing good signs of early traction, enough to get investors excited. But it depends on what you're paying this person. Founder's stock options. Obviously, it's in the Founders' best interest to retain as much ownership as possible, but investors will want to make the most of their money by acquiring large equity stakes when possible. Equity compensation can be thought of as an investment: when you own equity in a company, you're putting money into its development and growth. Focus: Valuation Range: 5% - 15%, average 10% . your equity will be diluted by about 25% per round." Data Sources The standard, she knew, was a roughly 1.5% to 2% stake for a key employee at the executive level. Of course, any idea you might have about this will ultimately have to withstand the test of the market. Range: maximum5%, since in most cases theyre going to offer quite a big part of stake on the public market (from 15 to 20, 25 %). Alternatively - a vesting cliff and a vesting schedule can be used in conjunction. This is worth breaking down in further detail. Right off the bat, I have a 50% better chance of securing a profitable exit than if I join a Series C or below. The answer to this question can be approached in a couple of ways. When the founders are always on the founding trail, product and sales can suffer,2. Then if you have to spend a little extra to get someone really exceptional, as Shuklas RewardsPay had to do, youll know where you stand. ), but if youre new to the industry, understanding how much to ask for in any given opportunity might be somewhat of a mystery to you. So, like a lot of questions, the answer is really, it depends. Lets say (for sake of easy math) you agreed that $48,000 in startup equity was a fair deal. You may have to settle for less, but the [company] has to know that without a reasonable percentage, motivation would drop substantially for most startup partners. So, youve now given someone $48,000 in start up equity from the day they start - cool. This is obviously not true, and founders will be looking to make a profit on your hire. So you pay them all .2% and hope one gives you that idea that more than pays for itself.. Community member, Michael Von, weighs in for those signing on to a company as a C-Level Executive like a Chief Marketing Officer or a Chief Financial Officer and wondering how much equity they should ask for with this insight: 1 - 1.5% equity would only be beneficial for a multi-million/billion-dollar company. Listen to the audiohere. Founder & CEO of Walker & Company on courage, patience, and building things that solve problems. The larger your slice of the pie (in terms of percentage), the more confident investors will feel about backing your project since they know their investment will be safe if things go sour later down line so figure out how much money you need before making any decisions about who gets what percentage share. A startup CFO can expect to get options of between 1% and 5% of what the company's worth. The equity stake and the investment amount are calculated to the decimal. Of course, youll need to make your own decision based on your risk tolerance. In the very early days, employees are often paid more than founders / senior executives. Different . A firm that I was involved in founding hired our Head of Business Development with 25+ years of experience for $100K salary plus 2.5% equity. Sometimes advisors act as mentors to founders.*. Original Post appeared on SeedLegalss Blog on January 3, 2018. Shares and stock options are both forms of equity. Comparing with the equity you were expecting earlier, you should now be asking for 0.5% more to get to the 5% ownership you were aiming for. Founders start with 100% ownership. The upper ranges would be for highly desired candidates with strong track records. More equity = more motivation. He was also someone with experience who could command a sizable salary from a more established company. When calculating how much equity you are entitled to receive from your employer, keep salary in mind as well; don't be afraid to ask questions about what would happen if one-factor changes while another stays constant or vice versa. Traditionally, startups have used a four-year benchmark with a one-year cliff: no ownership until an employee has worked twelve months, and then 25% for each year worked (or an additional 1/48th for every month worked). Focus: Equity stake. equity levels were: Hires #21 [sic] through #27: up to 0.25%0.6%. The further you move away from the founder team, the greater the dilution of a person's commitment to the "mission" of the startup; and that means more cash to keep them committed. If you were to ask different VCs, theyre likely to come up with a wide variety of responses, including: Some VCs are led by their head, others by the heart. Now multiply this by the number of months runway you need. Wouldn't I miss my meal ticket by joining so late." Equity is also suitable for drawing a different kind of talent to your company: experienced people in the field who wont come to work for you full-time but, if their interests were aligned with yours, might serve as advisors who increase your chances of success. 