The lowest level is a satanic dungeon where people are tortured and ritually sacrificed. The museum was built at a cost of $6 billion at a time when a 1000 room casino could be built for $500 million because most of the work was underground, the sources say.Benjamin FulfordSource Link. The Steven D. Kelley show has now moved to Thursday nights, 10 p.m. EST, onAmerican Freedom Radio. These protections were set in place to stop human, and non human intervention. Epstein Island is just the tip of the iceberg! This is the beginning of the fall of the dark side. He states to think about the most decadent Romanesque spa you can think of which is all gold-plated. Because of our efforts, light beings have indeed been able to enter the first levels of the complex below the Getty Center in Los Angeles CA, USA. Occupying a tiny federal facility in the middle of nowhere achieves nothing. Reactions are only available . As a young man, he became a contractor for the CIA/NSA. His father, George Franklin Getty was an insurance lawyer and an oilman as well. Alternative & Objective News, Global Organized Corruption, Pizzagate/Pedogate/Trafficking. It's free to enter the Getty Museum, but there is a . The museum says this claim is baseless, and police say they are not investigating any such claims. The reality is, these things are happening all around the world and the evil must be exposed. Kelley went public with his claims about the Gettyin 2012. The entire building is bullet proof.There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the United States. They are polytheists. Kelley is an electro-optical engineer, a pioneer in laser technology, and the inventor of the worlds most accurate laser sighting system for weapons. The Silent War continues Is this why she chose Evergreen as her code name? Your email address will not be published. : HELL IS Literally BREAKING LOOSE in California: the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INFERNO in Vivid Video and Photographs, HELL FREEZES OVER: Mayor of Southtown Proven Wrong as Early Winter Storm Coats the South in a Rare Snow: Its Gonna Snow (Right Here in Dixie),,, Q Anon: Learn to Read the Map A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees, Where Does Your Plastic Go? Hoe is de beleving van een kleurbewaarder = autist. It consists of a 940,000-square-foot complex that is spread over 24 acres of a 110-acre site, an LA Times article states. And most people in trafficking situations stay for reasons such as fear or a lack of resources to get away, not because they are restrained. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once hoarded under the Vatican. Soft Disclosure in 1985: Operation Crossbow in Opening Scene of Real Genius Reveals Space-borne Laser or Directed Energy Weapon Vaporizing Human Target Eating Breakfast, California Lightning aka D.E.W. by Sananda. Handkerchief code for sexual preference is a well documented phenomenon. He gives examples of some of the more known underground bunkers like Dulce, NM primarily devoted to biologicals developing blood plasma products to replace the blood the aliens (reptoids) tend to require. Visitors park at the base of the hill and must take a tram to the main entrance. Victims are being treated on an astral level, but their physical bodies are still being held captive. Every year, over 100,000 children go missing as well as the homeless. The above text was taken from an archive site. There are elevators and practically a city down below with thousands of sex slaves. Go from neolithic clay figures to . Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. There are trains to Edwards AFB and Area 51, which Area 51 being the research and development site. [1] [, J. P. Getty was given a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth when this structure was completed. Regarding the Getty, and what is going on. 3 702 members, 179 online. Place: Paris, France (Place Created) Culture: French Object Number: 84.XM.436.484 Mark (s): In chapter 9 Re-education it states, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Mr. Kelley pops the question, What does this mean? There is a nuclear trap door at Getty. He says that they are there to try and prevent remote viewers from seeing whats down there and act like an alarm system. The most common forms of trafficking are very different, Ahmed said. This is the ONLY official Occupythegetty mission site. It speaks of transporting young children to pools for entertainment. The Getty complex was built to withstand earthquakes, and now we find out, via the UKsDaily Mailthat the rare art repository was also designed to withstand wildfires: [3][VIDEO 4], The Skirball Fire that burned through the plush LA neighborhood of Bel Air couldnt touch the Getty CenterIt is raised up on a high foundation, has thick walls, and has all surrounding grass cleared away regularly. Please give it a listen, spread the word, and take whatever action you can to make it a reality. Get the Purest C60 / ESS60 Direct from the Lab - Delivered To YOU! This is the bottom of the Iceberg that pizzagate is the tip of. With more than 6,000 years worth of creative treasures, the Getty is one of the best places for art on the west coast of the US. Most of the underground bunkers are built in areas controlled by the military or airports where you have law enforcement, but the Getty is the civilian installation. Steve informs us of a grim truth with this message: The Getty Center in Los Angeles