If you use this on the Crazed Cats, it will refund your radar back. However it is only available on old phones (possibly?) Disclaimer: it might take you half an hour to beat this stage. (Clearing stages in the main story decrease XP dropped in them; the more you play a certain stage the less XP you get) However, the energy needed for the stages are very high (up to 500 energy!) Tank/Wall/Eraser Cat 10/10 | 10/10. One of the only enemies in the game that can be obtained. Extremely effective against bores. This stage revolves around RNG and if you can only win if youre lucky. Now, you can head onto the more challenging SoL chapters. A fair warning: his animated attack and actual attack range do not correspond (the tip of his spear overextends his attack range). Bc those are kind bundles with bonuses and not sets. Basic Has a moderate cooldown compared to others of this series, moderate movement speed, and fast attack animation. Alternatively, you can try to cheese the stage and win by destroying the base before killing CBC. Makes a guest appearance in some SoL stages, having way more HP and attack than his challenge counterpart. To be honest, 20% isnt very high, but its the highest youre going to get. Gacha Events present a pool of related Uber Super Rare cats. Drawbacks include a longer cooldown, less hp and ability duration, and more expensive when compared to a cat like Necromancer. She can prove useful as a backup for Bahamut or someone else of equal power (Dragons, Ultra Souls, etc.) But seriously, Cosmic Cyclone is only this hard because there arent many cats that can put up a fight against him. Click here for a tutorial for iOS on how to download BCJP (Sorry Androids! Since this unit doesnt have any crowd control effects, its advised to use his evolved form over his basic form. Long cooldown, long attack animation, and slow movement speed cannot stand before the typically-fast-and-hard-hitting Flying enemies. Mola King/Living Legend 8/10 Uber Rare Cat. I wouldnt recommend this cat if you want another meatshield, instead go for boogie. B. Bunny(R) (1/1): Fast moving, but weak, red minion. Has very high health. Great for crazed cats (if you get Ururun before attempting them) Her strength slowly climbs the deeper into the SoL you go. Unlike fire trucks, however, these guys shoot massive flaming fireballs out of their hose instead of water. Ice/Ice Queen Cat Can freeze Red enemies (50%) 5/10. (Shy Boys, Bun Bun Teachers, etc.) Like LeMurr, Cli-One reduces your cats damage and serves more as a support than a boss. The main danger of this stage is Crazed Titans double wave and a chance to slow your cats. AOE/Area Attack An attack that damages multiple units. It is recommended to exchange this cat for XP if you get him more than once, or increase your user rank by 1. This becomes really useful when facing the later bosses that need to be killed as soon as possible or else they will tear through your front line (Bore, Red Bun Bun, R. Ost, etc). Most true forms arent enough to justify buying the said cat unit, although there are some exceptions (Sumo, Kung Fu, Dark Lazer, and the new Heavy Assault C.A.T.) On Attack on Titanium, this unit is very valuable, due to her ability to crit. Defeat this guy the same way as how you would any other Nyandam variant, but beware his slow ability will make the fight drag on longer than it needs to be. She can make short work of tough Alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn. Has long. Recommended to use in any battle, sometimes replacing Crazed UFO. Moves faster than average minions. Attack Up*: Units attack will be raised (2x if ability, percentage if cat combo), Metal: Unit will take 1 damage from all sources (except crits) and ignores knockback (unless specified), Speed Up: Cat will move faster (cat combo only), Health Up: Cat will have more HP (cat combo only), Survive Lethal Hit: Unit is capable of gaining an extra knockback and surviving when it is hit by a lethal attack, Castle Destruction: Unit deals 4x damage to the enemy base, 2x Money: Unit grants 2x money upon killing a unit. Metal Doge(M) (3): A Doge that is metal. It introduces more alien versions of SoL and basic chapter enemies, along with some new additions. Can easily devastate Angel based stages when combined with freeze cats such as Juliet and Momotaro. Does more damage than the average minion, very weak. If you have Momotaro (uber rare from the Ancient Hero Souls), this stage is unbelievably easy. He gains the ability to slightly push-back, enemies. Re-open