Isn't it awesome? Game Description: This game, known to those of us of the U.S. as The 7th Saga, is at the same time both your typical RPG, and not. Esuna: As a magician handpicked by Lemele himself, Esuna is full of talent and anxious to prove it. You'd better not bother her. Enemies will occasonally drop items when you defeat them, or they'll simply go to waste if you're already full of them, as is what happened here. Good morning everyone, and welcome to Let's Play The 7th Saga! Well, you'll see soon enough. B-bu-but.I know he wasn't in the same place he was before we beat Romus, right? If I didn't have a family to support, I would have gone on traveling like you. you will see a odd colored section of the wall. In Lego Star Wars The Skywalker . The two heavyweights locked in highly charged rivalry today are British institutions Marks & Spencer and John Lewis. Gain: I'm Gain. I have been sleeping well. Wasn't this suppose to be a "highly competent" translation? It actually contains some interesting background details about their if you pay close enough attention. Because not only will these guys change their appearance to this when you hit them, they will actually stay that way throughout the rest of the fight. I believe the change in the American version is something like stats are supposed to grow 1 to 4 for levels 1-9, then 3 to 5 for levels 10-19, then 4 to 6 for levels 20-29. Protect. Let's move on to the actual character build. I'm wondering why Lejes is involved with this mission. 2DBD-84AD D5BD-87DD. Oh yes, and speaking of slipping minds, here's what he has to say if you lose and challenge him again You're still alive! You can post now and register later. And THIS is why we stormed Aran early despite the risk of death by 2x Chimera's. This page was last edited on 14 December 2021, at 23:49. Now, just so you know, these Inns are the only places you can save, and you do so after saying yes or no to the innkeepers offer. Yes, when I talked about "many revolutionary ideas" in the opening post, this is what I mean. Because of this, getting apprentices at a high level, while basically necessary to complete the game in a reasonable fashion (, unless you're willing to use a game-breaking glitch to be demonstrated later, ), is also much longer and more tedious than getting them at our point in the gameunless you use a very specific method, which I will be demonstrating later. Before Melenam: Will you buy me a Topaz when you find the treasure of Melenam? You were just a tiny person, but you had a great dream and high aspirations. Anyways, let's get on with the intro shall we? This short is called Journey of Dreams and is due for release in China on February 28th. But just how did this happen to begin with? This however, is really good! Fortunately, these guys aren't very resistant to magic, so Esuna can easily OHKO them with Ice 2. Because in addition to being able to heal ALL of his HP with Heal 1, he can also halve your Guard with this, Defense 2. Info. When I get the Runes, I'll be more powerful than King Lemele. Long before George Steinbrenner purchased the Yankees 50 years ago -- before he made the transition from a shipbuilding executive to the most recognizable team owner in sports; to a visionary who charted the path to seven World Series championships and who literally revolutionized the landscape of the sports business -- he was simply trying to get his foot in the door. Because Trying Times Are Times For Trying - Let's Play "The 7th Saga"! So even if you die in this dungeon, you can still go back to purchase more B. Protects. So if you want to know why Chimera's are so tough, well, there's your answer. After Melenam: Did you really find Melenam? Kanto Battle Frontier Saga! This is what we got after grinding, which I did by basically spamming Ice, MP Catcher, and eventually physical attacks any time there was just one Wyvern or Hermits (those turtle guys) left at Level 6. However, rather than selecting the best character, I'm going to give this LP some added punch and let YOU guys choose who I'm going to use throughout the game! Oh well, Castle Aran it is then! Good day everyone, this is Fionordequester, and welcome back to Let's Play "The 7th Saga"! But, lately monsters have been getting tougher, and you're so.strong, so, I just think Esuna: Sorry, but solitary traveling suits me better. These guys on the other hand are bad news, especially if there's two of them. I'll be looking forward. This right here, I think, is one of the main mechanics that makes "The 7th Saga" more than just an A-Button mashing grindfest like Dragon Warrior 1 was, as it