margin-right: 20px; Digamia). Eastern Orthodox theology falsely claims that no one can be saved unless he is baptized with water. Do Humans Have Free Will? 3)craftsman- idols, church finery etc This is often linked to the chanting of many heretical teachings, chiefly that of the "holy eucharist" or their version of the blasphemy of the mass. John Whiteford, Part Two: Of Homosexual Christians and their Struggle Ioannes Apiarius, Public Orthodoxy: Promoting Cultural Marxism and LGBT Blasphemy They confirm themselves the "scarlet and purple heresy" by saying these crowns derives from Byzantine Emperors!!! Bread made with yeast (enzyma) and used for altar bread for the Orthodox Eucharist (as opposed to the unleavened bread used by the Latin Church). (Gr. It is just another example of the theme that the more "powers" you invent for their pseudo priests and bishops, the tighter their grip in lording it over the laity. Worse as other churches don't do it, how could anyone else be saved? p.quotation_text_1 7/222018 Fr. 85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save. 5/8/2017 Fr. All scriptureisgiven by inspiration of God, andisprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 1 Tim 3:15-16. ", It has been said that Eastern Orthodoxy is "Roman Catholicism without its papacy and Mariolatry," and that is indeed an apt summary of its theology and practice. 2/19/2021 Fr. After many centuries of tricking uneducated peasants with such dogmas as this (and the equally absurd Holy Fire non-miracle) they should now be made to pay the price of their deception by exposing this heresy. This breaks the general new testament directive "Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. priests who dont exist. font-family: Verdana; 7/27/2021 Orthodox Reflections, Compassionate Denial: A Paradigm of Abuse? John Whiteford, The Living Church 2.0 7/10/2021 Fr. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches that man is able to cooperate with God in bringing about his salvation, and that regeneration is the product of a synergistic effort of God and man. .quotation_text_1 { } Should We Cancel Karl Barth, Martin Luther, and Jonathan Edwards? wherethe new proselyte must renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospelas false. The Orthodox Christian Church believes itself to be the original, unchanging, and apostolic faith. the vain and pompous doctrine of human deification, first professed byLucifer in Isaiah 14:14 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Thats all I knew anyway. He acknowledges that Orthodox doctrine might contradict Orthodox practice in some places, but for John, its in practice that one shows what is truly believed. color:black; 12: 31). Ioannes Apiarius, A Christian cosplay coup dtat [Exposing Lydia Bringeruds Attacks on Orthodox Traditions] It seems the Orthodox chose to emphasise the use of chrism on babies, and the Catholics oil anointing on he dying, as if the process somehow cleanses the soul. Well not according to Galatians 1:6-9 which says anyone preaching any other gospel is anathema, that is accursed! 6/2/2019 Fr. 93)Mysticism. John Whiteford, Rise of Heretical Pro-Abortion Orthodox False Teachers font-size:10.0pt; As I began reading Scripture, I understood Jesus to be the only way to God. p.textTitle{ John smiles and begins to get visibly excited. Certainly it is heresy to put Orthodox traditions practiced by their false church on a par with holy writ. .article_id { The denial or rejection of a revealed dogma or belief accepted and professed by the Church. 2) The justification of sins described as "the works of the flesh' (Gal 5:19-21 & Rev 21:8). Joseph Birthisel, Met. They believe church authority to teach is given by the laying-on of hands from one religious spiritual dwarf to another. 5/17/2022 Fr. (this sounds like the cult called Spiritism! line-height: 200%; margin-right: 20px; Christopher Calins Radical Leftist and Pro LGBT Posts] Some are women married to other women. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; p.quotation_text_3 The spirits of Babylon have now transmigrated across the Earth from the country of Iraq to Italy, in the especially the City of Rome, and dwell in any country where Catholicism thrives. My baptism when I was 6 weeks old was not a true baptism. In real baptism, such as that of the Ethiopianeunuch in Acts 8, do you really think the underlying theologyof the wordhomoousioshad to first be expressed by him? 12/11/2013 George Michalopulos, Being Frank Exposing Schaeffers Hatred of Russias Laws Against Public Displays of Homosexuality 7/21/2022 OCA Synod, Met. {margin-top:0in; color: #666666; font-family: Verdana; Robert Arida: Why Dont You Become Episcopalian? All throughout the interview, John has been backing up his statements with verses he has committed to memory. The mitre derives from the crown of the Byzantine emperor. John Whiteford, 2011 font-family: Verdana; 10/12/2019 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Dont Dialogue With Sin see also -Meneon. Brian Patrick Mitchell, Lazar Puhalo spouts blatant heresy again 8/7/2016 Fr. 3) Eastern Orthodox = ancestral sin has aless corruptedconcept of mans nature than Arminianism (based on original sin instead). The concept differs from original sin firstly in that it emphasises 3 consequences of the Fall of Adam upon humanity not one: 2) Thereinafter was increased suffering and toil. The Orthodox Church considers in particular three bishops (hierarchs) of