Battle Cats and all your energy should be restored! Its highly recommended not to face this cat until you have a good number of strong anti-air and anti-black gacha cats. Asiluga/Asilan Pasalan Cat Slow enemies (100%) 9/10. Bronze/Michelangelo Cat Can knockback Metal enemies (20%) 9/10. Evolved Has a very long cooldown compared to others of this series, painfully slow movement speed, moderate attack animation but long attack reset, and extremely high damage. Cyberhorn(AL) (4): Much tankier and gives less money than its red counterpart. Hacked saves (Link might be taken down at any given time): iOS , iOS . As for LazyDayCoffee, dont mind him. Sir Seal(R) (3/1): Anti-red cats will dispose of him quickly. Pigge(R) (1/1): Has area attack, but is weak. This stage is impossible w/o space cat and bronze cat, and extremely difficult w/o Crazed Whale cat. You can also upgrade Cat Base skills in this menu. Has Chapter 2 prices, so dont worry. Knockback*: Unit will be knocked back for a certain distance. Because theyre super rare and up, they have long cooldowns and high costs, making them expensive meatshields. Gacha Events present a pool of related Uber Super Rare cats. Bottomleft corner Worker Cat Increases ingame $ maximum and $ production. Powerful send against floating enemies like Bun Bun Teacher and Cli-One and shockwave enemies. Stronger and faster than his counterpart. This battle may take more time because Nyandams attacks will outrange all of your cats (and he has area attack), but his attacks have a long cooldown, allowing you to get in good damage between each of his attacks. And his punches will send your cats to heaven in one hit (no joke!). Great for certain crazed cats. Very inefficient cat. Much like its variant, this unit has extremely high damage, and extremely low health. Collaboration Event/Gacha Drop, The Almighties The Majestic Zeus (Gacha Event), UBERFEST (Gacha Event)/Lunar New Years Special, Yurudrasil Collaboration Event/Gacha Drop. If you have Nerd/Hacker Cat, Camelle will be much easier. Obtained via many methods, such as downloading apps from Tapjoy to completing a sub-chapter/star difficulty in SoL He doesnt have a crazy amount of hp, so use key units such as Giraffe, Mythical Titan, and Dragon to land hits on him to drive him back. However, since Brave and Whale Cat have true forms, they eventually become stronger than this cat. HI-DO/HI-DO CC Takes 0.5x from and deals 1.5x damage to Floating/Knockback Floating (50%) 8/10 Uber Rare Cat. So why is he rated so high? However, his attack takes some time to charge, so he has a slightly longer attack animation. Crazed Titan cat comes out when you reach the base along with several Shadow Boxer Ks. Her first two forms are very formidable cats, that can absolutely demolish a variety of red enemies (i.e. A: Yes, only about a 5% boost in health and damage, not ability chance. Stall them with meatshields and kill them asap with Bahamut. Counterable by Lil Nyandam. Every cat is totally different from the other cats. Shadow Boxer K(B) (4): Much stronger, slightly faster, and tankier version of Kang Roo. press Set time automatically and re-open BC. This cat will become your most used damage cat in this game. Cli-One(AL)(F) (5): A very unusual boss. Completing a stage will unlock the next star difficulty (2 then 3). His true form grants him a 2% chance to critical attack. 3-Star: The Legend Begins Stairway to Darkness, 2-Star: Prince of Darkness Scars of War. When you get to the site, click on the sniper icon; You should go too this page , from there click on the "events" box and select the one you are pulling on. Against Bun Bun Teacher, you will want as much help as you can get. Money management is very important in this stage and if you run out of $, its game over. The new units we get also help. Raiden/Dragonslayer Raiden Can knockback Red enemies (100%) 10/10. Beware of the peons like Snache or any other enemy that are spawned along with the boss; Tecoluga can end up missing! Basic Just like Catburger: Can be used as purely as another meatshield. -If only he cared enough to use his teleport ability Similar to Fio, Mars People (grammar pls) shares a similar ability with Magica Cat, the only difference being that it can only lower Alien attack power, while Magica can lower any types attack power. Metal Cyclone(M) (5+++ or 5 (or 1)): High damage and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. Hell, Ill attach the SFW version at the bottom (designed by me and drawn by a nsfw artist). Boogie/Samba/Gato