70% of the 1000 companies that were seed funded in the 2008-2010 timeframe had no exit. Then you multiply the employee's base salary by the multiplier to get to a dollar value of equity. We see a lot of role and title inflation going on at the seed stage, which is best avoided, warns Reshma Sohoni, co-founder and general partner at Seedcamp, a European seed fund quoted in the Index handbook. The size of the option pool must be part of the negotiations with any venture capitalist and founders would be wise to have thought about the issue before sitting in a VCs conference room. The Co-Founder and CEO of Care.com talks about the winding road she took from a small coconut farm in the Philippines to becoming one of a handful women CEOs leading a publicly traded company. They are companies that generate stable revenues, as well as earn some profits. With a $10-$15M series-A, 0.5% is reasonable for a senior software engineer or perhaps line manager. As much as Dragons Den makes for great TV, here in the real world, equity investment doesnt work like that. and then look at your monthly burn rate again. Do you prefer podcasts? At this stage, you are unsure of who is going to continue the adventure with you., When Shukla was building her team at RewardsPay, she gave the earliest engineers joining her team an equity share of between .5% and 1%, depending on both experience and a persons salary requirements. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How it works As a result, longer vesting schedules are becoming more commonplace. Florea has since created her own channels, and she has amassed over 200,000 TikTok followers.. Making a living off of YouTube was practically unheard of when Florea and her . Whats the experience of the person coming over? The number will of course just be a benchmark. You value someone's contribution through equity when you think that they will be able to add long-term benefits, you would prefer that they don't move company part way through the process, and to keep them from being enticed by a better salary (a reason for equity tied to a vesting arrangement). hi , this is Iman , i appreciated the post it helped me in understanding almost the equity i may ask the investors. Truth is, even if it may seem that they are neglecting valuation, investorsare simply lookingat it from another perspective. So youre already getting 4.5% of the company as your salary. Companies often pay for this data from. What is the most you think the [company] will be worth? . For Series A, expect 25% to 50% on average. The . These would usually be for restricted stock or stock options with a standard 4-year vesting schedule. If a key hire is the third person joining a two-person team, he or she can almost be considered a co-founder and may get as much as 10% of the company. All three questions are mathematically intertwined, so there are two approaches you can take:a) Decide how much money you want to raise, and go forward from there; orb) Start with how much of your company you want to sell, and work backwards. Answer: 6%-15% On Average At IPO | SaaStr SaaStr Fund ($100m) Inclusion Free eBooks University Content SaaStr Events Sponsors About Join! Startup advisor compensation is usually partly or entirely via equity. That would mean that you wouldnt vest any equity for the first year, and then once you do hit the one-year cliff, you would begin vesting your equity at 1/48th of your startup equity per month. You'll be negotiating your equity as a percentage of the company's "Fully Diluted Capital." Fully Diluted Capital = the number of shares issued to founders ("Founder Stock") + the number of shares reserved for employees ("Employee Pool") + the number of shares issued to other investors ("preferred shares"). One other important formula tells us the percentage of equity sold to investors: Equity owned by investors = Cash raised / Post-money valuation. It's almost impossible to tell what the next game changer will look like. To make a 150 page book short, he makes decamillions in 4 years off of his stock options, and witnesses technology history in the making to boot. The mechanism is closer to bridge financing than straight up equity. Stanton walks us through the process of determining how dilution will affect the value of your shares over three rounds of investment. Yet theres also the growing recognition that building a successful company usually takes a lot longer than four years, and options are about retaining people to build something great. 3:08 PM PST February 21, 2023. And even though that person was her own reflection looking in the mirror, those words have carried her through the thick of it all. Let's say it is $4M tops. In the worst case scenario for founders and employees ($2M exit with 2.0x liquidation), common stockholders with 80% ownership will receive $1 million the same amount as preferred shareholders with 20% stake. Analysis of UK deal data reveals distinct funding patterns that highlights staged valuation bands. Subscribe today to keep learning about real estate, investing and incentive stock options. API Based on what I've seen in the past, 0.5% to 3% is typical for an experienced VP post Series A funding. Analyzing the true picture of your long-term potential will allow you to more easily determine the correct mix.. At this point, its important to remember, that although you have used the above as the calculation, funding your monthly burn isnt the message your investors want to hear. Typical equity levels vary depending on the value the advisor brings, the maturity of the company, and the level of their involvement, which can vary from occasional phone-calls or introductions all the way up to being a kind of part-time, hands-on member of the team. Of those companies that offer an EMI, a sizeable proportion also opt for a pool of 5% or 15% of equity. When it comes to asking for equity in a startup, the answer is "it depends.". Equity, above all else, is power. Definition Advisors are people with extensive or unique experience who help a company in a formal or informal