the Church as Her most important Teachers and Fathers, who contributed to the development and the spiritual growth of the Church. [Exposing Inga Leonovas False Arguments Supporting Homosexuality in the Church] The fact is the entireMosaic Lawwasnailed to the cross and "done away" (2Cor 3) or (Col 2:14-17) "nailed to his cross" or "made old" (Heb 8:13) being replaced by new testament law based on the two commandments, not the old ten commandments as its centrepiece (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24). This subject is muddied by there being so many definitions of sola scriptura. } 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. } 6/25/2018 Fr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Sister Vassa on the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood Matt 23:9. The Bible says their Mother is the Whore of Babylon! line-height: 200%; He was born into a family of Orthodox Christians, in a society where church and state often mix in unhealthy ways. text-indent:0px; Those who do not live sinful lives? He was also told to ask the Baptists questions about why they were attending churches other than the Orthodox Church. .series_header { I will make good use of your list by following them on their social media platforms. Monastic prisons predated and made a case for the Atheist Experiment and their infamous gulag. 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article for non-commercial purposes, provided that this copyright notice is included. 1/28/2021 Dissident Mama, 2020 font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; margin: 12px 60px; 4/20/2017 Orthodox Editors, Three Trojan Horses: Insider Attempts to Disorient the Orthodox font-family:Verdana; Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. 6/3/2020 Archbishop Michael Konstantinides, Mixed Marriages [Not Excuse to Overthrow Eucharistic Praxis] John Whiteford, David Bentley Hart and the Toll Houses In the true Christian religion this rebirth makes you part of the one church of God immediately, his bride, without some man deciding if you have to his vain satisfaction answered a list of confirmation or catechumen issues correctly. } 37) No music. font-size:10.0pt; 9/28/2022 Global Orthodox, Woke Academics Promoting Homosexuality and Subverting Orthodox Christianity in US Part 1 preposterous! In the presence of God I make this vow.". But the free gift is not like the offense. 5/21/2018 Fr. 3/27/2021 Fr. 8/24/2018 Pillar and Ground of the Truth, On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 3) Tradition, Fundamentalism, and Modernity margin-left: 26px; Even now in their shops they sell more idols than they do bibles. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. This term describes an alleged progressive transformation of the individual into full likeness to God, in both soul and body, through a cooperative effort involving faith and good works. Also, refer to the article on theDogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church. continued.. 32) Orthodox false prophets (as well as teachers), 33) Mary As Mediator - and the attributes of God, 34) False Apostles- equal to Apostles (eg Constantine). Johannes Jacobse, A Response to A Response: Sanfilippos Latest Broadside 11/14/2014 Terry Mattingly, Texas Orthodox Priests Reject Fr. Lawrence Farley, Fr. Joseph Birthisel, Orthodox Fundamentalism Discussion on Ancient Faith Today An honorary title given to saints such as St. Constantine and St. Cyril and St. Methodios for their missionary work in the Church. This reverent but bold work offers the necessary insight and inspiration to create a community that welcomes all its . {margin-top:12.0pt; Lawrence Farley, Inga Leonova: Criminal Stupidity for Bishops and Priests to Give Holy Communion and Spread the Virus margin-bottom:6.0pt; line-height:180%; It was one of the central issues in the Great Schism of 1054. Church of Our Granddaughters is a visionary work of theology and ethics that looks hopefully and lovingly two generations into the future, imagining the Orthodox Church's practices and realities rightfully aligned with its core theological teachings and truths regarding women. Are you saying that the Orthodox Church preaches salvation by good works? I ask. font-size: 10pt; But this had no effect on me. Kallistos Ware Comes Out for Homosexual Marriage margin-left: 0px; The Baptist church is the true Church that is following the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, he affirms, though admitting the presence of believers in Pentecostal, Brethren, and other evangelical denominations. ), Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 100) Deceiving their own family into Hell. c. 50-100) in the late first and early second century. As to the first they blaspheme the Holy Spirit; as to the second they seek to quench Him. (so bigger the church, the bigger the ego of the clergy. 83) Defining the true church as Heterodoxy. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 10/9/2019 Fr. [refuting Aristotle Papanikolaou false teaching] font-size:10.0pt; font-weight: bold; The "Scarlet and Purple heresy" (Rev 17:4) introduced formally by Constantine, that is the melding ofsecular (purple) and religious (scarlet) power is also an heresy of Orthodoxy. .normal_text { line-height: 200%; Thomas Hopko, Shepherd, Know Your Sheep Open Letter to Archbishop Sotirios [False Teaching on Single Communion Spoon] The Wicked Heretic Lazar Puhalo He tells me how his family could deny his new beliefs, but none could deny the visible change in his lifestyle. margin-bottom:6.0pt; They would later prove Orthodoxy utter diabolical heresy on the grounds of adultery. In his early twenties, John became active in the Communist party in Romania. true Christians? font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 1) Calvinism = man is totally depraved (heresy) Mark 7:7, and such traditions and writings that they have are similar to the Jewish Talmud, massive tomes of bogus writings designed as a diversion of the soulaway from the word of God. 5/14/2018 Fr. color:black; margin-bottom:6.0pt; 2) The dead can pray for you! such as adultery, murderwitchcraft, theft, kidnapping, etc. Only when the fundamental truths of the Faith are seriously threatened by false teachings does the Church act to define dogmatically an article of faith. John Whiteford, Sr. Vassa: Theres no ontological impediment to priestesses font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; Yesterday, I interviewed a former Southern Baptist who has converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. Aidan Kimel Real Heresy is caustic serious false doctrine, against the law and teachings of the new and better covenant (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24)that usually attacks one of two things: 1) Teachings fundamental to the Faith (Jude 1:3) such as the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, the definition of the good news (Gal 1:6-9) or specifically "the gospel by which we are saved" etc. .numbered_bulleted_text_1 { font-size: 10pt; The Faith I Loved. The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. I realized I did not need the Orthodox church or even a priest to be my mediator, for Jesus was the mediator between me and the Father., Though John does not use the term, it is clear from his testimony that he had acquired an unshakable belief in the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura. The concept of the "first among equals" is that of giving this title to a person whose office was founded historically first, in Eastern Orthodoxy thePatriarch of Constantinople, The idea of having Patriarchal bishops over huge jurisdictions, and a lower formof bishops, is not found in new covenant law. I am totally sure, based on the authority of Gods Word alone, he replies firmly, again appealing to the sola scriptura principle. margin-bottom:6.0pt; & Holy Orders. Why? These things are good and profitable to men. The Orthodox church is a fellowship of "autocephalous" churches (canonically and administratively independent), with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople holding titular or honorary primacy. However, Arius would not submit to the authority of the Church. .quotation_text_2 { margin-bottom:6.0pt; Mnymosyno). The apostle Paul often condemns and warns against those refuting the gospel through the . 11/21/2017 Fr. Ioannes Apiarius, George Demacopoulos: Christian Moral Teaching isnt Black and White .summary_text { 5/31/2017 Fr. {margin-top:0in; Whereas Orthodoxy makes salvation an ongoing "process" that includes works and priestcraft, but, quote "by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified" Romans 3:20. margin-bottom: 12px; Michael Wood (Hieromonk), Two Men in Bed Together: a Failure of Exegesis [Sanfilippos homosexualist obsession] We live in one of the freest times of religion in the West a blessing which comes with great responsibility. margin-left:0in; John Whiteford, Scandalous Activists Attack OCA Synod For Rejecting Same-Sex Unions and LGBTQ Identities font-size: 10pt; 91)Mitre. Simply put, it is about 50 competing self-proclaimed Messiahs in Judaism contemporary with Christ Our Lord, down through history and contemporary with ourselves, which have plagued Judaism alone. (Gr. Their words align with Scriptures and exemplify the true and universal teaching, theology, and practices of the Holy Orthodox Church across two millennia. The false teaching of ethno-phyletism is the basis for "Russian world" ideology. line-height:200%; 3) The Church may deny an Orthodox burial to those who have committed a mortal sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of faith, or acceptance of cremation. margin-top: 24px; Josiah Trenham, ROCOR Synod of Bishops responds to Sr. Vassas letter did Jesus keep the old testament law in full if he went against the old covenant law and used leavened bread and alcoholic wine in the Last Supper? Gabriel (Hieromonk), Against Modern Legalism The ordination of an individual to priesthood through the sacrament of Holy Orders. font-size: 10pt; I was born Orthodox, in an orthodox country, in a family that is generally pretty faithful. 2/1/2021 Monomakhos Blog, Wheres the clerical consistency? p.article_id { Though not as bad as quote "The Holy Mother Church" of Rome, the murders committed by the Orthodox Faith are still extremely bad, and this website givesa long list of such murders. I am purposely writing theologoumena precisely asking questions more than proposing answers; and pointing out things which hurt my head thinking about them; 3. font-weight:bold; The number of autocephalous churches has varied in history. margin-right: 20px; They believe that salvation lies within the Orthodox church alone. part 1 [Fr. margin-left:0in; font-size: 8pt; Itself to be the original, unchanging, and Jonathan Edwards religious spiritual to. 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