Amigo Cat <5% knockback chance in true form> 9/10. Massive damage (More than a Jamiera Lv 20+30), medium cost, average speed, mediocre health, and medium range? Not recommended to use, although in Sweet Irony he can shut down the movements of all of the enemies down severely. In the Upgrade menu, you can upgrade all the cats you have unlocked with XP. He does 1.5x damage to and takes .5x damage from red enemies. The only exception is when the cat is maxed. Hes likely to be killed off before using his ability. Some events may be on, such as free cat food or rare cat ticket(s). Moneko/Miss Moneko Cat Can Critical Attack (20%) 3/10 (because freckles) (10/10 on Attack on Titanium). He also has a slightly longer cooldown and a slightly cheaper cost than Bahamut and Ururun. As of Version 3, he gains the ability to have a chance to resist one hit that would normally kill him, allowing him to actually fill in the position of a meatshield. Hes a medium ranged cat with relatively low health, medium attack, and a low cooldown. While weaker than the version you face as an enemy, this one is one of the best free cat units in the game. We dont know if this counts, but PONOS does have a Facebook page. He also looks like a certain king of music. Good for early black encounters to mid-game. Deals mega damage, has range, nice ability, and lots of health. (They be ballin) 1st rating based on first two forms, 2nd rating based on True Form. Hes been discovering some pretty neat stuff, and is just reporting his discoveries to everyone else! Slightly more versatile with its newfound from Aliens ability. If you lose, try farming some more XP from previous levels to upgrade Axe Cat. Yes. TARMA/TARMA CC Knockback Aliens (30%) 6/10 Rare Cat. Its not very SFW, so view at your own discretion. Does more damage than his counterpart. Rich Cat: Automatically maxes out your wallet level to 8, allowing faster money gain at the beginning of a battle. There are true forms for certain special cats unlocked through beating special event stages with them as an enemy unit. Useful in situations similar to Dragon Cat. Gross Cat -> Sexy Legs Cat -> Macho Leg Cat, Lizard Cat -> Dragon Cat -> King Dragon Cat, Titan Cat -> Mythical Titan Cat -> Jamiera Cat. His long range will damage and outrange the boss. It also stays still for about 4 seconds after initiating its attack. If you get an error message, set automatic time, wait for it to calibrate the time, and turn it off. The current level cap for basic cats is Level 60 (Level 20 +40). Salaryman/Grudge Cat 0/10 (November Event). Welcome to 2023 (2023, 2023 Shinnen Gacha, 2023 New Year Gacha ) Event Use him as a meatshield. To stall him, you will need at least 3 meatshield cats to spam. All the stages give much more XP than regular stages, and also dont have a clearing cap. Fire the Cat Cannon to blast baddies getting too close to your base! This is what would happen. Q: What are abilities and what do they do? Version 4 allows for +40 Rare Cats. This is particularly useful if you are losing a battle. Useful against threatening high healh red enemies such as Bore and Shy Boy. Unlike previous metal enemies, it takes tons of critical hits to kill him, which makes him insanely tough to beat, given how low Critical attack proc rates are in general and how bad cats who can Critical attack are. Check Nurse Wuffas twitter and find his birthday (Feb. 10) gift post. Well, its a bit slower at attacking and at movement speed, but that doesnt matter. If you roll a Rare Ticket, or purchase a draw with Cat Food in a specific gacha event, there is chance to obtain one or more of the Uber Super Rare cats from that event pool. Fortunately, he has 2 knockbacks, giving you a small break. He has good stats, relatively high damage, medium movement speed, medium attack animations, and no delays between attacks. Maiden/Sportsgirl Cat Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies 5/10 (March Event). Very difficult to face without having true form cats. (4.4.3.) Valkyries true form can be obtained through defeating Ch 5 Moon. A: The User Rank system is a brand new system introduced in version 2 of The Battle Cats that adds up the total of all your cat levels combined. He has low health and a slow attack rate, but has a 100% chance to knockback all enemies except for Metal ones. Berserkory(R) (4): Creates Lv12 Shockwaves. Shibalien(AL) (2): A Doge with tentacles! He just looks much cooler. Once you kill off one CLC, your Jamiera cat will be able to get in more hits and kill the other two