is a multi-billion-dollar structure built to house the art collection of the Getty Foundation. The city remains the largest underground settlement in Turkey today. These facilities are allegedly being designed, built, and stocked to serve as underground, interlinked population centers (cities) that will ensure U.S. and global elite? Those myths include a belief that all trafficking victims are physically restrained and violently forced into a situation. and our Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. Two videos you dont want to miss! Energetic cleaners are being installed to bring light back to this area, and permit our eventual entry. The entire structure, and the complete system of underground structures is also home to a Satanic empire that provides massive amounts of children to the cavers that live there, for pedophilia, ritual abuse, and sacrifice, with consumption. : HELL IS Literally BREAKING LOOSE in California: the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INFERNO in Vivid Video and Photographs, On the HIGHWAY TO HELL: Exploring the PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE / PEDOWOOD Connection to the GETTY CENTER (Article and Video Compendium), Your email address will not be published. However, thanks to him and others, we know the underground tunnel network is extensive; we know it connects to the New World Order airport of Denver, Colorado; . The spiritual: Human knowledge about the Getty, has created an intention in reality that is now allowing human psychics to penetrate ancient, and sophisticated astral protections set in place to protect, and shield the entire deep underground bunker system. For the last several years he has hosted a weekly radio show in L.A.*. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. THE CHILDREN HELD CAPTIVE UNDER THIS MUSEUM. Many of the city's underground tunnels are concentrated in the San Telmo neighbourhood (Credit: Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images) Today, the mansion - now the El Zanjn de Granados museum. The screenshot below is regarding the article above. Click Here to experience the magical wonders of ESS60 ^^, 2021 by Anna Perdue - Asheville, NC - - 404.490.2683. They thought something funny was going on, so they got in touch with a very gifted remote viewer in New York. The museum is covered with four-inch thick travertine marble. You go down and get passed all that. For those still not convinced there is code being used, heres a few more examples (although this is not even close to exhaustive coverage): Read the full article at Patreon:, Q-anon,a group on Facebook,formed by Steven D Kelley to promote awareness about the Tunnels and Bunkers under the Getty Museum was removed from Facebook 8/28/2020, Witness Statement by Fiona Barnett Child SexualAbuse. If you want to end this corruption on every level of our society, you must root out the evil heart of the monster, that we can get to if we force the FBI to investigate, and arrest those people, and free the 100,000 tortured child slaves held below. I think using these techniques summons demons. Something I personally disagree with practicing. Unlike Dulce or Area 51, it is completely approachable. Lunch ( $5.00 Subway Gift Card. This is a historic event of galactic size. Travertine marble is natural ballistic armor. The museum is covered with four-inch thick travertine marble. The initial email merely mentions the cloth is white with black, which is then translated by Podestas personal assistant into containing a map. He is calling for an occupation of the museums main entrance area. Visit the Museum Information Desk at the Center or the Villa to obtain a coupon good for same-day complimentary parking at the other site. The Los Angeles Police Department has no investigations into anything of the sort, according to spokesman Warren Moore. "Underground bases trafficking children and running the Chemtrails in California were destroyed back in 2019. We know that these children are being kidnapped, held captive, tortured, raped, murdered, and eaten. Significantly, the NYT article states:These structures [the six buildings] are linked by underground block long corridors leading to a labyrinth of high-tech spaces where about 1,000 employees populate what is, in effect, a city beneath the hilltop.. It is worth noting that the front door of the Getty Museum is accessible only by the Getty Center Tram which transports visitors from the guest parking lot below the hilltop, at street level. You cannot park anywhere near it and you have to take a tram up to it. It sits atop a hill overlooking L.A. Plenty has also come to light regarding underground facilities, as well as thetechnology needed to create them. Perched high above the city of Los Angeles, the J. Paul Getty Museum (The Getty) is home to a stellar art collectionwith pieces spanning the ages from Renaissance to Pop Artas well as Richard Meier's cutting-edge architecture and serene, seasonally changing gardens. Los Angeles, CA Joined December 2013. If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. #OccupyTheGetty #GettyTunnels #HumanTrafficking #SaveTheChildren, Click here to enjoy the video:, A name we seldom hear is the Getty family name. Montauk is east coast star wars. The elevator goes down at least a mile. how to get to quezon avenue mrt station Uncovering hot babes since 1919. getty museum undergroundred gomphrena globosa magical properties 27 februari, 2023 . [1] [VIDEO 2]. All taxes, fees and handling charges. If we occupy it peacefully, there is no way they can justify a violent response.. Kelly claims to have seen this information via remote viewing abilities. Naturally, Pat Brown son Jerry becomes governor. : FOXs Not-So-Distant Early Warning of Directed Energy Weapons and Defensive Electronic Warfare as Drones Evade Watch and Satellites Deliver Extreme Weather, DESTROYING THE ILLUSION: Jordan Sather Presents Evidence of Geoengineering and Directed Energy Weapons Used on California Fires, D.E.W. By 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday in late summer, more than 100 booths lined the perimeter. 