capacity. Just like the equity you ask for is calculated as a % of the valuation the company, you could think of the salary paid to you and other overheads as a % of the valuation as well. Meanwhile, the salaries are WAY below market e.g. Key Functions: 0.1x. Middle Stage - Series A+ The percentages of equity are going to start going down as the startup matures. Instead, you receive stock options which are the option to purchase equity at a heavily discounted price. Now companies are sometimes extending that period well beyond 90 days so that an employee wont end up with nothing if they leave long before they can turn their equity into cash. Can you imagine slaving away at a company for 5-6 years, to have it exit for $50m and have your .5%only be worth $250,000 (total, BEFORE tax). However, while equity compensation may provide significant upsides, beware: It can create complications relative to cash compensation. This theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to both relational partners. Is it based on experience or some data? Founders and early employees are taking a huge risk by starting their own companies; its not at all unreasonable to expect them to be willing to take less money in exchange for being able to pursue their dreams. Buy it now for lifetime access to expert knowledge, including future updates. Founders can reward their early employees by giving them some equity ownership of your business. As a rule of thumb, a non-founder CEO joining an early-stage startup (that has been running less than a year) would receive 7-10% equity. Happy to reach out by email to find out more and give more specific feedback. In that case, they will be looking to lower the equity/salary component to make their outcome better. The number of deals reaching this stage is relatively little. Lets tackle that now. Gap Year : UCI 1 Posted by u/Kevinzhu123 2 years ago Gap Year Hi. Of course, for the Series E the numbers were even more impressive with 50% of the class ending up in the Unicorn group. Lets say you have a one-year cliff, and a year vesting period. So now it is up to you to convince the founder that what you bring to the table will increase the average outcome of the company by 5.2%. Access 20,000+ Startup Experts, 650+ masterclass videos, 1,000+ in-depth guides, and all the software tools you need to launch and grow quickly. Shishir Gupta from our community weighs in on how much equity to give to the "right investor": "There is no set standard, the amount of equity will depend upon the valuation and amount raised. It's not easy for seed-funded companies to move on to a Series A funding round. I would also adjust the numbers down if the company has received professional investment from a venture capital firm or a strategic partner. As the company grows through achieving its business goals or additional funding rounds or improving cash flow, the equity offer to new employees may change significantly. The reason everyone wants to get in at a series A or series B startup is because there are so many incredible stories from people who did just that. Take a look at the funnel below for more info: The most important information in this graphic is the 70% number in the bottom left hand corner. Another reason is when the company doesn't have salary money available but the potential is very strong. I dont want to say its like a decaying exponential, but its something like that. Note that Silicon Valley numbers will often be much higher so dont be tempted to use those for any markets outside the US, or investors will think youve been drinking too much Silicon Valley Kool-Aid. They're based on what an early equity investor is looking for in terms of return. As the company looks less and less like a startup, fewer and fewer startup equity grants will be given. ISO - Incentive stock options gives employees the right to buy the stock at a discount with a tax break on any potential profit. A personal friend of mine with 10+ years in the Sales and Marketing space just got hired (last week) as the Head of Sales & Marketing at a Series A venture-backed Financial Technology firm for $100K salary and 1.5% equity. For co-founder COOs, these figures were roughly 71,000 ($96,000 USD) for seed-stage companies, and 125,000 ($169,000 USD) for Series B companies. Either way, theres no substitute for a data-driven decision, and thanks to available data showing what actually happens across a range of funding round sizes, youre now well placed to not just come up with a number, but justify it. It should also be realized that equity needs to be distributed. A common scenario, however, is for a VC to buy 20% of a company, where that might look like this: pre-money company valuation: $5 million VC investment: $1 million post-money company valuation: $6 million founder equity stake: 80% VC equity stake: 20% The Holloway Guide to Equity Compensation, for instance, is an 80-page handbook that explains arcane terms such as cliffs, claw backs, single trigger and double trigger that any entrepreneur must know to even understand what their lawyers and advisors are telling them. Equity, typically in the form of stock options, is the currency of the tech and startup worlds. Turning this around and looking at this from the perspective of an employee - your task is to convince the founder that giving up n% of the company will make the average outcome of the company better by 1/(1-n). Active Series B Investors. (The company expectsto be left with (at a future date) at least as much as it had today.). How it works in the real world is seldom so objective. He says your offer letter should have