Ive really enjoyed your videos over time. I also enjoyed the cheerful ditty, in the beginning of each episode! Also enjoy yor VAN videos, Thank you Tony. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Why are you driving on the right when you drive cars on the left in the UK?Apparently international maritime convention is for driving on the right. Youd probably yield enough return to purchase an brandnew electric boat with money in the bank. I presume the climate here just isnt warm enough for great clouds of them that you might find in other countries. Will you ever be visiting ?People often ask if Ill be going up a particular canal at any time. If we toast a sandwich in the UK, it is then explicitly referred to as a toasted sandwich or toastie. Grab the chance to break away for a spell Have breather and keep safe ok? David sighted that he had fallen out of love with cruising his narrowboat and was moving onto land to secure a land-based home for his future retirement (or this is the impression I got from watching his announcement anyway!!). If you can wade your way through that occasional treacle, its good stuff. Cheers! The boat has very little space to store things and I prefer a minimalist, uncluttered, lifestyle. Cheers and hopefully not a forever farewell. Dont give up! Thats calculated as 40 feet / 12m usable roof length at absolute max, assuming you dont store anything else up there (which most boaters do) and that you dont want to get on the roof during lock maneouvres (which again most boaters do) x about 1.6m width which you dont want to overhang else the panels may get shredded when you go through some bridge holes or tunnels.Using high output 400W LG Neon solar panels (1m x 2m dimensions), youll get 6 panels max = 2.4kW maximum theoretical output. The cruising the cut david johns Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port Friedkin & # x27 ; re on a.. Canals of the sword can be found only around floors 47-49 in the Abyss Dungeon, mysteriously vanished on. Follow your heart love, you deserve it. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Whatever muse you find, I hope you continue to share. Hello Elizabeth. Thus at the height of summer, the panels might provide sufficient motive power as it was used but none to recharge the batteries as well.At any other time, youd have to let the panels charge the batteries for longer such that in spring and autumn it could easily take several hours to recharge for an hours worth of movement.Without an additional (conventional) generator therefore, pure solar on a canal narrowboat is only suited for weekend breaks and day boats but not constantly cruising liveaboards. Jill, Thank you Jill, much appreciated! David was once a local news reporter for a major TV channel in the UK and did this for over a decade, as well as working on local radio. Really pleased the vlogs have been useful. I'm David Johns. For me, it was woodworking (specifically with handtools to start). . Then, two days before Christmas both my parents who are in their late 60s fell ill with Covid-19. I am not surprised you are struggling. Also, Im out of Kentucky, and was recently out with my wife buying furniture and we met a young saleswoman from the UK. They can advise you of everything and answer any query about good routes for hirers.Just google uk canal boat hire or have a look at places like Black Prince, Kate Boats and so on. Oh, how galling for you yet of course its entirely appropriate to have to do it. My suspicion, like you, is that this virus situation isnt going away any time soon so next season is looking unlikely. David and Chris Will miss your travels. September 12, 2021 at 11:23 am. This has been such a lonely, odd year. A lot of damage had to be rectified both to boats and the canal infrastructure afterwards. Do the canals ever flood? samsung tablet a7 speicherkarte einsetzen; notdienst arzt wesel heute; ford galaxy alarmanlage deaktivieren; was macht michael preetz jetzt; wohnmobil gebraucht automatik; . In my opinion, this status was well deserved as the channel provided some really top-notch content. Only in peak summertime are you likely to approach the solar panels maximum output and even then only when the sun is high.In spring and autumn, any solar is very variable and in winter its negligible plus the hours of daylight are much shorter too and the angle of the sun much lower (Its not always possible to angle the panels at the sun and even so, the other factors mean the resulting power will be far less than in summer).On an average 57 foot narrowboat you have space for about 2.3kW of solar. Click here to watch it. We now own a boat in the Midlands but Covid19 prevents us from using it properly due to quarantine, etc. What does it cost to live aboard a canal boat?There are a huge number of variables which mean there is no simple answer to what does it cost? Please make a cup of tea, get comfortable and take a look at my Vlog 66, Vlog 67 and Vlog 68 plus the more recent Vlog 213, all of which go into the costs in excruciating detail. Can I sent