1. Its one of the hardest substances on earth. Photo Maciek Lulko. The currently available Epic Arcs, as well as the Agents to talk to and the requirements to start each arc can be found within the "Agents & Missions" section of the The Agency. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The Ziggurat, which is a federal building, is supposedly hooked up to the tunnel system. There is a huge City underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more Underground Bunkers in the Surrounding Area. (Think solid gold commodes to get the general idea.) Kelley reveals the underground city is linked by tube to Edwards AFB and the rich LA homes in surrounding hills, and exposes how Satanic rituals are occurring there, using homeless people and missing kids. Most traffickers threaten, manipulate or otherwise use psychological means to coerce peoplethey already know into doing things. Just another in the stream of fake and false information widely circulating on social media.. published May 13, 2022 Archaeologists in southeastern Turkey have unearthed a vast underground city that was built almost 2,000 years ago. Evidence suggests the last holdouts are in factpaid actors. Mr. Dunn states that theJohn Paul Getty Museum, located in Los Angeles, California was raided by special elite forces from the White Dragon Society in which 100,000 child sex slaves were freed. Fulford is quoted as saying. Amnesty and love are the only tools we have, and the secret to our winning this battle now. Our guides are experts in the obscure, and collectors of amazing hidden stories about the art and museum; many of which the museum staff isn't allowed to share. Q has anonymously given clues regarding the Marines storming these areas in coming days where it has been also reported that over 4,000 sealed indictments are on the horizon. Much has been published about DUMBs Deep Underground Military Bases but Kelley is the first to give us a clear picture of what the writers of theProtocols of Zioncalled their underground metropolitans: You may say that the goyim will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives. Washington elite are scrambling to start WW3 to cover this. If we are to turn things around, we need strategies transcending brute force. Steve Kelly is a truth seeker who has the Facebook page Occupythegetty and the website truth-cat-radio-dot-com. This content is password protected. At first glance, the claim that an art museum is actually a fortress guarding an underground pleasure palace and satanic temple might seem far-fetched. "Child trafficking hub. They are his heroes and all three gave their lives to spreading the truth. The physical: Knowledge about the Getty is spreading world wide. Viewing is the trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge not available to the ordinary physical senses, of things and events or targets these are distant in time or space, in the past, present, or future. next day after this remote viewing was done they (the elites) had freaked out because they knew it was done. His father, George Franklin Getty was an insurance lawyer and an oilman as well. Only people on list A can walk all over the place. On the flip side as intimated in theProtocolsquote the Getty is designed to deal with violent intruders in a doomsday scenario. Its all one big sick disgusting family. Energetic cleaners are being installed to bring light back to this area, and permit our eventual entry. Ive created this to share the information Anonymous has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class. Steven D Kelley is an Optics engineer ,laser pioneer and inventor who created Laser weapon systems for military use.He was contracted through the NSA , CIA and other government agencies to provide high precision laser technology through his company SK industries.Through his work, he was made aware of the multilevel under ground systems of tunnels and bunkers that exist under the Getty Museum.He had devoted the last few years of his life of making people aware of this City under the Getty as a hub of child trafficking, a system of tunnels that connect this site to Deep Underground Military Bases, a place of advance technology and a place for the global elite to retreat to in case of a global apocalypse.Below is a written and audio version of his book Lasers, Cavers and Magic, Lasers, Cavers & Magic by Steven D Kelley (8).pdf, Any questions on this topic can be addressed by Steven by emailing him, Steven holds daily live open forums on Telegram, Q-anon,a group on Facebook,formed by Steven D Kelley to promote awareness about the Tunnels and Bunkers under the Getty Museum was removed from Facebook 8/28/2020, Witness Statement by Fiona Barnett Child SexualAbuse. 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Grace Pauline Kelley, Articles G