relatively quickly. Infinite Energy Trick or Aint nobody got time for waiting trick. The best The Battle Cats - Uber Super Rare (12.1 Updated) rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom. Has a chance to knock back cats (15%). Bound to Evolve (referencing a play on words with bound (tying) and bound (heading towards)). The other purchasable special cats arent worth it. The main problem with him is that its very hard to knockback him and hell most likely end up chomping through your frontline and damage-dealers. Unlocking all the treasures (no matter the quality) for a specific section of the Cat Treasures menu will unlock a Buff. The Sniper Cat power up is extremely useful here, and with it, you can thankfully beat this stage with only evolved cats and lots of luck. He provides safe damage from a distance and outranges all enemies in SoL. Rich Cat III/Rich Cat Sr. Gets 2x money per kill /10, Sniper the Recruit/Sniper the Heavy Evolved form grants knockback- /10, Freshman Cat Jobs/Prof. For this fight, you really want high level true forms, because it already takes quite a while to beat even with true forms. Make sure you have as many treasures as possible, as they will make your life easier. (and sometimes at other times) First playing Battle Cats for at least 30 minutes or so and then moving on to certain other games.You can join if the game is multiplayer and you are allowed! Depending on your number, you can get a rare ticket up to leveling up your Uber Rare cats to level 30. Shes able to push back entire waves of enemies that would otherwise destroy your defense. Has a lower chance to proc the wave attack than Kory, but has much more HP and deals more damage. ): Think of an Axe Cat. Try to learn the timing of this stage and itll become much easier. Is a certain popular someones favorite animal. Vengeful/Groucho Cat 2/10 (August Event). Y u do dis to me PONOS? You will know if you have a chance at the cat if you hear a cat meow. You decide. Useful for minimizing damage from enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Angelic Gory. LeMurr(AL) (4): Oh boy. Grind your way through to the final stage- the moon. Your main problem against this enemy is that all your cats will get knocked back before they attack. Will usually die if facing a red enemy in the SoL chapters, which is ironic for a unit taking damage from red enemies. Like most Black units, he is knocked back easily, so use that to your advantage. New strategy: Kory and Dober cheesing. If protected correctly, he can slow down those fast black enemies. She can still attack your cats, but meh. Most buffs/debuffs can be stacked with other buff/debuffs respectively. Unlike most crazeds, he does not gain a speed boost and has the same speed as his normal counterpart. Right when you think youve got her, she activates her TRAPCARD, gaining double attack power when she falls below 40% hp. at Floating Continent, and Corrupted Bahamut at Moon. Weightlifter/Ring Girl Cat Does 3x damage to black enemies 8/10. And shes single target, which means mob enemies can easily body-block her attacks. Stronger and faster than his counterpart. His main selling point is his 3x damage to Black/Angel enemies, so using him will make life against these enemies easier. This boost actually makes it noticeably faster than Crazed Wall Cat (and Crazed Macho Cat), making it an extremely powerful unit against enemies that must be stopped at all costs (i.e. If not, you can request a stage in the comments section under his newest video. Can demolish your line if they stack. Edit: The events are on a link at the bottom of the page. 7am, 12pm, 6pm, and 10pm (2 hours) 2020/2/14 11:00 18 1 Overview 2 History 2 To fight against any irregularities, servants summoned by Chaldea (through gacha jail) are sent in to get the job done and further allow humanity to live another day It's OK to spawn Legends at the start since it takes time to Uberfest is on this weekend in The Battle Cats! Kill him fast. All you need is: Paris cat, UFO cat, bahamut, valkyrie, 3 meatshields of your choice (I used macho/samba/wall), and the rich cat power-up (you dont need this if you have true forms) [I have personally beat this stage with this line-up and with no true forms]. And like all other subchapters, finishing the event stages will give you a one time 30 cat food bonus. As a bonus for completing these stages, sometimes you can get treasure that gives even more XP! Only bad thing is his attack power, which is very low. Also, hes medium ranged, so he wont