you a gift, whats your address?Thats a very kind thought and thank you but although I did once, several years ago, accept an unsolicited gift (a hoodie), I now prefer not to receive items and politely decline such offers though I really do appreciate the sentiment. Love the vlogs as we see places where we would like to go.then maybe try them. I produce videos on several YouTube channels, each with a different niche: Cruising the Cut (narrowboats, canals and other boaty matters); Vandemonium (campervans); UKAirscape and Tubeshootermag (camcorders and filming gear); DavidExpert (random gadget reviews) and David Reads Stories (exactly as the name suggests) Also, when you are going past moored boats, it is required (and polite) to slow to an absolute crawl, generally at engine tickover or just over, so that you dont rock them or pull their mooring pins out this really does happen when boats go zooming past with no regard for anyone else. But no boats have them and there are no disposal facilities for grey water, so its not going to change.The abundance of fish and wildlife on the canals suggests it really isnt an issue! Congratulations on becoming lead cutter. And you do the documentary well. Im sure the young saleswoman would have loved talking about the subject. Cruising the Cut (2019-) . A. There's two reasons. I enthusiastically support any direction you intend to pursue. Thanks Jim. See Lornas (London Boat Girl) video about voting here. A couple of years ago there was extensive winter damage on some of the northern canals due to flooding which even raised up boats onto the towpath and left them there once the waters receeded. Whats yourname and whats your background?Im David Johns. Watching Paul Sellers and Matt Estlea (his older videos), I did just that and got hooked. And really, they look just like every other supermarket Ive ever been into (!!) Personally, Id even like to see an episode of you on the bridge of a mighty ocean liner interviewing a captain passing thru the Panama Canal. David, I totally support the decisions and conclusions you have made in regard to your personal life and how it intertwines with your Youtube Channel. I rather like the idea of a motorcycle despite never having ridden one but it does seem to me that there are too many dangers (on the British roads, at least) from other drivers. l Googled you and saw that you are doing no more of them, and that disappoints some but I certainly understand it if cruising the narrow boat has lost its joy. Ive also heard it said that most people are right-handed thus their right hand is on the tiller so they stand on the left hand side of the boat; therefore when passing another boat coming towards you, both skippers will be on the side thats nearest to the oncoming boat.A recent comment on my vlogs also explained that the steering board on ships of old would be on the right (hence the term starboard for right) and boats would put into port on the left (hence the term port for left hand side). David then decided to sell up his land-based home and a lot of his possessions and live a more nomadic lifestyle cruising the canals of the UK. I came to love the canals when I was 73 and if it were not for the fact that I live on the west coast of Canada and now too long of tooth to try an international relocation to live on the canals, you have provided me with hours and hours of vicarious pleasure for which I am most grateful. As for voting, you can vote by post or by proxy and (Im told) either declare an affiliation with a particular area of the country and vote there, or if you still own a bricks-and-mortar home, you vote wherever it is. At first I was able to help with the locks etc . So keep well, stay safe and enjoy 2021! We are in the sad situation of having our own boat, which we normally spent 6 months a year on, but are no longer able to do so due to the virus. Jasmin from This Narrowboat Adventure has done an excellent video about a new phone app which you can use to get services from a local GP wherever you are on the network. We have loved following you since we made something of a random discovery on the telly a few months back. Cruising the Cut. Some day boats can get away with it though because they can return to a fixed point to recharge from the mains each night see vlog 168. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. Hello David. We hope to someday cruise the narrowboat canals for holiday in UK as we are from Washington State. You do sometimes get boats going past in the dark though. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Petrol gennys are much cheaper, a couple of hundred quid, but you have all the issues of storing petrol safely on board (it being extremely flammable of course) and of accessing it since most wharfs and marinas dont sell it so you have to trek along a road to the nearest garage with a canister in hand. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/fishing/angling-strategies/fishing-faqs, https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/fishing/fish-species, Links from my videos to Amazon with an affiliate code in them. Hence its not generally advised! So peaceful and David did a great job! A bygone age: horse-drawn narrowboat on the Welsh canals. The videos the last 5 years you can see and hear that in your videos. Those canals look very narrow, are they one-way?Very, very few bits of the canal network are so narrow that you can only get one boat through. Cheers! Have fun & take us with you. The calmness! And even if I zoomed in from above it doesnt really tell you anything useful about the place. How deep are the canals?Not very; they only needed to be dug deep enough to float a barge full of tonnes of cargo, any deeper was wasted effort. Do you pay council tax?Boats on official residential moorings pay council tax as they are classed as residences. A history of canals was something I was going to suggest as a diversion, pleased to learn you are already on it. Finding joy in these times is important and should not be depreciated. I grew up on a lake in Iowa and miss the water here in California. Yes, Im hoping Ill feel recharged after a bit. I have enjoyed immensely those videos I have seen, but understand your need to recharge. Hi Ian; to be honest, history per se is not really my thing so I doubt Ill do much on that (other than by virtue of the canals being historic in their very nature) but I hope to come up with some stuff of interest, well have to see! My 2020 trip was, of course, cancelled and am sorry to say due to advancing years (94) I shall not be able to cruise any more and will look forward to reading anything you write about. Theyre really not designed for water thats not totally flat calm, and typically have holes in the hull (eg for sink waste outlets or engine cooling vents) just a few inches above the waterline so any waves could easily flood the boat. Thank you for your dedication over the years, and as you are the Grandfarther of this media, well be counting the days until you find your mojo and publish again. Take care. Whodathunk a man and his floating flat would become an over night success. All fish must be returned to the canal alive except non-native species which must not be returned. Thank you. Be well and keep in touch. So its not a retrofit option but I wouldnt object to one on another boat. It was rest for the mind in this crazy 2020 year. of thousands of video views to get any sensible money. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Links from my videos to Amazon with an affiliate code in themmean I get a small commission if someone buys anything (yes, anything, not just the product that was linked to) after going to the site from clicking on my link.I also have a Patreon page for really dedicated viewers yes, there are some! Plus lots of other topics I could cover, I hope. David Johns is on Facebook. To be clear, the recipe is buttered bread, with ingredients as just described, and thats it.I absolutely loathe mayo or any similar gunge, and I dont like salt, pepper or suchlike either. I look forward to your long format in depth videos. I understand completely your reasons for cutting back on vlogs. A thruster could come in handy for tight spots in some marinas but generally its not a necessary item but a luxury so its not on my must have list. Thank you Iris. My best wishes. Id love to do some of the French canals though. The handsome viaduct you filmed on Rugbys outskirts at Hillmoreton used to carry a railway line, long gone, now much used by bikers, walkers and horse riders. My father-in-law did that several years in a row and loved it. Im not sure what Ill be able to do yet, the pandemic is quite restrictive but hopefully that will start to clear later in the year maybe? I love your work and admire the quality of it, so I will wait patiently for your return. I am glad you enjoy the videos. Rest and see how you feel. Its a great idea about focusing on more human interest topics. The countryside is generally very soothing too. Regards, David, Bravo! What do I think about Cruising the Cut moving back to land and selling his narrowboat? Bear in mind the canals are entirely man-made and were quite literally dug out by teams of thousands of men a couple of hundred years ago, using pickaxes and shovels. Glad you enjoy them! Bicycle Touring Pro: Darren Alff: website | cruising the cut david johns channel Blogger >. Have a good New Year and hope we hear from you when your ready. If Im honest I have been struggling a bit lately. I found your comments about not enjoying the cruising so much anymore. Your trips filled my gap. Apart from a few high spots around the canal network, we just dont get the kind of breeze these things need.Plus they have to be put up and down each time you travel. Plus the supermarkets often react badly to people filming in them. Thank you so much. Why dont you have a generator?Dedicated diesel generators (ideally in a silenced enclosure) are great but fantastically expensive many thousands of pounds even for little ones. And the drone batteries dont last that long either so youd be forever changing them.Using a drone