wording such as, "One percent won't be subject to . VCs and investors will usually say you should plan to raise enough to last 1218 months before you need to raise money again. Then the dollar value of equity you offer them is 0.5 x $175k, which is equal to $87.5k. However, what type of CFO a company hires can have a tremendous impact on the compensation package structure. Seed-funded startups would offer higher equitysometimes much higher if there is little funding, but base salaries will be lower. There are the reasons why the company raised a Series B ($10M to $20M) Let's give a final look at the number of employees by round: Growth expected to be for ~100 employees Again, online guides can help. Equity should be used to entice a valuable person to join, stay, and contribute. Typically between seed to series A funding an option pool of 7.5-10% would meet the needs of the average UK startup. Any shorter than 12 months runway and its going to be hard to hit key milestones or show any real traction which means you are going to be unable to justify your next round valuation. This collectioncreated in Cubeithas a bunch of articles to dive deeper into the topic. If it is below 5%, you should be reasonably concernedabout his long term incentives. They apply if each of these roles were filled just after an A round and the new hires are also being paid a salary (so are not founders or employees hired before the A round). Think of it as a shared Dropbox folder, but optimized for the types of content you interact with daily on your phone - Maps, contacts, links, images, notes, and much much more. These parameters weren't plucked out of thin air. As you would imagine, this isn't an exact science, but I do have some ballpark figures to guide my own judgement. The number of shares or options you own divided by the total shares outstanding is the percent of the company you own. Giving away company equity in a startup. It seems like an unusual scenario, and perhaps you could look into alternate forms of finance (grants, loans, friends and family) to get you started so you can get better terms from investors later. Its called a runway for a reason if you dont have lift off before you reach the end, things will come to a sudden stop! Computer Scientist, Entrepreneur & GNSS/GSA Startup Mentor. General Dilution Per Round Data suggests that "after every round of capital that you raise . Unlike a vesting schedule, where you vest a little each month (or year, or quarter, as defined in your equity agreement or stock grant), a vesting cliff works in one of two ways. Hi Shlomi! Leo Polovets created a survey of AngelList job postings from 2014, an excellent summary of equity levels for the first few dozen hires at these early-stage startups. The series B company is giving roughly 2.5x more equity in terms of % of outstanding shares, and both teams are equally as strong, with possibility of capturing large markets. It makes sense: the earlier someone commits to your startup, the more risk the hire is taking on. Expect to give up 20 to 25% of the equity in a Series A round. At that point, the option pool is coming from the founders shares and those of their earliest investor so Feld and Mendelson encourage founders to push back if they feel the VCs are asking for an unduly large option pool. Founder compensation is another topic entirely that may still be of interest to employees. The calculations above ignore the salary that the you have to be paid. Methodology Ultimately, you still have to guess, but this at least gives you a ballpark estimate. Over time, founders will need to tinker with the option pool as everyones shares are diluted with each venture round. Regardless, Shulka says, the early team you put together definitely gets a lot more stock than later employees.. The averageequity stake, and thus the valuation assuming same investment amount- ,varies based on the stage of the startup. They are exposed to a high-risk/high potential scenario, hence will likely want a decent slice of equity to get a meaningful return if things go well, and also to have a meaningful level of influence and control of key company decisions if they dont. To use this calculator, you'll need the following information: Last preferred price (the last price per share for preferred stock) Post-money valuation (the company's valuation after the last round of funding) The opportunity cost and risk of working at a series A startup is way too high when the risk-free option (Google, AWS, etc) is paying so well. Youve read Paul Grahams article, and understand that the amount of equity you should ask for is based on some basic math. If you found this post worthwhile, please share! The problem is that these early stage success stories AREN'T normal in fact they aren't even really common. Pre-funding it's usually much higher. Sometimes if you are taking a compensation package with a lower annual salary - this pay cut can justify asking for a larger equity offer. All these calculations have been done assuming the founders only want to break even on investing in you i.e. Conservative or sensible? Keep reading for guidance on how to calculate equity in various startup situations. Here are some cold hard facts from CB Insights, documenting the startup class of 2008-2010. At SeedLegals our goal is to make it fast, easy and efficient for companies to raise money at any time, and to intentionally set up funding rounds with this new flexibility in mind. 'S almost impossible to tell what the next game changer will look like future updates everyones shares diluted. 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