allows for a surprising amount of depth to the enemy encounters that you will get. This thing will actually take you back to ANY town you previously visited, again, for free! Players will encounter the other six characters, ranging from a Tetsujin robot to a malevolent alien, throughout the course of their adventure, battling or joining them in their quest. What kills him most of all however, at least in this version, is that even if you can look past all his weaknesses, his lowered stat growths means that he can't do much that Olvan cannot, making him totally obsolete. Well guys, we did it. He hits hard, doesn't take much in return, doesn't have any non-offensive spells, and is kind of slow. Have a nice day, and godspeed! Seriously, this guy is nothing if not a pill. Characters. Yes, that's right, our Wind Rune is actually in a completely unguarded, unmarked chest, right near the beginning of the entrance, so let it never be said that The 7th Saga never gives us a free one now and again! Here's what we're looking out for this month. So without further ado, with formula's provided by Nati, Mogri, and Nitrodon Now, first thing I want to point out is that Mogri, if you've read his LP, is actually wrong on one minor detail in regards to the physical damage formula, although if he got it from the same source I did, I think I can understand why. Does anybody know how I can figure this out? Thank you for opening the gate. The game made innovative use of a radar system during gameplay. So that about wraps up this update. DURING THIS JOURNEY, I WISH TO FIND WHO BUILT US TETUJIN AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE. Well, apparently, the man is rolling in so many magical knickknacks, that he just gives away Maps to random strangers, without any wishes for compensation, hence why the only thing he remembers about it is that he got it from "some wizard guy" on "some journey"if ever there was a spin-off to this series, THIS is the man who should be cast as the main hero! Which leads me to this door here, formerly sealed off without the Earth Key. You're supposed to always take at least 1 damage from attacks no matter what, but due to some sort of bug, you can actually reduce damage to 0 if you Defend and have a certain amount of Guard. Anyone who's played a Fire Emblem game (which should be most of you) ought to find the stat-heavy screens at least vaguely familiar, despite the possible language barrier. I can't tell you. Try it. The civilization of Melenam flourished in an ancient time. But hey, it looks like we forgot that one treasure chest with the random jewel? Will you do it? ), hamstringing the growths of many of the apprentices (COUGHKamilCOUGH), and also taking away what was by far the players most valuable assetsElnard growths. Will you think it over? It is a turn-based Role-Playing Game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in the vein of the Dragon Quest series. The Crystal Ball will be useful in the fields and dungeons. Huhgee, I wonder if we'll have to go to Aran at some point? This is me actually changing the order in which my characters attack, so if a round of combat starts, I can choose who I want to attack. It may not seem that way at first due to his middling HP and lackluster growths in everything but Speed, but he is in fact surprisingly useful despite these shortcomings. Beginners Tips and Tricks The Almighty Tilde Key (~) In the current version 1.01.1, there is a hidden speed faster than "turbo", which happens if you press and hold down the ~ key. EDIT: In case you guys are confused, or just want to see the game, unedited, here's the raw video that I got most of my screenshots from And so, to my relief, we're saddled with Esuna! B. Protects howeverare a different story. I don't believe I missed! I envy Tetujin for their immortality. Anyways, that long tangent aside, let's head into Rablesk And get one of the games most valuable items, the Stat Seed! Now, the battles present here are going to be tougher and involve more strategy than what we've had so far, so I'm wondering, would you like me to put up Youtube videos of some or all of the trickier fights that I end up encountering? We wouldn't dream of abandoning our vast semi-annual Most Anticipated Book Previews, but we thought a monthly reminder would be helpful (and give us a chance to note titles we missed the first time around). But nevertheless, they buckle down, persevere, and eventually, they finally start making headway by getting the Wind Rune and get an absurd amount of money from the discovery of Melenam in the process. Leave me alone! For now though, onto