to look ahead when single handed would just be way more hassle than its worth since you can either just toot your horn and proceed with caution, or youre really bothered, pull the boat in and run along to see whats coming (which would still be quicker and easier than using a drone)If you had crew aboard who could operate the boat while you do the drone, then it would make more sense but for me its not realistic. Unfortunately, 2021 doesnt look much better. Are you married? Sneaking ahead and watching the great Electric over Diesel generator river run. David Johns. I hope 2021 is less dreary for you and that wonderful things inspire you. of yourself. Best wishes. Heres to 2022! A narrowboat needs only 1-2kW to move along (once it has begun moving) thus a 20kWh battery pack could sustain 5-10 hours travel (presuming standard lead-acid tech ie 50% drawdown before recharge) and presuming the battery is not used for anything else aboard (though in reality most electric-focused boats use it for domestic purposes as well so the battery and solar system has to support that too)However, solar is not so reliable in the UK. Best wishes for the coming year. I dont get anything if the viewer presses Skip on the adverts so if you like my videos, Id be grateful if you could grit your teeth and try to let at least some of the advert run!The sums are tiny; its a fraction of a penny for each advert view, so you need tens (hundreds!) Disappointed that youre backing off with the videos, but I quite understand. You have brought our canals to life with your beautifully produced videos. That said, the canal limit is 4mph but really, thats too fast. So frustrating for you to have a boat and be unable even to visit! Good luck to you wherever this takes you. David Beckham gushed over his 'perfect' wife Victoria on Tuesday - shortly after the couple enjoyed a romantic getaway together in the Alps.. Hi David, and if not somewhat belated i wish for you a very Happy , interesting and evocative new year sir. Why are the canals so disgustingly filthy? . Thank you for a lovely gentle series of programmes. Passion is everything! They have lost their commitment and become the prisoners of their camera, patrons and schedule. It was all I could do to not ask her about narrowboating. I have never visited your part of the world and had no idea that cruising the canals was taking place. Theyre really not; its just silt. USA. Although he does also have an Instagram account and Facebook page, which might also come in handy . (1962) was a surprise commercial success when it was first released. How do you turn around?There are turning points, known as winding holes (wind as in the breeze, not as in winding a clock) every few miles although not all of them are big enough to turn the longest boats in (sizes are usually marked on the canal guides though). Hireboaters are not allowed to usually, under the terms of their hire. "Best Of Cruising the Cut" Play all 187. I loved your interviews and the film on the canal restoration. I'm 53 and used to work as a local TV news reporter for ITV in the south east of England. Have a look at this video from Slim Potatohead where he experiments with one on his caravan (travel trailer): https://youtu.be/ZvXwqMWbt1c?t=122. My tank is 62 gallons (282 litres) and I just tend to refill it when I remember, after a few weeks cruising. A musical equivalent of a kind smile and a cruise, in the sunny British countryside. I turned around, headed home and told my wife I was going to sell the bike, and it was gone in two weeks. Buy HD $0.99. Can you change the boats name and how?You can call a narrowboat wherever you want, pretty much, and rename it as often as you like (superstition holds that you should do this with the boat out of the water but I dont believe in all that nonsense).As long as you inform the Canal and River Trust so they can reissue your licence, youre OK. Mental health is more important to David than pleasing his fans! David Johns Director. It would not be wise to operate the boat and a drone single-handed, your attention would either be on one or the other and that would not be safe. I have wathced some other videos but they are not as good as yours. see vlog 249 which is an updated version of vlog 66 for 2021, https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/specialist-teams/managing-our-water/day-to-day, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79df3e_z6sg, see vlog 69 I did about just such a craft, vlog 244 which was all about electric boats vs diesel. My goodness, what a tonic. And here's his vlog of the experience which sits with his many other vlogs on You Tube:- www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v9wASAnIvY Bruce Martin, Hello Bruce. However, this all changed on March 2022 when Cruising the Cut (AKA David) announced that he was selling up his narrowboat and moving onto dry land again. My three year old and I have been watching an episode of boat show before bed. Why do you steer from the back, not the front?Because with 40, 50 (indeed up to 72) feet of solid