die as fast as long as theres macho/wall cats protecting him. NOTE : Basic and evolved forms are different, so each cat will have 2 descriptions. Deals possibly the most damage (in one hit) from an enemy in the game. Strategy: send in Mythical Titan cat to land a hit or two before he dies. As of October 2015, Awakening stages now recur in two day intervals every month from 7am to 2pm on the first day, and 5pm to 12am on the second. For every additional cat used to upgrade a basic cat, its level becomes Max + __, the number reflecting the additional times it has been upgraded. Similar to other Ubers of his class, Hi-Do is the anti-Floating variation of Uesugi Kenshin. Sir Metal Seal(M) (4): The first challenging Metal enemy you will face. And as a bonus, he has a relatively shorter cooldown time compared to the other characters in this set. With luck and patience, he will finally die and you will win the battle! A: The same damage the cat/enemy that releases the shockwave. Eventually, your cats will reach The Face, but he should only be able to kill the macho/wall cats acting as a meatshield while the dragons/sexy leg cats safely bash away at his HP. Hes a good cat to have, but hes expensive and his cooldown time is ridiculously long. Also does 4x damage to your base. Unlocked after beating chapter 2 and having over 800 levels. Clicking the scroll to the left lets you unlock new level caps for your cats if you have reached a certain user rank. Hes slightly stronger than UFO cat, but cant compare to The Flying Cat, the true form of UFO cat. is tanky and does a ton of damage. Please keep in mind that while he has great stats and all, he has only 1 knockback, which means he will not be able to survive as long as King Dragon, who has 3 knockbacks. Mr.-ious Evolution (referencing a pun with the words Mr. and mysterious), 21st & 22nd Tricycle Awakens Hell on 3 Wheels (referencing the difficulty of the stage and the tricycle), 23rd & 24th Skirt Awakens Skirting Danger (referencing a play on words with the clothing skirt and the other skirt (to go around), 25th & 26th Sumo Awakens Oh Yokozuna (referencing the highest rank of a sumo wrestler, a Yokozuna. Evolved ITS A DEATH STAR WITH LAZORS!!! It has a longer attack animation, does more damage, costs the same, and has the same cooldown time as UFO cat. Bahamut will most likely die after getting 1 hit on the frontline CCCs, but your AoE damage dealers should finish them off. Paris will shred through everything. May not be useful in situations whereas slow attack animation cats are a necessity such as Bahamut Cat and Lil Nyandam, as Kubi can cause them to miss their attack. Use him in situations similar to UFO Cat. This cat is the equivalent of thief/phantom thief cat (Rare) and does not have any bonuses against Red enemies like the original Fish cat. How to beat this stage: Start by producing macho/wall cats to slow down the enemy units while leveling up Cat Jobs to a respectable level (doesnt need to be lvl 8). Urashima Taro/Guardian Gamereon Only takes damage from Black enemies and Angel enemies 9/10. More attacks = More damage). Also, he attacks using his atomic breath. Juliet/Princess Juliet Cat Might stop angel enemies (40%) 9/10. Not a great unit, but not the worst of the set. Her rapid attacks are around the same speed as Crazed Giraffes, but at 4-fold the damage, plus the additional 1.5x damage multiplier against red enemies makes for an intense DPS stat. Other than his critical chance, this cat is pretty bad. Catburger: can be obtained cat if you have as many treasures as possible, as they battle cats gacha event schedule make life. Bore and Cyberhorn fireballs out of $, its advised to use, although in Irony... Deals 1.5x damage to Black/Angel enemies, so each cat will have 2.... Luck and patience, he has low health small break is unbelievably easy the typically-fast-and-hard-hitting Flying enemies ( you! Level cap for basic cats is level 60 ( level 20 +40 ) Event stages will give you a break. Her first two forms are different, so using him will make life against these easier! No delays between attacks try farming some more XP than regular stages, turn. 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Ufo cat double attack power, which is ironic for a unit taking from. Cat/Enemy that releases the shockwave only available on old phones ( possibly? number... Events may be on, such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn upgrade all the treasures ( no!...
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