the actual mechanics! In fact, this guy is actually SO awesome, that he actually has different dialogue for when you never talk to him at all Gain: You opened the Gate of Earth for me, didn't you? Poison, which actually happens to be a spellthat costs 0 MPand hits your Guard rather than your Magicand is powered off of the user's Power instead of their magicand looks like a physical attackAnyways, in addition to hitting like a physical attack, it has a chance of inflicting the Poison stat on you that's influenced by how high your Magic is. Protect, they also have Fire1, and enough Magic to reliably survive Ice2's and dish out the pain with Fire1 (in fact, that can take off half the health of Lejes and Kamil. Success Rate: 100 - (Vacuum Resistance of target - (Attacker Magic - Defender Magic)/Attacker Magic) * 256. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Will you grant me a wish when you find the Rune? Esuna: I can take care of myself. Content: Best Games Like The 7th Saga; Best Games Like The 7th Saga. That's all he's got Interestingly enough, he actually DOES have the Heal 2 spell, but it costs 18 MPand he's only got 15 MP, sonot really sure what they were going for there. That isa secret" girl in] thetext dump. I am going to be beating this game as fast as I can using RTA (Real Time Attack) strategies with whoever you vote for, meaning it's a speed run where resets are allowed (as opposed to Single Segment where they weren't). It is dangerous to travel alone. Take care of yourself. Mini-Update #1: Game Formula's and Monster Stats. I'm finding out that traveling alone is not so great. This is a lot of experience at this point of the game, so the idea was that, rather than slowly digging our way to a high enough level to defeat Romus, we would instead kill him as soon as we could so we could get as strong as we could before having to grind, that way we wouldn't be spending nearly as much time and money resting at the Inn and restocking on MHerbs. So yeah, no point in fighting these guys right now? Inside you will find the "dinosaur" people saw was actually a submarine. The sound of it will put his soul to rest. You might want a companion. Plus, for one reason or another, she is one of the two most popular apprentices, making it easy for her to recruit others to her side. If you give me a Topaz, I'll tell you a secret. Elnard was developed and originally released in Japan, and later localized as The 7th Saga. By Olvan: Hampered by his size and old age, Olvan is nevertheless a battle hardened warrior filled with dreams and aspirations. Ah, thank you, although, it would be even better if there wasn't such a disturbingly low man/woman ratio in this castle hereoh well, I'm sure it's nothing. (Zettai Karen Children Character CD 7th session Shuji Sakaki) 03:40 The Green Children - R U Out There (7th Heaven Club Mix) 2010 club13585135 06:32 7th Child - Bleed to Death 03:20 7th Child - The Circle Is Complete 03:14 7th Child - Cold To Touch 03:58 7th Child - Through Darkened Eyes 03:10 4th Child - Now I Found You (7th Heaven Club mix) 06:42 I DON"T REMEMBER CLEARLY. For those curious, all the enemies here give either Potion 1's or Opals, and the Chimera's can drop MHerbs. You'll be a great help. However, despite his gentle facade, Lux is an incredibly powerful and is shown to be an effective warrior in his quest to find out who created him, and why. Kamil: Well, I just meant in terms of dedicationyou know how some of the others can be. Note that whatever details I've said about their personalities are not made up, but are in fact collected from various sources like Nintendo Power, the game manual (of which two different scans are posted on Vimm), and in the case of Olvan and Lejes, from the game itself (those would be some of the very few times you get unique dialogue, and they're given at the town you start off in). And due to his low HP, magic attacks will be a constant source of headache for him, ESPECIALLY against enemies that are skilled in more than one school of magic (which unfortunately includes about half of the boss fights). I wanted to ask you to join me. So THAT'S the way it's going to be, huh 7th Saga? There have been a few visitors who inquired about the Runes. They are cool. As you can see, it hits pretty hard, which is why I had to make sure that my HP and Guard were high enough so as it wouldn't sweep our feet out from under us. Now critical hits (which you'll know you've gotten if your character attacks twice in their animation rather than once) multiply the resulting Damage by 2, and if you Defended the round before your attacked, your "TotalAttack" is multiplied by 1.5. You've helped us a lot. . You'll never win! Do we truly have what it takes to wrest this treasure from it's place of rest? I mean, I'm not the most socially adept person ever, but I'm assume you wouldn't be taking a cross country trop around town just to ask "hey, has anyone seen this one random person who doesn't live here, but may or may not have gotten here yet"? Also, the game shows a rare example of time travel that can occur without the need for time paradoxes. He gave up his family, his bond with his brother, his best friend, and even his reputation as a respectable ninja, in order to save Konoha and his brother Sasuke. When I was younger, I dreamt of hunting the Rune. Your link has been automatically embedded. But I thought, as a knight, that you were the best suited for this mission or something like that? The effect perfectly captures the character's bottomlessly melancholic nature as one of the last survivors of its race, ultimately bound to perish. Romus must be happy now. And even though this situation has been made better by the presence of this LP I don't have the faintest idea of where they are. Finally, Lejes will want to just get the B. It plays like your standard role-playing game, but a localization error made it so that the enemies. I'll hope for your safe return. Still, this is an ability that, in MOST RPG's, is not given until at least the tail end of the mid-game, so to have it here, welljust goes to show how quickly this game ups the ante, huh? Brantu: I'm sorry you won't join us. And yes, we'll be getting access to that power as well, but things are going to get real tough real quick if it gets that off. A traveler and his dog came to the town about a year ago. Still, he's your man if you're doing a solo challenge, if that means anything. What has happened?! People from all over the world go to the tavern in town. Even though he doesn't have huge HP or armor selection, he does have high speed for lots of evasion. This Community Day runs the 2pm to 5pm timeslot with raids running from 5pm to 10pm. Something must have happened there. These gains are not reduced for the player character's rivals, whose levels are based on the player character's, leading to practically unwinnable fights. No really, everything about this conversation just cracks me up, from the matter-of-fact way R-Pison pronounces his name change, to what one guy described as "the blithe way the game just pulls a fight out of thin air and expects you to roll with it". In fact, funnily enough, this one of a select few acts of mercy the localizers have shown us, as this item, and other hidden items throughout the game, were not present in the original version. Hope you'll find it. My last one (not the Mechanics one) was 4,538 words, and this update is at 5,246 and not even completely done yet. Hopefully this montage helps to shed some light on wh. This patch uses my beta decompressed graphics patch to add the uncensored Elnard graphics back into 7th saga. Lux: I NEED SOMEONE LIKE YOU TO HELP ME. The American version of the game has been criticized for poor translation, but this does not play a noticeable role on gameplay. These guys on the other hand are basically just recolored Thwomps, packing lots of Guard, but no Power to speak of. This online edition was created and published by Global Grey on the 27th February 2023. Lux: Lux is purely mechanical, but also much more human than he might seem, being intelligent, inquisitive, and polite to the point of seeming subservience. Yes, finally! Why? The "Earth" in the Cave/Key of Earth isn't translated - it's the English word in katakana. I've spent my whole life chopping at the weeds, but never even attempting to get at the roots of the problemand then Lemele came and well, the rest was history. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films are a series of American superhero films produced by Marvel Studios based on characters that appear in publications by Marvel Comics.The MCU is the shared universe in which all of the films are set. His best quality, without a doubt, is his last ability: Elixer. His stat development is also quite ordinary and not too deficient in any area. Great, not even 10 minutes into our quest, and already folks want us dead ! Have a nice day! Esuna: You don't think I'm worth it, do you? Pasted as rich text. I was willing to give it a pass before, but this is getting absurd. I 'll be more powerful than King Lemele a Topaz when you find the quot. Version of the Dragon Quest series '' in the same place he n't... 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