steel boat, you really need to stand at the back to see what its doing when you manoeuvre it; bear in mind they pivot in the middle so when you turn left, the back goes right and vice versa) not seeing what the back is doing could end up with you bashing a lot of moored boats on these narrow canals. I dont know of any narrowboats that steer from the front though there are some old, shorter, ones that had a wheelhouse slightly back from the middle. I will still watch yours because I havent seen them all yet. That said many boaters disagree entirely with these arguents and do paint the baseplate how often is down to their enthusiasm for the task and / or the depth of their wallet. My wife and I really enjoyed your show on Amazon Prime and hope to see another season. A change is in the wind then.. To be honest, I cant fault you and it DOES make perfect sense. Oh, I can imagine just how your wife is pleased! See production, box office & company info. Dont be afraid of covering the same ground time and time again. The main important thing is: It is YOUR life, you must enjoy what you are doing and ENJOY whatever you do! There is no need to be cold on a narrowboat. John Lennon and first wife Cynthia had a son, Julian, who was born in 1963 and was believed to be the inspiration for three Beatles' songs Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (1967), Hey Jude (1968 . Cheers, Hi David, I am in Johannesburg, South Africa. Can I visit your boat?As I am no longer living aboard and have sold the boat (see this video for my reasons), no! Consider two, 57-foot-long boats coming from opposite directions. I worked briefly for a time at IBM in Havant many years ago so I vaguely know the Portsmouth area :-), Hello David from Houston TX. Of course many, many of us will miss getting our regular fix of your take on canal life and on life in general, but your passion means everything to these presentations and its clear your passion has shifted. Thirdly, its not uncommon to drop a windlass into the canal by accident and it would be a very expensive mistake to do that with a cordless drill! Secondly, without some kind of clutch mechanism, the drill would crunch the paddle gear into the end stop and ultimately this would cause wear on it, which costs the CRT money to repair or maintain. Glad the videos help. Well put and totally understood. Just found your videos on Prime. Unfortunately I cannot as I have never used any of the rental companies myself so I cant in good conscience recommend any. You can just rock up at a hire firm or brokerage, pay your money and head off down the canal with no experience, test or licence whatsoever. Sir, I would simply like to thank you for your series, Cruising the Cut, Seasons 1-4. . Cheerio, Jobim, Thank you Jobim; the refilling of my tank is underway! This is part 1 of 3 of that week-long cruise. can i use a visa gift card for groceries; crush unfollowed me on instagram Is it cold in winter?No! Hello and thank you. Cast & Crew. Regards, David, Dear David, as much as I dislike the message I do understand! Thiswebsite has ads on it from Google; that also earns a few pounds each month, literally just enough to pay for the website hosting! Hi. By the way, there may be a shed load of boat tubers out there, but none of them have the professionalism (and dulcet tone!) At a push, I will eat pickle in it as well but its not something I add by default.And no, the sandwich is not grilled, that seems to be an American thing. I know I have really enjoyed this channel since its creation, offering some of the most informative and well-presented narrowboat based content around! May you find your way back to joy. Cannot believe that the end. Its therefore important to use wildlife-friendly washing products so as not to poison the fish, ducks, swans and other canal animals.A lot of people seem to get very irate about the grey water situation and I suppose in an ideal world, if we started again from scratch, wed be likely to use grey water tanks and have to pump them out. I wish you that your new subject for videos gained even a bigger audience. If you start doing mini documentaries about the channels, and perhaps some history, about the building of the channels, and interesting places along the channels I am sure it will be nice theres enough space to two to pass albeit carefully. I'm David Johns. Cheers. Hi Tom. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a466f7fa279cfeb3faa3721fc2cbb4ba" );document.getElementById("ga9fca26c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. Here just isnt warm enough for great clouds of them that you might find in other countries see. For you to have to do some of the rental companies myself so I will still watch yours I... Thing is: it is your life, you must enjoy what you are already on.... Beautifully produced videos virus situation isnt going away any time that this virus situation isnt going away time! To be cold on a narrowboat Cut moving back to land and selling david johns cruising the cut wife?... 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